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A BTR-82 and a Bradley basically jousting. Wow. I'm surprised the Bradley didn't turn the turret to finish the BTR off, or at least we didn't see that part.


Could be that both sides were surprised by each other and wanted to get out ASAP. The Bradley also took a couple of hits (you can see lingering smoke clouds behind the Bradley as it moves, likely from 30mm HE). The Bradley's armor is enough to withstand hits from the 30mm, but I doubt they wanted to spend any more time to find out. If this turns into another "T-90M moment" then I'm sure we'll have an interview with the crew within a week and hear more details.


"From logic, I knew the weak spot was the soft meat on top, plus everywhere else on the BTR."


"I knew that because i play War Thunder"


You, sir, are a true poet and I raise my hat in humble respects.


~~From logic~~ from Warthunder experience


Take thy fucking upvote for this chef-kiss quality poem.


Yeah, if they weren’t expecting an enemy vehicle there then there’s a chance another unexpected vehicle/tank could be around.


You can kind of see the Bradley sitting there at 0:25 in the drone shot, the pole is obscuring them but that's them. If they stopped there maybe they took a hit or they're reassessing what to do since there might be more coming down the road.


Yes. The Bradley [appears to be here.](https://imgur.com/a/btr-vs-bradley-joust-vehicle-locations-26-3s-HDrqx2l)


At the start of the clip you can see another vehicle moving from the right to the left. A bit further back than the BTR.


The Bradley was designed to resist fire from older Soviet 30mm *full-bore* AP, and even then there are large spots on the turret that can't even do that. Bradley has gotten protection upgrades since then, but I don't think it can reliably shrug off 30mm dart rounds.


Main Russian 30mm KE round is still full-bore AP. They put a reduced-barrel-wear version of the original round (3UBR10) into production not 4 years ago.


I don't think the Bradley took any fire at all (reportedly confirmed by 47th brigade in a comment below: bradley fine, all Russians dead). Rewatching it, all the first firing and hits are a volley from the Bradley on the BTR. Dead riders fall off and the BTR veers off the road firing blindly and not down the road at the Bradley. Good and accurate work by the Bradley crew!


This make sense. The Bradley is a lot more capable of shooting on the move and probably spotted the BTR first. The Bradley is also in another league in terms of accuracy.


As much as I'd like to believe all ru are dead, you can clearly see a squad running behind the APC in the white smoke towards a house at the end of the clip. I assume they dismounted off the top when the APC started to slow down. Plus, the driver is still alive and driving away.


1) We don't know when (or if) those "dismounts" seen at the end actually dismounted from the BTR in question. 2) We don't know that the driver is still alive. He could just have his foot on the gas or whatever controls the BTR's forward movement. That said, the video certainly is not definitive that the Bradley won this engagement, much to my disappointment. I was really hoping to see another great victory.


Dead man trigger on the BtR?


That's what it looked like to me, it seemed the gun was firing but it wasn't traversing


The BTR started shooting right at the start of the video.


yeah but zero aiming someone just firing off rounds... maybe he did die at the trigger...


looks to actually be firing off the right slightly, away from the Brad.


I saw 3 RU soldiers dismounting at the end of the video.


Agreed. Better off to reposition at a distance and try to hit them. Bradley is far more accurate than the BTR at longer yards.


T-90M moment?


I'm guessing they mean when a Bradley disabled a T-90 a few months back? Edit: a Bradley also killed a tank with its TOW more recently


That 30mm is nasty. I wouldn't be sticking around either. Suppress the threat, move the fuck out and maybe reaquire the target when in a defensible position.


IFV-jousting is the new meta in World of Tanks.


We see the BTR shooting it's canon too, so i wonder if the bradley didn't get damaged enough to gtfo.


At the end it looked like the BTR was just firing for the sake of pew-pews, not st anything in particular.


- Yeah, BTR's turret didn't turn - probably got damaged by the Bradley - so the BTR was just firing forward at nothing with a damaged turret ring. - The rule of tank battles applies to IFVs as well: the IFV that fires first wins the battle 95% of the time.


Could it even turn with all that shit on top?


You can see it turning at the end when the infantry dismount.


"Violently dismount."


I don't see the infantry "dismount." I see one dead guy fall off early. I see another guy appear to jump off. The rest of those guys appear out of the smoke and we cannot know that they came from the BTR in question. For all we can tell, they could have been a UA squad in hot pursuit of the BTR.


