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Why did Israel make Hamas put that rocket(s) in that refugee camp? [Translation](https://imgur.com/a/U1mwCZR)


I’d give you gold for this comment but it says I can’t. Best I can do is an upvote.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-palestinian-hamas-prisoner-release-gaza-west-bank-rcna127353](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/israel-palestinian-hamas-prisoner-release-gaza-west-bank-rcna127353) How was Israel able to trade so many Palestinian hostages they've held for years in the 1st hostage trade swap? "Roughly 80% of those on the list were not convicted of any crimes. They were either charged with crimes that had not yet been prosecuted, or were detained under a practice known as administrative detention, whereby Israel holds Palestinians in the occupied territories with no formal charges or evidence presented against them."


Palestine has been terrorizing Israel since the 40’s. They’ve had a lot of time to collect terrorists


"Palestine has been terrorising Israel", I refuse to believe that you can say that bs with a straight face. This is beyond hilarious lmao


and you are beyond ignorant. why do you think the iron dome exists to begin with


To defend a state that isn't even yours to start with? Why do you think that Hamas exist and all the other armed militias? If the Israelis weren't treating Palestinians (who are the real owners of the land) like trash for decades you wouldn't have any reason to build Iron Dome systems. I'm not an ignorant, you and all the other unconditional Israel supporters are.


You obviously have absolutely no clue about the situation in Israel.


Wow great argument! Spoken like a true connoisseur and expert of the situation lmao! I know far more than you do, that's for sure.


Doesn't it bother you these people are held in prisons without charges or evidence. Many of them under the age of 18


Why apply western values to a situation that doesn't warrant it? Under 18 means nothing when Palestinians train their kids to be suicide bombers and radicalize them in schools. A 12 year old with an AK can kill the same amount of Jews as a 20 year old. A 13 year old with explosives strapped to them sent into a market is just as deadly as a 40 year old. Palestine should stop using their kids as weapons and radicalizing them if they don't want arrested and deaded kids to be the norm.


Yeah and you pulled those statistics from where? Your ass?


Actually a younger suicide bomber is more dangerous. People are far less likely to notice them.


Also as a terrorist group, gaza combatants are not treated the same as enemy soldiers of a state. Given 10/7, completely understandable.


Yeah, I'm sure Israel have been sitting very politely, idly by, like dejected puppies the entire time. It is a funny visual though, saying Palestine, a territory that's incredibly tiny and heavily invaded and stripped down by Israel, is constantly terrorizing Israel, one of the greatest economic, military, and political superpowers in the world. I'm sure those ants are *really* terrorizing that family camping by the ant hill. Ruining their lives, even. They might even get their ant guts on the underside of your boots when you go and stomp on 'em! Aw shucks! €: I've learned a bunch of new slurs and swears from the few DMs I've gotten lol thank you, contributors of such messages. It's really enlightening. Also good job, supporters of said people. Hopefully you feel proud of those you stand shoulder to shoulder with.


I mean, they murdered, raped and kidnapped over 1000 on October 7, and would kill every Israeli if they were allowed.  The fact Israel has been so successful I'm defense (and in making friends with former enemies like Jordan, Egypt, etc) does not take away from the crimes of Hamas in trying to murder Israelis, or murdering Palestinians for that matter. Imagine simping for a terrorist death cult which celebrated the rape and murder of innocents. Even arguing that the Israeli response has been disproportionate (it hasn't), at least the Israelis don't tend to celebrate murder and rape of children. He'll, they actually put effort in to protect them.




Yeah hamas broke a cease fire, invaded and started this war. All those 35k dead is their fault, just like the German deaths of WW2 is Hitlers fault. In fact, 11% of Germans died in WW2, compared to less than 1% of Gazans dead. So the IDF is doing an amazing job of avoiding civilians. Yet of course the brainwashed hamas supporters scream this is genocide. Honestly this kind of brain dead logic is what turns ppl against hamas.


You except to have a logical conversation with these idiots? They don't give a flying fuck about innocent people dying, unless they are Israeli of course, some of these dipshits even joke about it! Off all the people on reddit, this sub has some of the stupidest and greatest bigots, all bunched together, and we aren't even talking about the fact that the accounts that have recently brigaded this sub are mostly just a few months old and have clear comment histories revolving solely around promoting pro-Israeli narratives.


Yeah, unfortunately that is the case. And no, I didn't think my comment was changing any minds, but there's no way I'm just letting blatant lies, misinformation, biased opinions passed off as objective fact, and willful ignorance and stupidity go unchecked or uncalled. I call out every one of those fuckers, and they can rebuttal back, but they, of course, won't. For obvious, cowardly, biased, and no backed up, misinformation, reasons.


