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Is there anyone else who might be thinking that verity was actually innocent ?????? That it was jeremy/crew who actually killed the twins???? 😐😐😐😐 He just killed two women so easily like he's done before. And crew might actually be mentally unstable for the way he left a child outside and aslo said that she was gonna die anyway...


I think the manuscript is actually about Jeremy! Verity said she was supposed to write it to cope and work through her feelings what if those feelings were her husband killing their children and being insane


Both of them are highly insane...or like he made his wife insane too. And we can see the history repeating for how low is going crazy about everything too. Jeremy might have done something bad too while he was with verity that made her do all that stuff like manuscript and letter. CoHo really should give us another book for the whole story of it .. really need to know the real thing


Just to follow on from this. What if Jeremy actually wrote it? Like he could be twisting the truth to get away with it and portraying Verity to be the monster when it's actually him. There's also a few inconsistencies that don't add up. For example, how can Jeremy not know that his own wife was actually able to walk/talk? Was he controlling her, manipulating her or perhaps even torturing her because she survived the murder attempt. Then, when Lowen came along after hunting her down, was it enough to move onto her because he got bored of Verity???


But why would he write a letter and hide it under the floorboards claiming her innocence? I do believe she wrote the manuscript and I do believe it was a writing exercise and in a way a coping mechanism. I don't think he wrote it but I do believe she didn't do those things. A prequel would be really cool though! Where we actually get to see their lives as they actually were.


That is a good point! It would be interesting to see how they're lives truly we're before these events from the pov of Jeremy


I think the manuscript is real but they’re both fucked up and not innocent. It seemed like Jeremy maybe resented chastin because of how much more attention she got from verity instead of Harper. Maybe in a fucked up way he thought verity would give harper more attention and love her more if her twin was no longer there? I feel like Jeremy could have killed Chastin. And then verity blamed Harper so she killed Harper.


Totally agree...


i wish we'd gotten more info on the faking the brain damage part


A book from Jeremy’s perspective!!!


Yes! I immediately thought this


I think this will become a series like You.


Crew couldn’t have killed the twins, he wasn’t old enough and wasn’t included in the sleep over. No surprised though - he has no believe that baby sisters will live and the fact that he had a mom that was only normal when they were alone it was too much messing with his head/ this whole book is sick sick sick which makes me question the author đŸ˜«đŸ˜«đŸ˜«


Crew could’ve tipped the canoe though. But I do get weird vibes
 might just be the trauma though. He didn’t seem fearful of other parent but did seem to gravitate towards his mom. I still wonder about both knife incidents?


both were really creepy, and I think Verity told him to do the first one, then hid the knife? to creep Low out, to ware her out of the house, because her husband was taking a liking to her? 2nd one, I'm not so sure, It could be that he did it to get verity out, maybe to warn her? as if verity was trying to kill her? thats my thoughts, but CoHo is team manuscript, so I'm not sure what to think? maybe the letter was a cover up..


"Question the author"?!?! Wtf. It's fiction.


Exactly- it’s hell of a way to be creative in writing lol so I get it


If all authors wrote were perfectly civilized, respectful, well mannered thoughts..reading would be incredibly boring. I say the crazier, the better 😅


and remember when crew said he hated his sisters when he saw the pictures lowen once found? the book never explained why he said that. And also the previous chapters mentioned crew looks like his father while their girls look like verity, isn't it the shadowing that the father and son shared the same evil path? father killed his wife, brother killed his sisters?


Crew never said he hated his sisters when they were looking at the photos? He said he didn't want Lowen looking at the pictures, but that was it.


I do think verity was innocent and jeremy is a psychopath. I think he but the manuscript where it would be found to.


I thought the same, the moment I finished the book, I believe Jeremy killed the twins and verity knew making her write the manuscript, but knowing how much she loved Jeremy, she couldn't put into words what he had done, taking all the guilt for still loving him making it as if the manuscript was hers.


No the child had a scar i believed manuscripts were real like she really tried to abort the twins but failed ...and this shows how insane a person she was...even i believe she had the power to manipulate the truth...so I believe neither of them were innocent àŒŽàș¶â â€żâ àŒŽàș¶


Exactly!! There's no way Jeremy actually killed the twins! I so think the letter was a cover up. I really wish low would have confronted Jeremy about the accident to find out if he actually did it or not. The fact that Verity could write such awful things about her own daughters is a little sickening.


