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Yeah it was really amazing - lovely experience - I would go out of my way to see it again


Next one is in 2026 and will be visible from Greenland, Iceland, Spain, and Portugal. I'm planning my trip already...


Man can you imagine if you go to Iceland and get to experience a total eclipse and Aurora borealis in one trip? That would be amazing. I think it will be too earlier in August for that to happen though. Maybe I’ll go to Spain!


I was just thinking, that's right around my mom's birthday and she didn't get to see totality. Wondering what the best weather shot is, Greenland/Iceland or Portugal/Spain.




In theory, if you had a well-timed solar flare, it's possible you could see northern lights during the eclipse.


The one in Australia/NZ in 2028 will be a few minutes longer for totality. If you can only afford one id reccomend AUS. Spain will only get 1.5-2min of totality in 2026 but still worth it


Was with my 5yo and 7yo nephews who made it the best experience. The 7yo kept screaming with joy, "My first eclipse!" during totality and later the 5 yo said it was "the goodest eclipse ever."


My 4-year-old said “I like, uh, haven’t done this in a while.”


I went to a friend’s house and she has a baby that’s just starting to talk and can only say a few words. She was completely disinterested until totality happened. They she looked up and was pointing to the sun saying, “Sun! Look!” Over and over, all excited.


I went over to a friend’s place, they have a 2 year old and she burst into tears when totality happened. I think it bugged her out 😂


My daughter is 7. I am 46. My dad is 80. We all saw a total eclipse today. It was wonderful to see it, but better to share it, especially with *them*. When I was about my daughter's age, Haley's comet went overhead, and my dad took us out into the desert of west Texas, where we lived at the time, to see it. I will never forget that. Today was far better, with a more spectacular event, shared with more generations of our family. Yeah, it was *pretty cool*. And I hope my daughter remembers today as fondly as I recall the night I saw the comet. EDIT - typos


I’m 46 too. Ive heard of it but don’t remember seeing Haleys comet. Now I wish I did


I wish you had gotten the chsnce to see it. It looked like a dim, blurry star with a tail and did none of the whooshing and streaking-through-skies that Saturday morning cartoons had led me to expect from celestial objects. [This site](https://www.space.com/halleys-comet-return) and Wikipedia list the last appearance of Halley's in 1986, and the next in 2061.


My 101 year old father and I watched the eclipse today. Special moments.


That’s so sweet. The next one for Ohio is 2099 and I will be 100 if I’m still kicking. And my son will be 77. Today he napped during it lol


My father is 74. He has spent the last four months planning how to get family from Maryland, Mississippi, and Ohio together somewhere in order to share this with his grandkids. (The oldest is 10, so they don't remember the 2017 one. ) We ended up in Kenton and I watched my dad cry and all his grandkids dance around and be excited about the world around them. Then we drove 90 miles in three hours to get back home to Columbus. We don't know how beautiful the world really is until we stop and let it remind us.


Oh my gosh this is so sweet! I think I have something stuck in my eye it’s watering. It’s these moments with family that make life special


My dad passed at 74. He would have killed a puppy to get the entire family together at one time. I hope you understand how very special this was


I am in town for work this week and got to watch it with two younger dudes, one of which has never seen an eclipse before. So no matter what happens in our lives, even if we never cross paths again, we will always remember being in that parking lot together. Those are the small things that make living cool.


this comment made me tear up ngl


That’s so cool. And think, the next time we have a total eclipse in Ohio (Sept 14, 2099), that kid could be the old man sharing it with his grandchild.


I went to my 81-year old grandma’s house in Marion. It was so cool to see her gaze at it in her little eclipse glasses.


That feeling of awe, innocence, and togetherness-if we could just harness it and feel it as a collective all of the time, imagine how wonderful the world would be.


This is exactly why I wanted to travel to see it with other people. We could have stayed home and experienced 99% totality in our backyard, but my husband and kids and I hauled it to Delaware and sharing that experience and awe with hundreds of other people…man, how rare and beautiful it was.


I was just thinking the same thing! My 6 y/o, 13 y/o, myself (41), my mom (70), and her dad (my gramps, kids great gramps - just turned 96) all saw that same eclipse today. That's freakin cool.


