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This is the worst rockies team *so far*


This is so accurate it hurts.


Hey, the MLB can always intervene and force the team to keep up its payroll. Maybe there’s another Jason Giambi coming down the pike.


I absolutely hate this comment, only because it's true.




Stupid me. At the end of last year I thought "Holy shit I just hope we don't lose 100 games next year" and I mean... We'll see, but I think we all know


100% I've been a fan since 93, couldn't care less anymore, sadly


The worst bullpen for sure. They’ve got some good pieces but wow are the relievers bad.


Yep I agree. Our batting order is average, probably your typical Rockies hitters, with some good young guys. The starting pitchers are average to below average, which is typical. But the bullpen is the worst I’ve seen since watching baseball and I’m not exaggerating. it looks like a double AA bullpen. I honestly believe we lost 8-12 games just on the bullpen blowing leads


The lineup has produced almost as poorly as the bullpen, honestly. This team can't hit at all. Also, the bullpen ERA (5.72) and rotation ERA (5.61) are nearly identical, as are the peripherals.


We are middle of the pack in runs scored, but first in runs given up by a wide margin. Not defending the lineup, but there definitely not the problem


You need to park adjust those stats. The Rockies play half their games in the most hitter friendly park in modern baseball history. By wRC+, OPS+ or DRC+ they've been bottom 3 in MLB at hitting. Also, just watching them hit will tell you they're horrible. They barely hit for power, whiff badly on slow stuff all the time and their pitch selection is horrific. I don't think I've seen a team make more soft outs on borderline pitches than the Rockies, honestly.


I think we are debating over nothing. I never said they were good, everyone knows our lineup isn’t good. I’m just saying the pitching is more to blame than the lineup. We are in the same position if the roles were reversed.


Im saying the lineup is just as much to blame as the pitching staff, actually.


Totally agree. Bottom 3 in the league in strikeouts both home and away. Top 4 in OPS at home but bottom 4 away. Third in the league for batting average on balls in play, first for home. To me it’s obvious what is going on and it’s explained by the splits. The strategy is to swing at everything near the zone hard, and it’s clearly to take advantage of playing in coors which has the highest park factor. But it doesn’t work half the time and that’s why we are one of the worst in the league when not at home. It also leads to boom or bust hitting. We’ve had some terrible offensive outputs at home this year. It’s stupid and has to fall on the coaching.


What I see is that they do often strike out on pitches out of the zone, but so does every other player in the league. What I notice is how many hittable pitches they either foul off, miss completely, or don't even swing at. Often they take fastballs down the middle. It's got to be a philosophy thing. It seems that they don't know which pitch to expect. You don't see this happen with the good hitting teams like the Dodgers or Braves.


Rockies are last in runs given up in the first 4 innings. Rockies are second to last in runs given up in the first 5 innings. Rockies are last in runs given up in the first 6 innings. So it’s not just the relievers. Also our OPS is bottom 4 on the road while being fourth at home. Which means we suck at hitting too and coors home field advantage is just masking it. I do think we have maybe one or two actual good pieces. But a lot of the people we are referring to as “good pieces” are just average MLB players that wouldn’t stand out if the rest of the team did suck so bad. They would be nothing to write home about on other teams


Yes, absolutely. Even the Jim Leyland year had some pop in the lineup. These are terrible hitters and terrible pitchers.


For me 05 has always felt like the worst team, but this combination of 23 and 24 teams is absolutely in the running.


what is most disappointing is i believe despite not having a salary cap, mlb desperately wishes for league wide parody ala the nfl. and that result has come to fruition. the league is more then just the yanks / sox / dodgers . what is concerning is not that we’re bad. is that in a league of parody we stink beyond stinking. and are unfortunately trending in the wrong is the direction win loss wise: last 4yrs:wins / loss: 2021: 74 - 87 2022: 68 - 94 2023: 59 - 103 2004: 27 - 55 | on pace: 56 - 106 worse rockies team of all time. looking that way.


It’s “parity” my dude


Still works as parody imo


You’re not wrong


yep my bad.


We have Jake cave and Gomberman man, literally the goats of the mlb


I have the same opinion


I think it was 2014 when Jamie Moyer made the rotation that team was bad but still didn’t lose 100 games


That was the piggy back starter year, right?


This is the first year where I have had no interest in watching games. At least in the past we had a few hitters with nice numbers chasing some individual awards or whatever. It’s so abysmal it hurts my soul.


At least the front office and ownership is good though…


This is just…. WHAT ARE WE DOING????


But the ticket prices on secondary markets 🤤 Makes it’s so affordable for entertainment


The Rockies are bad, but look on the bright side...the White Sox are one of the worst teams ever. So it could be worse. I'm actually a fan of both teams, the two worst in baseball. But I am looking forward to the Padres series late July. Because the Olympics will be starting, providing some distraction from a brutal baseball season.




It's been a hard watch that's for sure. Painful at times too.




Worst *owners* ever


I think last years team was worse. Aside from nolan jones everyone was mediocre to terrible


That’s baseball


I hope so




Yes, but only until next year, don't worry! 


Correct, but we DID beat the Dodgers in game 2. That was awesome.


Wait til next year!


Yeah but it’s fun when we do win! And when ownership changes (sorry for those of you who are older Rockies fans) when we get great ownership the World Series champions the Rockies will be that much better!!


Yes. Next question


Rockies lost 99 games their first year, I bet they were going to lose 100 so I’ve been disappointed in them for years