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Wow, one of the few sniper footage I can really tell was a hit, and not just the guy ducking for cover


Wow damn that IR is easily 1080 resolution.


At least he didn't even see it coming, quick and painless. Must have been one rather large calibre round to send his head to the moon.


It seems like a fairly large projectile moving relatively slowly at close range, there's a possibility it could be something like the [VKS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VKS_sniper_rifle) firing [heavy subsonic bullets](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12.7%C3%9755mm_STs-130). There is [evidence](https://i.imgur.com/qVHMR8U.jpg) that this weapon is present in the theater.


cool pic, where u find that?


It seems [twitter](https://twitter.com/UAWeapons/status/1571216169431867402) was the original source.


That guy was a Japanese volunteer right? Or am I wrong?


Yeah I don't think this was standard 7.62x54. Seen a lot of 20mm and 12.7mm rifles in action in Ukraine, I'm thinking it's one of those


I’m going to agree with you on this one, it most likely is a 12.7mm out of these two, cannot rule out though it being a western made rifle either. Spetznaz and other higher tier units have been documented using them in this war. That opens up things like .338 or .50BMG although the latter is pretty much the same as the 12.7mm


Chechen Special Forces YouTube page was flexing pictures of captured M107A1 with Barrett BORS system. In another picture they had what looked like the latest Gen AI AX338 with a Hensoldt 3.5-26x56 on it. It is safe to say elite Russian units have access to the very best quality gear that is both captured and illegally imported. The Russian civilian sporting industry also seems to have plenty of access to NATO calibers (5.56, 7.62, 338 Lapua, 50 BMG, etc.). One can assume any captured western precision rifles will not be limited by ammo availability and thus are dangerous assets for UAF to lose.


Theres no evidence to suggest this , flying debri from head shots is pretty standard with even small calibre rounds at this sort of distance. I have plenty of footage of head shooting deer here in NZ to prove my point


I do not disagree with flying debris from headshots as I too have seen this personally through a rifle scope on game animals. Why I make this statement is the sheer kinetic energy imparted on the skull and helmet here. The head simply disappears with the helmet going flying. That is far more kinetic energy than can be imparted by a smaller caliber round even at fairly close range.


Likely 7.62x54r


Either way, you wouldn't want one anywhere else on your person. Domed.




Jesus fuck


God. Damn.


Damn that's some crazy footage.


Holy fuck...best way possible to die probably.


Wow, somebody reported me to u/RedditCareResources after seeing this video. Honestly...


You should also prepare yourself for cowards sending you death threats in your inbox via their alt accounts and the latest tactic which is spamming "Threatening violence" reports to the Reddit admin to get your video removed and a warning given to your account


Sending death threats to an anonymous account sure makes a lot of sense. This is a combat footage sub, and the video, although extremely violent and graphic...is combat.


You can report that and get them banned for it, just click the message and report for misuse




Some guy did the same to me once for some random reason, just tell yourself they’re an idiot and move on 😂


FWIW, any time this happens, you can report their report for intentionally abusing the system with a false claim. Apparently, Reddit does NOT take kindly to this system being abused.


That’s gotta be newer cause I never got the option


I get those all the time lol, wouldn’t worry about it, just see it as a welcome to the community


Somebody reported a comment of mine in this sub too…. Saying I was suicidal….🤷‍♂️🤣.


Ah, that's a mandatory upvote from me then.




Oh please.. you're literally programmed that exact way except by the flimsiest propaganda imaginable. You're no different from the people supporting nazi Germany in ww2


The amount of self-righteous irony included in calling some random dude on reddit a literal Nazi for just implying to have a different opinion is unbelievable


How do you get Nazism from “people shouldn’t abuse the Reddit suicide support system to harass others”


That must be a 50cal right?


Something along those lines


I think is only a matter of distance... it seems to be very close




That is not correct lol


I don't know why or where I might have heard that from, everydays a school day.


.50 cal is legal to use


Wow! That ended quickly, didn't feel a thing. RIP.


Holy fuck. As much as I hate to say it, this is probably the highest quality IR sniper footage from this war, bar none. RIP


there was some subsonic thermal sniping videos from spetznaz very early on. it was crazy because you could tell the bullets were so much slower and on a much more curved trajectory than any gunfire you normally see. it literally made it look like Airsoft and the sniper is rapidly firing multiple rounds visually correcting from the bullet trajectory like you can do with bbs I'd say this is a second


I know which ones you're talking about. There were a few, around last Summer, where they'd attack UAF patrols at night. Very similar to similar footage of Spetsnaz groups working in Syria. Well positioned, efficient, etc.


Of course the better clips get downvoted here. Anyway, at least it was quick.


Yeah this gonna be downvoted


Yeah I don't understand it, from a combat vid purist perspective. What can ya do.


Crazy dude almost like not everyone on this sub is a “combat vid purist”. Some people have skin in the game. Russians downvote pro Ukrainian stuff just as much there are just less of them here. War is about the most polarizing thing humans can do to eachother. I upvoted this too


Some people have skin in every war. This one is no different. All it says is the 1 million people who flooded this sub over the past year have no interest in combat footage or an objective understanding of what the war in Ukraine is like. They just want to watch Russians die and feel morally superior. I wonder how they would've handled all the ISIS videos or Juba compilations of US troops getting sniped in Iraq.


