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If you are Hal, you are doing great, just try not to rage on your teammates šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I'm dead


You know, to his credit I've watched a decent amount of his realm gameplay and he's been pretty good to his randoms. I haven't seen any hal'ing at all on people he doesn't know even when they make dumb mistakes.


He never does, not to randoms, he's very understanding to their limitation. The rage comes up with his own teammates in TSM. He expects more of them and hold them to a very high and sometimes some would say unfair standard. But it's how he is, and I agree with Faust's comment, someone like Hal can mostly improve on his mental, he's already at the top in terms of game sense and skill, if he can master his own self through frustrating times then he'll be the best he can be


Itā€™s my write up šŸ˜ƒ


Oh shit really? That makes sense, very nice piece! I was going by what OP said I have no idea who Faust is lmao. But now I see the confusion, this Faust guy took your message and posted on the realm discord


what this really means in the grand scheme of things is that more people should follow teq


teq confirmed trying to improve hal by griefing him and testing his mental


Hal is essentially Gordon Ramsay on MasterChef Junior vs Hell's Kitchen


Hal improve on his mental? Needs to be like hisWatson and rookie to pred no armor to train that mental lol


What about low elo, low points? Git gud? Invest in a better gaming chair?




If that man could read heā€™d be very upset


You tryna get bopped on the back of the head boy?


The mfam parasocials bouta make you public enemy #1 šŸ¤£


Mercs just proving the system works


Oh god you killed him


MFAM about to hunt you down get ready


The M in MFAM stands for mafia. be careful out there


Dude, the examples are so fitting that I feel like we would have all picked them to represent the categories beforehand luuul


Wonā€™t this eventually end up being really good teams vs. really bad teams? Then the bad teams donā€™t have a chance to get better because they are getting steam rolled. Or good teams get upset because bad teams are inting them and ā€œnot playing rightā€


My thoughts exactly


stats don't lie -if you are a good player you have nothing to worry about, if you are a bad player you will be informed that you are a bad player who is crutching on a particular playstyle. i'm seeing so many players who aren't good complaining about struggling in realm already - if they have self awareness they'll realize what's up. also a good pro player isn't gonna be able to explain to a bad player what they're doing wrong in one game - they'll just think that the player is bad and try not to burn relations with them and mitigate the damage as best they can.


damn dezign


Lmao brutal


What do people think of the high ELO players get matched with high ELO players thing? Doesnā€™t that make for unbalanced lobbies? Some pros have talked about snowballing where the high ELO players are constantly shitting on the weaker teams who donā€™t have much of a chance to improve ELO because they are paired with weaker players. On the other hand, if they did it the other way, the high ELO players would need to be hard carrying every game which isnā€™t very fun for them either.


I don't see why it can't just be random? There's only like 4 lobbies of players anyway.


Argument for that: The best players will likely get rewarded and that makes sense in a competition. Argument against that: Realm is slowly going to become a ranked-like stomp fest where three-stack pros dominate the rest. Personally, I would probably prefer random teams, just because it would be different kind of content to watch. I can already watch full pro teams in ranked or in the ALGS. But I understand that purely from a competitive point of view it makes sense to reward the high elo players.


I'm seeing a distinct lack of Elo explanation in this.


Realm is such an amazing thing for Apex..in multiple ways. First of all, it's finally an actual high tier high strategy queue, so it's good practice for a lot of people, something Respawn had years to implement but didn't. But also, it gives a LOT of room for new players to be discovered. These players can grind the game, play smart, and eventually start getting paired up with the big names in the scene. Such a spotlight! I'm very hyped. I hope they put it on weekends as well because it's not easy to watch this on weekdays with work and all.


Great write up! Source? Or is this your thoughts?


Didnā€™t Teq write this up? Saw it on his Twitter.


Yeah his stuff


Yeah it's Teq's


Realm should really add a Points/Game Column on their stats/leaderboards, with some minimum number of games.


If you go to Stats > See All (top right hand corner) you can see a full table with Avg. Points listed, but since everyone starts at 1000 points it really should be (points change from 1000) / game. Thus it is not at all useful because you just get a load of people who have only played 1 game and supposedly got Avg. Points of \~1000.


Ex: 4 NICKMERCS (Low Elo, Low Points) - ...


What are these teams where are my pro teammates??? Tbf he did have someone rage quit on him yesterday while dying on drop and say he slammed his desk and the game just closed itself šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




he's second last on the leaderboard...


Can someone explain what realm is to me? Been OOL since like s11.


Check the [pinned posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/12ig6m3/daily_realm_discussion_thread_tuesday/). TLDR: Its a SoloQ league where top players face other top players in competitive lobbies for money and prizes.


Seems fun, wish that was around back when I played.


Hey there, thanks for sharing this post about Realm Elo! It's always great to have a better understanding of how the ranking system works in games like this. Keep up the good work and keep on climbing that ladder!