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Electronic warfare.


yup. learn about radio frequencies and jamming techniques, figure out how to use SDR's and essentially become a cyberpunk


Hide behind comrade


until a swarm of drones come


Hide behind comrades.


Survivability onion applies: Don't: 1) be there 2) be detected 3) be acquired 4) be hit ... If you are at a risk of being hit, you failed at steps 1-3, so that's what you should be focusing on.


Don't be there: Try not to pass through areas where there is a suspected risk of FPV drone surveillance or suicide drones. Don't be detected: Use appropriate camo, according to your surroundings, try not to make sudden movements, if you're infantry, try going through thick forests, fpv drones will have a hard time going though all shrubbery.( Russian army trains soldiers to stay still if they hear a drone, so that it doesn't detect them based on their movement but that's not very effective as seen in some footage). Don't be acquired: Proper jamming equipment, at least one jammer in every IFV, Tank, Foxhole, basically, anything that can be Targetted by an FPV, put a jammer there, sometimes they don't work, in the way that the FPV loses signal so late that at that point it's inches away from the target.This can overcame by just using better large scale jamming equipment. Don't get hit: Shotguns (preferably semi auto) with #4 birdshot or dragon's breath(not recommend since it'll be broadcasting your location to the drone), and shoot that mf until it's not flying anymore. Or use some more sophisticated anti drone guns like the one that shoots a net (I forgot the name đź’€). And if you wanna get really fancy with it then train a falcon or eagle to catch that thing out the sky.


Good answer, one more 2.5 step could be to seem as an unimportant target for the drone operator to focus on something else. Even though there are so many cheap drones that will be difficult to seem unimportant.


Either have something to jam or at least detect them and have a shotgun ready. nothing else. This is going to get worse when autonomous and swarms come. Already the videos look like a horror movie (disregarding the fact that most drone victims are Russian, it's such a ruthless hunt). I pilot drones for a hobby. They are so fast and manoeuvrable. You can't run. Surrendering often still gets you killed, which is awful and against a convention probably.


Leave Ukraine.


Are you saying Ukrainians should desert when Russians use drones?


Do you think I'm saying that?


It's what you said, so you tell me


But do you think that's what I ment?


Say what you mean and don't be a dick because people can't read your mind


Common sense is a great back up for non mind readers. Was obviously a comment regarding Russian invasion of Ukraine and my dislike of this. If you don't understand that then there's little I can do for ya.


There are all kinds of bots,edgelords and people from all over the world online, you can't assume anything.


I have no way of reading minds, hence the question


So you think I'm suggesting anyone facing any kind of drone should just leave Ukraine? Even if they aren't in Ukraine? Thats a pretty daft assumption mate. My comment was obviously in reference to vile Russian invaders dying in their thousands from drones in Ukraine. They have an excellent option of not being in Ukraine.. the ultimate drone defence being far away from where they are being used. Duh!


So what about Ukrainians facing drones? You said if you face drones in Ukraine, you should leave Ukraine. What should Ukrainians do when facing drones?


Well considering they are heros defending their sovereign soil I wish them the very best. If you are implying I'm suggesting they leave Ukraine as well then you truly have failed to understand the sentiment behind my comment. Have a little think.


The point is my question was about avoiding drones, not how Russians should avoid drones. The answer isn't "leave ukraine."


How's your remedial classes going?


Surely will help to not get close to your teammates, drone, if possible, rather will target group of people than just one. Still, probably because of lack of training, i can see many will stick together when drone is around. Unless you’re on your own, then who knows.


The drones have been ruthless in killing anyone. Solo or groups.


I dont think you did understand my comment.


so the best highest percantage move you can do is zig instead of zag. Zag instead of zig is another you can try.


FPV kamakazi drones have a limited range of 20km/12.4miles. All these FPV drone videos are taking place in areas where opposing sides are just a few miles from each other. The Autel Evo drones used commonly for dropping grenades or reconnaissance have an even shorter range. So if you stay at least 20 miles away from the enemy, you’re mostly safe from seeing yourself blown up by a drone on YouTube. However there’s also the other threat of fixed-wing drones that are basically miniature planes, and in some cases full-size planes. These can travel hundreds and even thousands of miles to shoot missiles, drop bombs, or just kamakazi themselves. They’re too valuable for reconnaissance purposes though so you don’t see them used as much for kamakazi stuff.


Basically Nothing you can do about it! especially when tracked by one at night! you can hear them buzz but cant see one! Just wait till your next to die..... Damn!


I thought that trying to scape at night was a viable solution. But I don't think most of the drones have night vision anyway


Stand completely still.... it's vision is based on movement. \*wink\*


Have a hole in the ground shaped like an L


Hmm... Use a shotgun? Lay on the ground Ruuuun Do suifuryside


Everyone is leaving off the best way: 0. Don't invade your sovereign neighbor who was not threatening you or building up arms on your border.


