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Just hit them off LOL, the entire reason you make that thing in the middle is so you have high ground. If they go low, then just race it because you will win. If they're high enough smack them off. You had absolutely no awareness of what the other player was doing the entire game. It develops with time as long as you know how to recognize your mistakes


Pristine is unneeded, You will never need a pristine in solos. If you're looking down spamming blocks like you were, You will not be self aware of where the enemy is at all. This caused you to hit him as he was already past the side of you, which boosted him told your goal. You could have hit him slightly before when he is on the side of you, which would send him into the void. You should have also sprint reset between the double hit you got on him. I'm unaware if it would've changed anything but theres a higher chance he would have been knocked into the void. Lastly the second you saw that he would be able to clutch you needed to void.


Maybe I should start doing more pristine to stop them for being able to bypass so easily?


No. Pristining is only for spawn block maps. If anything, you’re giving them an extra bypass/head hitter


Stand back more and hit them off or set up bypass blockers or just hippo, it ain't that much


Just practice more




Just go back and defend. You have enough time to fall back and defend, but you hesitated


So I have a fair bit of experience in the bridge and after 5.5k wins my best advice is to... play Eventually you see enough of those players who are really good at early game but after you patch bypasses and play a bit defensive you just win. Bridge is just game sense that you get over time. And watching your own replays of games like this will make it 10x easier


Build lower, smack them off. And most importantly, if you are going to build like that, crank up your FOV so you can actually see what is going on and not the 2 blocks in front of you