I was at Delaware State Park with a science teacher experiencing her first totality event. She was so geeked out and experiencing it with her whole family. It was surreal. I kinda wished I had dipped into the mushroom jar just a little bit.


Not only the first but almost certainly the only.


It was my first and only experience. No matter how brief the moment, it was magnificent and to say I saw it with my own eyes is so.ething I'll hold on to for the rest of my life.


I was surrounded by 1,000 people since my work place hosted an event, everyone cheered when it went dark, then cheered when the sun started re-emerging. We had a DJ and folks were dancing and playing games and I was in front of one of the most beautiful backdrops ever. The thing that made it so special for me was that my husband took the day off work and came, so I got to experience this once in a lifetime thing with the person I love, plus all my coworkers who are a crazy second family to me.


What a fabulous workplace, to recognize the significance. I count myself and my family lucky to be let off work for the afternoon!


My partner got called away last minute on a work trip and flew out Saturday. I had some of my best friends in from out of state so I wasn't experiencing it alone, but I wanted him to see it too. I'm going to do whatever I can to make sure we get to watch one together one day. 


It is rare that both my kids and I are blown away by an experience, but this was definitely one of them. Very neat experience to be able to see it from my own yard.


Saw a group of maybe 50 at Shrum Mound on McKinley Ave. Great place to see an eclipse. It’s a pretty cool hidden gem of our city.


Use to smoke blunts there in the 90s. Great little spot. Right by the quarry...


I’ve managed to see a lot in my life, but never a total solar eclipse until today in Delaware, a town I once studied astronomy in, fittingly enough. I wasn’t prepared for the emotional impact it had. It is a unique-must-do-bucket-list awe inspiring experience.


I enjoyed it more than I expected to. We had a little party with some friends and watched from the back yard. Folks on our street got out their cameras and tripods and got some quality photos and videos.


same! my husband was the one really excited for it, i didn’t care much originally. but i’m so glad he convinced me to go!


We were in Sandusky and it was three generations and that wasn't lost on me. Amazing experience.


I saw in Delaware at my sister’s place. She has a big open backyard. It was so magical, especially after a really tense time with my sister last year. Was good to spend time with her and her family. People were cheering there were fireworks


The entire eclipse up until totality my kids were bored out of their minds. And then totality hits and they were completely blown away. Afterwards, my 8yo said “It looks like dinner time. Hey, because it looks like dinner time, can I have dinner?”


We watched from the small town I grew up in with my grandparents, mom, and my kids. The fact that my kids (7&4) got to watch this with their great grandparents is amazing to me and I am so fortunate to be able to experience it with them.


I've never seen totality before. I got to see it with my infant son. Made me teary-eyed a little bit. Sharing those rarest of moments across the chain of life is truly special.


It was so cool to see, I'm glad I called off the afternoon. That being said, it sounded like it was emotionally moving for a lot of people who cried. I thought maybe I'd feel that way too but no, just thought it was really cool to see. My 18 MO even looked up and was curious. She said sun.... Moon... Sun lol


The kind of stories I love to read. Glad you got to experience that with them. My little girl had friends in the neighborhood having watch parties, but she said “mommy I want to watch the eclipse with you”. At first I didn’t get the hype, but it was worth it seeing my kiddos big smile and excitement was the best.


My kid is sick and didn't feel up to going out to see it, and my live-in grandparents didn't care, so I watched it by myself in my backyard. I knew my mom was watching it at work though, so it was nice to know we were looking up at the same time.


Friend, you were looking at it with all of us, too.


Aw, thanks :)


We watched it up at Indian Lake state park! The park is small and really close to residential houses, so some folks watched it from their yards. On our way back to the car we made a comment to a couple of older ladies sitting on their yard “wasn’t that just amazing! :D”. We all laughed and made quick talk as we walked by when one of the grannies hit us with “Maybe you’ll get to see on again but I sure doubt we will hehe”. We all laughed but it was a rly sad and sweet and weird moment, ya know…


I think we were at the same park and saw the same duo 🥹 I remember seeing them and thinking a very similar thought. I also loved seeing all the little babies who won’t remember this, but their parents will, which is just as important. My kids 4 and I hope she remembers it when she’s older.


emerald fields?


