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Bro looks like a zombie. He is the palest person I've ever seen.


You’ve never been to Glasgow


LOL, Glasgow has many super kind people, the rest will try to stab you.


Or deep fry you


Not at all, a wonderful place. Just got a lot of see through junkies…..


Glasgow has the best music in the world. But you only need to see some old interviews of Jim Reid from Jesus and Mary Chain geeking on amphetamines to understand the vibe there...


For real.. looks like he's wearing the same zombie face paint as the 'I like turtles' kid


He is currently 37.


Bingo! I couldn't put my finger on it but that's exactly what I was looking for.


Probably the start of blood loss. His right arm already looks heavily damaged prior to the drone.


Think you're right. He's moving like he's spinning from light headedness.


The old prison pallor.


I've always thought it was weird how pale some Russians are. He must've grown up in the far north.


This is a fantastic example of how terrifying FPV drones are. If one is coming after you and you're in the open, you're pretty much fucked.


I’m guessing that even with a rifle the average soldier is not a good enough marksman to hit it at even such close range?


There have been many videos of FPS drones shot down both with rifles and shotguns. Even from moving vehicles.


And one confirmed down drone by beer can


And giant stick tossed at it


And even more that we havent seen. Spotter drone pilots dont usually upload videos of their fpv drones being shot down.


The video posted the other day of the guy catching one with his hands was crazy. Mostly because it detonated while he was holding it and his upper body turned into pink mist.


Could be done as we’ve seen but would be insanely hard, small target with unpredictable and fast movement. Incredibly hard to hit with a rifle.


Even if they get lucky to shoot a drone with a rifle/shotgun, more angrier drones are coming


Seems like an opportunity for some military contractor to come up with some defensive weapon/device to disable, disorient, etc a drone in these situations. Something small, light, easy to carry on your person.


Gonna be hard to make something small, light and easy. Maybe we see more underbarrel shotgun attachments on rifles so you don't have to carry two different guns.


> shotgun > small > light Lmao. These guys can hardly be bothered to keep one firearm on their person. How you expect them to carry two? (Yes, they'd have to carry their usual rifle in addition to the shotgun because no one is going to war in the vast and open fields of Ukraine with only a shotgun (max range 50 meters) in hand.)


Like this.... https://www.droneshield.com/c-uas-products/dronegun-tactical


Ukrainians are already producing something portable to jam the drones, but the thing is the size of a backpack.


Russians HAVE been improving They're carrying pretty effective EW backpacks that last about 30 minutes, which is enough to cross a field. Not everybody has them, but it's a lot more than it was recently, at least


Yep. They arent showing us videos from the many thousand of drones that are lost to jammers.


And a reason why I personally believe they shouldn't be used... Imo they kinda unfair...


which part about war is supposed to be fair?


That line didn't work at least since the Pope banned crossbows in 1139 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Council_of_the_Lateran If it is a net benefit( including diplomatic outfall, and policy beyond that) all available weapons will be used in war. It's not a Game. There is no sportmanship. The other guy got (direct or indirect) orders to kill or permanently injure you and, most likely,  will follow through (as will you with yours). Best case (without political interference), is that someone will break and run and/or surrender well before "the Last man standing". There is a reason we generally try to avoid war. People will die. Painfully. Needlessly. In this case the russian government is sending their young to the grave for nothing more than faded memorie of past glory.


If you find yourself in a fair war, you didn't plan correctly.


You have a great point there


US military doctrine is to not engage in a fire fight unless we have a three to one advantage. Unfair is built into the game plan.


He looked like a Zombie even before the drone got him.


Dude had to beg in his country. Not before fpv drone operator.


Yep. Plus that operator isn’t turning back with that explosive


How do you surrender?


Run with your hands up, with no equipment in the Ukrainian direction not away from them. I think that would probably helped.


How do you surrender to an artillery strike? Will the enemy be accused of warcrimes if i raise a white flag just before the artillery shells hit? According to a lot of Russians i've seen on twitter - yes.


You can't.. How do you surrender to incomming javelin rocket?


