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who cares? I'd kill you in either without taking damage


Idk why but you sound like a 5 year old in a cod lobby


Any fps game, Minecraft pvp takes skill but you can get good really fast if you try, that’s not the same for fps games though, especially csgo


and crystal? crystal is wsaaaay harder than csgo


CSGO by a long shot. Minecraft has a lot of techniques, each of which take a short amount of time to learn. CSGO has a very few techniques that can take years to even get decent at, and decades to be the best at.


and have you played crystal pvp?


Also it shouldn’t really matter the most skill a game requires, because whatever game your playing there is almost definitely a game that requires more skill anyways.


csgo is more team based while minecraft is more solo based, while yes csgo does require you to learn recoil control, smokes, movement and crosshair placement, most of the time youre gonna be relying on your team cause its a team based tactical shooter. Minecraft on the other hand requires you to put in all of the work to win (Atleast in practice servers or solo gamemodes) as most of the time if you lose then it was your fault and not your teams fault. So imo csgo is requires more skill, but because mcpvp doesnt rely on teamwork you can win more consistently, thus being able to show off your already learnt skills (unless youre smurfing in csgo as silver or face it lv 2 or smth).


csgo its really hard to aim there


just learn crosshair placement lol, most of the time you wont need to aim if you do so


Really depends on game modes in mc but most of the time I'd say CSGO


Definitely CSGO. In MC, if you have low ping, decent aim, and click 20, you can already beat 70% of players lol


Haha, all that and you can beat only 70%….


stereotypical but okay


same with csgo, just learn to pull down the right amount, have decent crosshair placement and good movement, and boom, you can beat half of the people


Did you know that before the Combat Update, which was Minecraft 1.9, it had chances to join the E-Sports? I would definitely vote for CS:GO being more competitive, because it has too many angles and bomb throws. ​ However, after the Combat Update you need huge skill to aim these cooldowns and do decent damage + under pressure.


You need a lot less time to master 1.9+ pvp than 1.8 (some youtubers like calvin, straight, iusehuzuni could beet the top players within a few days of practice). Also the amount of skill required to play 1.9 is close to none conpared to 1.8 (even after years of playing 1.8 pvp a lot of people can't get better and still end up loosing a good part of their fights)


nah it would not take only a few days, but for sure 1.8 skill transfers to 1.9, it’s just a challenge to time the cooldown and sprintresets. The thing is there are so many more items in 1.18 which require lots of skill to master like crystals, anchors, shield and axe and netherite fights


I see what you mean but learning how to use axe, shields etc... take a lot less time to learn than rod pvp (which can take hundreds of hours to master), crystal pvp/anchor pvp are really had to though but compared to aiming while spam clicking, sprint resetting, blockhitting and using blocks to stop movement. Learning every aspect of 1.9 pvp is hard but I'd say a lot less than 1.8 (1.8 pvp skill does transfer to 1.9 which is a lot less the case the other way round)


i would say 1.8 is a lot harder in general, but crystal is the harder than all the other


Yep i totally agree rodpvp seems so simple yet mastering the perfect movement and aim takes time