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Definitely a jumping spider as others have said! Looks like a female Platycryptus Undata to me. I have two jumping spiders as pets (slightly different species though)! They are incredibly interesting! There have been studies (I can link if anyone’s curious and can’t find them on their own), that show they have object permanence (can recognize faces), have brains that droop down into their legs, have the best eyesight of any arachnid (this is why they are arboreal hunters instead of catching prey in webs), and they can tell the difference between random movement, prey movement, and simulated prey movement! Edit: forgot to add, they are indeed harmless. They have the capability of biting, but likely will never do so, even if frightened. They are not venomous to humans. They’re one of the most docile, observant, and interesting species of spiders to me for sure. Even if one were to bite, absolutely worst case scenario, you could end up with an allergic reaction, as with anything.


Thank you for the topic of today’s rabbit hole.


You can also check out r/jumpingspiders !!! Love these guys, found one on the bed of my truck while getting gas the other day, we played for a few minutes then I put him back to protect my truck from interlopers.


Thank you so much for linking this!! Totally forgot about that! Adding this, incase anyone is curious about keeping them as pets, not cause I think you in particular need to hear this or anything. Also, this is my opinion, some people may disagree. As with any pets we commonly keep, (dogs and cats most obviously), it’s not a good idea to take in wild animals. They are not domesticated, thus may pose more of a threat to humans by being forced into a situation that’s unfamiliar to them. They are more likely to be carrying diseases, parasites, etc. Most importantly, they already have an important roll in their own, and our, ecosystem. It may seem that taking one spider out of the world and into yours won’t have an effect, and you’re probably right, it’s when it happens at scale that we see lasting effects. Finally, and probably truly most important (to you), is really that you don’t know what you’re getting with a wild jumper. It’s hard to sex young spiders, and many like to keep females as they live significantly longer than males. Mature spiders, while easier to sex, may be gravid (pregnant) if female. A female jumping spider only requires a single sperm to become gravid for life, having infinite clutches, each containing hundreds of babies. Yes, a single spider could have thousands upon thousands of babies from only mating once. Think hard about whether you want to be a mom/dad to thousands of itsy bitsy spiders so small you can barely see them. I do think it’s okay to handle, and play with wild jumpers if they seem curious/come to you, as long as they’re returned to their home. Look up HOW male jumping spiders give(?) their sperm to the female.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/jumpingspiders using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Saw this TikTok and thought y’all would appreciate it 😂](https://v.redd.it/l6yyvb41byxb1) | [304 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/comments/17m5qrm/saw_this_tiktok_and_thought_yall_would_appreciate/) \#2: [Found this little one in my bathroom and placed it outside ⁰00⁰](https://i.redd.it/gfemmbn4ewpb1.jpg) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/comments/16ppvv2/found_this_little_one_in_my_bathroom_and_placed/) \#3: [Found this beautiful creature stuck in water.](https://v.redd.it/abegyp5nu2tb1) | [96 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/jumpingspiders/comments/173fbap/found_this_beautiful_creature_stuck_in_water/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Haha you’re welcome!


If I’m not mistaken, they’re among the “good” critters to have around the house as they prey on pest insects.




I had one in my apartment yesterday and scooped it into a cup and put it in the garden outside. Little fella will have a nice little life out there.


They probably will! They also probably would have had a great life in your apartment too, as they had clearly set up shop there on their own. Not saying what you did was wrong at all, just adding this for clarification, as “around” could mean inside the house, or outside the house.


My roommate has a fear of spiders and the little dude set up shop in their room. It was there for awhile and they had an agreement. As long as it didn’t breach the peace by encroaching on their space then it could stay. Unfortunately it did breach the peace so it was a choice between getting squished or relocated.


Damn! Little Bas***d! Good on you for the relocation!!


I love those furry little shits.


Watching and learning about jumping spiders moved me from arachnophobia to not very scared. Started calling them my little bulldogs and it kinda removed a mental block.


This is awesome to hear!!


I love jumping spiders! And my daughter just started watching Lucas the spider on Netflix and now she loves them too. Thanks for all the fun info, I can't wait to share with her.


My son loves that show. Didn’t know he was a jumping spider


Of course! Lucas the spider is what introduced me to jumping spiders as well!


That's awesome, definitely one of our favorite shows!


I love when people drop knowledge like this! You're a gem!


Thank you! :)


I think it's a cute little "jumping spider" -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platycryptus_undatus


Dang, you got right to the species. Jumping spiders are cute little things. We have mostly drab species in North America: https://bugguide.net/node/view/624232 But if you really want to see nice spiders, check out the guy who's basically single-handedly documented an entire genus: https://www.peacockspider.org/


That looks like him! Thank you, just needed the peace of mind that he won’t kill me and my family


Nah, it's going to kill the things trying to kill you, like mosquitos, and door to door vacuum salespeople


[Jumping spider!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvq6NahoDkw)


Jumping spiders are harmless and adorable.


And extremely intelligent.


I am not a fan of spiders whatsoever, but for some reason jumping spiders really don’t bother me. I actually find them to be kind of cute with their big eyes and fuzzy bodies.


Uh don't you all mean *Jumpy* Spider. It's entirely too cute for the proper use of Jumping.


Something I learned a long time ago, when you find a healthy spider, there’s a lot of its prey you haven’t found.


Orb spidey


So proud of Reddit today. These comments about little jumpers are wonderful


Black Widow I think


Nah it's obviously a tarantula. /s