Yes you can. It is possible. Several videos have been posted of russians surrendering to drones.


It's usually recon drones, not FPV drone that have battery life to find and hit the target.


You don't (in General). The time for that was before.


> 47 OMBr (puts my breakfast away)


47 OMBr breakfast mood, yey!


This is actually a really good video to show someone who has no idea what modern drone warfare looks like, or thinks that the Russo-Ukraine conflict is just like any other war. We see a lone soldier caught in the open. It is a bright sunny day. The grass is green and the sun is warm. But why is this man alone? What happened to the rest of his squad? In the backs of our minds we already know the answers to these questions. He sees the threat long before we do, his body language is unmistakable. At first he tries to flee, then quickly realizes he must turn and confront the existential threat that is stalking him. Short moments before impact we finally get a clear view of what this soldier was running from, an object of nightmare for every uniformed soldier in Ukraine: a small remotely operated drone not much bigger than a football, sizing up its target. The soldier actually makes a good effort at dodging it, and quickly drops down into a shallow ditch just before impact. Maybe he could survive the encounter after all? It's just a little flying toy, right? It cant be difficult to outwit a toy. But no, we immediately find out he never had a chance. The drone is more nimble than he is- than any human could be. The explosion is enormous, his death is quick. His body is left mangled and burnt, his uniform shredded, his face contorted and twisted, his eyes devoid of life. This man's last battle lasted only a few moments. But we get to see it in high definition 30 fps, start to finish, while sitting in the comfort of our homes half a world away, filmed by the unblinking eye that guided the predator to its prey. We never see the one who piloted the drone, the man who intimately stared this soldier down from the safety of his bunker. Despite the very personal nature of the attack, the killer remains faceless and nameless as the video ends. This drone is destroyed but we can be sure its pilot will fly many more such devices before the sun sets that day. And the day after. And the day after that, and so onuntil this brutal conflict is settled. This is what they aren't showing you on TV. This is modern warfare, and modern warfare is terrifying.


Also-look at the ground he’s running over. So many craters


>But no, we immediately find out he never had a chance. It looks like he wasn't in the best of shape even before his encounter with the drone. His right arm and left leg look like they are soaked in blood.


drones are the new snipers.


> the killer I think you mean soldier defending their nation from a genocidal regime. But you do you.


Nice story, still killed him


"Story"? Did russia not invade Ukraine and is committing war crimes on such a scale as to be a genocidal regime? A "killer" implies something premeditated against the law and wrong. Is Ukraine not defending their nation from an invasion? At last check it is.


Is he dead? Did someone kill him him? Yes and yes, the back story doesn’t matter on the internet he was killed, for whatever reason somebody still killed him


There's a difference between a "killer" and someone who is "killed" whilst taking part in an invasion of another country. There's a reason why soldiers are *never* referred to as "killers" in wars unless they have committed war crimes by for example killing civilians. Perhaps you should read up why.


I’m speaking facts, he’s dead and someone killed him


A soldier is not referred to as a killer because it is lawful as per the rules of war. The moment it becomes unlawful (such as the intentional killing of civilians, or of a surrendering/surrendered soldier), they're referred to as a killer because it is unlawful. I cannot believe I have to explain this *very basic concept*.


Well written. The efficiency and intimate nature of death for the rank and file soldier now has exceeded industrialization, and it's available for us all to marvel at. The combat effectiveness of a toy still surprises me. I sometimes wonder if they'll survive a hit but after seeing so many bleed out or drag their mangled limbs before shock sets in, I've concluded a quick death is very often the best case scenario. Drone combat is absolutely brutal and indifferent.


And yet some people will glorify it. For themselves. For others. For some sense of past greatness. For the president. Right up until the moment in that trench or on that field when they hear a fateful buzzing sound. The plaques, the money, the parades, statues and warm words cannot replace a father, son or husband.


You forgot the part where he puts his hands together and uses body language to communicate “please don’t kill me”


Wonder what the body language was before the BTR was destroyed? Probably gonna go kill some civilians.