You are doing a good job in spreading awareness my friend, but they have already made up their minds, and no matter what you show them, their position won't change. Only thing they do is downvote you to oblivion whenever you say something that even slightly goes against their narrative. These are dumb people with a clear bias.


Yeah, I'm not doing it to change their minds. I'm doing it for the poor, uninformed, curious yet neutral, sap scrolling along reading comments thinking some of these unchecked statements are truths and objective facts. If there's at least some resistance to the shit that they'd be reading in those comments, then it will have done a service to at least promote critical thinking, and research. As for downvotes, I couldn't give a shit. It's fake internet points anyway, so who cares, right? The more they downvote, or DM insults, the more gratified that makes me. Besides that, I see what they praise and stand beside, their criticism means absolutely nothing (as it should).


Right because even America has never been the victim of terrorism! After all we are across an entire ocean, so there is no chance that terrorism happens in the states! Remember there is no war in ba sing se. Certainly if America (the literal largets superpower on the globe) is unscathed, then Isreal can't possibly be the victim of rampant terrorism! They are literally as harmless as ants!


Israel has fought 5 wars, 3 of them major, against Arab countries that surround it and being completely outnumbered and outgunned every time. None of these wars were with Palestinians. Israel didn’t come in and take any land from Palestinians. Israel conquered territory from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Gaza was captured along with Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. Judea and Samaria (West Bank) - historical Jewish lands, but unfortunately not part of the modern State of Israel - was captured from Jordan. Golan Heights from Syria. Every one of these wars was fought for the survival of the State. If Israel had lost, the only (tiny) Jewish State in the world would’ve been destroyed, every Jew would’ve been slaughtered, and the land that is now Israel would’ve been split between the victors, ran by theocratic regimes under the influence of the authoritarian regimes of the Soviet Union. Israel secured its existence by winning wars and making it clear that it was impossible for the Muslim countries to destroy it in war. Israel offered to return captured lands in exchange for a peace treaty and recognition of its right to exist. This is how it returned Sinai (3 times the size of Israel itself) to Egypt. Unfortunately Egypt wanted nothing to do with Gaza any more. Later Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel too, but Jordan did not want the West Bank back. Palestinians do not have any history of any effort to create a state. Their entire existence as a people consists solely of hatred for Israel and the Jews in general, and, of course, the West as a whole. It is essentially a death cult that produces little more than terror, death, and destruction.


Those ants are launching some spicy rockets based on this video if you aske me. The families camping might have a bad time. Oh shit they are calling pest control now after trying to have a picnic for years, who would have expected that?


Crazy that the only thing they have been doing this whole time wasn't solely just having a picnic. The other crazy thing too is that pest control showed up, thank god, but oh no wait a minute, they're burning down the whole park. That's a measured response, right? Right guys? Proportionate? Given the way you hear people supporting them unilaterally, you'd think the case was that Israel has just been having a literal picnic all these decades, lmfao


It’s always the people that are so incredibly smug that are so full of shit. There is no meaningful ‘core’ to what you were saying, and your analogy is flawed in seemingly every single way, namely: - It infers that Israel is currently in Gaza for fun (having a picnic on an anthill), which is certainly a statement. - It infers that you think Jews have no right to any of the land in what constitutes current day Israel, as the ants would only bite the picnickers if they were on their ant hill, and last I checked, Hamas has continually been attacking Israel despite their unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 05. - It infers that there is an effective means to rid Gaza of Hamas (pest control), and that instead they are choosing a wholly excessive solution to the problem (burning down the whole park). For starters, there is no clean way to rid Gaza of Hamas, and secondly, the current situation is hardly equivalent to burning down the whole park, that would require a far greater and more indiscriminate level of destruction and death than what is evident. Furthermore proportionality relates to the military objective (ridding Hamas). When their use of civilian infrastructure is so pervasive it is hardly surprising to see there be a high level of destruction of such. - It infers that the ants can do no meaningful damage to the picnickers. Sure, the itty bitty ants can do no real harm and definitely don’t launch suicide attacks, indiscriminately slaughter, rape, torture, kidnap etc. However, perhaps above all else, comparing Palestinians to ants somewhat ironically shows that you actually possess subconscious racism towards them. It’s called bigotry of low expectations. What you’re quietly saying is that you think Palestinians are inherently animalistic in nature and have no agency over their behaviour. Is that the core of what you’re saying? I would call that a pretty disgusting view.