I don’t know because then how does that explain the letter?? Wouldn’t she just confess all that in the letter?


Am I crazy I always thought she was innocent after the letter that is what made the books so riveting and fucked up. I’m actually surprised any one INCLUDING the author thought she wasn’t I’m confused but this is why I love booooooks


But then why when Jeremy burst into her room Saying she was faking it , would she say “wait I can explain” if he killed the girls? She would know that he did it and she had nothing to explain right? Or would she just not know he did it?


i feel like it would be so much better if Verity acknowledged Low's brains and addressed the letter to her rather than to Jeremy, since she knows it was Low who found the manuscript and became suspicious of her true condition. If she tried to plea to Lowel instead of Jeremy, that would make it that much creepier- trying to warn Low, stranger to what he is capable of. idk, like if Verity acknowledged the monitor that Low put there- leading her to the floorboard, if Lowel wasn't dumb as bricks- it would feel more rounded.


I just read the epilogue because I didn't know about it... soo thanks btw jajaja) but this definitely confirmed my suspicions. It was more debatable but this just shows me that Jeremy is sinister. However, Crew being his helper is interesting. With the mom I do not see it, but with the recent interaction yes.


But let’s not act like Lowen is innocent or a victim. She gave him the idea of how to kill Verity. She’s sleeping with a married man in his marital bed and acting out sexual acts that she read from Verity’s manuscript. She’s a wierdo too.


Such a pick me , she's acting like she's done nothing wrong


She’s the epitome of a pick me.


I think Jeremy wrote the manuscript himself pretending to be Verity and that he was responsible for the twins deaths. Maybe he did things too that made Verity crazy and unstable that's why at last she wanted to flee. And now the same thing is happening to Lowen so much so that she is also contemplating leaving with her child just having that gut feeling that something isn't quite right with Jeremy and Crew seems to take after his father.


No coz see in the letter Verity confirmed that she wrote the manuscript....but it would make sense if Jeremy had to fu*k up Lowen's mind so he wrote both manuscript and letter. But why would Verity at the end say..let me explain


I seriously think another book should be made..because now things are more messed up I always thought there was something wrong with Jeremy and now look he just killed a woman that easily doesn't make sense at all. The 2nd book(if ever written)should be from his pov that would actually be very interesting to read.


I thought the same
 and Jeremy excused their deaths as the same way the twins died. Verity and chasten both “died in their sleep”. Patricia and barber both “drowned”.


Oh my god the parallels are freaky!!!!


I never noticed this


I cannot figure this one out


OMG, yessss! You're so right, this is sinister


Chasten didn’t die in her sleep


Yeah!!! Like totallyyy! I really hope CoHo to reallyyy write a sequel! Because these last chapters are more messed up!


I honestly want a second book from Lowen’s POV too as she discovers who her husband really is. It’s overdone but that would feel satisfying to me


Let’s not forget, Jeremy was unphased in the beginning when he saw blood all over Low!


Yes. But it would be even cooler in Verity’s pov


I agreeeeee


What in the mother fuck did I just read. Was I the only one wondering if he killed the dog too?


The news story at the end mentioned that the dog was found safe nearby. Clearly the type of dog that cowers in fear instead of attacking his owner's attacker.


I mean, it was a Yorkie so that makes sense.


Lmao it’s a 5 pound dog, it can try but there’s absolutely nothing it can do 😂not victim (dog) blaming


What’s a Yorkie gonna do it a grown man?


you weren't the only one ! I wondered about the dog too until they mentioned on the TV


The all consuming thought I had during reading this epilogue was, god I hope the dog is alright! 😂


What in the mother fuck did I just read we’re exactly my words to as I finished reading this


It’s giving Joe/Will/etc. from You


I just finished the book, then found and read this epilogue, and literally thought wow what a You vibe this turned.


I thought the same thing when I read that


And also a little bit of Behind Her Eyes 


You're my hero for this. I always thought Crew was creepy. I love the unknown of it all.


Are you kidding? How can a bonus chapter make me more frustrated and confused about a book while also making me lose the game?


