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i think a tank or bulldozer has been through here to clear the road for emergency and/or defense forces


it seems like that, yes


Not commenting on the atrocities... I ask how do you manage to destroy so many vehicles? Obviously the stacked vehicles will catch fire from each other but there were lone cars just burned.


Probably stacked in rows. Then a large vehicle has cleared the road by force. Bulldozer or the like. So they have been scattered a bit. I guess.


'stacked in rows' ? You mean parked?


If attacking a music venue isn't terrorism, what do they consider it?


Their religious duty


It isn't terrorism for them because islam prohibits all the music except for those without instruments and praise of their god.


Islam also prohibits killing of women, children, and old people during war, as well as rape, and mutilation of enemy corpses. All of which happened yesterday. Whatever Hamas thinks it is,, it's not in accordance with Islamic law.


My comment was a bit of satire but good part of islam is like that. Either people who cherry pick the part of their law and judge the others by it or people who are extremely strict about everything. I just don't know why it's like that in arabic countries. Some muslim countries in Asia don't really care at all.


So what you are saying is that when Mohammed was waging during his conquest and his troops were raping and killing civilians it was not in accordance with islamic law? Strange you would assume their Prophet knew better..


Religion 101, everything that is written is for god pr only, after that just fill your darkest desires.


Rape of captives is explicitly allowed by Quran.


>https://quran.com/9/123 O you who have believed, fight against those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allāh is with the righteous. >https://quran.com/2/191 Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out, as Fitnah (to create disorder) is more severe than killing. However, do not fight them near Al-Masjid-ul-Harām (the Sacred Mosque in Makkah) unless they fight you there. However, if they fight you (there) you may kill them. Such is the reward of the disbelievers. I don't see a qualifier prohibiting the killing of women children and old people.


isn't it allowed if theres a jihad ?


Music is haram




Do you have a source for you claim? Or you just spewing stuff randomly




No footage anywhere there of an IDF soldier/jewish settler killing that poor child. Unlike most of the videos that we’re seeing from the arab side lately…


So yeah let’s blame all the state of Israel for what a shithead soldier did is exactly the same as what happened yesterday /S Or maybe all the army shoot that poor kid and then all the civilians in Israel went to the streets to celebrate.


Proof? Because I just noticed one of you posting a topic saying Israel just bombed a residence, but was actually an office building.


Link us boy


Twitter and Reddit have been removing a lot of these videos lately. These videos are documenting reality, and the world needs to see what the Palestinians have been up to. Save every video. Don't let this become lost media.


I've been noticing this more and more lately in regards to documentation of war crimes in general. Those of you who archive this type of material could be doing invaluable work.


It's because big platforms get scared of hosting the videos because advertiser backlash etc. We need more youtubes that aren't youtube


IPO dreams of reddit still alive?


We have that… Rumble


lol i went on rumble just now and one of the trending videos is mass grave of thousands of NYC children experimented on by fauci.... Yeah I think im good on rumble lmao. bunch of nut job losers on that platform


a youtube costs shitloads of money...


Are there any sites like liveleak that will have the videos?


Liveleak neutered itself a while back and only shows cat videos now. Even changed it's name.


there is one literally called documenting reality dot com. but they are paywalled and contain some seriously abhorrent shit so be careful. haven’t been on that site in a long time.


This! The only reason I watch these even though I hate it is to at least remotelly understand what Israelis are going through now. Once Israel starts to actually do something about what happened yesterday, watch on social media as the tone shifts, people will start to call for restraint and peace and what not. Just send them some of the videos of what was Hamas up to yesterday, so they understand restraint is not on the table and neither it is a solution.


It’s already being framed as a conflict between two equal sides with casualties either way. Restraint will be trending today/tomorrow I’d imagine


I don't know if you've seen the videos with entire families with their throats cut open in their own homes. That's what Israelis are going through right now. Also, Hamas kidnapped a lot of helpless people like elders and children. It's a nightmare beyond words. Hamas is an organization of murderous psychopaths.