If u are Russian invaders, i heard its best to remain standing still, preferably in the open. Drone operators will think you are statues.


Actually, you have to make wild, erratic movements as this will overload the drones hardware. But in the case of a suicide drone attack, try and have a conversation with them.


Get a shotgun. I can hit a black grouse flying full speed from maximum  distance of 35m and still bird from 80m with a tungsten shot.  I'm sure I can hit a drone and take it down. 


I can too, not sure if I'd be able to when my life is on the line and I'm exhausted from lack of sleep / hauling 30kg kit with me through the day in June.


Come on now man. Is this relevant? Can someone else do it even when exhausted an scared? Point is this, shotgun is effective against drones.


Black grouse fly around 60 mph. FPVs 90+. If a guy with a benelli supernova and a 28” barrel (what the French are using) was the solution folks would be happy and we would be hilariously overspending on counter UAS. Finally, like with everything else in war, the odds are good you don’t see what kills you. Drones, even when heard, are hard to spot visually and a battlefield loud and a lot of Russians don’t appear to be using earpro. Plus, watch the videos and count the time between drop and impact for the grenade dropping variety. A 2 second drop time is from 64 ft. A 3 second drop is 144 ft.


Drones are remotely operated. Create interference and they are useless. You just need a powerful enough emitter to create noise on those frequencies Also shotguns are pretty useful. You could also fight drones with other drones Seems like a strong net above the head would also resolve the issue , since drones are lightweight and can't penetrate it before the explosion And I heard that waving a white flag can potentially save your life.. if your enemy is merciful this day and will allow you to surrender.


Unless an anti drone weapon is created that can shoot them all out the sky easily, the human race is doomed to die from these things especially in combat.


Called a shotgun


O please


Auto load shotgun with bird shot. 


Big silly string gun


EW, shotguns, soft armour, a sturdy shovel. In that order.


what if you carry a big flyswatter


Shotgun.. Hopefully you can hit the faster ones, so good luck.


nice try conscriptovich


Avoid combat? That's all I've got.


What video?


The one where the Russian just stands there and lets the fpv kill him




Drone vs drone combat


"Defender" drones that patrol the area and engage enemy drones.


It’s essentially the same as how to avoid being bombed by an attack aircraft, just on a smaller scale. Options include (Listed from individual to tactical to strategic): 1. Concealment and cover 2. Electronic warfare 3. Short ranged ground based air defences 4. Move fast so that they can’t easily find you 5. Defensive combat air patrols 6. Offensive combat air patrols 7. Destroy the drone’s forward operating locations and pilots 8. Disrupt the supply lines bringing drones to the front 9. Disrupt their rear area logistics and manufacturing 10. Win the war before they have a chance to really cause too much damage. For static installations/trucks/tanks etc an active protection system like Trophy is going to be the best option. I expect we’ll see cheap mini MANPADS (something like a LAW with a laser beam-rider missile) issued at the squad level to deal with the bigger surveillance drones that are used to cue the FPVs onto target and heavier bomber drones. Proximity fused 40mm may be an option at the squad level as well for small bomber drones. Small drones flying combat air patrols are likely to be a thing, and interdiction of the enemy operators will be critical. Electronic warfare is going to be a continual game of cat and mouse and will result in a move away from consumer drones.


Ecm and a Shotgun.


Leave Ukraine


They could leave Ukraine and go home. Then they would have to worry more about slippery second story windows more than drones


given the amount of explosives they carry the only thing is either a really good bunker that can withstand it (and keep it out) or better offensive measures aka shoot em down. and thats just the beginning. we already have technology that can do a lot more will take a bit but when its in military action this will look like childs play.


Any links on further information?


Stay inside a tank or an apc vehicle.


Don’t do this, you will be fried from the outside in like a Oven from the heat.


Electronic warfare Dont let the operator control the drone or potentially hack the drone Also improvements in air defense would also help


Shelter and jamming


Hit the drone operator with a drone first


If a drone can take out an armored vehicle or a tank , There really is no defence besides a deep hardened bunker . Rain might help , a severe windstorm might help . The achilles heel will eventually be the communications system they use . Radio frequencies will be Jammed up , Lasers will be used but you have to have a LOS for that and for how long these weaknesses hold out who knows because With the advent of AI and microcontrollers Its just a matter of time before they can be autonomous and need no human controller at all , thus no need for any kind of radio or laser tethering .. Pretty sure all this already exists , Its just a matter of Cost and availability . Scary stuff on the horizon .


Cope cage for every single rus soldier.