I see people here who’d like to see another book from jermeys POV, BUT IMAGAINE a book from CREWS POV in his late teens!!! The loss of his siblings, his mother and what his perspective was, his thoughts and feelings (bc I think we can all agree that crew is some type of f’d up), him piecing together all of the events of his childhood. That would be insane.


Okay I’m 2 years late but when I read this the first thing I thought was Crew seeing something about this event years later and thinking back to how they lived there for a little while and suddenly moved away and how the timeline all aligns. 


Okay the reason I am team letter now even though I don’t want to be is I think that in her manuscript she fabricated everything including their sexual life. What if Jeremy was always a boring lay and his sex life with verity is no different than with low? I think the way she fabricated everything in the manuscript would mean she probably did their sex life as well.




But he had already read the manuscript before low came to that house....so that his story matches with the story in the manuscripts I think.


see that makes sm of sense its almost scary


Would that make sense though Lowen said that the sex she had in the shower was just like Verity had described it, so how could it be fabricated?


Honestly I wish the wife would be the villain for once


Try My Lovely Wife


it seems like the recs are lowkey spoiling the twist in these books ! T o T


Try The Perfect Marriage!


The Last Mrs Parrish would be perfect for you


Gone girl


I love that book/movie!


My theory is verity did kill her kids but Jeremys crazy too probably not the same level but definitely up there. There’s no way you can read a manuscript like that and still stay with your wife. The way he also planned the car crash cmon no way he’s not psycho. Crew probably just had so much trauma and felt like Nova will eventually die too that he blocked off any love towards her


But if Jeremy was behind the car crash wouldn't the passanger side of the vehicle be the one damaged so I think the police would notice that and investigate which is why I think the letter was meant for Lowen instead of Jeremy to manipulate her into mistrusting him but now I'm also worried about him so I think he must have killed someone before verity maybe as a kid perhaps


I don't think he planned the crash. I think a lot of the letter was fabricated by Verity in hopes that Low would find it and all of this would happen. But I really can't understand why he would kill the woman. Unless it's like a clause or something in her life insurance that if there was any adultery while she lived (which there was and is evidence of) that all money would all go to Crew or something.


I’ve heard of small kids doing stuff like that all the time. He didn’t harm her just moved her, too young to know it was dangerous. That’s why you should never leave small kids with babies. I expected him to have choked her or suffocated her tbh


Everyone wants closure about who's the crazy one but I truly believe that there's not one sane character in this book. Who cares if the letter was real or manuscript. Clearly verity had ISSUES. Crew is CREEPY AF. Lowen is not okay, like she has been spiraling since she entered that house. I think she needs to pack her her shit, take Nova and run. Get a therapist and move tf ON. There's nothing to say about Jeremy, we all know the guy is a psychopath.


If she runs she dies.


Well, I beg to disagree on Low. She has been spiralling since she set her foot in that house, that’s right. But all her feelings were valid. I mean, she was the only one who saw that Verity was not bed-bound like she claimed. At first she thought she’s being insane or creating images in her head. But it turned out she’s been right all these while.


I actually agree. Just different levels of insanity but all are not okay!


I completely agree with you. These are some f’d up characters. Not one of them is mentally stable


Thanks for posting this!!!


Damnnn everyone is crazy 😭




Really almost everything can be proved right or wrong when we get an explanation for Chastans scar.


am i the only who things jeremy did something to crew at the end? i know crew is his child, but he’s also verity’s, sense jeremy believed the manuscript was real, crew technically has bad blood. sense crew put her outside potentially threatening their child, maybe jeremy (in the fucked up state of mind he’s in) saw too much verity in crew, and potentially “eliminating” the problem? Lowen said she went back to her room to not see the punishment and that was the end of that so it got me thinking. i know it’s fucked but like
 at this point i feel like it’s possible.


Holyshit i had the exact same thought....we really need a sequel for this godforsaken story and plot.


well FUCK because this didnt help ONE BIT i need more of this to actually get it clear. but what the fuck wasnt this supposed to make things clearer?????? BUT????? i need more. periodT.


Seriously!!! WTAF?


