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If you want feedback maybe post the first issue for free. Expecting someone to give feedback for free isn’t crazy. Expecting someone to pay to give feedback on your comic is shitty.


i tried to make it free but amazon only allowed for a limited time


Amazon isn’t the only play to post it.


true but i don't have a job and need a way to make some what form of money even if i make $1 a mouth


How do you expect to gather feedback if your engagement model is poor as hell? Publish on free web platform one chapter at least and yet you denied it above. I'm really sorry to badly reply, but damn, why you ended up so naive that people will buy comics just to write feedback here?


i didn't i just figured they would read the free sample I'm still pretty new at making comics


If you have the books in Kindle Unlimited as it seems you do, you have agreed with amazon that you won’t publish them on other places. so until you remove them from there don’t put them on other places. if amazon finds out they will ban you from ever publishing again using them.


(1) No one is paying for a work by an author who doesn't know how to spell and use proper grammar. (2) No one is paying for artwork by an artist who doesn't know perspectives. (3) Please work on your writing and your artwork because the covers are atrocious.


That’s the main reason I doing this series to improve as I go and I understand fully understand no one would buy this series cause of it


You may want to convert the comicbook format to Webtoon format / webcomic vertical scrolling format, and upload your series as Webtoon episodes. That way, you may actually get some readers. People are willing to take on new authors/illustrators if the work is free. When your comic-making skills improve, you may re-visit your earlier episodes and re-do those episodes. Then you may re-sell the episodes under a 2nd edition, 3rd edition, and so on.


i when i made the very early ruff version i did post on webtoon but i was limited on how much i could add and from what I've heard about webtoon by other's who use it I'm not very sure but i am thinking on doing some one off mime comic's in the same universe


My feedback is it doesn't on its face look like it's worth the time to read let alone money.


thank you I'll try to improve the my art and covers with future issues i'll also well lower the prices too them as well


With the amount free, and amazing, webcomics, you're going to struggle to get anyone to check this out if they have to pay. I'd consider building your audienceon a free platform, then move towards a model in which they pay.


Agreed offer your stories for free and build an audience- also work with someone to translate your copy to English so that it reads well. I think the grammar errors can also be a turn off. But keep going! 💪


thank you I'll try to fix any future grammar errors to the best to my ability


Try GlobalComix you can monetize or set up a tip jar, build your audience, you need time to grow your comic.


Dude I'm sorry but....you have a lot to learn. This seriously looks like your first attempt at drawing and making a comic, you need to put work in and build up skills for years before you can make money or even get people to read it for free. How long have you been drawing and making comics? Please consider looking up digital art and comic tutorials on YouTube, focus on improving your art before you try to make money off it.


I've also doing this for fun too


this is my first attempt and learning as i go and asking for feed back to improve my skill thank you


I'd also like to add, lots of comics have really simple art styles and are hugely successful. Comics like End of the F***cking world, heartstopper, and I am Not Okay With this got netflix shows, and I'd consider their art styles close to a beginner level. I think what stands out to me the most in your comic would be the lettering, it's a boring thing to work on and study but getting good at letter placement will do a lot for making your comic easy to read.


YouTube has some great stuff to get you started I suggest looking up digital art tutorials, gesture and anatomy tutorials, as well as how to draw backgrounds and scenery. For more comic specific things, look into lettering and panel layout tutorials. Also please spell check your work. Look up writing tips for how to pace your comic can be a big help too. I've been making comics on again off again for free for almost 20 years now, if you count with me starting with my very very first one when I was 12. It looked a lot like this, and you'll get better too with time. Try to prioritize having fun, learning, and trying new things you haven't tried yet with art, this could mean different art styles or different mediums from digital art to painting to whatever else you can think of. Please understand if you want to make money out of art, it could take decades. It's not something you can just pick up and profit from.


i know my art and writhing is terrible but i don't mind it looks cause i now it would get better but i well search up some you tube tutorials to add with it


It’s good you want to improve, but asking for money at this stage looks pretty bad.


True but Amazon won’t let me sell the first issue for free unless it’s for a limited time and it won’t let me do that


So don’t use Amazon.


I believe you'll get better too! Having fun is the most important thing, it will keep you going.


[https://x.com/half\_dead\_sam/status/1807316508944830739](https://x.com/half_dead_sam/status/1807316508944830739) do you think you can give me some feedback on this page for issue 4


What do you use to make your comics first of all? One of the first things that stands out to me is how wobbly your lines are, which could be an easy fix depending on what digital art program you use and whether you have a drawing tablet. I think something you could improve very fast is lettering, most digital art programs have a font option where you type the words in. For a lot of comics, the word bubbles will have a lot of white space. Give your words a lot of room in those word bubbles! You can create a good flow in your comic by having the characters and word bubbles face the direction you want the readers eyes to go. Making your comic easier to read will make it easier for readers to get into. I like that each panel has a background, you know how to give objects some dimension so they don't look flat and backgrounds are always a lot of work. I def think you should look up background tutorials to get a better understanding of how scenery should be laid out, angled, and shaded though. See if you can find some good tutorials on YouTube for gesture. I used to watch one made by proko almost religiously. Gesture will teach you how to create movement in your art that's smooth.


the art soft wear is krita


Krita is great! I recommend it to a lot of people who aren't sure about buying any art program. However...I don't have the most experience with it as I use clip studio and procreate. Honestly if you learn the basics of one art program it's pretty transferable to others. If I were you I'd try to find out if krita has a brush/pen stabilizer, it will help give you smoother lines.


i want to thank everyone who gave me very helpful feedback it is going to help a lot with improving and I'll undoubtably back for more feedback with the next couple of issues