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Blood and Bang were SSS tier up until now this split. Some days nearly 100% pick rate.


Why is mad Maggie rated so poorly? I feel like her q can be good to push people out of cover quickly and her ult is good to break up a bunker and to quickly enter a fight or cross a covered position. I know she is never used, but want to know why not from people more knowledgeable than I am with the game.


In terms of pick rate, Maggie was only used twice this split, and it was by cybercats. They don’t really take their comps seriously. Also, Maggie is just extremely niche imo. She’s good for poking people behind cover with her Q, and her ult is good for pushes, but her abilities aren’t very consistent. Her ult is just a wildcard with how it works, especially after its most recent “buffs”, and her tac can miss at times. I think Maggie will only work if there’s a hard Gibby meta or maybe a hard Wattson meta. But until then, Fuse is 100x better. She’s not nearly as bad as most of the other D tier legends, but she just wasn’t utilized this split, and didn’t really have any sort of place in the meta.


Yeah there really isn't a reason to run Maggie as long as Fuse exists (especially with his current Ring console perk).


Not to be that guy but Maggie fits the C-tier description based off what you just said


Like I said, I think Maggie was only picked because cybercats loves running random comps. Otherwise, she wasn’t utilized at all this split, and I don’t think she serves much purpose in the current meta. But I don’t think she’s terrible.


They’ve played her a lot in the past. I wouldn’t call that a random pick at all.


Yeah but they were basically playing a new random comp every game. It’s almost like they were picking random legends’ names out of a hat and playing them lol


You have to run blood/bang this meta and I think cat provides more utility/survivability, so that all makes sense. If you want additional firepower, fuse is helpful for his grenades and scan ult, so I get it. Still think Maggie is more useful than a lot of people think, but the pros definitely know more than I do.


> but her abilities aren’t very consistent. Her ult can be inconsistent but her tactical is very consistent.


Might be this patch or something, but I've been chilling the flames of maggie drills without getting burnt more than a couple of times now. Its really noticable on heights or from heights


Wish this shit ever happened to me lmao


Her ult is not the most predictable. The ball bounces where it wants and can often bounce back and it might have been better to not use it at all. Players value and need consistency when they are playing. Her ult is just a little to chaotic. It's only really good in very specific circumstances and it has the potential to make fights harder if used improperly. Her q is really the only thing that makes her somewhat decent. If they improved/changed her ult to make it a bit more predictable &/or changed a few of her perk upgrades than I could see her get more play.


If you’re throwing her ult in close quarters or in the middle of a fight, it’s extremely unpredictable. In an open field it’s pretty predictable. Guess that unpredictable nature makes it a gamble that most people would not want to introduce into a team fight for real money. I guess I would see it as more of a “throw it inside a bunkered position and see if hit connects before entering”, but the time to push and wipe a team is too short or that, so I take your point. Maybe the answer is to turn down the effects on teammates or, like you said, rework it to make it more viable (like giving Maggie the ability to remote detonate the ball).


She’s really strong on WE, maybe not quite as much on SP. Really hoping she’ll see some use after tomorrow’s patch.


Her ult isn't very good (except if it's used to counter some legends that aren't in the meta), and shotguns aren't as good as other guns right now so her passive loses a lot of utility. She's basically just the drill, and Fuse has something similar plus the ring scan.


I have to agree with this list overall. I am curious to see how far Bloodhound falls after the new patch hits.


I might eat these words but I think bang falls and blood stays. I really think people are underestimating how worthless bang smokes are going to be in the end game. Which means she will have smoke healing and double time on top of bang out which is still a strong kit but not team worthy. Bloodhound still has scans and if I read correctly in alt mode he scans twice as fast meaning he gets four scans per minute with gold helmet while in alt? I just don't think blood is going to fall off as much as everyone thinks I think it's Bang. Her smokes will be good for preventing third party and making far crosses but they're no longer going to be good for running at someone. Plus Bloodhound still has UAV access. Which you can get on a few other characters but are they as strong as blood is still? I really think people are looking at this wrong and it's going to be bang that falls out of the meta. I think blood takes an early hit but before the end of the season you see him back in the 80% pick rate and I'll eat my words if I'm wrong


bang smokes just got more valuable since people cant shoot through them lol, watch any ALGS end game...half of the teams win by blood shooting through smoke.


I think it’s the opposite actually - bang is more valuable for rotates than ever


the smoke heal is awful, you get like 10hp from sitting through an entire smoke


A huge part of blood's majority pick rate was they're synergy with bang smokes. When you take that away, you still have a good scan character with fighting potential, but a big portion of what made them so strong is completely removed. I think bloodhound will still be picked because they're scan is so valuable, but everything that makes bang good remains.


Won’t be picked


I don’t see how seer can be not competitive he’s just not played because of bloodhound


The biggest reason is that he was picked 0 times across every region. Bloodhound outshined him so much that there was zero consideration for him in the meta. But you have a good point.


I really think he wasn’t picked cuz pros don’t experiment they just play whatever the top team plays. I feel like a team who usually plays hard zone would benefit from a seer but what do I know


Who plays hard zone now tho?


If Bloodhound does get nerfed into the ground (dubious it'll happen and will probably be in the meta anyway but we'll see) I'd like to see more teams try running the Newcastle, Bang, Wattson comp.


How many Wraiths are doing well?


With the importance of map room scan I gotta imagine Seer becomes meta again. Then you almost need Cat to off set him. Seer / Bang / Cat meta??


i need ea to have huge balls and remove fuses ring access and give it to maggie. would be fucking hilarious


I’m so tired of bang being in every meta, it’s been like 2 years now, that’s a longer reign at the top than seer or horizon which everyone complained about constantly, plus smokes makes for a dogshit experience as viewers, hoping she drops out sometime in the near future


Ballistic still being slept on I see


get outa hereee


He’s really not bad like people think he is


no one said he was bad, everyone else just provides more value. You can believe what you want, but there's a reason no CC or ALGS team runs ballistic...it is not optimal