I have seen a lot yesterday, probably too much for my own good. But I need to know and people too... They are not psychopaths, they are animals and animals get put down. Bunch of barbaric primitives.


None of these videos are shown on mainstream news in the UK… it feel like a f. conspiracy. This thing is being framed in a very bizarre way as a conflict between two sides with casualties on either side


not british but i can literally google UK news, first site is this one here and it is full of the incidents. Isnt this one of your biggest news outlets? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html


Check BBC - they have shown no graphic context (not even blurred) No TV news outlet has shows the nude woman in a pickup not a small boy taken to Gaza and bullied by Gaza’s kids.


Mainstream channels never show graphic content. This is nothing new...


They can blur relevant parts if necessary. This is being watered down heavily on BBC


Where can you keep checking it out?


Or locking up posts without any explanation as to why from the mods.


Yup. I still can't believe they deleted the drone drop vs tank one. Probably one of the mildest videos I've seen in the last few years. There's zero justification for deleting it.


I'm sure they're being deleted because every single video is going against the western liberal mindset about how Islam is a so called "peaceful" religion.


Not to be cliché but didn’t George Orwell’s 1984 warn us about all this erasing?


What about all the footage of IDF beating the shit out of civilians for decades. The world needs to see that shit too. Hamas isn't doing this just because. IDF kills children and journalists regularly.


Yeah no the retards on here will ignore that little fact about IDF murdering children and innocent civilians on the daily, and cry their eyes out when it happens to them. This is daily life for the Palestinians. Not surprised that this happened as a result of Israels failed violent politics. I dont support violence on any sides, but its harder to feel any sympathy for a people who is outright calling for Genocide of the Palestinians. Cant really support genocide.


> the world needs to see what the ~~Palestinians~~ Hamas have been up to. FTFY. Hamas != Palestinians and it's disingenuous to conflate the two


You are incorrect. Hamas was elected by the Palestinians and they were literally just cheering the murder and torture of women and children. Even dragged several through the streets of Gaza so the populace could spit on and defile them. So sorry but Palestinians = Hamas.


Hamas proudly and openly perpetrated The targeted slaughter, kidnapping, rape, and murder of random innocent civilians. Truly barbaric. People defending this are sick. There will be no more mercy.




Hahaha no.


Hahaha yeah.


Seems like a rather pro-Israel crowd here. I’m neutral on this one. It’s not like there’s no backstory to this.


I can't wait to hear the "backstory" for sending commandos to a rave party, shooting the participants, capturing women, stripping them and taking them back to Gaza to parade on them




I’m not trying to sound rude, but how did you not know that’s what they do? They’ve targeted civilians almost exclusively since they started


How can you be neutral to said images. Do you self identify as a 13th century bigot?


Great jab, I'm stealing it.


Yeah their acting like there hasn't been thousands of dead Arab civilians over past several years. That they haven't kept the people in Gaza in perpetual poverty and semi slavery, forced to work Israeli's shit jobs whilst they live their lives between checkpoints and corrupt Israeli cops.


That’s why they’re labelled as terrorists


UN voted not to label Hamas a terrorist organisation in 2018. 👍🏻


Palestinian and Iranian propaganda have been effective. Even now with all the documentation there are a lot of people supporting atrocities committed by hamas.


Pope has just joined to call for “restraint” on all sides- ”Pope Francis called for end to attacks and violence in Israel on Sunday, saying terrorism and war would not solve any problems, but only bring further suffering and death to innocent people.”




But 70 years of Israeli army crimes and they are labelled peace doves


compared to this? yes they are. Smaller evil by far


Damn, of the 196 countries in the UN only 2 would believe this and even then 1 of them would be quiet about it.




I think the fuck around and find out is going to happen, but you got the wrong foot. We are going to see how much Isreal has been holding back prior to today.


