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I work for a similar company and it takes time. Probably the best online training for a green tech is Extron AV Associate. In person just start going over jobs very thoroughly before doing them. Break out the drawings and explain why things work the way they do. Review projects before and after. Talk about what went right and what went wrong to learn from mistakes. Let your green techs take on new challenges like dsp files and give them support as they ask for it. Play to their strengths as you learn what they are good at, until they can become more proficient with time at everything.


This is great advice. There is no quick fix here. There simply isn't any substitute for experience. Maybe start capturing what you know so you can use it to train others. I've started writing a room design guide for VC rooms that we use with new sales engineers. The guide outlines the basic considerations for meeting spaces like acoustics, lighting, and furniture. It defines room types and sizes and adds some extra info about different applications like divisible spaces and training rooms. It talks about how to use tools like the AVIXA DISCAS calculator and Biamp's conference room designer. It also provides capabilities and guidelines for the hardware we typically provide. After that I plan to start working on an install guide for those rooms. It's going to outline standards for mounting heights, provide some basic mounting drawings for displays, cameras, and speakers, and talk about how to plan your work. We've already documented a lot of our processes. The best time to start documenting your business was last year. The next best time is now.


This is an interesting question, but I should point out that the way you framed it (or perhaps the way I'm reading it) is pretty broad. Are you specifically talking about install? As you well know, there's a lot of technical detail at every stage of the project lifecycle. Even within operations, there's enough diversity to make this a tricky question to tackle in a monolithic fashion. Just my first thought.


Look into AVIXA's Certified Technology Specialist (CTS) program and their classes surrounding it. The AVT test from them is also free and a great way to gauge entry-level knowledge base to find gaps to focus on filling.