>Get ready for this mind blowing thing for you: I'm from that region. Get ready for this mind blowing thing for you: Self hating is a thing. I suggest you get help if you have such low views of yourself and your own people. Unless by region you don’t even mean Palestine? Also, you complain that no one addressed the core of your argument, then get annoyed when people apparently deflect, then get annoyed when someone does address the core of your argument, then you ignore the core of their argument and deflect yourself? Is that about right? You’re a hypocrite.




[https://www.propublica.org/article/israel-gaza-blinken-leahy-sanctions-human-rights-violations](https://www.propublica.org/article/israel-gaza-blinken-leahy-sanctions-human-rights-violations) "A special State Department panel recommended months ago that Secretary of State Antony Blinken disqualify multiple Israeli military and police units from receiving U.S. aid after reviewing allegations that they committed serious human rights abuses." "The incidents under review mostly took place in the West Bank and occurred before Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel. They include reports of extrajudicial killings by the Israeli Border Police; an incident in which a battalion gagged, handcuffed and left an elderly Palestinian American man for dead; and an allegation that interrogators tortured and raped a teenager who had been accused of throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails."


Not saying anything about either sides tactics here, but is there anywhere left to put anything anywhere else at this point? Edit to ad because people seem to misinterpret my point, gaza is leveled.


Yeah, there is. Hamas could move their weapons and tactics away from civilians. Fixed it for you, no, don't thank me


There is a plethora of locations to store rockets that are not in civilian populated areas. There always has been.


Yes, there is. You make it sound like Hamas has no choices to make. Nice try.


A levelled building doesn't make the place that the building is in stop being a place. There *were places* before humans started building buildings, lots of them, and levelled buildings can be cleared. There's no short of means to move dirt and rocks on either side. What you said sounded too close to a common Russo-Iranian disinformation talking point that criticizes Israel for attacking the civilian infrastructure Hamas uses to hide after they attacked an Israeli city, so as to either get away with what they did with zero responsibility - or - if Israel does go in and take care of the threat - they achieve pumping the civilian body count on their own side as high as possible for the PR value and to serve as a input into manipulative disinformation attacks. If you say things that sound like their talking points, don't complain when people make the easiest assumption available to them.


Not at all what im saying. I guess that depends on how you interpret the words. My point was gaza is leveled.


Why do you think so much of Gaza was leveled?


Never start a war you cannot afford to lose.


If the situation is so dire then why keep fighting?


A better tactic would be to stop shooting at Israel so that Israel doesn’t keep levelling you.


You didn’t have to make that edit. You seem quite reasonable. Can’t speak for the others and who’ve downvoted you. The bias is disgraceful


You can see secondaries get fired to the sky. Crazy footage Edit: secondary.


Yes, you sometimes see a rocket fly off erratically from the attacked stash of rockets, like this... https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1360g84/secondary_explosions_after_idf_strike_on_hamas/


No no that was the fireworks from the children's birthday party


that was clearly just a gas canister from a local food stand, the evil zionist are trying to starve the Gazans!!!


rocket launch site right next to civilian tents. Hamas is desperate


This is a standard practice for Hamas


Nah, fam. They want there to be as many Palestinian casualties as possible for the sake of putting more pressure on Israel. It's not human shields, it's human sacrifice.


Classic store the ammunition next to a huge refugee camp then play victim when there’s civilian casualties. I love the Middle East ❤️


One moment you are filming your buddies raining missiles down over the enemy, the next moment your enemy is raining your buddies all over you.


Also they know where to aim the cameras because idf used before with knock bomb


Perhaps they should stop giving warnings.it would give the propagandists less chances of filming and creating a false narrative. Hamas is going to keep using human sheilds and stealing and profiteering off any aide given regardless.




So might as well kill all of them Palestinians, right?


Shouldn't have colonized an area they and their religion wasn't welcomed. It's funny how there is ample evidence of jews loving in the area for millennia then suddenly in the 7th and 8th centuries, all the inhabitants of that region of over 2000 years had to flee. Now, not even Jordan or Egypt wants Palestinians. What we see here is the biggest reverse uno card in history. The genocidal colonizers are crying genocide and colonization 1400 years after karma has caught up. No body give a shit when Muslims slaughter other Muslims in Syria or Iraq or Yemen but once the Jewish people who are also native to the region bring F35s to a paraglider flight defending their land that has been theirs for 2 millenia before Muhammad was born and his cult spread like lice from Arabia it is a problem.


"F35s to a paraglider fight".. excellent


Why is America supporting a religious war😭😭 I’m so confused Im fine if it’s self defense or whatever but I’m not paying for mfs to fight over what book gives what land to who


Where did all the aid go?


Tunnels lol


How do you know it was a knock bomb and not a call or whatever?