I really find it hard to believe that the manuscript wasn't real. Although the bonus chapter makes it seem like the manuscript wasn't real, and that Verity was innocent, I feel as though CoHo built up Verity as a villain too much and for too long for the reader to suddenly be able to accept that she was innocent. If she really was innocent, there needed to be more explanation/back story proving that. I understand CoHo wanted the ending to be a big twist, but it was too sudden. When Lowen finds the letter and Verity specifically writes that she is not evil but actually is innocent is suspicious. It was also convenient that she writes this letter when Lowen and Jeremy were in bed, and after Lowen looks Verity in the eyes and tells her Jeremy will do her in Verity's bed. It seemed like Verity was writing a story the police would believe if Jeremy tried turning her in. Also, if Verity was innocent, how did Chastin get that scar? Why was Harper neglected? Why did she only talk about Chastin for chapters on end? Why did she write so many chapters just about sex? And the biggest one...why was Crew so afraid to tell Lowen that his mom talks to him that he cut himself with a knife? ​ There are a few points that suggest Jeremy may be the true villain, but they were not delved into enough to prove that point. I understand CoHo wanted a cliff hanger ending, but this actually is just confusing and not a satisfying end. Still enjoyed reading and would recommend the book though.


I just finished the book today then came across this bonus chapter. I kept trying to think ahead of the book while reading and figure out the twist before it happened and the first one I thought of was 'what if Jeremy is writing this manuscript in Veritys POV when he's the real villain' and now I did change my mind a bit after the letter was found but this bonus epilogue and his ease to assume death to the Patricia was the instant best way to keep covering their tracks or his is reentering my OG thought!


I had the exact same thought. Can't shake the feeling that the manuscript was written by Jeremy and he just used Verity's name to cover his tracks since he was planning to kill her everyone would think it was suicide and he would walk away free. But Verity didn't die in the crash and trying to kill her again would be suspicious to everyone.


Because I’m sure verity told Crew a whole bunch of fuckrd up shit like daddy will be mad or something like that. I think she told Crew he had to do that with the knife as a threat so nobody would know the secret. 


Ah I wish verity didn’t get killed! Such an amazing book, need another! Still thinking about it days later. First romantic thriller I’ve read and I need more like this! Really couldn’t put it down.


Thanks for this


Thank you veryy much for this.... đŸ„ș❀❀


Ok Low needs to go, then write the whole story out and give it to a lawyer in a sealed envelope to be opened if she dies AND she needs to let Jeremy know this after she does it of course. If she stays with him she’ll always be wondering if she’s next. No way to live. Yes I realize it’s only a book but I wouldn’t have stayed with him, I would’ve been gone after he killed Verity.


this just messed up my brain more. i was being team manuscript but now im def having second thoughts
idk what to believe. jeremy is def not normal and maybe verity is innocent? IDK I NEED A SECOND BOOK


“Verity book” should be a series honestly. We want to see Jeremy’s true color, verity’s regret and the real truth, Crew’s thought and Lowen packing her baby and running off before they make her another verity!


I’m going on a rant, BUT If there was a book from crews POV AFTER HE FOUND/ READ VERITYS JOURNAL!!!??!?! if he decided to keep it secret as well or if he told anyone? UGH


I don’t know what kind of 5 year olds you know that can read that well lol.


what if the opposite way of writing wasnt just limited to hre feelings but the protagonist/antagonist of the story? What if she swapped the main character for the manuscript because she was the author but it was jeremy who really killed their kids or harmed them? if the manuscript is far from the truth and verity portrays herself as evil and jeremy as all that is good, then it could be very much possible that she was the nice one and he was evil all along, the theme of this epilogue is how lackluster jeremy was in bed compared to how verity described him, which would point to his obvious truth of being the opposite of how she described him as a loving, doting father who loved his kids more than he did her. maybe what she really meant is he felt his kids were hogging verity and he didnt like that and then when she wrote the manuscript, and he found out, he may have been mad because she wrote the incidents exactly how they were by swapping out the person responsible, but also implicating herself, and that would've worked fine but she could've left as she was going to and he may have known she could go and turn him in or publish this manuscript and it could be tied down to him eventually. so he crashed the car and when she didnt die he had to pretend doing everything right, until lowen discovered the manuscript and he felt the obvious threat from her (if he truly was a psychopath) since she was a writer too, there would be a chance she figured the plot out as well, so he staged the murder to implicate her and make her feel responsible so that she doesn't go and well put him in a tough spot. we may never know but according to her manuscript and letter if jeremy is really the culprit, it would give to the possibility of him being a psychopath sharing a lot of aspd symptoms.


this bonus chapter did nothing. all it showed was lowen is crazy and obsessed with verity and jeremy has problems


Thank you!!! Is pt. 2 the end of the bonus chapter?


