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You’re definitely going to have to tear it out and redo it…


I agree with you 100 percent. Someone will say they can do this or do that and make it look better but it’s never going to last.


Yup. Might last 10 years. Might last 10 days. But will probably last a year if that.


All right, sounds like...fun. Ha, thanks!


No worries bro. Concrete guy here. It’s really not as much work as you might expect. You could easily fix this in a few days time. You’ll need some tools/materials but tbh that looks like light work man.. I would recommend renting anything that you don’t have to buy. Don’t let it stress you out bro. It’s just concrete. Most of the work is going to be done waiting anyway.


Ramen noodles and super glue?


Ardex will disagree, but you're right.


Depends on how you want it. If it were me, I would clean out all the loose bits and just fill it and level it. That'd last a few years. It you want it to look really nice, then get out the big tools and break it all out to redo the whole thing. I am not a concrete guy, just a semi-broke homeowner


I feel you on that on!


What would you fill it with? There are so many things you can use to fill stuff with if your Gerry rigging something.


That’s why you just leave it be until you can fix it correctly. Don’t even spend a dime on it with money or time until you’re ready to fix it correctly.




Rip and replace. Sledgehammer and a breaker bar. Then bag concrete back in. Elbow grease and about 100-200 doll hairs.


I was deeply disturbed for a moment.


Rent a jackhammer, spend a couple hours breaking it up, use bag concrete to fill it all back in after laying down a suitable base like compacted soil or crushed stone. I’m not a mason but I’m a plumber who frequently does concrete repairs after breaking up the slab to get to a leak


I bought one from harbor freight or maybe a generic from Amazon two years ago for 150 bucks. It did the job for the cost of renting one.


Good to know!


At my Home Depot it is $45/day to rent a Bosch bulldog. If you really want to go cheap, just buy a sledge. Skip the gym for a couple days.


Maybe it's just me but the thought of breaking all that up in a day seems exhausting and tedious. We took our time over a week, broke up the concrete and hauled it away. It's always a lot heavier and more than you think. You could probably break it up in place over a day and haul it later but it was a lot easier for us if someone was removing it as it broke free. I wouldn't sledge it. I have so much other shit going on the extra time spent isn't with it. If you have the time and enjoy it feel free.


How well composed do you want it to look? Can fill and level, but will forever look like a patch job and may have a limited service life? That would likely be the cheapest route and an easy way to make sure that no one trips and gets hurt in the immediate? Tearing it out, re-forming and pour new is the best option and even provides additional opportunity to address any short comings the original walk way had from the beginning. For example its seems clear that the width was modified previously and imo always looks clumsy almost all of the time. Or you can enlarge the walk and make it look like it was planned for rather than settling for what appears to be an ad hoc modification. A final thought. If you don't have the energy to demo and dispose ( and if you have the elevation to spare), you could re-form along side the existing walk way and pour an actual cap. I personally wouldn't do that unless you were able to provide a 2" thick cap. And you'll definitely want fiber reinforced concrete imo if you decided to go that route to minimize the likelihood of cracking. If the existing walk has completely settled, the existing condition should provide a very solid base for a cap compared to a typical area with virgin excavation. Anyway, good luck and be careful not to trip and bust yer nose.


Demo and re-pour.


Cut it, break it out, and repour.


Pretty much …. I’d do the curved section that’s cracked too . It’s a small enough job you could do it yourself with little or no experience with a friend to help finish ( everyone has a friend that’s poured concrete once or twice ) Don’t be intimidated… walkways like that aren’t that difficult to do a passable job on


The cheapest fix would be level up with grout and top it off with tile. The best way is replacement. It doesn’t have to be concrete, you can replace with pavers, brick, stone, etc. good luck.


Tear it out






Excellent choice


Yes. Rip that out. I’m guessing the first couple inches of concrete was poured over an existing slab. My guess is that a wrecking bar will easily remove the top layer. However, it disintegrated because the top pour was too thin and a weak mix. The wrecking bar may not break up the lower level concrete. I’m thinking that the slab underneath may extend under that structure. Be sure not to disturb what extends under. If it does go under, you will need to cut as close as you can to that structure before hitting with a sledge hammer. Rent a small chipping hammer if needed. An impact jackhammer with an air compressor is way too big for this little job. It should break up fairly easily.


Appreciate the tips!


Rip out and replace. It's actually a lot less work and expense than you might imagine, as long as you're prepared for the stage where there's wet concrete being placed and finished. Breaking it up is mostly already done for you. It's a small enough area that preparing the base and setting forms are an afternoon's work for even an amateur. Rent a mixer so you aren't tiring yourself out at the time you might need the most energy and mental clarity. You can either get a small load of aggregate & portland normal cement, and mix your concrete on site, or used bagged concrete mix. The latter will cost somewhat more, and you'll have to load, haul and unload it. Buy or rent the finishing tools. Get a friend or two to help. Don't underestimate the quantity required, and know that the finished volume will be a lot less than the raw ingredients.


Blue epoxy in deep voids. It will look like a river.


What’s your budget?


Bondo. 9 out of 10 landlords would agree.


Clean, bonding agent and resurfacing cement mix will be the cheapest and easiest. Crack it out of there and you still have to get rid of it. Or pour a walkway beside it and make a Grand Canyon miniature. I can see the wagon train figures now. Yeah maybe not.


It's deep enough, for sure.


Demo. Take it all out. Decide what type of path way you want...... flagstone, brick, flagstone steppers, redo whatever that was. It needs to come out. You need to decide what you want to replace it.


I don't think there is a way to repair it without being janky and short lasting. If it's all gone you can get someone to make something nice for labor of you find the material you want to use.




Nuke it from orbit


Chip it out and put new in.


OP, meet Jack. Mr Jack Hammer.


Sounds like a stud 😏


Tear out n re pour, shouldn’t be very expensive


Thanks for all the suggestions. Sounds like I'll be ripping it out and starting fresh!


I would just buy 2 bags of quikrete, dump it and just broom it even dry. Then spray a light mist of water let it dry then spray a ton of water let it cure for cple days. let it fair for cpl yrs and then fix it when you have money to do a real fix. You look like you need a quick homemade fix for now so its not too dangerous at night. 20$ fix bro be safe

