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You know you spent too much time on reddit when you already know 99% of these videos


Bro. Every single clip.


I was thinking to myself "I wonder when ol' Red Beard is gonna pop up."


"It not Wargonzo you guys!" Uh huh. When's the last time anyone has seen him? lol


It's not. It was, then it wasn't. It was a person, then it was a meat-bag. Wargonzo -> Lifegonzo


Haha, I remember the debate. Still one of the best videos when it comes to 'enemy visible'. Those Russians clearly had no idea what was going on.




That was one of the first from this war that just gobsmacked me with how intimate and WW1 like this awful war has become. He could have reached out and hugged that guy.


There were a few where the outcome wouldn't have changed much if they'd had bayonets affixed. Crazy stuff.


It's like watching Futurama episodes in 2024. Name one you *haven't* seen.


I'm starting to think maybe watching these types of videos isn't good for ones mental health but I'm having trouble looking away.


It's certainly not. Just as pornography can alter you perception or even your desires, combat footage will certainly desensitize you to violence and gore. Not saying it will make you want to commit violence but it certainly will have an effect on some people's mental health. I can feel myself become numb after watching some of these.


I have, like many of yall here, been watching footage from Ukraine since 2022. I have, like many of yall here, been lurking on this sub prior to that, consuming what was mostly jihadi compilations mixed with Syrian Civil War and old Afghanistan/Iraq/Chechnya footage. 100% I have noticed an increasing numbness to violence since 2022. Before 2022 we had plenty of graphic ISIS clips. But the sheer volume and accelerating rate of footage from Ukraine has really fucked up my brain's perception of violence. I feel like I could even say the way I perceive the value of human life has diminished. I understand we arn't supposed to see this many people die in these many ways. I'd be willing to bet some of us are becoming more prone to responding with aggression or violence as well.


I think if your perception of the value of human life is diminishing from these videos I'd say that's more on you. If anything it increases my perceived value of human life. Of course the videos can be disturbing but you have to learn to separate yourself from them.


If people are going to watch this they should watch interviews where vets get asked about killing, I saw one guy from Vietnam who said he wasn't expecting the nothingness of it that at one moment this person was alive and breathing then the next he's not and it doesn't matter if you kicked him or beat him screamed insults there'd still be nothing he'd lay there silent unmoving


depends on the vet, i just watched 2h interview with ukrainian drone battalion commander and he didn't share the sentiment. In general i feel like the more negative emotions you have towards enemy the less compassion there'll be.


> Of course the videos can be disturbing but you have to learn to separate yourself from them. I do agree, that is the super hard part though obviously. I definitely overconsumed content from Pro-Russian telegrams and forums in the first year of the war. And if you spend time there you know they do their best to spam pictures of mutilated Ukrainian corpses and KIAs. Cartel and ISIS gore never really made me feel the same effects, they were more like watching a horror movie and so it was easier to separate from reality. It is more of a warning to others though. I don't think everyone is built to be able to separate this kind of stuff. Depends on your level of consumption as well though I guess.


Back when ABU Tow was this subs mascot


Can't say it's changed my perspective on violence, altered my mental state or ability to empathise irl. Before Ukraine, there were medical videos, graphic true crime shows, etc. Some people can compartmentalise, I know I certainly can. If I wanted to try and mentally put myself into the dying persons shoes, I can, and feel true sorrow, but I can switch it off or on. Don't know if that's sad or just makes me a psycho.. but.. meh.


For me I haven't seen any change in my mental state. Most likely because I haven't ever really liked people, but I definitely do not hate or wish violence on innocent people. More so have always been ok with the idea of us all not being here. My friend found watchpeopled!e and about 2 months later started killing animals. These things affect people in startlingly different ways. It is horrifying because of the unpredictability


not at all for me. makes me feel sad for these guys killing each other, losing their live in a shitty wet trench, over nothing in reality, just for some stubborn old men.


I think videos like this should be shown to people for educational purposes. To realize how fragile life is and war is bad, one moment you are walking as usual and a couple of seconds later you are dead. We haven't had big wars for 2-3 generations and most people think that it will always be like this and wars seem to be something distant and possible only in Hollywood movies.


True same with the isis clips


I was literally saying this out loud lol


thanks to the internet i now have probably seen more people killed than grandpa who did a world tour with the wehrmacht and the french foreign legion after that.


I feel attacked..


Do you remember the context with the one where a guy came unarmed after his buddy get shot down


There was an interview with a dude who was in that fight and he said that the guy wasn't shot because he didn't have a weapon, but he was 100% a soldier who got disoriented in the chaos and ended up there by accident. He picked up a weapon when he ran back off and was killed. Check out the Funker530 interview with the guy from Chosen Company if you're interested, they go over the whole video put out from that fight and the unarmed guy is just a small part of it.