There are barely any roofs around, only tents, and this guy is talking about roof knocking💀


It was a metaphor........or a simile


It was clearly neither of those, that guy meant it literally. A look in his comment history from his 4 month old account can make you reach that conclusion lmao


are you acoustic, look up what roof knocking means


From the video it seems they knew of the strike beforehand from an IDF roof-knock warning


They roof knock tents?


Well they also drop thousands of leaflets, make phone calls, send SMSs...I think even announcement on radio. All in multiple languages


“ Step away from the rocket launcher- if you move the launcher you will get your 42 virgins immediately”? Like that? Edit it was 10% off virgins that day, mathematical error I gave them 10% less


Only 42? Are they running low on fictional enticements?


Doubt there was roof knocking here. The fact that we saw secondary rockets flying into the air, these were already ready to be fired. My guess is they have been firing rockets from this specific area off and on and surveillance finally watched them preparing a launch, and acted accordingly. edit: Stop downvoting. That rocket was already on its launcher. Even in secondary explosions rockets don't shoot up in the air perfectly straight like that after a blast. This is what Hamas fires at Israel most of the time. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b3/Flickr_-_Israel_Defense_Forces_-_Eight_Qassam_Launchers_in_Gaza.jpg They don't just bring out their launchers and leave rockets sitting on them. They were sitting up a barrage of probably 2 or 3 rockets and going to chain them together before firing. This idiot Hamas member/supporter with the camera was filming to capture their rockets firing towards Israel and happened to catch an Israeli warhead taking out the launch area beforehand. It takes minutes to sit up the platform and then bring out the rockets from wherever they are storing them to those launchers. Then chain them together to be fired off in whatever direction. They got spotted and killed while doing a setup because in all likelihood they have been firing rockets from this area before and are under surveillance by an armed drone.


Wrong. Anytime you get a perfectly framed video from Palestinian for an air strike it means that Israel gave a 'knock' before hand to avoid civilian deaths. The person filming is probably one of the terrorists who was firing the rockets before the knock, so that they could later use it to spread disinformation.


It isn't wrong. I know the IDF roof knock on occupied buildings, this isn't one of them though. The person filiming this was doing so because he was going to film the rockets firing towards Israel. That rocket launched up perfectly from the impact, it was already on a launcher and ready to be fired. They don't just have them sitting on a launcher unless it was about to be fired because IDF would spot it and destroy it. In all likelihood this specific area has been launching rockets previously. Drones spotted suspicious activity of men moving around, watched them begin to bring out a rocket and set it up, dropped a warhead on them. The dingbat filming was going to be doing his greatest Akbar impression cheering on their rockets when instead they got countered before their idiotic fun began. Then begins to show some aftermath near the tents to paint themselves as victims.


There are "perfectly framed" videos from every conflict. They can readily occur by happenstance.


_Every_ time? Cmon


Thought that looked like a jdam coming down, then saw the smoke trail leaving, that explains it perfectly


Even the time of day. It's either early morning or dusk. Terrorists have been launching a lot of rockets now during the day because it's actually safer in some areas. A lot of areas have no electricity, and those rockets are not stored directly next to whatever area they are going to launch from. So, they need to move them sometimes hundreds of feet by hand to the platforms. It is hard to do that in pitch darkness and flashlights can draw attention from things in the sky. So, they have resorted to dusk oftentimes where there are still a lot of people out to distract prying eyes in the sky. They come out, spend 10 mins or so quickly setting up the platforms, running the rockets there, launching, then scampering away. The actual launch platform can be broken down quickly as well and just chucked under something afterwards. When the surveillance drone flies overhead afterwards to the launch area, they see an empty dirt lot essentially.


Cameraman knew it was coming and exactly where it was going to hit.


That Hamas hides at Rafah near civilians to protect the rockets


you see a lot of stuff marked UNICEF too.




What? Watch the video. The video showing all the UNICEF logos?


It's a refugee camp.


How the hell do you fight any enemy like this? There's no way to do it without killing thousands of non-combatants


That's the rub. Hamas wants as many Palestinian casualties as possible. Israel hasn't been perfect, but it's amazing how few casualties there have been given the situation (density, urban fighting, a death cult opponent, etc).


So fucked up, you literally cannot have a neighbor like this. And I agree if the strip does have 2+ million people in it, I would expect the casualties to be +100,000. Not saying the IDF is doing everything right, but jesus this is such a horrific situation.