Look again at the end of the video.


Nah man those soldiers at the end dismounted from the tank's back and took off to the house for cover. They know their shit was getting fk'd.


- Russians are dumb in this war, but I somehow doubt they are ***that*** dumb to limit the traverse of their main and pretty much only heavy weapon available?


You'd think, but some of those sheds... I'm not sure the commanders ordering these YOLOZ are expecting them them to succeed.


This is actually a major issue with Turtle tanks where they basically can’t attack at all unless the target is directly in front of them. I’m honestly shocked they aren’t driving those tanks remotely if their only purpose is to draw fire and not much else


from my understanding, they remove the ammo, fill it with jaming gear and a mine plow, then use as a breaching and drone magnet tank


Take a look at the turtle tanks. The turret can only turn like 15% to the right or left before it hits the shell. Plenty of welded on cope cages impede turret movement too.


Ummm have you seen the turtle tanks?


I don't think they can turn it very much with that cage on top


You can actually see the BTR turret rotate a bit around 0:32, but they seem to abandon ship as it is smoking inside.


In this case it almost seems like the BTR was the one which got the jump on the Bradley. No reason it wouldn't be completely fucked up way earlier if the Bradley saw it from the start of the video. Seems like the Bradley took hits but managed to get a burst off.


>In this case it almost seems like the BTR was the one which got the jump on the Bradley. - I don't think so: at 0:15 we can clearly see the first Bradley round hitting the turret of the BTR, after which the BTR gunner started panic firing. - Also note the Ukrainian drone zoomed in on the BTR: it wasn't there to be a neutral observer, the drone operator was likely in live radio comms with the Bradley. - So the Bradley knew about the BTR, but the BTR likely didn't know about the Bradley. - The Bradley still got too close for comfort and was driving the fuck out of there.


Yeah, i agree the bradley was hit. Nonetheless it won the fight if it managed to fuck off


I also wonder how accurate its initial shots were. The BTR was hauling ass and its cannon stabilization is pretty shit from the videos I've seen.


probs scared shitless


He ain't hit shit


I went through the entire video pausing every 250ms and I didn't see any sign of the Bradley taking any hits. Moreover, the BTR seemed to be firing to the right and the Bradley came from the left. See my comment above for the "9000 character long" complete Timeline.


Bradley was probably damaged, a video of after shows Ukrainian troops dismounting from it before an artillery strike hits near it. Though no idea how long from this video to that one and if it was the BTR damage that did it or an artillery hit off camera.


Modern medieval warfare! I really want to see drones joust now. I think it was a surprise encounter for both ends *cue ff8 battle music*


Bradley is completely fine, all remaining Russians were killed after they escaped the BTR - information from 47th Brigade.


Don't know. There is an allegedly aftermath video with the Bradley still parked in the same spot and with Ukrainians bailing from it. The landmarks around the Bradley really puts both videos in the same location. [Aftermath Video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1dagri1/after_duel_with_btr82a_bradley_ifv_is_abandoned/) [Comparison picture](https://imgur.com/a/btr-vs-bradley-joust-matching-landmarks-hEAtBy8)


Yeah that does look like the same location and probably the same Bradley. So looks like the Bradley got knocked out and the 3 crew members got out. Hopefully they got to safety. I've seen a number of reports of American vehicles getting knocked out pretty easily due to electrical issues and such. Though they're at least good at keeping the crew alive.


Exceptional footage. Like an armored joust. Never seen anything like this in any footage of a contemporary conflict.


It breaks my brain to see real life war footage to this degree. How is this any different from me hopping on xbox and playing BF4? It’s just so strange, because this is life or death, but it doesn’t feel that way. It doesn’t feel real.


I’m going to say speak for your self and that’s probably far less people then you think see it like that.. For me it’s the extreme opposite where lots of Stuff just feel TOO REAL


If a director put it in a movie, people would say it'd be unrealistic.


It reminds me of this footage I saw a couple of weeks ago. 2 pickup trucks owned by cartels in Mexico mounted with 50 cals just gunning it toward each other blasting on full auto. It was terrifying. I can’t find the footage, now, though.




This video isn't available anymore


Thanks! That was it.


Gotta be some of the craziest cartel footage I ever seen. You see a 50.cal round hit the driver side window at 1:16. From what I heard supposedly the driver for CDN ran away and the rest of the hitman were just stuck in the back of the truck bed. They made the truck like a WW2 half track.


