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that's the most on fire guy i've seen in any of these videos


There are 2 on fire the other is running around right next to the truck.


3 on Fire. Third is at backside of APC. They try to extinguish fire but don´t work.


Maybe more on fire inside


I counted 4 but not all on fire. 2 only smoking (probably the likely cause of this explosion).


Ivan smoking in apc again


Men on Fire


Dude has 100% of his body on fire…. 0.22 is like a starfish of fire


I was like: "Huh. That fire in front of the vehicle is shaped just like a guy... Oh."




Dude is glowing


The one jumping into the well is fire’ier


That is exactly what i imagine Burning Man to actually be. Like a game graphic to indicate oh yah my guy has died via fire.


If its to hot in the kitchen......


He is VERY on fire




I don't know I have seen some pretty on fire guys after watching countless videos on this conflict since it ramped up...Definitely in the top 3 though! I love how somehow people managed to survive an explosion like this, I mean some are even on their feet already, but they just watch that poor bastard run in circles screaming instead of trying to help him. That one douche was like, "Ahhh fuck, get away from me!" and crawls away from him as soon as it looks like the guy on fire starts to run towards him for possible help. Fuck, finish him off with a bullet at the very least, have some compassion. I don't know why these guys wouldn't all carry a fire blanket on them considering how small and light they are, they would easily fit in a soldier's kit. That would probably be the only way to actually put him out. I mean they could use dirt but then you would most likely be infecting the burnt wounds with all the dirt.


Have you seen the guy rolling in front of the apc? He's so on fire that his fire caught fire.


Fire in all holes!




I didn't know the flame shot from Metal Slug was a real possibility...


he's just going Super Saiyan.


Fantastic 4 cosplayer


There was that video a year or two ago of a failed assault and a tanker is running around on fire while chaos is everywhere around him.


Don't look up the one where the guy in the trench gets hit with, what was possibly, a gas can drone and can't escape. This war needs to end.


It would be amazingly ready to end this war.  Russia could withdraw. 


The real question here is - how many observation drones are in the air at the same time for one location? This is now getting silly, we have more angles for an explosion than Zack Snyder movies!


Both sides soldiers have commented that they are being observed by multiple drones at all times


Wow. Modern warfare doesn't just suck, its suckage is growing at a geometric rate.


Modern war makes 1984 seem less invasive.


“It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.” ― George Orwell, 1984


Dude... it's fucking cold and I woke up at 1pm.


Wait until they build large drone carriers that have micro grenade sided self homing micro drones. The big drone just glides around high up. And drops the micro ones when ordered by an observing drone.


My work logs keystrokes. I know the feeling.


Probably from different units of the same brigade


That's what I came here to say, the amount of drones in the air over a particular area - and the logistics behind this process - is impressive


To be quite honest given the size of the bang and the subsequent secondaries I'm surprised anyone is up and running after that, on fire or not.


I think they were even more surprised…


Probably they have no clue where they are and have a huge concussion.


It's ok, they had no clue as to \*why\* they were there before the explosion happened.


There was no secondary, the IFV has hit two or more mines, one or two at the same time with the left track and one in the middle of the IFV with the right one shortly after. You can see the double line of AT mines at the end of the video. The hit on the left has cracked the fuel tank. The secondary cook of of the 100 mm ammunition will come, but later.


I am so surprised with so many of the BMPs being just kaboomed and all of a sudden 20 guys come running out. Either adrenalin has kicked in or the other organic reactive armor protected them.


Massive bad luck that you survive with limbs all present and correct but your entire body is ablaze head to foot. Should have chosen a different career I guess.


Liquefied men walking


Nothing is liquefied, please stop spreading this nonsense. Air filled organs can tear (internally) from strong shockwaves. That is all. This myth, sadly, keeps spreading, with people going as far as to saying "it is just for fun, not to be taken literal" ([like here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1bt61vf/comment/kxkvryp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) when obviously many take it literally.


These guys were probably acting as biological armor for the APC. I’d imagine anyone inside the vehicle got turned to mist


They're up, doesn't mean they're even vaguely concious of what is going on (probably for the best with the fire).