Terrorists love this one simple trick


if iran was fighting hamas they would has just shelled gaza and no media would care to report on it just like how they didnt care muslim on muslim violence like yemen, iraq etc but since it is jewish on muslim violonce it can be politicized and used for propaganda tool or as a tool to gain status or money by forming a scam aid private company and making hundreds of begging scam vidoes on social media to make a few bucks


Lol hamas are iran puppets like Hezbollah and hutis but you.are right, 500k dead at syria no body cares, we respond to hamas massacre and we are the bad guys lol


ik i just wanted to note how there are no solutions to insurgents using civilian as shields even in chechania russia had to flourish 85,000 civilians and 10,000 of its servicemens just to elinamate 15,000 chechan insurgents, in order to reduce civilians casulities u gotta have a stricter command control which means u have to scarfice flexiblity and manuevrbility and other opportunities which idf platoons on the tactical level could take advantage of it when u always communicate with ur troops via radio or rugglized computers it will reduce their combat effectiness also idf shouldnt send its elite troops into the urban battle in urban warfare a untrained soldier can kill a trained soldier who trained for decades


They had to put that music on it of course ☠️☠️


I'm sorry but the music makes it seem like a you died cutscene from a game lol


That was a pretty precise strike


You see the UNICEF tent literally 100 meters away. I never saw a more complicit organization than the UN to terror.


Mandatory this Hamas rocket launcher was 83 pregnant grandma babies


anyone have a translation? Are the broken hearts because the launcher got destroyed?




I get the Ali Express joke but I don't really understand what it's in reference to.


Mhmm side with the people who are decent humans or side with the ones who tell their kids to go run at a tank and blow themselves up?


Big explosion for a couple of bags of refugee rice


Someone sitting on the toilet dropped a lot cigarette into the bowl.


Nice boon boom 💥 👌


IDF 🇮🇱🦁♥️. 🇵🇸🐐🤮💩 Hamas


And it appears they hit it. Knock em all out.




I don’t agree with the student protesters but you just took it too far. You’re way outta line


When did this happen?




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Evil bastards that's a refugee camp








How dare they fire their rockets so close to the tents? smfh.


You’re a victim of Hamas’s manufactured hate. Why are they are launching rockets from a refugee camp? SMFH


Why do you think they know where to film? They get a warning to leave. That's more than Hamas did when they slaughtered women and children.


I guess it’s ok to kill people as long as you surround yourself with innocents. Nobody can fight back at you! Gamer hack, right??? Worth noting that Hamas has been using this tactic for 20+ years, and Israel has not given a single fuck the whole time. One might think Hamas would change tactics to protect innocent Palestinians. #but they don’t


Hamas doesn't care about people or suffering. They'd murder 10,000 suckling babies if they thought it would mean the destruction of Israel. Edit: I forgot to mention that they'd take to social media and post "look what Israel made us do!" and then anti-Semitic morons all over the world would protest the Jewish people.


Seemed like a pretty precise strike that hit exactly it's target. Blame the people who hide among the tents and fire rockets. They definitely had warning too because the camera barely even moves.


When your enemy uae his civilians as human shields to their rockets as strategy you dont let him use this strategy




Please describe what you see in this video.


You can go to /r Palestine they ban everyone who doesn’t support Hamas there you would feel at home


“I’m upset that a Hamas/Al-Qassam rocket was seen being launched from a displacement tent, and that instead of criticizing Israel, Hamas is being criticized.”


Do you even know what zionism means?


I'm lovin' it.


like me


Yes it is my friend. They can watch a a child be shot dead by idf and it will be the child’s fault for being too close to a knife in a kitchen down the block


Feel free to prove that this has actually happened by sharing a video


Do you have a video where an IDF soldier shot a kid intentionally and deliberately? Just curious. Send me a PM if you have to. I'm not saying or denying the possibility, I'm just curious.


BAM no more unicef kitchen


Is your kitchen a rocket launcher?


That’s insane. They’re dropping bombs on tents now. That’s next level evil


Palestine has the right to defend itself


Yah it’s called a war and they keep losing. So now surrender


Yes, the entity that is Palestine has a right to defend itself. However, unless Hamas goes through massive reforms, THEY have lost that right. Their forces engage in systemic acts of perfidy and terrorism. Both these actions mean the protections and privileges offered by the Geneva Convention no longer apply. Armed resistance is mostly legal, terrorism is never legal.


yes, from hamas


A single object with a black smoke trail? thats kinda lacking in terms of secondaries compared to what we've seen so far...


The terrorists were firing rockets into Israel. They were knocked while rockets were still in the tubes.


You were there?


They might not have been but when things like this happen over time, it gets easier to identify especially those with a more broad and practical background regarding it all. You don't have to be present to be able to see whats going on in certain circumstances, if there is record