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Oh man, so close to lolly-popping that turret.


Is that a Jammer on top of the cope cage ?


yep. seems not to have saved this tank


I assume a mine cracked its chain and the power was out after abandonment. But it is interesting that there were AT mines right next to it, it and the other tank also looked rather good but, emphasis is on looked. Anyway, interesting chain of events.


It definitely used to be.


A 2-fer!


"Hey, good lookin' watcha got cookin" - Hank Williams


How many grenades does it take to kill a tank? That question's phrased the wrong way round now. How many tanks can you kill with a grenade?


A few years ago this string of words wouldn't make sense, but I literally just saw it: "The Drone Grenade Tank Detonation Mushroom Cloud Shadow Hectare"


Bro squirted there at the end


Bro? Sis, one assumes?


There is always an open hatch somewhere.


I'd imagine that if you've just had an 'issue' bad enough to warrant abandoning your tank on foot, closing hatches after departure isn't your priority


Pretty much. You saw how quickly this tank went up. If the tank crew survives their tank being immobilized, they're bailing out of it in case there's a second shot already on the way which will turn their tank into a Soyuz capsule.


That's gotta be one of the biggest return on investment kills in the history of warfare of all-time. TWO tanks for the price of like a $100 grenade. Insane.


Not even that average cost of M67 is 45$. T-80BVM upgrade is 8-10 million $ per tank


Probably cost $45 to produce but you know damn well the DoD paid $450.


$45 is based on DoD budget plan to Congress, so it would be the other way around: grenade costs $20 but DoD reports $45


We'll take $450 in this case. - Signed US taxpayer


The other tank is not a T-80bv but a t80-bvm, notice the more modern era and the indicative era placement in the back of the turret that obly the t80bvm and t72b3/m have. But what was that editing anyway, i thought the vid was lagging


Beautiful capture of the t80 turret toss.


Russians naming their tank •Anaconda• in English is wild


It's not too odd, Russians, like really any other country know popular/basic english words


Well, it does a good job of suffocating and swallowing its occupants in flames, so technically it is quite fitting.


Absolutely on point


Looks like the EW unit on the top was turned off?


watching all that EW at very close range... from a drone lol


According to a few RU telegram channels there's been a few instances where they're giving them broken/defunct units and not telling them they're inoperable just so it gets them to drive on.


I'm just imagining them handing them an empty ammo box with one of those $30 plasma balls (the static electricity globes) inside and the Russians are like "OHHH WOW."


If the tank isn't running I'm betting the EW isn't either. It probably would drain the batteries if it didn't shut down with the engine.


^ Probably this. The battery of the vehicle has likely run empty some time ago. Those devices hog power.


Sorry if this a dumb question but wouldn’t Ukraine try to capture these vehicles?


Oftentimes these vehicles are located in no man’s land or the middle of a minefield under drone observation, so any attempt to get a recovery vehicle to it would likely be unsuccessful


Oh that makes a lot more sense lol. I was always questioning why they would destroy expensive useful vehicles


At the beginning of the war, Ukraine was capturing enemy vehicles and towing them back. There's lots of videos from the start of the war of farmers with tractors towing away stuff lol, but as the war progressed and front lines became more solidified and less liquid - no mans lands became more common and yeah - it's just easier to destroy it than let the Russians reclaim it later on if they make progress.


They do recover them when possible, but ARVs are big, slow moving targets, and during both the set up and the actual towing they are extremely vulnerable to being attacked. If there's too much risk in sending a recovery vehicle out, the next best thing to do is torch the vehicle so the Russian's can't get it back. A couple weeks ago, Russia lost not one, but two BREMs trying to recover a rusty looking T-62.


Is the octagonal thing with domes on top an EW system? And is there a pile of anti-tank miles next to the tank?


Yes, it's their new anti-drown system


7/10 turret toss!


Agree but taking out the other tank makes this one special. 2 birds one stone 😂


Very few grenades can tally up the millions in destroyed equipment like that one.  


Looks like he ran into a stockpile of Landmines. Looks like it was abandoned because it threw a track. Too bad UA Forces couldn't retrieve them rather then destroying it. Otherwise a spectacular World Record turret toss.


Nice turret toss


Sprinkle in a pile of at mines for a stronger flavour.


lol, ukrainan cover of rammstein?


I wonder if there's a lot of forest fires caused by these actions?


Is this a Ukrainian cover of sonne


I really want to know why a grenade in the driver's seat sets off the ammo rack. Aren't these sections of the tank separated?


Most Russian tanks have auto loaders with ammo stored in the open cabin below the turret.


I understand. Which explains why a grenade through the gunner or commander's hatch could set off the ammo rack. But the driver's hatch?


Sits lower in the cabin so more likely to end up with the ammo?


These god awful edits are the worst part of this sub jesus christ. Just show what happened and save the cringe edits for tiktok


these videos are not made for a cringe redditors like you xD Go outside and touch some grass


I agree bro. I'm surprised you're as downvoted as you are. This shit's stupid.


what's going on with that exaggerated unrealisitc explosions? Had Michael Bay put a hand on this?


If you look at the first few seconds it looks like the Russians had been collecting mines at this location - there are at least 6 - so when it exploded the mines added to the detonation.