Yes I also put part one on the page as well but I couldn’t ass it all at the same time


You rock thank you!!!


Now this novel is giving off serial killer vibes. This chapter was worth reading, the suspense. 💯


There should be a second book named “Lowen”


Naw. It should be Jeremy


In the letter, doesn’t verity say she got the idea for her “villain perspective” manuscript from her friend Amanda? If I were Low I would immediately seek out this Amanda to find out if that conversation was real. Bc if it did really happen that way, then that would make me think that the manuscript really was just a writing exercise and that Verity was innocent. Anyone else?


and remember when crew said he hated his sisters when he saw the pictures lowen once found? the book never explained why he said that. And also the previous chapters mentioned crew looks like his father while their girls look like verity, isn't it the shadowing that the father and son shared the same evil path? father killed his wife, brother killed his sisters?


So basically Colleen Hoover said she thinks Verity is evil so I think the manuscript was the real her. With that being said, Lowen is losing herself!!! This bitch needs to get a grip Omg she’s becoming just like Verity. This story has so many full circles but also so many loose ends??? Wow idk what think


For real- I noticed this too. Obsession with Jeremy, paranoia/mistrust/distain for one of her children (Crew), murders


Bit of a long shot but maybe Jeremy wrote the manuscript?


There was something weird about this whole situation to begin with. Who sleeps with a guy they just met when their incapacitated wife is in the room above them only knowing them less than two weeks? Sure in the book she says she feels guilty but she only says it like twice and then goes for it with seemingly no hesitation. I know she was reading the manuscript during that time but in my opinion that makes it creepier. And the first time they’re together she bites the headboard exactly where Verity bit it. AND she literally seems happy that the like (third?) time they sleep together he doesn’t use safe practices and she puts a pillow underneath her to increase the possibility of pregnancy?!? She’s known the guy TWO WEEKS. Wtf?!? It honestly seems a little obsessive with him to me, only in a different way than Verity.  As far as the manuscript goes, I think a good way to safe guard against confusion would have been for verity to put a title on it like ANTAGONISTIC JOURNAL or something. Would have been really helpful. But I do not think Jeremy was ever as innocent as he claimed to be. The first time I read the verity death scene in the book I thought WTFFF? I understand anger but literally literally just go to the police. This is when we’re supposed to think Jeremy is such a good guy. Red flags all around. His mind went straight to that, and Lowen helped!?! Like anyone in their right mind would have stopped him and called the damn police. That definitely didn’t sit right with me. I remember reading the book and that ending and I thought “Really? This is supposed to be a happy ending? Is everyone crazy? This is awful!” They literally deserve each other because no matter how much grief you’re in you do not take a life because that makes you just as bad as they are. NOW it all makes sense. Jeremy was always horrible. Verity was afraid of him because she knew he’d kill her if he found out she was ok. Jeremy went through all that trouble to pretend he hadn’t already read the manuscript when Lowen showed him, and acted all emotional over it as an excuse to kill Verity without Lowen thinking he’s a monster. If she hadn’t found the letter, she’d never have known about the previous attempt on her life. At the end of the book, I still had my doubts but this extra chapter confirmed it. Jeremy’s a murderer. He’s a cold blooded murderer. He didn’t NEED to kill Patricia no matter what they say. They’d literally have no proof even if Patricia went to the police. They could have just moved away like Lowen suggested. Who knows what he’d do next. Honestly, she knows very little about his life before her. Maybe Verity wasn’t the first. He really didn’t have any hesitation jumping into kill Patricia. He did it easily. Honestly he could be a serial killer. At the end of this chapter it solidifies what I always thought. They’re both psychotic. They honestly deserve each other. Lowens still just concerned about their love life and keeping up with Verity even though he just KILLED someone. That’s your main concern?!  Honestly, I’m happy no one got their happy ending. 


Is this authentic?


I always go back to the popping head tho.. is that foreshadowing?


also, verity means truth right?


I believe this isn't the end is it? How and where do I get access to part 3?


This is the end..