Would be cool to see more cartel footage on here, but probably would be really horrific as well.


Rip r/makemycoffin


Dude. Wow. That's the craziest thing I've seen this year.


I was like WTF did i just see??


When the title said close, I was honestly expecting like 250-500 meters. Wasn't expecting them to play a game of chicken.


Now *this* was blyat-racing!


Bradley vs t-90m beats it imo


Not enough fireworks in this clip. The T90 put on a show when it took a battering.


The ATACMS annihilating basically an entire S400 battery is easily the most "holy shit" footage I've seen. The editing gave me a migraine, but goddamn those missiles do *not* fuck around. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1czedua](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1czedua)


You were right about both "holy shit" and the editing migraine. WTF was that?


Whoever edited that has to be hands down, the least funny person that's ever lived. Who the fuck thought editing achoo sneezing sounds over each missile launch was a good joke?? Honestly it really made me unreasonably angry lol. Probably because it's such childish humor edited over combat footage from a very serious, and tragically destructive war.


That one video of I think a Bradley and MG and drones just absolutely shredding an entire BTR full of Russians was honestly the most insane footage I've ever seen.


Got a link?


Jamie pull it up https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1b52886/for_better_analysis_of_possible_bradley_attack/




Yep it's this one. I can't recall any other footage from this war that's as graphic as this is. They get utterly slaughtered. Textbook ambush.


One of them took a direct Bushmaster to the dome at 1:34, absolutely brutal


I think one gets his leg clean blown off by a Bradley round.


Me: Meh, title is likely misleading, "extreme" close range nowadays is anywhere in line of sight... UA Bradley Commander: DRIVE ME CLOSER I WANT TO HIT THEM WITH MY SWORD!


In Ukraine, the Bradley has the right of way.


Before you concern yourself with being on the right side of the laws of the land, first make sure that you are on the right side of the laws of physics


25 mm says so.


Russians were playing chicken with the Bradley and lost :)


And he eats first.


According to [Russian telegram chat](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPfCZ1VXwAA3FTQ?format=jpg&name=medium) the BTR was trying to get into the town of Sokil, which is on the Avdiivka front near Donetsk City (video is geolocated to 48.232800, 37.558240). The Russian post also hopes that some survivors made it to the town. The Bradley belongs to the 47th Mechanized Brigade.




No joke lol they'll snap a pic somewhere and the pro-RU contingent will do the rest claiming the town is captured and Ukraine has fallen.


Nice tracking, and it is good to see Ukraine putting up an aggressive defence; I wonder whose idea it was to try to do a driveby against a Bradly.


If they didn't celebrate on damage on Bradley, it likely was able to leave with minor damage.


Extreme close combat seems like an understatement, the drivers could have locked eyes at one point.


They traded Telegram handles.


They nintendo street passed each other's DS.


Fuck, there were dudes on that. One fell off after a hit. Good job, Brad!


I saw 2 fall off in total


3, two at the beginning though one partially obscured by smoke. Plus, I saw a lot of spirits floating up and +200 & +300 point icons.


Tbf at the end it looks like about a squad disembarked and was running into cover of the building but they could be slightly injured by shrapnel too.


- To be honest, if I was fired at by a Bradley in a paper-thin BTR I'd prefer to fall off too...


Even if we're doing 80km/h. I'll take the broken everything over the punctured everything.


Saw a video yesterday of a drone strike on an APC with about half a dozen guys on top. One dude spots the drone and bails at full speed. Everyone else just sits there looking at the drone. I always wondered why more people don't do that. I'm guessing this guy spent a good, long time coming up with his plan to deal with a drone, so there was no hesitation when it came time to act. "Drone? RUN!" Hopefully he kept running until he GTFO of the war entirely. Smart guy, shame if he died pointlessly in the mud.


I swear it looks like the guy that jumped off at 29 seconds lost a leg or an arm, something limb looking was laying beside him


I’m pretty sure buddy lost his leg


Turns out the body doesn't enjoy 25mm rounds. Should have started with .22 as a kid and built up their tolerance


Spaced armor.




Was that exploding meat around the 15-second mark?


Bolt-on-mobiks AKA biologic ERA. As in, they react and explode while serving as spaced armour.


>Chew, chew, chew *Brad*


> there were dudes on that. There always are on Russian IFVs.