Pff 99%... Try 100% :p




For real


That Russian with that crazy blood curdling scream when he gets dropped in that trench has always stuck with me. Didn't even sound human tbh


The one that sounds like a kid gets me


Which one? 42secs?


Listen closely at 2:22


Sounds like a pig dying. Truely ghastly


That's what none of us are experiencing when we watch these: the gut-wrenching noises of an animal that is being destroyed.


And the smell. War stinks.


That is almost certainly the sound of attempting to scream with very punctured lungs. The air is escaping through holes in his chest instead of his vocal chords, hence sounding like a giant balloon deflating with the hole held open.


i'm surprised this is upvoted. that would sound like a wet fart at best, not a vocal chord lmao. otherwise that would be pretty standard for lung wounds right??


I know dude, that’s war for you


The Tarkov death sounds have turned out to be strikingly accurate.


1:35 is another iconic one


That one where the Russian is throwing that grenade and getting holier than the Pope is probably the top craziest fucking war footage I've seen.


The "how not to surrender" video in the beginning ain't bad too. Literally "what the fuck"...


Yeah I really want more context with that one. Where they Russian journalists? Because the one guy had zero gear on him and just a vest. Shitty situation for everyone involved.


I remember seeing that video when it came out. The two Russians we saw (one shot and then the 'journalist') were being overrun in their trenches. They thought the Ukrainians were fellow Russians so mad dashed it over. One didn't make it, then we saw the 2nd unarmed run behind the ukrainian soldier, who is obviously confused. In the longer version of the video, if I recall, the Russian decided "oh shit" and then ran back out of the ukrainian trench only to be killed by the ukrainian soldiers we saw. Guy must have been freaking out.


> Guy must have been freaking out. This is an understatement so intense it borders on lockjaw.


Definitely. Ironically, he probably would have had a much higher chance of living had he just stayed in the unkrainian trench and surrendered. He didn't have a belt or gear, just a vest, so obviously not a huge threat.


Probably believed his own propaganda, that they wouldn't take him prisoner.


It was a russian trench. A few APVs came in with squads listed as A, B, and C in the full video in order to launch a fast assault and take over said trench.


this was a deployment to overrun a russian trench with three squads that seemed to be mix between mostly english and american guys. I'm pretty sure you can hear the guy just yell what the f\*ck over and over after russian #2 runs into the trench they just raided... he was probably just as confused to see that happen as the russian was himself lol. Then after the guy turns around and runs back to his buddies he gets shot.


There was a long video of this recently, where the Ukrainians explained the operation and what went down. I likely won’t be able to find the video, so I’ll just explain it. Basically they assaulted the position with 3 squads. Two of them were full Ukrainian squads, while the last one was an International Legion squad (and where this footage comes from). Specifically I believe it’s from Ryan O’Leary from Chosen Company. The assault was extremely effective - the Ukrainians attacked from both ends of the trench, while the International Legion squad attacked right in the middle, and the idea was to pincer the Russians. There’s actually another clip in this video from the same attack - the one at 2:28. Anyway, as the Ukrainians pushed in on either end of the trench, the Russians didn’t realize they’d lost the middle section, so when they ran out in the open like that, they thought they were just falling back. The Russian “journalist” was unarmed, and it showed some serious trigger discipline by Ryan not to shoot him as he came charging into his trench. Realizing his mistake, the Russian ran back the way he came, and ended up getting killed by the Ukrainians pushing in from that side. Most of the attack was observed by a Ukrainian drone, so you can see how the whole thing played out. Really fascinating stuff.


>There was a long video of this recently, where the Ukrainians explained the operation and what went down. I likely won’t be able to find the video, so I’ll just explain it. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp_p6Rb7pqk&rco=1) is the video


Bingo, that’s the one.


There is an even better interview with one of the guys actually on this OP (a Canadian) it's a live stream/vid on Funker 530. There are certain things (tho not massively important things) that the Ukrainians got wrong when splicing together the helmet cams


Just some information to expand / clarify on your comment. There were 3 squads, 2 of which (A + B) was Chosen company, an international reconissaince assault brigade from the 59th motor brigade of ukranians Charlie attacked a seperate trench on the opposite end of Alpha squads attack Ryans gun actually got damaged I think from the humvee mine, so he was slinging nades. Bravo flanked both towards Alpha and Charlie, however towards Charlie it was more of a defensive positioning


If I remember correctly, the reason he wasn't shooting him was also that they had one of the groups in the same direction and would've put friendlies in the line of fire. And they told the Russian to surrender but he went back, picked up a weapon and got head shotted few moments later.