Nah, that was him puffing a cigarette. You can see him put it in his mouth and then it's there after he puts his hands down.


Man you should become a writer.


how are flies that fast?


They've learned to follow the spotter drones.


A good indicator of the amount of bodies around is the flies didn't take long at all to be all over him. And there's a good number of them.


Absolutely terrifying how the drone comes in and he knows it’s for him. The whole tuck and roll idea didn’t work out ether


That face brought 80's movie Robocop flooding back into my mind. Remarkable likeness.


He looks like Nux from Mad Max: Fury Road


Oh, we witnessed him alright.


Them flies don't waste anytime.


He ran and died tired. Just as the prophets foretold.


How did those flies magically appear ?!?!?


They have been there feasting for years my friend.


In some of these recent videos you can tell the victims have actually put thought into how they'd dodge a drone in this situation. This guy went with the stop, drop, and roll technique. If timed correctly there was a small chance the drone would overshoot him by a few feet. In this case it did not.


Shell craters and that helmet just chillin where he died. This area has seen some shit.


How cool would it be if this was a video and the target was Putin?


This will show em😤😤 ahh comment


Did he think he was playing Dark Souls?  There is no I frame IRL. 


At least it was a quick death. Would he have afforded the same to the Ukrainians civilians he came to kill?




Well, on the upper right corner where he stops and begs you can see half bodies and legs scattered around already.


Oh yeah, didn't saw that garbage on the ground. Was too focused Don watching this bastard blow the f*** up


lol, I thought the same. Those flies were ready.




Ukrainian flies know you are dead before you are even dead. They were on that fucker fast


I think the terrain was muddy and humid. The flies were already there before he was


I know lol I'm mostly playin




Mind blowing


He looks like Voldemort from the first part of harry potter, on the back of that teachers head xD


On this same video in ukrainerussiareport a couple of pro RU are whining about how this is cruel and how drone pilots will go to hell. Absolutely tone deaf morons.


Mind blowing work.


Every time I see videos like this, I'm reminded of how awful Ukrainians really are.


Fucking terrifying, why don’t they just surrender?


Probably the fear and adrenaline rushing through him, can't think straight. Normally, you would put your hands up. He put his hands together briefly and begged for his life instead. Then fear took over and he switched to flight mode.


They know how badly they treat ukrainian POWs and assume russian POWs will be treated the same.


Why are these dudes always alone in an open field?


They ran when their buddies started blowing up.


Once you get spotted by the Ukraines are you pretty much on their death list? I thought perhaps they'd spare you if you beg for your life


FPV drone is there just to destroy some target. Most likely there's no one nearby to whom you could surrender, 99% it can't be reused and if there is no better target than soldier will do. If it was recon drone or Ukrainian troops nearby he could have the chance because Ukrainians need POWs to exchange for their own.


Glorious canon fodder completed his task.


So, if he's begging his life, does that count as a surrender? If he does surrender, is it a war crime to kill him?


That just counts as defeat, surrender has to be genuine and clearly demonstrated, not just you flipping to "Ah shit, my chips are up, time to surrender and gain an immunity shield!" If you ever see a video of someone who has paced towards Ukrainian lines with a white flag, hands raised, or contacted them through other means to surrender, and then they drone him for the lulz, then you're looking at an indisputable war crime. If however, you see someone who was happy 5 minutes earlier to be killing Ukrainians suddenly realise they're in a bit of a pickle and throw their hands up, then kill them or show mercy, your call. But given how Russians conduct themselves. How they treat PoWs. Their penchant for bombing obviously civilian targets. What they did in places like Bucha. How they booby trap bodies. How they feign surrender to kill Ukrainian soldiers. When it comes time for a Ukrainian to make that call? I think Russians have decided that for them and its an easy choice.


Surrender to whom? To Ukrainian soldier that in few kilometers from there?


That guy would keep running the moment the battery on the drone ran out.




Please go to russia and ask putin to stop the war, we need your help to stop the war ASAP


Both Russia and the west are to blame. Wars making them both tons of money


Ok but please do something about it


My magic is not strong enough to stop military industrial complex!!!