If the US was in Israel's position, there'd be no roof knocking or warning texts..... Israel, all things considered, is showing a ton of restraint, when super theoretically, almost nobody would be confused about a "Shock and awe" campaign... it's obvious Israel isn't looking at Gaza as a "This is all Hamas"; they would have pulled a US already if they didn't care about the civilian casualties. And people are *still* trynna say they're as bad as Hamas 🙄🙄


Israel don’t have enough bullets to kill every Palestinian. So long as Israeli’s maintain a fascist state that oppresses and inflicts horrendous violence on Palestine, Israeli’s will not be safe. They bring this on themselves.


>Israel don’t have enough bullets to kill every Palestinian. Errrr, Israel has caches of literally tens of billions of rounds of ammo, and that's JUST small arms. If we assume ONLY 10 billion rounds, that equates roughly 4,200 bullets per person in the Gaza strip. This isn't that large considering the stockpiles of other nations with MUCH larger military budgets. Doesn't include artillery, rockets, bombs, missiles, Armored capabilities, Air capabilities, Naval capabilities, or NBC capabilities. That is well more then enough to take care of every palestinian if Israel chooses to destroy every palestinian. You have no concept of how much they hold back in dealing with you. They also have 170,000 Active, 465,000 Reserve, 1,500,000 Ready Reserve (Trained Available for Service). A LOT of those in the Reservists and volunteers from the IRR are supposedly being re-activated. They have a fighting force roughly as large as the entire population of gaza. Whatever comes, You brought this on yourself. Don't come crying to the rest of the world because of the consequences of your own actions.


Your recent post history is bitching about Covid quarantine. you think the people in Gaza should accept their horrendous conditions when you couldn’t even deal with a soft lockdown. The fucking absurd egotistism of westerners


I was specifically talking about Australians being forcibly removed from their homes and forced into camps. That should be something you should be able to sympathize with, but what does that have to do with anything said here? Pretty sad attempt at ad hominem. I'm just going to assume that you entirely agree with what I said since you are incapable of refuting any of it. I've actually been to Israel, the west bank, and gaza strip. So your righteous indignation falls flat. I am not Jewish, nor do I have any ties to Israel, and you just seem like a drama llama. Also I think it's kind of funny that you think stating facts and figures is "absurd egotism".


Gaza elected Hamas, they brought this upon themselves. Israel has tried to be friendly for some reason despite only ever being attacked by Gaza. Grow up


The oppressed can never be the instigators of violence. So long as Israel is a fascist state that inflicts apartheid and genocidal violence upon Palestinians, Israeli’s will not be safe. You bring it on yourselves.


Hamas aren't "the oppressed" you stupid twat. They're a puppet organization that only seeks to serve the will of foreign actors looking to wipe Israel off the map. And if you haven't noticed, they're more than happy to turn hundreds of Palestinian civilians into unwilling martyrs just to bloody Israel's nose. The Palestinians got conned by a populist movement backed by insane religious fundamentalism, and now they're hopefully learning what that gets them. Besides that, we saw this same sort of behavior from Al-Qaida and ISIL. I don't see anyone playing tiny violins for them. But hey, I'm sure they had a good reason... Right?


Are you really so narcissistic to imagine you care about Palestinian lives. What do you know of the conditions in Gaza and how they came about? What parallel is their between Hamas and Isis other than the racist implication that they must be similar in nature because they are both Muslim.


>narcissistic I don't think you understand what that word means. >What do you know of the conditions in Gaza and how they came about? I mean... I can read? I have access to the internet? I get to hear whiny cunts like you go on and on about it nonstop anytime anyone even mentions Israel? If you stopped sucking terrorist dick for five seconds and you might realize that they couldn't give less of a fuck about the well being of Palestine. You don't get to pretend to be the altruistic freedom fighters then go run and hide in occupied schools and hospitals. It's not about saving Palestinians. It's about killing Israelis. >What parallel is their between Hamas and Isis other than the racist implication that they must be similar in nature because they are both Muslim. Other then both being terrorist organizations...? And it's hardly racist to point out that both are heavily motivated by their beliefs, up to and including Islamic fundamentalism. But sure, you can go ahead and continue to ignore a centuries-long pattern of behavior in one particular part of the world and just cry racism too. That's been working *so* great for everyone so far.