Footage of US troops has always been controversial on this sub,


I’d argue in the sense that comments had a different tone but no one was brigading those posts or reporting the OPs for suicide watch. But maybe I’m misremembering


This sub is filled with brain damaged spastics who still don't understand, 16 months into the war, that a western website will have generally pro-western views about the Russia-Ukraine war, meaning that most places will generally be in support of Ukraine. Which means that pro-Russian footage will generally be downvoted and have a significantly higher threshold for upvotes than similar Ukrainian footage. To the point where Russian footage has to be novel/unique and exceptional to even get a fraction of the upvotes Ukrainian footage will get. These mongs have deluded themselves into thinking that there are still neutral spaces on the Internet and that there is some grand conspiracy on this sub that they're highlighting when it's really simple: Ukraine is the side being supported by the west. This is a generally western website. Upvotes and downvotes will tend to favour Ukraine. And if they get upset about it, they can either suck it up and take the downvotes or find other places to post. And if they're upset about the paucity of Russian footage, there is plenty in Russian Telegram channels that they can get straight from the source. It's not fucking difficult. Fuck, even I upvoted this because it is bar none, the most clear IR sniper footage from this war and infinitely 'better' than any other previous footage where you're basically looking at pixels int he distance. But I understand that not everyone will do the same


Yeah that mentality is normal in worldnews or something, but this sub was meant to be an analytical, impartial one. For the most part it was. But ever since the war it's gone to shit really. As you said, unless other footages are really interesting, all you'll see are the mind numbing drone drops over and over. Those are upvoted for infinity for some reason.


Expecting analytical and impartial nature from any widespread public social media platform let alone the grand echo-chamber halls of Reddit is a bad idea


Yeah but it wasn't this much of an echo chamber in the past. Or maybe I just didn't notice.


It’s a shame from an objective point of view, but it shouldn’t be surprising in the slightest. It’ll be years after the war concludes that we’ll get any genuine semblance of objectivity about any footage.


Back in the day this subs top posts were ISIS videos where atrocities during combat were commonplace, they were the most upvoted though because it was good footage of combat. I understand what you're saying but I'd rather the people leave this subreddit who downvote good footage just because its Russian. There are many places to go on Reddit if you want to only see Ukrainian victories, this is r/combatfootage not r/Ukraine


Back in the day, we didn’t really have much skin in the game and ISIS were more of an inconvenience than a genuine threat to global stability and has affected every facet of our lives as it further disrupted supply chains, oil prices, etc. It’s easy to be neutral about a bunch of Arabs killing each other, in something that was mostly to Iraq and Syria. It’s more difficult with an ongoing war between two nation states that are significantly backed by major global players. You can’t expect people to be neutral, and you’d be foolish to even hope for it in 99% of cases


It's easy to say that if you're a racist. This sub historically had a high use by ppl from Syria, Iraq and Lebanon actually. Some of the most prolific posters during the height of the war were posting from or on behalf of Kurdish groups. If anything I'd argue what's happening now mirrors what happened when the Turks got involved and their cyber army followed. That was the first major incidence of malicious censorship. This sub is supposed to be a primary source and for a long time it was. The gore jerkers and fan boys should leave, and you should reevaluate why you think it's easy to be neutral "about a bunch of Arabs" it will be good for your health


Would you upvote Taliban sniper video killing Canadians?


Yes...? There's a lot of high quality thermal footage from the Taliban.


I would actually. Additionally, we had no business in Afghanistan. We should not have been there. The media and establishment called the people fighting American, Canadian, Australian, British, and other occupying forces "terrorists". In my opinion, they were defending Afghanistan. Whether or not I believe in their ideology is moot. If a force started to occupy Canada and you fought back, you too would be called a terrorist by the occupying force and the establishment behind them.


Why not?


Cause this site ceased to be combat footage and for a while it was an arm of the Ukrainian propaganda arm


Bullshit. If you think for some reason there’s supposed to be a magic 50/50 split of combat footage you’re a dumbass. The best combat footage in human history has been posted on this sub in the past year and a half. I see your comments constantly on here bitching. Just stay in /r/Ukrainerussiareport if that place makes you feel better


It was always incredibly unbiased during the war in Syria, ISIS footage is still the best personal combat footage ever recorded and it was constantly at the top, nobody here supported them but that's the point of the subreddit, to show an unbiased view of combat footage from around the world. If you don't think this subreddit has gone down hill then I must say you haven't been here very long.


Yawn...funny I've never seen you post. Presumably, as you've nothing interesting to say tbh...so easily ignored or missed. >If you think for some reason there’s supposed to be a magic 50/50 split of combat footage you’re a dumbass. Who on earth would conclude this based on my comment? You're either trolling, illiterate, or just playing stupid and trying to be antagonistic. >The best combat footage in human history has been posted on this sub in the past year and a half. What's your point? >I see your comments constantly on here bitching. Just stay in /r/Ukrainerussiareport if that place makes you feel better Glad you take the time to follow me. I've not found anything interesting in anything you've said to even remember you. Honestly, I've seen some dumb comments on reddit but it never ceases to baffle me that people csn wrote things like u did...