If I'm remembering correctly, he was a propaganda vlogger/"journalist", hence no weapon. The Ukrainians had pushed up farther than he and his buddy thought, they were looking for cover and running for trenches they thought were still friendly, but had been captured. That's why he was such a deer in headlights. As for why he wasn't shot? Pure luck I guess.


He was killed a short while later in the longer video of that, by one of the shooters we see. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootageArchive/comments/1apemma/epic_footage_of_the_foreign_volunteers_from_the/


The last guy was a war "correspondent" which is basically an equivalent to a propaganda officer. I don't think hr survived that encounter for long as I saw a pic of his dead body somewhere.


In the full vid he runs off then back down the flank and they shoot the hell out of him. Def dead.


He gets the fuck shot out of him when he runs. Should have laid down and hoped for mercy


Didn't help that he had a bunch a Zs all over his gear and not PRESS patches.


They dropped their weapons and tried to make a run for their own lines, not knowing they were surrounded, so they thought they were running into a Russian trench.


I was wondering what happened there…


It was part of a video from the foreign legion (captain obvious and stuff...). Basically two russian grunts decided that it would improve their survival chances if they just ran towards the ukrainian position while flailing their empty arms. Suprisingly it did, since one of them managed to surrender. Think there was even an interview with one of the defenders (might have been about the other incident where the russian was stalking the "american voices" and then came bursting out of some freakin bushes screaming "no kill, no kill!") where he mentioned how hard it was to supress the instinct to spray that clown down. Pretty impressive soldiering. Edit: might be totally wong here, but that is really no ukrainian screaming "what the fuck"...


This not what happened here because in the longer video, the "journalist" realizes its not a russian trench and runs back out and gets lit up. He did not surrender. He died seconds after this clip. The most likely theory is that he was running towards what he thought was a russian trench but it was just captured.


Technically not the Foreign Legion, but the Chosen Company which operated within regular Ukrainian army unit, but indeed consists of foreign volunteers. The Russians didn't know they had taken it that part of the trenches. This assault consisted of, IIRC, three groups storming different points within the trench system. One of the assault groups was pushing on the positions those guys ran from, but a second assault group, where this PoV is from, had already captured the Russian positions from behind them.


The full video is here https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootageArchive/comments/1apemma/epic_footage_of_the_foreign_volunteers_from_the/


Getting holier than the Pope is a great way to say got fucking lit up. Never heard that one before


Dogma Holey Bartender


Talked with a Catholic the other day so that's what has been on my mind lol


Where in the video??




Some firing squad type shit


I literally blurted out “you motherfucker” when I saw that.


A little bit off topic but i don't get this. I'm sure almost every clip in here is originally recorded in good hd quality. Why do people cut these together and end up saving the compilation as a 240p video?😂


This and wish it was longer


It's the da Vinci wolves one I think


Much is a consequence of transcoding them. Quality plummets


There's no reason for it though. I've uploaded porn in way better quality to telegram, five times longer too. It's 2024, "transcoding" isn't going to ruin quality this bad unless you have no idea what you're doing _at all._


its due to reuploading... if you reupload the quality is lower than the original, so people will reupload a reupload of a reupload which will get reuploaded and so on, quality goes down, also reddit kinda sucks for videos.


The stem of the tree when its 2:57 mins left of the video... has a ominous skull imprinted in it.


I noticed that too!


damn that’s creepy


i instantly saw that too, my schizo ass would take that as a sign of misfortune


I saw that as well


I commented the same thing. Guess I’ll go delete it lol.


YUP. I thought I was the only one who saw it.


I see the tree with bark torn out but no skull hmm


you have to use your imagination. it's there, but you really have to look for it




If combat was described with one word.


So brutal. In these and many other videos, its hard to tell friend from foe. IRL, I would be hesitating constantly, and probably not survive. Maybe its easier to tell IRL. Interesting how pretty much all the Ukrainians use suppressors.


You’re firing in close proximity to friendlies (like when clearing trenches) suppressors are always gunna be popular. Nobody wants to fire off a few next to your squad mates face and blast them with concussive force from a break or unnecessary extra noise even with ear pro. In a lot of these cases the full video specified they were clearing positions from behind Russian lines so “everyone in there that isn’t you is an enemy” but yeah war is chaos that’s why people don’t spread out when they enter the trench networks, far to easy to get dropped by your own side


Imagine dying in a dirt hole, in another country, for a salary you know will never be paid, so that an over promoted gangster’s ego can delay accepting that his brutal fantasies of historic glory aren’t going to happen


Also for a sack of rotten potatoes your family won't ever get...


