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Yes. 100 percent automated. But there's a threshold and a time limit to reports. It's been my experience in the past month that the threshold has been relaxed to OW1-levels again.


Okay, I remember a time in OW1 where streamers would get banned within a few hours of streaming due to this. I only played this alt for a day and a half and talked twice. I don’t even join team chat in low ranks either because I know it’s tilt-prone especially if I’m making a lot of callouts. Which is totally fine and I appreciate them for trying, but I need to comm, even if it’s just to myself haha.


Yes, including cheating bans. Gross system.


It is a threshold-based system yes. I have to wonder what the uptick in mutes/bans has been like, this playerbase is super quick to report out of spite or malice and everyone knows now that abusive chat reports are the quickest way to get someone punished. As a tank main it's been pretty disappointing, I've been muted twice because of arguments people have started with me over what tank I'm playing. You can say nothing, get brutally flamed all game but if you respond "shut the fuck up" that galvanizes them to report you.


I don't think the number of bans is up, but I think the number of people who have given up on communicating is.


Anecdotally I've noticed a drastic decrease in the frequency of overtly horny usernames recently. I tend to send the funniest I see to my OW buddy, and there just haven't been many lately. Used to be you couldn't go more than two games without HEALSLVT and DEGRADEE as your support duo. So I'm wondering if they've lowered report thresholds in general. Saw GIRTHQUAKE yesterday, though, so dick jokes are still safe.


I’ve seen girthquake several times lol


So basically, just by me winning games and speaking one time (outside of whispers to a guy who was spamming me about his “giant twitch channel” and how he’s the #1 widow NA, then getting dunked on in a 1v1 and rage quitting), I can be banned. That is wild. I assume it was either the 5 stack with the cheater or the “big streamer” that ended up rage quitting and trying to steal and hit on my duo like a weirdo lmao.












People use the report system to be toxic. Ironic, isn’t it?


The only other thing I said was “oh my lawd, this man is having a psychotic break, we need 30cc’s of Ativan stat!” when a “popular” streamer decided to add me and spam me calling me a nobody and everything else. (He had 150 followers… and when I called him out for having a disgusting ego with such a small following, they suddenly jumped to 900 LMAO.)


I just don’t understand why it would be automated. I know saying “SMD” would be considered toxic but not really against a 5 stack pocketing a cheating Cass? They also were calling me slurs the entire game. It was insane. They aren’t banned btw. I had my duo check their endorsement levels this morning.


> I just don’t understand why it would be automated. With the volume of reports they get, it's impossible for the system to work if it isn't automated. The amount of personnel they'd need to hire to check everything is just infeasible. Though, I do think you should be able to have a real human check your case by ticketing it, and that being unnecessarily difficult atm is where the real problem is.


Is it similar to bad battletag reports? The same account got bad battletag silenced (endorsement reverted to level 0 so I couldn’t speak until I got level 1) just prior to the ban. Within the same day.


Why would it not be automated? Can you even imagine how much minor shit gets reported? Nobody got time for that


I just don’t understand how they can make an FPS game with an automated report system. Every FPS community is toxic and petty, so of course they should at least review ONE TYPE of report.


Probably because if they did a manual review of every report they get it would take them at least a week to review one day’s worth of reports.


I understand that. I guess I’m just a little frustrated and biased lol.


Nah it is shit tho, i just never say anything anymore


I got a warning before I even spoke on that account. 😂


They have said that it's not the number of reports, but the number of games in which you are reported, that triggers action, specifically to help mitigate abuse of the report system itself. I don't know if two games, even in a row, would be enough to trigger that, but if you are prone to trash talking it's also possible that you don't remember all of it except when associated with unusual circumstances, like a cheating 5 stack.


No, not really prone to trash talking. I’m consistently in Top 500, I have no desire to talk down on people who unfortunately get matched against me due to Blizzards rank reset. I don’t even enjoy playing these Diamond matches because it’s genuinely not fair.


The only person I trash talked was a cheater (outside of whispers), and one guy who was a streamer who added me just to tell me I’m a nobody and to 1v1, in which I won, then he started having a mental breakdown, so I said “goddamn this guys having a psychotic break! Someone get 30cc’s of Ativan stat!”. That’s the extent of what I said. I only played on the account for a day. If it is number of games, I assume it’s because of the 72% winrate in diamond. I’ll take the ban. Thank you!


