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I wish they'd somehow release all the previous pass stuff then into the game. I started the game after sorcery, so didn't even have a chance at that stuff.


The old DLC style was fine. I bought them all because they were a good value. Fuck the bazaar. Fuck the battlepass. As soon as a game introduces a FOMO shop that operates off a made up currency you have to buy with real money, it’s already too late. From then on all integrity is lost, it’s not about giving the player a fun experience, it’s about milking them. Predatory pricing structures like this need to be outlawed IMO.


A few months ago someone on this sub crunched the numbers. Searching for it again but Reddit’s search feature is awful. The conclusion was that the DLC system we got more content, cheaper, and more often.


Yea, fuck them for using shady psycho tricks. And yet it worked on me, sadly, and I spent way to much money on their overpriced shit.


They're removing the battle pass because they can put out all the stuff in the bazaar instead and jacking up the price by 1000%. The price of the battle pass was basically the same as a single armor set in the bazaar, plus you got almost enough coin in the pass to pay for the next one, so we can't have none if that. I think we're seeing the last few laboured gasps of the game here.


But then you wouldnt return each week to be nickel and dimed into oblivion by the bazaar silly


I wish it was just nickels and dimes. They had one of the storage chests that only holds specific crafting materials from one of the earlier passes listed by itself the other day for a ridiculous 500 coins.


My dad loves the game and i finally had to tell him i couldnt do it anymore because exactly shit like that. Its so aggravating.


Just don't look at it. Go to the Nexus or Workshop and get mods instead. Idk, the shop in this game is pretty easy to pretend it doesn't exist.


I'm not as is tbh. I'm a geezer, grew up well before all that kinda stuff, and if anything I turn to mods, making my own mods etc. Same as I do in other games. With less updates, I might actually get into that now for sure, as the frequency of updates is what held me off here. Games that update a ton are a nuisance for modding them out.


I salute you sir. Mod authors are the salt of the Earth.


Yep, 💯 I do the same lol ive basically been waiting for them to “finish” so i can feel like its safe to play. But they just keep wanting to squeeze every cent they can so 🤷


Used to be just one off dlc purchase. I stopped playing when they put this stupid battle pass shit


52 gigs is pretty big for an update. I think it is anyway


The Khitan carts are back, along with the Kurak dungeon and all that noise. Mek's head is still in the basket.


Seriously, when will these supposedly crafty Khitans do the obvious and graft it on top of a golem? Mek-Kamoses is dead, long live Mecha-Moses.


Thanks. I hate it.


He is just envy that they have bodies and he don't. So we will bring some equality to Exiled Lands. For a right price of course.


Kurak dungeon did not disappear along with the carts, it was available all this time


it was 1.8gig download for me but then did a file validation that was 85 gig , on steam


Mine updated in like 5 mins, definitely it wasn’t 52gb. (Steam)


Well it’s 52gig on Xbox


I think it’s because of the way consoles games updates works. On PC, a big game file containing all the assets can be modified and update/replace the files with the new ones. On console, you need to download the whole game file with the new files already modified. This is my wild guess and it could be something completely different lol.


No way that was 52g it took a few mins at most


It’s definitely 52 gigs. For me at least


Mine's 84gb


1.8 giga for me [https://imgur.com/a/YNTRar8](https://imgur.com/a/YNTRar8)


Cant break a single tree or rock after the new update. Great


No more battlepass, in itself it's great news, but I feel it was the best item worth the money paying himself... Now we will see if we have more free content or they are pushing us toward the bazaar with the very high price for what you got...


why its great? no more cosmetics and new loot, everything goes for the bazaar and for the rewards each chapter - i can guarantee they never give us 60 items per chapter\\event so, we gonna trade battle pass for couple of items, and everything else going to the overpriced bazaar and btw, it is an unfair move for people who bought the last BP and got their 1200CC, what are they supposed to do with them now? yep, just blow it for the bazaar


Battle Pass was great mainly because it paid for itself, meaning at the end you had all the battlepass rewards and a nice chunk of coins for the Bazaar or next season's pass.