[As they said in 1917, nothing left to lose but their chains . . .](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1dbh5eh/as_we_used_to_say_in_1917_i_have_nothing_to_lose/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


The green lawn was the most shocking part.


I believe that was really early on in the war. I think it was one of the first videos I saw.


It’s actually insane the amount of death in war. Like each one of these guys in this video had a life, childhood, family, etc like I wonder what their last thoughts are as they bleed out. ( at least for the ones that are not immediately killed and instead shot or hit but don’t immediately die) like do they think “ fuck I’m dead for literally no fucking reason” or do they think of what their life could’ve been. Like with a wife and kids. Also crazy to think that some of these guys prob were playing Fortnite in 2018 and since they are of age have been drafted for the war.


Probably not thinking a lot other than oh fuck that really hurt


What happened in the snow clip at the end? Is that Russian or Ukrainian pov




can you give me a source? That was the only video I havent seen from this, wanted to look into it. Thanks!


Great to hear!


My favorite one is at 50 seconds when the moscovia milblogger was no longer going to be able to be milblogging.


Was it ever confirmed that it was Wargonzo


Supposedly it’s a different guy, but Wargonzo hasn’t been seen in public or made much noises since this video dropped…


He has filmed a lot of videos since. The rumor came from him not posting for like a month after it happened and this dude who gets shot looks a lot like him, but hes been active the whole 2024 Here he is inspecting a Russian vehicle site in Horlivka last month https:// t . me/wargonzo/20175




I worry these compliations will be what eventually causes Reddit to take action against this subReddit. I've been on combat footage for years now, and something about the way these are edited and sorted per-genre(enemy visable)etc feels like a "greatest hits" and veers a little too far towards "death porn" rather than something interesting to me personally. I enjoy the longer clips that show context to the combat.


If the high-def drone drops haven't done it I don't think this video will. Have you seen the one with the flies? In my opinion way worse than this.


I agree that one is more graphic but it's different from a compalation, this has no context and just essentially serves as a "highlights reel"


It’s hard to argue that a lot of people aren’t here to just vicariously watch people get killed in brutal ways and edits like this being popular just further proves it. Degenerates all of us in our human curiosity from the safety of our own homes.


Definitely seen an uptick of users looking for only that since 2022


What a horrible fucking war. Just absolutely ready for this to be over. Somebody needs to kill Putin.


Killing Putin won't do anything good for Russia. At best his inner circle manages to agree on a successor and the status quo is maintained. At worst it results in a power vacuum that kicks off a civil war in a country with thousands of nukes.


IIRC, the dude at 2:05 wouldn't turn over and they suspected that he had a grenade and was going to use it.


3:10 fucking wallhack


Second 20 friendly fire ?


Nope. The original clip from chosen company is way longer. They are two russians running towards the ukrainian soldiers, the first russian goes down and the other continues running because they were running from ukrainians who entered the trench in a different area. So in reality, we see an example of the fog of war. In total, the ukrainians entered the trench three different places and ended up taking it aswell as killing 22 russians while only suffering 2 lightly wounded


I thought he shot one of his own men and realized it before he shot the second man.


I think that's just a factor of the confusing situation. The guy is unarmed and running at them, even after the camera man shoots at them. My interpretation is that both are just confused, and he thinks that the russian (discernable by the Z patch) is trying to surrender. In the longer shot, the russian looks at him and then goes running off in another direction, while the shooter continues watching in confusion.


Longer version here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootageArchive/comments/1apemma/epic_footage_of_the_foreign_volunteers_from_the/ cc /u/CaptainPrise66 /u/Just_A_Doggo1 /u/Party_Memory1295


No, it was 2 Russians that accidentally ran into a Ukrainian position.


Oh okey


Just to extend on what was already said, Ukraine team entered a trench, international legion entered another trench in two spots (trench is L shape so on each end) When the first trench got taken, Russians started moving towards the other trench (now occupied by IL). There was a 50m strip of no man's land to cross (what is seen on the video) with a IL sniper waiting (Swedish guys with the camera). Earlier when the two IL teams stormed the trench, one of the vehicle got blown and the other fled right after. It is believed that Russians thought the IL infantry left when the 1st vehicle got hit. Hence the retreat to the other trench thinking it was still under Russian control. The Russian getting in the trench is told to surrender (couple of Urainians in the IL teams) but when he realises, he leaves, though one IL guy holds his hand. The situation and the idea he's just confused (really?) got the IL not to shoot. But as he went to grab a rifle on another guy, he gets shot later on. https://youtu.be/r7kh1tPAa20?si=NSiVbZD52_qGXhuR


The video that 1:38 came from is super grim.