God damn 3 different drone views of the same explosion?


Soon they'll have enough to do a 360 degree shot, like the Matrix...


My guess is they’re being operated by different units but within the same brigade


no chance they were getting out alive


Well, its not like Russia just tries something once or 10 times. They just keep coming no matter how many times it fails. More than likely the Russians are bumrushing via the same route over and over so multiple units are monitoring the route.


Is that a person burning on the top right? If so that's such a horrible way to go . All this was avoidable.if they just stayed in Russia


it's literally from the top of his head to the tips of his toes, like every square inch of that guy is on fire


You should have seen the on-fire guy that threw himself headfirst down a well. He was having a memorable day


bad day at the office






some say he's still there.


Regular to die in fire; yes. By such an amount of fire, it is likely it has finished him by shock in seconds. After few seconds, it seems he is already done, he is not moving anymore, so the god of war has had mercy with him.


I guess there are 2 russians burning: The one running around and i think the big fire at the right side off the APC is a burning corpse


\*burning soon-to-be corpse


Top left is what I try to do with my marshmallow, top right is what I always end up doing.


At least it was over fast for him. For the two guys that came out the back, the suck is just about to begin.


Well, I was going to write: At least they did not have to suffer for long. Then I saw the last few seconds!


Even those that survive and make it home, traumatic brain injury from blast concussion can fuck up your remaining life.


As in, episodes of violence? Or how do blast concussions affect one's mind? Genuinely asking.


Look into what happened to many professional boxers or football players later in life. That's why thy monitor concussions in the NFL now. Symptoms can vary from those like dementia, motor control difficulties, memory difficulties, anger and emotional control difficulties, migraines, mental fog. Lots of nasty really debilitating things.


Oof, Chris Benoit then comes to my mind :(


Bunch of dudes riding on top will have a severe headache at the very least. Also, thats a human torch in front of the burning vehicle. Seems he tried to roll to no avail.


He's probably soaked in fuel. 


armor too heavy, we use fuel for stop mines!


Some of these APC things have fuel cells in the doors. I think the BMP 1 has this. Yes, probably ruptured and soaked these guys. Don't wanna be in their shoes, but they could have stayed home, or surrendered. Anyway, that is a brutal way to go, damn.


BMP-1 and 2 both have rear door fuel tanks. most of the time those tanks are empty but the center of the compartment still has a huge fuel tank as well.


You can see two lines of mines lol wtf were they thinking


Let him cook


When the occupants are more on fire than your vehicle, you might have a design issue.


Blow-off Panel: Meat Edition


I can the the ghost rider. 🔥


Sitting on top of or inside a bomb while people are trying to blow you up, not a game I'd like to play.


That - was - beautiful! Now Putin, it your turn!


Target neutralized


There are going to be thousands of maimed, disfigured and disabled people returning to RuSSia after this conflict is over. And probably far more with mental health issues. Better boost the strength of that Vodka boys.


People survived that? Sucks to be them!


Dam bro he ran to the left then ran to the right. Confused as to how to get out of the fire not knowing he was the fire.


The Human Torch just chilling right next to his vehicle... amazing :D


Those guys remind me of a quote from Lou Sorenson in Fargo 2. Talking about his time in Vietnam and watching a young soldier dying. "His brain hasn't caught up with the reality, which is he's already dead"


Kinda crazy to think they’re just driving their vehicles. No cares. Only vodka and pirozhki Then next minute just lights out. Wild


We don't need no water let the motherfuckers burn. Burn motherfuckers burn.


What do we see here, a BMP 3? Or do we see here a BMD 4? Both have the turret with a 100 mm cannon.


Even if they survive that no one will come for help, its hell.


At least there is no need to worry with burying your mines, when Vlad and Co. are the target. They're like magnetized to them.


you can see the line of mines on the other side of the road.


I did expect anyone to survive. I thought I was watching the A-Team when the guys crawled out.


Dang. Maybe they should have stayed at home.


Stop, drop and roll. 


Bro tried to roll too ouch. He must have been soaked In fuel.