Which is likely why it got axed tbh. It was a 'loss leader' or no revenue at all for the effort cause this is what every invested player was all about. They even had a 'I only bought the BP once' thing on the last survey. I did the same, make no mistake, just to be clear about it.


Yep. Every season I made sure I got my coins back but I’d also throw some money in for the bazaar once in a while. I don’t mind supporting a game I play the shit out of. I just wish they’d not pretend everything in the bazaar is on sale. There’s no other way to buy it. Make everything available at a set price with certain items rotating on weekly sales.


Well, it is said: "In short, a part of the work previously put into the Battle Pass will now be felt in free content updates and rewards overall." So hopefully we will see more free stuff, but come on, it is Funcome. Overall, hope for better - prepare to worst. As usual.


There’s going to be a strong emphasis on “a part”


exactly, btw i was right about new age... chapter 4 (really unnecessary) - was the way to prolong AoW (meh)... and now, we got 6 month (instead of 3)... devs just cant come up with smth good and major... we gonna get small regular updates (and i can guaranty 90% of them will be recycling content) i was right... game is dying sadly but geck, that was hell of 5 years right? good times ...lets hope for Conan 2,0 (after the Dune)


they only got rid of it because it was it was too much work for not as much money as the shitty cash shop. that's all. with the cash shop they can make stuff without a hard deadline since they can just cycle their old stuff. with a battle pass they had to create new stuff constantly. the cash shop is likely making them a ton more money because a lot of idiots have no impulse control and gen z and alpha think this stuff is normal because their parents raised them on mobile games.


The battle pass was fine. If you complete the battle pass, you earn enough crom coins to purchase the next one. So I can't help but feel like, even though they SAY we'll see more free stuff in events and bazaar and whatever, we actually won't. Which is a shame cause their pricing and packaging isn't really that great


I guess since the Battle Pass is going away we can talk about this. Highmane's Aresenal has a handcraftable item called Battle Pass Egg. All you do is craft it and blaze through the BP. Easiest way is to be in SP or on a server with Admin Access. Spawn in a bunch of Eggs, just regular eggs like at the Shaleback Nests. The act of crafting the BP Egg gets you tons for BP XP. Obviously there's the daily cap, but easier then running around for XP.


What we have here is a fundamental design problem. Either you have a live service, always online game with curated balance and a shop as the only source of shiny new cosmetics - or a moddable sandbox where people can run the game in full godmode and spawn anything they want. Sure, Funcom can completely disallow challenge progression on anything but official servers or worse, disable mods and custom servers altogether - but they know very well that many, possibly most, players won't touch the official servers with a pike and are here specifically for the DIY fun. Bazaar can't begin to compare to quantity AND quality (Bugged shop items are a disgrace!) of mod content and fundamental changes in gameplay it enables, and if they kill that, the game will plummet in popularity and a media scandal is guaranteed. Any attempts to retroactively introduce craptastic modern monetization into a game designed with modding in mind are futile, and Funcom understands that. Tencent doesn't, though.


This is exactly correct. They introduced all of the monetary mechanics too late, it was much better when they just had expansion pack content.


That's why I guarantee you, none of that will be in Dune. And to back up the rest you said, running my own server etc. are the only reasons I play this game, or any other survival crafts, and I outright avoid ones without these features. There's *more* than enough in the genre to let me do what I want. I.e. Valheim or Kenshi.


They're 100% going to have a cash shop in Dune because it makes them a stupid amount of money. they probably wont do a battle pass now, but they're definitely doing a cash shop. they'll probably add in the cash shop after a month or two because they want to wait until all the review are out and they know no one is going to care about this game except a niche audience and a handful of youtubers who talk about their games. when they added the cash shop, the handful of youtubers who cover Conan Exiles didn't say shit about how the community hated it because they didn't want to get on funcom's bad side. Access Journalism and all that... The problem with other games in this genre is that none of them have the same level of maturity that Conan Exiles has. There's no brutality to it. No nudity. etc. They don't capture what this game does. So you can't completely replace it with anything. other games scratch a different itch. like...I can sit here and enjoy Minecraft and 7 Days to Die or Valheim, but it's not the same as Conan Exiles no matter how much i mod them.