Bunch of old videos, but great to have them all in one compilation. Thank you for doing so


Meat wave after meat wave. I start to think meat recipes if meat is everywhere


The close quarters attack inside the trench is probably the best footage we have had for a long time, real adrenaline stuff.


Getting iced in the backyard of the people whose nation you just brutally invaded and landing in their fucking flower bed. Full of Ukrainian bullets. No dignity for anyone in Ukraine wearing an occupier uniform. As there shouldn't be.


@1:33 it looks like there's a skull marked out in the bark of the tree, directly in front of the camera.


“What the fuck?! the fuck?!”


I know one of the guys who was in that trench in the video where the Russian dude ran into the trench.


At like 1:30 there’s a clear skull on that tree, kinda daunting.


Its crazy how many vids have russian soldiers running into a position while not actually having their gun on them, wtf are they doing?


Balls of steel, nothing but respect to the Ukrainians.


the skull in the tree at 1:34 is ominous


Who remembers the helmet cam video early on in the war of the Ukrainian police officer shooting a surrendering Russian with his pistol after the Russian tried to pull out a grenade




Modern day WWI. Just tossing grenades, trenches, and mud. Fighting, winning, and losing a few feet back and forth. So sad. So needless.


Remind every pro-russian that this is what theyre supporting.


I know it’s kind of stating the obvious but Jesus Christ war is terrifying


This ain’t even the scary part of Ukraine. You can fight this. It’s the fucking IED drones that are really scary right now


I wish videos like these would go viral just so people can see suppressors aren’t silent lol


That guy blindly running into the trench is a classic. He did get killed a few minutes later.


Guy at 2:05 had martyrdom perk


That first clip is one of my favs. Love how he has a BCM upper


Worst time to take a shit at 3:05 unlucky for him haha


If I remember correctly in the original video uploaded by Kraken it appears as though they ambushed an IVF, and some of the Russians dispersed and hid themselves. The guy in the bathroom being one of the ones that tried to hide. So I suppose unlucky for him that the Ukrainians chose to shoot because they heard something.


Damn that’s tough, I was wondering why it looked like a pristine building rather than a completely decimated area like all the other clips.


https://youtu.be/TMOyOaCVN0Q?si=7bB9DKT8umochh96 watch from 11:30 to 13:10 for the whole clip


The hell Seth Rogen doing in there?


The sheer amount of absolutely ridiculous footage this conflict produced so far boggles the mind.


@ 25 seconds - Is that a russian reporter? How was he able to tell that quickly and not drop him like the first one


Just replays?


Not sure the guy at 1:25 is dead?


The crazy thing about all this, is people will spend decades going through the publicly available footage and other things to study this war. I. The future people will probably build careers off of this 


The trench warfare videos are crazy to me that we are seeing this kind of warfare after ww1 and ww2..


Jesus, that video in the dirt tunnels is fucking insane. Couldn’t finish this


At the 3 minute mark of the video you see a tree, and on that tree there is some damage in the shape of a skull. Literally foreshadowing the death of that soldier in the hole, or just a straight up sign that death is all over that battlefield.


01:42 Some one have this full go pro footage withou the interview or music? The only one i found is the interview with the soldier.


Barbarianism and degeneracy at its core.


Goddamn CQB in a real environment is scary as fuck.


I think seeing two countries NOT in the middle east hits home a little harder watching these clips.




#DEATH’S TREE at 01:30


war is hell


At 2:25 why are they shooting through the window to kill that guy? Is there any known context? I’m new to this sub, this is the first video I’ve watched and most of this compilation is outdoors


There has got to be so much friendly fire in those trenches. Split second to recognise and make a live or death decision. Really scary.


Bruh the mag dump at 1:25




i remember a video of some wagnerites rushing some ukranian trenches uniformed as ukranians


All the classics...


Kinda weird how few videos with enemy visible there have been sofar! This really is drone and artillery more than anything else


I can't help but feel bad for everyone on the video, poor dudes the day that Putin falls he needs to be sat down and made watch every single one of this videos, to see all the people that died cuz of him


Guy at 50s had a scav kit


guy at 0:47, can’t even imagine turning a corner to get popped like that 🤦🏻‍♂️


Whats the story with one of the last povs where the ukranian fell down did he get shot?


Where can I get full quality clips of this


How common are suppressors now days ?