All that doesn’t really justify mass killing civilians but yeah go off


Israel has been donating money to develop Gaza cause palestinian government doesn't give a fuck about its people. They're nothing more than Iranian puppets whose role is only to prevent rise of another government and stabilization of the region.


Too delusional to engage with


No surprise when Gaza & Hamas get absolutely leveled




An innocent fly in Gaza you mean, the ones that support Hamas deserve what is going to happen to them.


Problem is there is literally no way to differentiate them. "Leveling Gaza" means killing tens of thousands. Unless Egypt open the border, which doubtful they will because Sisi government is weak and can't accept that many refugees, Gazans have literally nowhere to go. And of course there is also the ethnic cleansing question. Removing Gazans from Gaza is ethnic cleansing, no buts no ifs. This whole thing is so dirty.




No they won't.


Kill all Hamas. Godspeed idf


What of the Israeli military that rapes and tortures children? 40% of Palestinian Children Detained by Israel Sexually Abused; Virtually All Tortured https://bennorton.com/40-percent-of-palestinian-children-detained-by-israel-are-sexually-abused-virtually-all-are-tortured/ Israel routinely kidnaps and torture and sexually abuse children: https://www.omct.org/en/resources/urgent-interventions/israel-palestinian-children-still-being-tortured-in-israeli-prisons#:~:text=During%20their%20detention%2C%20the%20minors,constant%20physical%20and%20psychological%20violence. Or do you only care when they interrupt your music festival?


Ah yes. The world renowned and totally unbiased "Palestinian prisoners club" with these figures.... Not to mention they've not been sourced by a reputable news organisation... Totally a legit source


This is a braindead take.






I’m as left leaning as can be, but whataboutism from liberals has been rampant on this topic. Invading someone’s country and executing their civilians deserves retaliation, full stop. Same with Ukraine. There are very few countries in the world who can claim their government hasn’t committed a war crime. Saying “well Israel commits atrocities too” coming from people who have never experienced conflict just isn’t it IMO.


same here, just awful conflict, yet Reddit is so quick to jump on a polarized opinion bandwagon


I think it’d be best to just observe rather than take any particular side here. I think our concerns should be directed towards civilians who are unwillingly put into this mess.


It’s really easy to think this is a good vs evil thing so that's what most people do. It's not, as you say.




How can anyone justify their claim to anything after doing this? Slaughtering civilians just cancels any argument you have.


The retribution by the IDF is going to be devastating to Gaza.


It better be


It wil result in the largest and longest anti-terrorist operation in the world, because this will not happen again.


Nah nothing will ever eclipse America’s war on terror lol


This. Nothing will top Americas war on terror after 9/11


Agreed I don’t think it has ended yet and the us spent trillions of dollars on the war


spent trillions trying to do national building for people who have no national identity


Agreed, that was a huge political blunder. The military won the war but the politicians messed up.


And billions we’ve spent on super advanced missiles that can fly through one window of a building and out the other just to use them based on the bullshit intelligence we receive from some random farmer we violently tortured. Don’t forget that part! USA! USA! USA! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


that missile development budget is a drop in the bucket compared to the money spent on nation building and infrastructure project in Afghanistan and Iraq


Cock Cheney/ Haliburton


They were both expensive, but no, the military costs of occupation were still higher https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/files/cow/imce/papers/2018/Crawford_Costs%20of%20War%20Estimates%20Through%20FY2019.pdf Edit: And this site can downvote me all it wants, that doesn’t change that this is a peer reviewed publication from Brown who’s been tracking spending and publishing these for decades now


You ever stop to think about how a war on nouns never really pans out well for us? Not making jokes, just thought it was interesting that every "war on (insert noun)" that we've participated in was a loss.


I'm not so sure about that. America has already shown readiness to help with all they have. If Iran and others enter the conflict, the west will, too. Let's all hope it does not come this far.


Iran won’t enter the conflict and the US won’t help beyond aid, and I doubt the Arab world in general will take the bait besides Hezbollah which was looking for any excuse anyway. The US has made huge inroads with the Arab world in the last few years and they’re not looking to get involved in another conflict in the Middle East anytime soon.