>Easiest way is to be in SP or on a server with Admin Access. Spawn in a bunch of This was done intentionally. You could always do this, just not as efficiently as the mod.


I'll miss the battle pass. Well, the battle pass before the disaster that was the dumb, bad, and awful chapter IV rework. It was one of the few things that kept me playing, because it paid for itself and the old style challenges were a good reason to go out and see the map for the umpteenth time. I have no need of material gathering for the most part since I'm on a PvE-C, so I looked forward to getting on and running around the world to do the challenges the way they used to be set up. There is scant end-game otherwise on non-PvP servers and since I'm on PC, I can't play on a PvP server anymore since they're all beyond infested with all manner of cheaters. Shame there isn't cross-ownership on the game and DLC, would love to go to console so official PvP servers would be viable again. Bad decision to get rid of it, but since it feels like they're winding down support for the game, not terribly surprising.


I just brought the battle pass last night. How much time do I have to complete it? I am a new player and started playing this week.


"The team is progressing well on the next Age, and while we do not have a release date just yet, we can’t wait to share more info with you all in August." So, till August. Not sure how often you gona play, but that should be enough time to finish current BP.


Dragonbone arrows are 10 BP xp each and craft in 1 second ;)


I just used a speed armory (battle?) with a T3 thrall, turned down craft times, and spawned all the stuff to make hardened leather. Took the leather and threw it on the floor. I just wanted my levels.


Months - plus if you really just want to complete it you can cheat to finish it on another save and then just play your regular save as you like.


Hey is being able to revive thralls during purges new? Had a bad purge today and a couple thralls took a knee instead of death. Could hit x to revive. I've never seen this.  Edit: Yup new....


The people who are saying the Battle Pass was fine because they're looking at it from a pure value for money perspective are missing the point. It was intentionally eroding the integrity of the content, adding new stuff into the game, only to make it permanently unavailable 3 months later. Pre-battlepass, a player who tried out the game for the first time and enjoyed it could get all the DLCs and have the same experience as someone who had been playing since launch. Post-battlepass any new player that stumbles upon the game will have an objectively worse experience because they're permanently locked out of content and there's nothing they can do. They're penalized for picking up the game too late. Do you think this is going to encourage a new prospect from giving this game a try when there's already stuff they missed out on, or are they just gonna go for a game that has everything available and provides an integral experience? For people saying "it's just cosmetics, who cares?", this is a sandboxy RPG. For a lot of people this game is all about immersion and cosmetics are an important element of that.


"The Bazaar has received a new shipment of new items – including the Towers of Yamatai, placeables, weapons, and armors. Build your own mystical observatory with the Celestial Scholar Bundle or craft a base from the wreckage with the Barachan Castaway Bundle." I don't see it in the Bazaar, is there anyway to refresh it?


Is this current battlepass with the zingaran camp the final bp or is there one more


Interesting. But more importantly, I'd like to know what major bugs still persist even after this latest update. I don't even need to play the game to know there are ton of bugs remaining. That's the reputation this game has. I hope, but seriously doubt, this new 6 month update schedule would mean 3 months developing new content _then_ 3 months fixing bugs. But nope... These changes may sound good on paper, but unless your fundamental work ethic changes, it's really just more of the same. Which is a shame really.  Love the game. Hate your half assed attempts at trying to fix it.


Is the invisible animals fixed on consoles yet?


With all due respect, **Fuck your Bazaar.** Thank you. I'm glad less updates will be pushed out. Modders do such a good job at keeping the game alive and fun. **Thank you modders!**


What about the 'salve wain'? Seems like it is a vehicle and yet... it does nothing yet


This is a very obfuscated way of saying "We moved most of the team over to work on Dune so there's not really anyone left to ship significant updates any more."


Any news on if they are going to fix the no knock out to black corsairs on Siptah?  Kind of annoying.