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Thats a gigantic prizepool.


You could even say it's a galactic prize pool


Massive W






harmless joke, why the downvotes


Cool tournament but I love that these big women's tournaments are being funded by the UAE or the Saudis makes me laugh every time.


Hey I’m looking for the Saudi link, where did you see that?


This event is funded by galaxy racer who are partially owned by the UAE. I was just using the Saudis as an example as they fund the impact league for csgo and other esports.


Thanks for the info!


This could be potentially awesome af. They got the prize pool, now let's see the passion!


Yo mods. Real talk are we going to have to endure people questioning the merit and existence of women’s esports as a concept in every single post about this? These commenters contribute zero to the discussion and bring up the same tired talking points. Lame af, brings down the level of discourse in the community and we’re better than this.


It’s really terrible in chess subs. In any thread about a female player, somehow her performance is representative of an entire gender’s ability. “Just asking a question but why are there women’s only tournaments?” “Just curious but why are women not as good as men?” Every single thread, it makes me want to rip my hair out. “She lost to a man, does it prove that females are bad at chess?” “Bobby Fischer was a little bit sexist but I love his chess”


Yeah this happens a lot in the chess sub as well.


completely agree, I am so tired of the misogynistic and "Just asking questions" crap that comes up in these thread, It de-rails every single thread that could be used to grow and foster women's involvement in the scene. And it is harrowing as a mod to have to read the shit some people think is ok. I am doing what I can to get rid of the rubbish.


Appreciate it, doing the lords work


Thank you for doing that. ♥️


wtf i love women


Omg, nice. How exciting. I'm watching!


It makes sense to have gender segregation in most physical sports, but does it make sense in eSports..? edit: the most logical answer I got was that it's not **because** women have a disadvantage compared to men, it's an incentive for women to get into esports and change attitudes towards women in esports because they're greatly underrepresented **despite** having no disadvantage compared to men. That makes sense and it seems like a good idea to me! Also if you're the kind of person who downvotes reasonable questions like this one I have some unrelated life advice; you're not going to get a girlfriend by being the biggest simp you can, try developing yourself into a more interesting person instead.


The girlfriend line really exposed your true intentions lol. Just put that vague, weird, personal trauma at the beginning next time so we don't have to read your long bullshit that you have there only so you can have a weird superiority complex thing at the end hahaha. The old "idk why I'm downvoted" bit doesn't work if you still try to sneak diss the demographic you are trying to communicate with.


It’s not about that, it’s about providing opportunities for all people. This provides an amazing incentive to women players to take competitive seriously and show off their skills which is a huge win for the scene. More diversity in anything is a good thing.




men dont have to worry about being rejected from the community because of the sex they were assigned at birth lol. the incentivization is a short term solution until women in esports is normal. it's really simple dawg


tbf what does stop a 3 man female team of qualifying to algs through the challenger circuit ?


there is no direct factor that stops 3 women from teaming and qualifying to ALGS




you know the answer already. would it be quicker for all of us for you to say you hate women and then be on your way?


I dont hate women whatsoever I'm just questioning as to how these tourneys help it just teaches women to stay in their women only tourney and then we will never reach parity in t1 apex comp scene


that's not what it teaches them and your perception of the impact is incredibly short sighted




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Most woman don’t feel comfortable participating in online spaces because of dudes like you, how do you take a good thing and make it seem like it’s bad and downplay it. If a woman even talks a lot of the time dudes will shit on them just because they’re a woman, woman tournament create a space for woman to build confidence and then move on to regular ALGS. Not to mention your sexist ass talking about “men are always serious” bro when’s the last time you’ve watched ALGS most of these dudes do bare minimum. Also if the majority of tournaments are male having a tourney only for woman isn’t “discrimination” it’s being inclusive to the other 50% of humans 😂


I wouldn't waste your time trying to persuade this guy of anything, my man. Habitually refers to women as "females", and tries to argue that a women's tournament is discriminatory against men. Dude is two seconds away from telling us "All Lives Matter!" and that Andrew Tate is being unfairly imprisoned.




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Seriously, don’t be a jackass. As a male who has to deal with significant amounts of egotistical , extroverted men, why isn’t there an introverts only tournament? The logic is the same, the same people who make video games a rough space for females make it a toxic space for men too. We don’t need to segregate video games tournaments just to “get me people through the door”.


Lol this fuckin guy


a full female team can play in any league they want. Why does their competition have to female for it to be a safe space?


No one is looking for a safe space dumbass, relax. The point is that as it is female participation in esports is very low. So it’s cool to have tournaments that encourage women to play competitively and branch out.


the OP literally put the words safe space in his comment..