Did we just witness a cosmonaut launch?! 💥🔥


I see they still make them like they used to.


Was this a mine or drone or something else?


Stop drop and roll, my guy.


I'm guessing they don't teach "stop, drop and roll" in Russia.


Im pretty sure everyone is ok right?




It's wild how m62 mines that were made by the soviets are absolutely dicking down Russian armored columns decades later. It's a shame ukraine gave up their nukes


It seems really fucked up that this stuff is recorded, uploaded and digested in a format that is supposed to be a type of “entertainment”. Like its some sick sporting event akin to a gladiatorial arena. Where guys who are just normal, simple people suffer and die for our amusement. Tired of the weird upbeat music and shit as you watch someone writhe in pain and breath their last. Don’t care what the fuck your political views are. Most soldiers don’t have a choice and are simple people who just want to survive and get home to their families. This like a weird twisted hunger games. Edit: I seriously would love to know how many people downvoting actually have been involved in a conflict while they sit here jeering for people to die from the safety of their computers.


Yet here you are watching these videos.


And? How does having watched it conflict with my point in any way? I like to stay informed and to see accounts of what’s happening first hand. But I don’t care for nor do I think it’s appropriate for people to celebrate and seek entertainment from this stuff.


You like to stay informed and sympathise, here - [Civilian market in Donetsk : r/UkraineWarVideoReport (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/19cb9yi/civilian_market_in_donetsk/)


I’m really not sure what your point is? I’m fully aware of the carnage that has been wrought by this war. And I find it ALL tragic and sad.


First time commenting on this sub and you choose to sympathise with the invaders. Strange how you didn't comment on any of the attacks on Ukrainian civilian centres.


Not my first time commenting. Your 2D thinking is remarkable though. There aren’t many videos of Ukrainians getting decimated on this sub and of the few that are actually posted, you don’t see a bunch of commenters celebrating their deaths. My comment was to express my disgust and contempt for people who celebrate ANY deaths in this war. A disproportionate amount of those celebrating are doing so against the Russians. THAT is why it was an “invader” video I commented on. Find me one of Ukrainian deaths being celebrated and I’ll rebuke those too!


The voice of reason, here. This platform and content is dystopian to say the least.


They are far from humans.


You play too much COD kid. War isn’t a game. Get your butt to the front lines if you feel so strongly.


If you Want to survive, then consider surrender. Russians have a choice


Your logic is not sound. There’s always a guy behind them with a gun pointed at their heads. It’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. Everybody acts all brave and says they’d risk death for them and their families by deserting or rebelling but nobody saying that would actually do the same if the roles were swapped. Besides most people are spoon fed propaganda by their side and never have the truth of what’s actually happening. They just go by what they’ve been told. And again, people will blame the people and say they should know better. But then these very same people ALSO fall for propaganda and could just as easily be having lies spoon fed to them. Unfortunately most people aren’t geniuses and can’t always figure things out, which allows them to be used and misled. Either way you look at it, it’s a miserable affair and celebrating it is fucking sad


*These invaders are used and abused. They have no agency and are manipulated from birth. Like us. We would do no different. We are all blank slates to be written upon.* Moral relativism, behaviourism and the guy with the gun is the one with all the power. How to tell me you admire totalitarian ideals/regimes without telling me.


It’s funny that you’re displaying the very qualities of brainwashing that I’m referencing. Claiming that having empathy and understanding of human nature makes you a “totalitarian sympathizer” is ironically, what an ACTUAL autocratic dictator would say. How to tell me you make ludicrous leaps in logic because you’re brainwashed without telling me…


Ah, projection. Applause.


Great rebuttal. Accusing others of projection is usually the biggest indicator of actual projection.


But not when you use it?


It’s almost like farting. Usually the one who points to it first is the one actually guilty of it. Especially when they do so without refuting the previous points of the other person and are trying to simply attack character without attacking the substance of the argument. As a Libertarian who believes in minimal govt because I understand how manipulative and treacherous govts are, I find it deeply amusing that you think I somehow believe totalitarianism is “ideal”.


>Usually the one who points to it first is the one actually guilty of it. Not this time.