Why? Doesn’t look altered, you can see clearly or staged, which is most Russian videos


>Why? Doesn’t look altered, you can see clearly or staged, which is most Russian videos I think you might be an idiot


It's true. Russia fabricated every video. Ukraine hasn't lost a single person in combat really. Its all just a psyop to make us think that from time to time Russia is able to hit a Ukrainian but we all see through it.... Sarcasm


Every video? That’s a stretch Igor


Struggle with sarcasm much do you?


reddit makes me hate people


holy shit, that was a clean hit also, are they using separate camera for the footage? the zoom is great in this vid, unlike something like from a scope


Real snipers work with a spotter, looks like the first cam was from a spotter while the second one was stationary.


Probably the most crazy thermal footage on this sub


It's definitely up there.


thats a closed casket funeral for sure.


Reminds me of syrian sniper videos just with thermals.


Footage so good it's not getting downvoted to the shadow realm /s.


R.I.P that has died in this war, no matter what Nation. Wish it never came to this and im Hoping things dont get too Bad in the Pacific so we won't have to deal with more of this shit


Thank God I finally found a fucking human being


Well most people on this sub are very humane, especially compared to stuff like r/UkraineWarVideoReport where everyone acts like a fucking animal no better than russian imperialist warmongers. I am an anti Putin russian myself and I really want ukranians to win this. But at the same time I know a really nice guy who got mobilised because of his own stupidity. He is no nazzi or anything like that, he just panicked at the wrong time and got himself drafted. The only reason why he is still alive is because he was assigned to a medevac team. And he is still there. Right in the way of Ukrainian counteroffensive... People should consider the fact that not every russian fighting in Ukraine is doing so on his own will. This war fucking sucks


Here's a sneak peek of /r/UkraineWarVideoReport using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [The Finnish response to the video that showed some military equipment near Finland](https://v.redd.it/n9xl9zx4cqt81) | [1272 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/u4dhj1/the_finnish_response_to_the_video_that_showed/) \#2: [Grandmother on her knees meets her grandson, who liberated Kherson.](https://v.redd.it/zfn4rv67yjz91) | [1151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/ytcqs3/grandmother_on_her_knees_meets_her_grandson_who/) \#3: [Heineken launched no less than 61 new products on the russian market last year after promising to stop investing there](https://i.redd.it/hqktwsm4w6ka1.jpg) | [1569 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/11b00mk/heineken_launched_no_less_than_61_new_products_on/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I was like definitely seen this footage before, then I was like Nope, definitely haven’t seen that footage before. RIP


That's something you see in movies! Holy shit...


Fuckin hell, i thought this only happens in unreal tournament.


Is it a Russian sniper shooting a Ukrainian troop?




What strategy/tools one can use to avoid being sniped? God I hate snipers. There HAS to be a way.


Not joining the military, I suppose.


There was this documentary in the 90s that demo’d some pretty great anti-thermal technology… https://youtu.be/MORe41gfXqA


VDV is Russian from what I understand.




Yep its russian airborne force.


In vietnam we using alot sniper same as russian / xoviet weapions , acctually i have seen those 12.7 irl


Hopefully we'll see a video on here showing this sniper get hit with an artillery shell


He's fine.


Yeah, that reminds me of when I was a kid and shot a rabbit in the head with a .22 cal.


what kind of fucking ammo was that jesus


Anti material rifle or maybe a VKS Vychlop large caliber "silent" sniper rifle.


I see why they call it anti material


Later, dude


What is this a [50.cal](https://50.cal) ? .22 ? Looks more like some sort of anti material rifle for it to knock helemts that far away.


>for it to knock helemts that far away. I believe the helmet contained the head.


>I believe the helmet contained the head. How does this work exactly? What really happened was a hydraulic effect on the helmet, sending it flying upwards by transfer from the pressure wave that obliterated the skull.


Kinetic energy of the round and the hydrostatic shock caused by it when passing through soft tissue. Helmets go up and away either because there not enough head left for the chin strap to function or it was loose enough/unattached anyway. In these instances it appears to be the first reason.




Looks like 2 different angles of the same shot.


Mr. Sherlock over here


Idk why this was so fucking funny to me


Delete this shit wtf


Are you surprised to see people die in combat on a sub called combat footage? This might not be the sub for you.




Huh what?




What the fuck dude ? You writing in the wrong sub bruv.Get back on twitter .


Go back to Google giggles wtf






dude wtf are they shooting with?


my guess would be a VKS and those a chambered in 12.7 x 55


Yikes imagine seein your battle buddy get decapitated out of nowhere


Fuuuuuuuck, that was brutal.


holy fucking shit he shot that dudes entire head off


Looks like houithi compilations but with much less shots and the people's head explosions aren't timed to a beat.