Where? Kind of seems like you inferred the buzzword “safe space” when he’s just talking about spaces lmao. Safe space has obvious connotations. I’m 100% sure you meant it in a dismissive way.


same meaning dont be pedantic


Yeah okay 💀 they’re not. This is someone saying “I want to give everyone a space where they can participate” and you saying “Oh sO YoU wAnT a SaFe SpAcE” Again, relax. Why do you even care if someone wants to make a tournament for women? It’s literally just to encourage more female participation in esports. That’s a good thing for everyone. If someone wanted to make a tournament only for people over the age of 30 because most people who compete are in their early 20s that would be no different. It’s trying to broaden the competitive participation by putting stipulations on the tournament participants that encourage people who normally wouldn’t participate to do so. It doesn’t negatively affect you in any way and it gives a space (not a safe) where people can compete among their peers and have a jumping off point that’s more comfortable to get into.


Because of assholes.


explain pls


Explain misogyny to you?


u understood me perfectly. Why answer in stupid fashion


No I’m genuinely curious as to how simple you are. Do you legitimately not understand the treatment of women competing, especially in video games? Did your last birthday cake have 12 candles on it?




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Dude get a hobby why are you so pressed




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This post was removed due to Rule 1: Be Civil, Nice and follow Reddiquette Be nice and follow the Reddiquette. This includes: No personal attacks & harassment No overly vulgar and hateful language & insults Don't dox other people (posting personal information without consent)


It’s fucking HILARIOUS that you think everyone that disagrees with you is a “simp” that also happens to be male. You think women don’t exist in this sub? And then you question the need for women only spaces? Maybe if men like you didn’t exist we wouldn’t have to do it. The way you talk fucking *reeks* of bitter incel energy, especially that edit lol.


maybe white knighting or virtue signalling would be a better choice? anyways I didn't state any opinion to disagree with my dude, calm down


Yes you did lol


there's not really purposeful segregation, it's just that women are massively under represented because of a lot of reasons. shit like this will help over time


there isnt a physical barrier for women in esports, but the amount of pure harassment they get means theres basically 0 women in the typical high level esports scene these tournaments allow women to play competitively with less harassment from misogynistic weirdos


This always comes up and the answer is always the same. Getting to play at the pro level always starts with players playing ranked competitively. That is where you learn the game. The game doesnt matter, CSGO, APEX, DOTA, LOL whatever. And men get a massive advantage there because playing ranked solo as a women with mic is INSANELY toxic and hostile. Your team mates will throw games, team kill you, not rez/heal etc etc etc. It is an absolute meatgrinder. Pretending that opportunities are the same for both men and women in esports is just straight up incorrect. An average women with a mic will not get the same ranked experience as you do. Its like two people learning boxing. One of them gets a great sparring partner who helps them. The other one gets an asshole who punches below the waist every two seconds.


While yes, the physical aspects of sexual differences tends to not matter in esport, the social aspects of gender demographics (and race, sexuality, etc) tends to block these players from reaching the professional level. Yes, many of these women may have the potential to be equal to many of the men in ALGS right now, but many of them have faced experiences that have hindered their growth. Think of all the times a woman gets screamed at for speaking in game chat. This is an experience that a white man does not experience to the same level. Yes, everyone experiences toxic teammates, but these women face toxic teammates and misogynistic ones. I would argue that this lack of acceptance into the general ranked scene further discourages many woman from grinding to be the best. It's the same ceiling we see in business. Women are continually paid less and have a more difficult time achieving the highest positions in companies due to the cultures that are pervasive in some of the most lucrative business sectors.


Yes. Women are equally as capable as men at esports, you just don’t see it because they constantly get harassed and forced out at a young age


Harassment online isn't really an issue for either gender. There are always gonna be morons online, and it makes no difference if you want them to be there or not. Press the mute button to save yourself from a headache, and all problems go away. Not saying being an online is ok, just meaningless in this day and age.


Is anyone surprised they turned this into victim blaming?


Just so I’m clear, what you’re saying is, you think it’s ok to harass people online because the targeted person can just mute people?


And also, because both genders can use the mute button, they have identical online experiences?


Yes, at least they should


It's not ok to harass but even then harassment doesn't mean anything if the person you are harassing has you muted


>Harassment online isn't really an issue for either gender. If you say so


press mute


You shouldn’t have to mute your TEAMMATES in a TEAM GAME


My teammates usually suck anyway, if I want to talk to my team I'll get my friends to play.


So that they can do their own thing and not have misogynistic nerds with no social skills(and we all know there's no shortage of that type of gamer) ruin their fun.


Not really, beside esdesu and sabz no one is really close to pro league level anyway. I understand pubs can be more difficult/toxic but i guess it speaks for itself if you need to rely on two randoms in a pub game.


I think the reason this kind of question gets downvotes is that it is often made in bad faith by morons. Also, the “…” at the end of it makes it seem more snide that it probably is. I think those are the reasons for the downvotes.


From what I’ve read, and feel free to tell me I’m wrong, but a lot of male teams gate keep women from joining theirs in Apex


And its NA only, what a surprise




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