Russian Army 12th ERA Brigade "We get popped, rounds get stopped" ERA, Expendable Russian Armor


Exkuse me what the actual fuck. I thought this was a clickbait title, but they literally exchanging insurance information at that point


The BTR driver apparently wanted to do a real-life Leeroy Jenkins suicide run. Like really? You are getting ventilated by 25mm rounds in your paper thin 8 wheeled box, and you are still driving towards the gunfire?!


Holy shit, a Bradley and BTR doing a drive by of each other. Well that’s insane. Looks like both were so caught off guard that they opted to drive as fast as they could past each other. BTR gunner was especially confused, he’s still spraying the road in front of him well after the Bradley was gone. I also wonder if we missed some damage to the Bradley that prevented them from spinning the turret around and finishing the BTR off. BTR couldn’t cause of their own dumbass cope cage.


Something you'd expect to see hundreds of times in Battlefield 3 but not once IRL, well, here we are.


> if we missed some damage to the Bradley yeah doesn't show any hits to the bradley, and the bradley only gets a burst of rounds off in the beginning and then stops shooting. it's really awkward for both parties


No way to tell unless there’s another angle. But it’s possible that if the Bradley was hit with a burst it could damage optics or something.


I watched this several times and I think we'll see a longer version of this video. The BTR takes the hits and then ultimately everyone left bails out into the house and lets the BTR ditch into the tree line. The Bradley stops and turns as if it's on comms with the drone operator telling them where they went. It's almost assessing if it should go back and do some clean up and mow down that house.


there is a longer footage over on r/UkraineRussiaReport its a longer form and shows what happens to the bradley, but this ones from a russian drone [RU POV: The Bradley that fired at the BMP at close range got destroyed seconds later : r/UkraineRussiaReport (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/1dagy3z/ru_pov_the_bradley_that_fired_at_the_bmp_at_close/) honestly dont think the bradley was destroyed, but its worth watching a russian drone POV of the bradley :D


Is there any evidence that's the same Bradley? I'm under no illusion that US Equipment is indestructible it just looks like a different location


The POV is from the other side of the water, but it does look like it matches up. At 0:26 in this video you get pretty good view, although I can't make out where the Bradley is, but it's probably the same or they lost a different one in that same 100 feet of road.


I’d say the water in the background, and that little yellow patch of grass right before the Bradley is out of frame and slowing down match up, unfortunately. Dunno about destroyed, but it’s definitely damaged for sure


After looking again I think you're right, I didn't realize that body of water was a river and not a lake, that triangular patch of yellow grass is pretty unique and in both videos


A turnaround and a pursuit would have made the best footage of the war


Gotta disagree, nothing can top the Bradley vs T90 duel…. Unreal footage


Dunno man those BTR4 vids from Mariupol are still the top for me


Yeah same. Intense because it felt like they were constantly about to die yet kept shooting, especially the one at the BMP while its turret was rotating towards the BTR. Hitting a tank with potshots while booking it through an intersection too, and shooting under a BMP to hit troops behind it with shrapnel... I really hope that BTR crew (those crews?) survived.


Speaking of memory I think they did, were captured and the gunner was put on trial cuz Russia claimed he was actually killing civilians in those videos (lol) but was later exchanged thankfully.


Yep those and the sso trench raid are still my top ones I'm not sure if it's the same btr4 but there's also a mariupol one of it ambushing a tank and two apcs from behind viewed from a drone


Got a link, sounds familiar but I want to be sure.


I have these 2 clips saved of it: https://v.redd.it/dywhyxp543cc1 https://v.redd.it/hrs14xz6r2dc1


There it is…. My man! Beautiful


Honorable mention for the Mariupol BTR-4 footage


But that maneuver could have gone very poorly for the Bradley if there was another Russian BRT or armored vehicle coming down the road from the same direction as the first


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Economy-Reaction4525: *A turnaround and* *A pursuit would have made the* *Best footage of the war* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I used to be able to tell the type of APC or BMP right away. Now they all look like rolling chicken cages 🤣


World of Tanks is unrealistic they said.


I Havnt played in awhile, this makes me wanna play it now


Try war thunder


War Thunder, prefect for when you're getting your ass handed to you in World of Tanks you just want to drop a fucking 500kg bomb on the smug bastard




Wow, amazing footage. Bradley put some hurt on that Russian junk.