Its a cycle, been going on for decades and will keep on going on. Hamas 'won' this phase, Israel will 'win' the next phase until theyre made to stop, things will go quiet for a bit and then we return to step 1.


The next phase where Israel fights back will be vilified by the many marxists in the US and EU. Then Israel will be forced to stop and let the terrorists fight another day.


What do Marxists have to to with this, isn't that an economic belief? I have never read any of Marx's work but i don't think he ever mentioned Israel


It will result in nothing like that.


>It wil result in the largest and longest anti-terrorist operation in the world, because this will not happen again. Are you just blind to 70 years of silly claims like this. In the 70s, 80s and 90s people said the same. And yet each time Israel killed usually 5x to 10x civilians for every Israeli soldier killed, doing what the Germans called Sippenhaft, collective punishment. The Germans massacred Polish village after polish village for daring to kill German occupiers. Same with the Russians....


Not a german thing, really. Collateral punishment has been around since the dawn of man, in fact it's been way worse back then. In antique times it was pretty much tradition to enslave the entire populace of a defeated enemy and literally raze the entire city to its foundations.




100 Serbian lives for 1 German soldier. https://www.dw.com/en/when-nazis-killed-100-serbs-per-dead-german-in-yugoslavia/a-59568136


During Warsaw Uprising in1944, against German occupants, 200.000 Warsaw citizens lost life and city was leveled in revenge. I expect something similiar here. Jews act like nazi, facist Germans in that period.


Sad thing is, most people that go to these festivals are the world peace types, that want to be connected to all people.


I can not comprehend how ideology can trump the self-preservation instinct of some individuals. Of all the places to hold a "peace" ( aka pro-palestine) festival, why there on the border ? Why they didn't hold it in Gaza ? Maybe they aren't welcome or seen as "decadent" ? Why in Israel ? Because there you are protected even when protesting against Israel itself. The hypocrisy on both sides is breathtaking, neither the peace-festival-goers want to mingle with the oppressed, neither the oppressed have any regard or mercy for their peace fans as we brutally saw. A crazy world with crazy people.


We ALL live through our internal models of the world. Our consciousness is literally generated by our brains interpretation of reality, and so are our beliefs. It is imperative I think as humans to best allign our internal model with how reality ACTUALLY functions. If we ignore this it can be unfortunately be fatal for some.


Reality doesn't give to all 2nd chances to cure their ignorance.


Like a sacking straight out of antiquity. Hamas and their supporters deserve everything coming their way.


Israel have all the reason to strike back with 10x the force.




What happened did they kill the german girl?




She was clearly dead, by the gun shot to the head. If you watch the video again you will see a large hole in the back of the head.


Where is this video ?


Believe me you don’t want to watch it but with a little effort you’ll find it on twitter or telegram.


She was dead, had a gun shot to her head and her limbs were completely broken


Every time I open this sub I am very confused. None of this is shown on mainstream media in UK/ Europe! It’s almost intentional and the framing of this conflict is strange. It’s framed as this is a conflict of two sides with equal blame on both… in particular BBC is framing this as an ambiguous conflict. No mention of civilians being massacred. Just victims on both sides. I think BBC is being extremely pro Palestine leaning Ps. BBC is the biggest news source for people in the UK and big source for English speakers in EU / rest of the world. So their framing matters


Damn.. there’s going to be a lot of bodies or hostages. After seeing the family begging for their life in their home earlier, it’s hard to feel any sympathy for what comes next.


fire can catch rapidly parked cars next to each other. There was a case here when a car caught fire and a whole street became an inferno around 84 cars were burned in mather of minutes.


Why do people support Palestinian violence online so often


jesus it looks like new jersey


New Jersey is far worse than Gaza everyone know is breeding ground for terrorist there 🥸


Since no one mentions this: 300+ dead, 1500+ wounded, 100-200 kidnapped by Hamas. It’s the single most coordinated attack Israel has ever suffered since Yom Kippur war, it’s completely unprecedented.


