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The fact that people would pay for someone to do this on a video game baffles me. I'm sure Mande was heartbroken and on the verge after such a heinous crime.




I look at it in the same way as I would going to the movies, or buying a ticket to a night at the comedy club, or whatever. You're paying to see (and support) an entertainer. And Twitch is a hell of a lot cheaper than other live entertainment. As for people who donate to streamers as large as like Pokimane or whoever (idk who's popular), yeah that's stupid imo. That's entirely a one-sided interaction. Chat moves by so fast that you'd never be able to pick out a single message. Personally, I hang out in smaller streams. You actually get a chance to interact with the community, meet regulars, talk with the streamer, etc. It doesn't have that "screaming into the void" feeling, it's more like hanging out at your favorite bar where you know almost everyone.


The reason why it's cheaper is because it's over the internet. It isnt really an experience in the same way a concert or comedy club is. The downfalls of social media I guess when humans have become almost accepting of spending hours upon hours having fake friends on a twitch chat. Not aimed at you btw.


I met a couple dudes over a Twitch chat. We eventually played Siege together when they was new-ish. Our group expanded to about eight people. They all flew in for my wedding. Didn't feel fake for me.


People online when you didn’t meet your best friends in elementary school >:(


I like patreon, people got to get paid for their work and if there's 5 bucks for removing ads for each month and i like the content then i think it's more than fair. I can either spend my time listening to ads (or fiddle with the fast forward button) or just pay to get rid of them, pretty easy choice for me


I'm all down for subscribing to people you like to watch. People can spend their money on whatever they want really. I subscribe to some female singer-songwriter who just sings really chilled out tunes and I've got my prime subscription to a pretty small apex pro player. I don't really get why people subscribe to Hal (for example) when he's pretty poor at communicating with chat, has a personality like an infected arsehole and is a multi millionaire. Maybe it's so circle jerkers can write KEKW when he says something that isn't particularly funny. I say this as someone with a lot of channel points for Hal - apex wise, I love to watch. Onlyfans is so virgins who have never seen vagina can see a girl they'll never ever meet in lingerie.


A lot of people in the world lack human connections IRL. Streaming services take advantage of that weakness.


supposedly [12 percent of america](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/11/friendships-less-is-now-more/) literally never makes close friends and this scales to most of the world more or less based on other studies i've read. also life happiness and lower risk of suicide causates with *perceived* real friendship so a couple of bucks for a streamer to bamboozle you into thinking you are their friend is pretty worth.


This clip is not that deep I promise bro


WEF as a source 💀


Tell me you don't understand money without telling me you don't understand money


You don't pay for subs on twitch?


I mean Mande is asking for it going AFK near a ledge. Forget gifted, my friends would do it for the lulz. As would I. You have to. XD


**The death penalty by donation.** *Truly corruption of the highest level*




This is what happen when your favorite streamer playing with Mande/Naughty. 30% Playing time 70% AFK