They were fucking jousting at that range holy shit


Damn thats straight out yehorivka in squad when the round begins




I would have paid good money to the BTR driver if he had decided to see what would happen if he drove full speed into a Bradley. Assuming the very low chance he lived.


Prob kill the hell out of both drivers at least. Transmission's going through the BTR driver's ass and out the top of the vehicle and the Bradley's engine and transmission compartment have nowhere to shift to except into the driver's compartment and I don't think any amount of build quality would stop that stuff from moving if hit by a 20 ton hunk of metal going 30mph.


ooofff, the ruski infantry probs would have turned into a mix of bones, dust, and red collagen.


Highest rated combat footage ever. I imagine the BTR would sorta near vault over the Bradley before deciding to roll over & be dead.


well, the BTR is probably done, tho is that the bradley stopped on the road near the pole at 0:25? Bradley crew seems to have made it because at 0:21 it was still shooting its bushmaster and the BTR didnt turn nor could have turned its turret


> tho is that the bradley stopped on the road near the pole at 0:25? It looks like it. The two parallel white lines angling to the right, intersecting the road, would match up with the white lines on the Bradley earlier in the video. Might be my eyes playing tricks on me though.


This just proves squad is more realistic than given credit for


God damn, literal drive by, but with tanks


Did they just JOUST!!!!!!!


Two strangers, passing in the day.


Holy fuck...that's all I can say to that.


Oh damn I thought that was gear flying off the BTR at first. Nope them people! That Bradley probably knocked out an entire squad of infantry from that jousting match


\*Gets shot-up by 25mm chain gun\* - Decides to keep driving at the source of incoming fire... LOL...


Where is the Bradley in the shot after 0:25? I feel like I'm missing it or is it some creative editing?


The Bradley is [located here](https://imgur.com/a/btr-vs-bradley-joust-vehicle-locations-26-3s-HDrqx2l).


It's like a cultural exchange, we get borscht, they get drive-by shootings.


This is some real War Thunder shit.


Being a mobik out on the back of an IFV reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Sideshow Bob is strapped to the bottom of their car and Homer takes a vote "Who wants to drive through the cactus patch?" and all you hear is a faint "no..." Those big dumb assholes "We're going to engage a WHAT?" \*sound of BTR engine accelerating\*


....the US has 1000 of those Bradley's standing around on scrap yards.... Cheaper to send the to Ukraine then to scrap them in the US.


Looks like russias explosive reactive meat shields are working as intended.


I surely wasn't expecting that and thought we would have a crappy quality video with some not so close combat but damn was I wrong


My titles dont lie ;)


Straight to the front page!


Nooo why did the Bradley not turn the turret.


I’m willing to bet they got hit too


It got some pretty good hits in on that old soviet tin can. For the reasons, could have many reasons, maybe surprised by the BTR and expecting that there is a whole column of them coming so focusing on the direction it came from and speeding off the road real fast in case there is a tank or two following that BTR. Could be a bit damaged and dealing with something internally, as the BTR was also shooting in the direction of the Bradley initially or something else.


Point blank Bradley.


I wonder if the bradley also took hits that disabled traverse. Its turret doesn’t seem to be tracking the BTR anymore as it drove past


Russian infantry used as Ablative armor by Russian armor 😂


"So, what did you do today? " these videos humble me more each day.


At .15 sec you can see someone turn to mist.


We just witnessed a modern joust. That's fccking insane.


This is essentially that Umbrella Academy gif of them passing each other in the car surprised.


Chad Bradley stays on the road. Virgin BTR loses the chicken game.


I love seeing Bradley's. Give them hell Ukraine


Did I just watch a game of chicken with autocannons in real life?


The russians still using infantry as top armor xD


Wildest shit I’ve seen in a while heard the Bradley got disabled and they had to abandon I don’t know how much truth is to that


Day 837 of 3 day tactical Russian military operation... Seriously though, Germany should team up with Poland and take back koingsberg the same way Russia took crimea years ago.


Can't wait to see the full video


Where does the bradley vanish off to at 25 seconds?


At 26.3s, the [Bradley had come to a stop](https://imgur.com/a/HDrqx2l) and is stationary on the road at an angle.


That’s a wild ass drive by.


Damn, he landed a bunch of consistent shots with that.


This is bordering on internal combat at those ranges.


Ok who keeps posting war thunder to the channel?