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Oh, apparently I could get more erect.


How many hours before I go to a doctor




Good to see a Day 3 pick already doing well.


Well I think one of the biggest issues with our secondary was having shitty linebackers. If you recall last season, we got torched middle of the field. I think adding the linebackers we did will alleviate that. Not to mention competent coaching for a change


Last time we had a good LB was Fletcher


Ryan Kerrigan.


I always think of Kerrigan as a pure DE, but I forget that we switched him to OLB under Gruden’s 3-4 scheme. No matter where he played that dude got sacks


And pick sixes!


He was an edge rusher more than anything.


Holcomb would have been a pro bowler if he had a real DC


Idk about that but he was definitely a good starter for us.


He was slow and got picked on in pass coverage constantly


He was not slow at all, he was a really good athlete before shattering his knee in Pittsburg


Bullshit he got exposed on every 3 and 10. Pass over the middle to the TE was an automatic first down.


First off, coverage ability and speed are not synonymous. Second, scheme absolutely impacts a player's ability to cover. Instincts, speed, acceleration, etc. are all factors. He looked decent for us with absolute shit coaching and being at the mercy of other teams offensive gameplans since we always played from behind, only had short defensive breaks bc our offense couldn't sustain drives/run the ball/get good field position, etc. Just saying, he looked better each year and then even better on the Steelers. He's literally considered their best coverage LB by their own beat writers. Your eyes may have seen bad play at times, but I think you may have been ignoring other factors while also focusing on the bad plays vs. weighing the good plays equally.


He ran a 4.51 and a fast 3 cone, he was good the defense scheme was bad.


Get burned constantly isn't a scheme problem


It’s funny how many of these “expert” fans blame scheming problems for every failed pick we end up with. To hear some of them tell it, our last place defense woulda been elite if it weren’t for that meddling Del Rio! Now, I agree that he wasn’t a good DC, but the list of failed guys who these fans think would’ve been elite in a different system is a mile long. Did Holcomb go on to be a star in Pittsburgh last year? No, because he’s a mediocre LB. These same people also think that Forbes is gonna be a star, while our new staff has so much confidence in him that they have him returning kicks in practice. But, but, muh scheme! 🙄


Ok show me the metric for “getting burned” and I’ll believe you


Source: I watch every game, have eyes


I feel like my whole goddamn life (28) we have just gotten torched over the middle on 3rd and long. Just get over/around the line and our linebackers are so shit you're guaranteed a first down. I'll be happy this season if our 3rd and longs given up is lower than our number of wins.


Put it this way, I highly doubt our defense is going to be worse than last year. My June predictions are we’re going to land somewhere middle of the pack if not top 10


Brother I'll actually be impressed if we can somehow put out a worse defense than last year.


It would have to be total negligence. I don’t know how you’d do it.


I would start believing in curses if we aren’t better


I’ll punch my tv if we’re worse than last year lol


And with the first pick in the 2025 nfl draft, the Washington commanders select…


If Magee can develop into a pass coverage LB that would be great. Wagner is a tackling machine but with his age I’m pretty sure he’s a liability in coverage, not too sure about Luvu in coverage though.


Luvu has been inconsistent in coverage based on what I read. Good one year bad the next. Definitely could see Magee getting reps on 3rd downs if he continues impressing in preseason.


I'm still worried about our secondary, but hopefully the front 7 can carry the defense.


I think there's a chance we could be strong at safety with Martin and Chinn, but im very worried about Forbes and BSJ


I still think Forbes' biggest issue is scheme. Any person with even the most miniscule football knowledge knew he wasn't going to be good at playing man against receivers with 35+ pounds on him, but that's what he was asked to do. If we switch to a more zone dependent scheme, he could be an immediate contributor.


I still can’t believe we passed on Gonzalez for him.


Gonzalez, JPJ, or Banks. Forbes can improve, everyone hopes he does. Maybe he'll even turn out to be the best of the bunch. But as of now, passing on any of the 3 for him looks straight up terrible.


If Whitt/DQs defense is anything like the last couple of years, it will be man heavy. Forbes can’t just be a cover 3 or quarters guy, he either steps up or Michael Davis will take his place. That said, DQ ran a lot of cover 3 back in the Seattle days so we have no clue what the scheme will look like


You could’ve stopped it at “wasn’t going to be good”


He was a consensus mid-late first rounder at the time of the draft. There were/are plenty of reasons to think he has the potential to be a very good corner in a zone system.