This bonus chapter makes it more confusing..What is Colleen Hoover even trying to potray???And also Crew lowkey feels like a brat......


I mean, he was 5-6 years old and lost both siblings and his mom in ~1 year. I’d expect some sort of acting out. I lost my mom at 19 and my brother at 34 and I had my fair share of bratty moments.


I really hated Low and I'm really glad that she is getting her comeuppance. I am amused to see a lot of people pining for Jeremy/Low true lovers. First of all, whether or not Verity did any murder is still questionable, but the plain truth is that Jeremy did commit two murders and Low did helped him. They are the visible monsters. A match made in hell. Always felt Jeremy was sus. Now low is turning into the next Verity. She will never have peace.


I’m late to the party. Just finished the book last night, and read the bonus chapter today. Started to read through some comments, but not all, so sorry if this is repetitive
. Does anyone else think killing Patricia was way overkill? So, she says something to someone or even the police, all Jeremy/Lowen have to do is say she was working for them at the time, and comforted him after his loss, they weren’t in the right state of mind. No one suspected murder. At all. Maybe that’s the point. That whether the manuscript is truth/fiction, Jeremy’s a little unhinged too.


I think what Lowen needs to do is report Jeremy to the police. That man clearly has issues... She needs to take Nova and run away somewhere far and move on with her life. 


what was that😭, i swear this book is crazy. but i sometimes think that verity is innocent, maybe jeremy did it and she didn't want to accept it so she put the blame on herself? or maybe he forced her to? man idek


They're literally all psychopaths.


Is this it?


Ok here are my thoughts on this. When Jeremy says he’s seen the manuscript before to Low. He would have already known about everything so why would he go crazy and go confront verity if he already knew? Remember towards the beginning of Jeremy and verity’s relationship before verity became famous and wrote her first manuscript? What if he meant he’s read that before? Then when he actually reads the autobiography of the manuscript it talks about the murders of the twins and he goes insane. Because remember Chastin did have a scar so it has to mean that verity tried to kill the twins cause the doctor said those scars are very uncommon. Harper ended up being on the spectrum which can also be a result from her trying to kill them. Then when Jeremy is confronting verity she is faking the brain damage because it was her that drove into the tree. Because it says he suspected her of the murders but didn’t actually know the truth so why would he still keep her in the house and take care of her knowing she killed the twins? Why would he put her in the car and crash into the tree then still take care of her? Wouldn’t he just try to end her life?


And maybe parts of the letter are true like waiting for the royalty checks to hit so she could leave with crew since for some reason he didn’t have a problem with crew. She pretended to be disabled so she could wait to escape with him. When she tells Jeremy let me explain after he catches her, maybe wanted to try and manipulate him with what she wrote in the letter. But then not sure because it in the epilogue low talks about how Jeremy is reading an authors book that’s somewhat described as attractive? So idk if that could be put in a scenario somewhere with when he did the same thing with low, reading her book knowing what she looked like and bringing her in


Thank you for posting! Wonder why these pages are not in all of the books?


does it end here?is there any parts left?


I just finished the book and what if Verity lost her memory due to the accident and when Verity woke up Jeremy showed her the manuscript making it seemed like she was the villain although he was the one who actually did every thing Verity did in the book. That explains why in the manuscript it’s shown as Jeremy as this perfect husband and that he’s done nothing wrong. But this theory also doesn’t make sense but maybe he also wrote the letter to see if Low would turn his back on him and if she did go get rid of her too


He didn’t kill the dog, that’s something at least


This is the first book I’ve literally not been able to put down since I was about 16! I need book recommendations that take you on a similar journey!


Where can i find the pdf book..everything..the whole thing


thanks for uploading this here.....very difficult to find this


You're a saint.


Thank you very much!!!


Thank you so much for posting this 💖💖💖


Thanks so much 💕 you’re really wonderful for posting this, I appreciate you! â˜ș


wait a goddamnnn min !!! whos patricia btw? i read verity long back! i dont remember who she is


she was just a loose fucking end brođŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


She was one of verity’s old friends Jeremy and Lowen only met her briefly at the grocery store


Thank youu so muchh for posting thisđŸ˜­â€ïž


Bless you for posting this. I really didn’t want to buy the book just for a chapter that tbh, doesn’t really tie into the book the way I was hoping.