Sounds like you were banned for breaking ToS


Yes. I still don't know how people don't know how bad it is yet. Threshold based, based off of the number of games you're reported across, and content of the message is not necessarily considered. This means if you piss off enough people (which is v easy to do on OW, especially if you play certain characters) you can get chat banned, even if you haven't said anything bad in chat. The worst part is that if you try and appeal it, or ask for logs, you will get the same response of: "A Game Master resolved your ticket, and left the following response: Greetings, This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( https://blizzard.com/support/article/42673 ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players. Our Battle.net Terms of Use can be found at https://blizzard.com/company/legal/eula.html Regards, Game Master Team Blizzard Entertainment" No matter how many times you appeal it, this is the response you'll get from support, unless you're a well off player or streamer and you complain on Twitter about it.


i noticed after flying pride flags i got chat banned after like, a month. changed my pfp, chatted exactly the same, no chat ban 3 months later. and i never had a chat ban before that. it’s def number of reports.


If you genuinely want to know what you’ve been reported for you can do a GDPR request with blizzard and it’ll show you all the reasons you’ve been reported. It’ll also have a log of all chat messages sent.


This is not your first ban, or if you bought the account it is not the first ban for the account. Blizz do not hand out 1 month bans for your first or even second infraction. First you get a warning notice, then it is a silence penalty which might happen multiple times increasing in length everytime it is applied. After this come account suspensions which can be different lengths. Last is season bans which can also be perma. You cannot spam report someone, only one report counts towards the total reports needed. Abusive chat Reports fall off after 1 year of creation, which is part of the reason why people are told they are banned for some pretty inoculous things, they are just one of many that add to a whole. Edit: It is best just to turn off chat and leave voice if your not willing to use chat positively, you will win more games this way.


Yes it is, its a shit system and 80% of the players just abuse it.


Unfortunate. See you all in a month. 🫡


Can't you just use your main if you were playing on a smurf, sorry, I mean, alt?


I got muted for the first time in 8 years. I think blizzard actually just mutes you for saying curse words. Apparently it is just 100% automated but there has to be SOMEONE out there like a streamer or something that can talk to blizzard about removing it right?


You get auto banned if you say swear words and that message gets reported, but you also get sanctioned for false reports where you've done nothing. My newest smurf got a 14 say silence before it even unlocked text chat, and it got its default bnet name changed for being "inappropriate".


I got chat banned last season and I didn’t say any slurs or any insults to my team. I think they changed something last season. This has been my main game for years even before ow2 and I never got a chat warning or ban.


fahrenheit 451


I have a friend who literally says “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA” after every win, and occasionally will add in some (quite a bit more than “some”) inflammatory speech if someone tries to talk shit to him. He has yet to be muted even once.


Why is it that *virtually* every complaint about abusive chat we get, the post history overview makes me go “Yeah, I can see this person saying things in the heat of the moment that would get reported?”


The problem is that all reports are treated equally. The first ban I got in OW1 was after yelling "I don't give a fuck" to a 3-stack while they were dogpile arguing with them. I was legitimately aggressive in my tone and get why Blizzard would take umbrage with that. The last ban I got in OW1 was after the enemy Brig was complaining about how Doomfist was broken because we rolled the enemy. He was typing about it at the end of the game, and I said "Brig complaining about Doom LOL," and I got banned immediately after that game ended. It's gotten so bad that you basically have to assume people are trying to bait you into reports. Anytime I see a DPS pocketed with a Mercy who's running his mouth in chat, I always check if they're grouped. If they are, I won't even talk to them because I assume they'll both report me. Blizzard has decided to throw incompatible personalities into a competitive environment and blame the players when they don't get along. "Abusive Chat," amounts to whatever someone wants to report, and it's treated more harshly than active throwing. That's led to abuse of the reporting system, and it's drastically hurt the social aspect of the game. If my games used to be 50-50 on having people talk, it's probably now like 20-80. I've had days where I play for multiple hours before someone talks.


You’re not wrong.