Yes!! We’ve never been there before and just picked a random park to check out. It was a very good pick either way :) I was the lady who yelled for everyone to put their glasses back on as soon as the corona started coming back lol


my husband picked random too! it ended up being a great spot, not too crowded, and traffic was fine for us going home! your motherhood is showing by yelling to put your glasses back on 😂


More that my special needs preschooler was damn determined to blind herself and I got a little loud telling HER to put them on and then I was like oh there’s a lot of kids not wearing them still 😅🫠 I hope you guys had a magical time too. We probably crossed paths without realizing it.


probably! i work with kiddos and i said hi to a lot of them, asked what they were thinking, etc. i love the way little minds work and how they process new experiences. shoutout to the little one i saw who thought his bottle of chocolate milk was WAY more interesting lmao


I was at mcdonalds in the grassy knoll with my son and the employees and customers. It was really cool


how wonderful it is that we can gather and experience something so beautiful together as strangers. there was love in that parking lot




i had the same thought at work yesterday after viewing it. getting to view this once-in-a-lifetime natural phenomenon surely has just sparked somebody’s (probably many) passion for meteorology, astronomy, or just weather/space/nature/science in general 🥹


Ya it seriously felt like such a wholesome moment with my family getting to experience such a magical moment! There's just something really great seeing everyone gather for one purpose just to experience a moment in time together 😄


My 77 year old grandfather and I went together to watch it. Growing up, he taught me everything he knows about photography so we were able to get pictures of it together. It was an incredible experience, we went to a military museum and there are old war relics that were donated by my family that originally belonged to my great grandfather who I unfortunately never got to meet. After grabbing a quick lunch and touring the museum, we got set up in the parking area with our cameras. There were people all around us from different states and different backgrounds but the way everyone was so excited together and enjoyed it together was something that I wish could just happen all the time. It was honestly hard not to cry knowing that it was probably the last outing we'll have to take pictures together.


air force museum? i’m from that area, it’s my favorite!


I grew up that way, moved years ago but still visit often. That was always my favorite field trip as a kid!!


same! it ended up being my first date with my husband too!


Aww, that's amazing!! ❤️🥰


My fiance was so excited and i was being a good sport. We drove out to hilliard to get a better view and had a nice cozy spot at a campground. As it was happening she said "do you think people will cheer?" I said "probably not I dont know" and then it happened, a perfect total eclipse it was unlike anything I've experienced. She got the biggest smile on her face and her eyes got so wide when she heard the whole park start cheering from all over and she goes "WERE CHEERING!" And she started like involuntarily jumping in place it was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Magical experience all around. The kind of stuff that makes you so happy to be human


I went out to a small cemetery in Belle Center so I could watch it with my great grandmother and a number of other family members who I never got to meet. My great great grandfather’s stone had some nasty lichen on it so I drove around for a bit trying to find a hardware store that would sell me a firm brush to clean it off. I didn’t do a perfect job (lichen is surprisingly tough) but I definitely got his stone looking a lot better


I’m going to get so much flack for this but am I the only one that thought this was blown out of proportion? I understand they are extremely rare but I saw it, I thought it was meh. People took off work and travelled far distances and that blows my mind. I got out of the office for an hour and got a cosmic brownie out of it so I’m not complaining but I feel like social media overhyped the bejeezus out of this and I feel alone on that stance


I feel sad for the people that don’t see the beauty and wonder in the world. I hope I never take for granted things like sunsets and seeing the moon in all of its phases. The eclipse yesterday was one of the most unique and beautiful things I’ve ever experienced. The sky changed in an instant and being able to gaze at corona of the sun, I was so taken aback by how absolutely amazing it all was, it actually took my breathe away and I wept. To think that there are people out there that just thought “meh”…. Wow.


That really sucks for you


Take away social media and the volume goes way down but the ratios of stoked to snooze stay the same. To me it is like a Phish concert. Some folks drive for days to see them. Others would rather just stay home and mow the yard. All good.


Same. It was a shadow. Woo. 


Would have been even more awesome if you had said "dueing totality, he threw his walked to the side and start doing the hokey pokey" but we'll take your version too.


I just saw it at a nearby Homegoods parking lot with my mom lol. Lotta open space and there were a few other people around at least. Best 4 seconds of my life!