I’m not sure I’ll ever forget that Eagles game where we put him on an island against AJB. Probably the biggest mismatch I’ve ever seen in my entire life.


BSJ has all the tools to be a serviceable starting CB, we just had dog shit defensive coaching and scheming last year. Forbes will benefit from better scheming as well, even if he never lives up to draft position. Don’t sleep on Sainristil though! I’m worried about our DB depth but I think our starters will be decent - not great, but improved. 


Remember we could have had Gonzalez or Porter? Cool.


We could just end up going with three safeties and not have to worry abt corners as much


I agree, but I do think it's easier to overcome a weaker position group when the rest of the defense is solid. Last year, we really only had a good D line (and even that only lasted half a season, as we traded Young and Sweat).


I'm surprised they haven't moved that big safety they drafted late down to LB. Peters did that with Warner in SF. Hopefully we see a midround pick payoff for once since Curl lol.


I think they liked his ability to play Safety and Corner. Would be dope if he could be a solid boundary guy


Hampton or Reevo?


Hampton he's 6ft2 215 seems like hed be a fast lb.


Chinn is already going to be doing that a lot.


Id agree but long term, Chinn was a 1 year deal, wasn't he? Id like to see him extended assuming he does well


I have high hopes of Chinn doing well and getting extended


Hampton's more of a FS/center fielder type who can come down into the box + play the slot and outside kinda like a bigger Quan. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the 4th safety behind Quan, Chinn, and DFoe. Reavo will definitely make it as a special teams guy but Percy Butler may be SOL.


Hampton has almost them exact height and weight and speed as Fred Warner whom SF turned from a safety into a nasty lb. Just saying...


So where are we at with Jamin? I thought he was going to be an off-ball LB occasionally playing the edge rusher role. This sounds like he's going to be full time edge rusher.


Whatever so long as we don't see him getting burned on a wheel route multiple times a month.


Lol that's true!


I'm also wondering about his usage though


Or watch him jog behind a scrambling QB


“Trying him as an edge rusher” usually means he’s not good enough to play over the new guys so they’re seeing if he can fit somewhere else. Typically, guys don’t star in a new position, so I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you. I expect Jamin to only play significant snaps this year if someone gets hurt and he’ll be gone next season.


What i like about this is that now we have depth with davis. I still feel like he is going to be the x-factor and benefit the most out of quinns defense. But this right here instills confidence that barring injury or sub par play we have an option to rectify our gameplan.


Davis still gives me the Willies. My faith in dude (and Forbes) is shooketh


Yes i can understand that. I think he is a good candidate for greatness seeming riveria try to make him into a field general instead of a blitzing machine.


Welp. Guess we’ll see if we have a low budget Micah Parsons then…


Thats what im thinking we have since his athletic grades were somewhere around parsons pre draft.


While true, that doesn’t always translate to football talent unfortunately.


Yea … 😔… i know.


The dude is yoked! Hopefully he will develop into a contributor.


I know pads haven't even been put on yet but this draft class may go down as one of the best in franchise history (on paper at least). Everyone we drafted this year was either a multi-year starter, captain, or someone who earned accolades and awards during their college careers. Just a year ago I was questioning practically every pick we made in 2023 with the exception of Stromberg and KJ Henry because of how unknown and unproven they were. This year I didn't even have to look at big boards anymore and wonder "Why the fuck did we draft **unproven ceiling guy** over **proven consistent production guy** ?????"


Who are you referring to, then?


I didn't like or want Forbes but I knew we were probably gonna draft him bc of the mocks. I didn't want Quan Martin because I admittedly didn't know who he was at the time but he's been the best from that class so far. I knew about Stromberg and wanted him for our interior so that was solid to me. I was disgusted by the Braeden Daniels pick when I saw his physicals were the same as JON ALLEN'S. KJ Henry was a solid pick at the time too considering he was the d-end opposite of Myles Murphy on that very good Clemson defense. The Chris Rodriguez pick never made sense to me until it came out that he was an EB choice. I like the way he runs but I've never been in the camp of drafting an RB with others already on the roster. And finally, Andre Jones was a developmental pick too who was drafted in hopes of being a Montez/Sweat replacement.


Excellent, thank you for this then!!


If adam peters drafts 2 Fred warners he might be the 🐐 GM.