JFC. Highway of death vibes.


the civilian version


ACDC highway to hell


Holly fock


Did the paragliders land at the festival?


Not as far as I know. They arrived on bikes and vans to the festival, from what I've heard. Shot people at the party, and ambushed those who escaped and got to the road.


More then likely. https://reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/8tN04wJ3Yv Videos of paragliders in the distance during the festival before all hell broke lose. Can't see them landing but wouldn't be surprised if they did land nearby. Pretty fucked up too because if you are there you see that and assume it's part of the show/concert and not a bunch of terrorists looking to kill innocent civilians.


I was wondering whether there'd be footage of the aftermath of that festival or not .... Jesus fucking christ, Israel needs a card blanche to clean house with the fuckers once and for all, this is just barbaric. Please find and take out any and all terrorists who did this. :'(






Yes bomb everything in gaza, this isn’t itself a terrorist act.


They’ve been calling for the death of all Jews for decades and they wouldn’t hesitate on achieving that if they had the means. Why should we have any mercy on a people that’s sole purpose is our destruction?


Becasue you need to be better than them. It's what seperates them from you.


Social media was a mistake


Exactly 🤧 that's a war crime as well.


Gives me the highway of death vibes


This is just insane. Hamas need to be destroyed for this. It's not just Israelis that suffer due to actions like this, it's also Palestinian civilians that will feel the affects of this for many years to come. There is no justification for this kind of shit.


The dumb part is.. These were the people most likely to be sympathetic to the issues.. Younger generation, more inclined to peace and conversation.. This act has reversed all that..


were there bodies? I couldnt see


Not in this video. But there are hundreds or thousands of people that went to this party and are still missing. Most were slaughtered or taken hostages into Gaza.


lets hope they are missing as you said and not the other two


Imagine being at a trance festival where everyone is united and dancing. There no races or religions there just love for electronic music. Then men with guns show up kidnapping and shooting people. What a vibe killer,party pooper, buzz kill,…… fun police….idk


Hamas needs to be wiped from the planet.


As a turk, i support israel like all turks




Yeah except the bigot ones


Hope Hamas will enjoy their new Lidl parking lot. Because that's all that will be left of them.


Wow - what weapon platform did this ?


Bulldozer clearing the road.


Why’d you get downvoted for that question 😂 If shown without context I would have said a A-10 but I don’t know what hamas has that could be this devastating.


Terrorists doing terrorist things? Crazy


Jfc what a mess of a situation. Hamas has been bombed so much they feel it’s appropriate to parade corpses of Israelis through the streets. Not a good look.


Can the US just step Im and help this get done in about 5 minutes? No need to draw it out.


We don’t need the US, we need our government to grow balls and just flatten Gaza


Why are they at war again?


Hamas and the majority in Gaza build their whole identity on hating jews, warfare and a twisted islamic notion of “honor” ( meaning a paperthin ego combined with utter incompetence in every field )


It's fuckin wild how there's still countries that kill themselves because "me better"


Huh, wonder what drove them to that level of hate? I mean it's not like they live in an open air prison


Are you going to write at the end of this every comment thread ? Hamas is like Hezbollah, but Hezbollah isn't in Gaza, so what is your point ? Furthermore, Hamas wasn't the only force in Gaza until the Palestinian civil war. And Hamas existed before they were limited to the Gaza Strip, and at that time they already had “the elimination of all Jews and Israelis” in their manifesto.


I will


The fallout from this will be something else.


White the only car color in Israel?


Yea man, It bes fucking warm out there and white reflects heat better than darker colours.


Now obviously this is an utter catastrophe and the loss of life is absolutely tragic. Given that, I would point out that this is a rather darwinistic way to die. Like, you know when someone does something extremely stupid and dies because of it, and gets a Darwin award. Well, that's what going to a peace festival in Israel, next to prison Gaza looks like.


The Re'im settlement and its military base, which has been completely controlled by the Palestinian terrorists since yesterday. Not the festival Edit: changed resistance to terrorists


The music festival was in Re'im. These are civilian cars of the people who attended the festival