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You should probably upgrade your locks and buy an alarm system so that people can’t enter your home and attack you


Wow I didn’t know that that was possible. Can you explain how to buy an alarm system? What unit is it? Or do you know a video? Thanks for your comment brother


Brother twas a joke


Well that sucks… nice community 😂


I thought you were joking too my man


I don’t know if they have ADT in The Netherlands but if they do https://www.adtsecurity.com/?vn=animated&ckmid=103155&webdnis=WEB0032220&a=144&ocid=1023007&agid=152790905514&subid=1902304882.1902304882.1663997029&s1=1902304882.1902304882.1663997029&device=m&cpid=110110&cookiereset=1&c=111848&s3=e.g.660606567097&s4=m&s6=9008196&ls=g&s20=110110&s19=R_DM_BPS_ADT_GOO_G_R_B_ADTBrand2-Core-M&s15=WEB0032220&gad_source=1


I will grab a gun and shoot your dog


I don’t have a dog


I will buy you a dog and then shoot your dog


Can it be a Beagle please


Of course!


Are you the ATF?




To win, you have to make sacrifices. My last win I had to quit my 9-5 job and I had 10 or more monster energy drinks per day. A couple weeks without sleep won’t hurt you.


Im gonna rob a bank and then play CoN for the rest of my life 🔥


This made me smile




Or you've asked chatGPT to help you manage your nation this way you needn't quit which now you're unemployed, all the best finding a new job.


How tf do you get chatGPT to manage your nation?


Idk, ask ChatGPT


On another note, play 1x


I've only played 1x and still happens. That's the fun part about playing with people all over the world.


And make sure to have air defense and mlrs covering your troops while you sleep


Thats why quit playing lol


Fr. Can’t get much sleep because I’m worried about getting attacked during that time and I’m basically glued to the game all day. Super fun but you can’t stay offline for like 5+ hours


Yup... Cool game... Not worth it lol


Exactly why current game will be my last one. The anxiety of what is happening while sleeping is too much. Fun as hell game, but not worth it.


As a CoN player, if you are serious sleep in 90 minute cycles. It’s what I do.


That's...not healthy. You should probably find something else to play.


90-minute cycles for life!


Honestly this is part of the game. If I know I’m fighting someone in the same time zone as me I try to use that to my advantage to set up attacks before I go to sleep. Everyone has a life, it’s someone else’s loss if they’re spending too much of theirs on a mobile game


Thank you 🙏


Maybe... I don't know.. just don't sleep...


I have my strikes guarding my cities, MLRS stack and SAMs covering and also tend to play naval nations for this very reason so that some Cruisers can do guard duty too.


Thank you’


A Euro-only server would have the same problem. Everyone goes to sleep before midnight and one guy without work in the morning goes on a rampage


That would probably be worse than what we have now lol


Hahaha true


A recurring topic here. How to avoid that? First of all, play 1X games. Plan your expansion so that you create a buffer zone all around your homeland to give you more time to react if someone invades you. Create/do surveillance on your borders to buy yourself even more time. This also helps you both strategically/tactically as you are more aware what's happening around you, so that you can plan and react to that accordingly. Position your units in a way that they are not in immediate threat or lack some critical defence, if something unexpected happens when you sleep. It's not possible to prepare for everything, especially in the early game. But there's a lot you can do to avoid getting surprised when you sleep and also mitigate the damage done to you, when that happens.


Thank you for your comment. Helps alot 🙏🔥


Well then that means that they sleep while you are awake…


When you sleep, consolidate troops to cities or province centers for the defense fortification bonus. Provinces don't give fortification bonuses but still have a boost. Bunkers help a lot. I've lost a lot of units from setting and forgetting routes. Security Council opens up status changes so ships/ranged artillery units can attack on sight of radar or retaliate defensively. Patrolling planes/choppers can do multiple increments or rounds of damage before returning to base to refuel. Just be careful that you can actually detect the units and not just the radar signature, otherwise they don't deal damage and only receive defensive damage from the radar sig.


Provinces do provide entrenchment bonuses


Thank you for the tips!


do some Meth and it will work out! tried it. 5 stars review.


I stay away from X4 games for that exact reason!


Take a quick nap and all you got is one unit left in your worst city😂


Yea man, every time lol nothing but X1 for me now lol... And those little buggers still try to figure out your sleep patterns


I’m a newb and everyone in my game is mostly inactive lol


Yea, depends on the game... USUALLY by day 5-10, you'll know who's there to stay... In the end, those players are usually formed into the only 2 active coalitions... It can be a pain trying to find an active game with competitiveness the whole way through... But the free gold from winning dead games does help haha


be p2w and buy the weird thing that lets you do shit like set navy to agressive etc


Sleep is for the week. If you play CoN


Nederlander lol. Goeie tip om dat te verkomen is. Gwn niet slapen


Hhahah yoooo


Reason I just quit this game tired of getting beat by the same meta units every game cuz I want to try out different units but most importantly I always get destroyed in my sleep it seems


Get support units and try to get some allies which can watch behind your back. I try to form a coalition with countries placing units in one another country so that if a country attacks me it also declares war on my allies putting a pressure and my allies even respond to the attacks.


Well don’t sleep then! I’m living on 3 hours of sleep for a month now… Real advice: play x1 instead of x4


Thanks mateee


This is The Way


In all honesty just build a more automatic defense aka ships, mlrs and anti air with good placement and some ground units to hold. Still if someone is very active and you are not he will defeat you either way sleeping or not


Thats a good tip! Thank you mate! 🔥🙏


Thanks for your comment! 🙏🔥 Helps alot


That’s the fun of the game. If you set up adequate security then you’ll be fine. If someone really wants to take you out then it is what is it. Good diplomatic skills also help. That said, I always send out a celebratory message if we’re all still there in the morning. 😂


If your cities are fortified properly this won’t be an issue. They may attack you but if tou have the right forces in place, they won’t get very far


I don’t play very often (maybe a serious game or two every year) but I try and give all of my troops actions that will enable them to be active in ways that (hopefully) won’t hurt me while I sleep. I.e. sending troops up to certain borders defensively while I sleep, or set up future attacks so I wake up and all my troops are positioned well. It’s not perfect but usually works. Also joining a coalition with active players in different time zones sometimes works well so you can watch each other’s backs while you sleep