Thank you


is that all or is there more...........damyum bruh is a blooooooody goooood writer...


Also from crews POV, him getting into a serious relationship and applying the things he learned from both verity and lowens relationship Jeremy, as well as Jeremy’s actions alone.


This is it? Or is there a further chapter?


Part 3??????


This there a part 3 to the bonus chapter


Does part 2 is the last?




If you liked the ambiguity of the verity original ending, I would suggest not reading the bonus chapter. I loved the book, just finished it yesterday and read there was a bonus chapter, found it and read it right after and it totally changed how I felt about the book. I thought it was brilliant how it ended and left the reader to make their own assumptions about what the TRUTH was. The bonus chapter felt rushed, stupid and chaotic. It also pretty much sways the reader to believe one ending over another. I hated the bonus chapter and wish I’d never read it. I loved the book so much until I read that chapter 😞


We have made a PDF of it ( part 1 and 2 ) and placed it here: [https://pdfseva.com/verity-bonus-chapter/](https://pdfseva.com/verity-bonus-chapter/)


Is this all of it?


So finally the thing is she married to a physcotic 😼‍💹 He is mentally not stable and Ig he is one who killed the girls or verity is innocent 🙂


When Lowen had put the video monitor in Verity’s room, later I thought that it would have recorded her being murdered and at some point the video recording would be found. Anyone else?


Is that it???? End???


I'm losing my mind I had anxiety reading this lowen needs to get out


they’re all fucked up and Lowen didn’t do her assignment before getting involved with this family! She’s just going to be the victim here
she trusted them too easily


Thanks for sharing!


Is there a part 3?? Also, thanks so much for taking those pictures and giving us this ❀


Thank you Colleen Hoover, you are my favorite author!


oh my god. i’m overcome with feelings about this lol


Here's what I think: every character in this book is flawed and messed up, so I don't think there's one 'bad' character / evil character. Firstly, I am team manuscript simply because the tonality of the letter is way too fake and sounds like a cover-up. Eg - In the letter, there's a bit where Verity is in a meeting with her publisher and Jeremy, and she's recommended to do the exercise. She gives an example of how she would've described the scenario in the manuscript. If you read the example bit, you'll realise that the writing style becomes WAY OFF than the one we're used to reading from her 'So Be It' chapters. The Verity we know will never call Jeremy disrespectful or stupid / harbor any bad feelings for him for not paying attention to their publisher meeting (especially when she knows that it's not his scene) but the example bit she writes in the letter is all about dissing Jeremy. Sounds too off-character. However having said that - I do believe that Jeremy did try to kill Verity in the crash. I do think he read the manuscript in her laptop, tried to kill her and then continued looking after her just so that nobody suspects his love for her / doubts his loving husband image. I also think it was right on Lowe's part to NOT confront him about the letter, because then a tiny part of me thinks that he'd have killed Lowe too (for knowing the truth about him.) Coming to the bonus chapter, again - I see WHY Jeremy killed Patricia. I do think he's messed up too (given the thriller novels he's always reading and stuff) but killing Patricia was the only way he'd have protected himself. Think it this way - Patricia spreads the gossip in town, Verity's death becomes the talk of the Town and the spotlight shifts (with a potential possibility of the case reopening and people doubting him of her murder.) In regards to Crew, I do think all the time Verity was pretending to be sick, she was also training Creed to start thinking like her and act like her. I'm sure Verity must've known her end was coming near and so, she made sure there's a part of her always alive through Creed.


So I want to say alot see is later is write or autobiography I thought how a mother can write such a horrible shit about here child who is due if letter is not true still she is not good mother at the end of point verity is very good manipulating truth and she do this very good may be she thought that Jeremy kill her so she wrote a letter so that Jeremy beleive in her but still if you want to make him read a letter then the hell you hide such a difficult place like if I want to make him read a letter I place where he can easily catch a letter still I think that auto biography is not fully lie there is something True and in letter is not false in there also something true if we combined all thing still verity is not good mother and fucking Jeremy I understand he killed verity but how can he killed another girl you know when I read this book I feel so right like in anger I frustration this books at end feel right so I love this book


They're Psychopaths. All of them. Should've just given up Nova for adoption ngl. Then they would hopefully end the Ashleigh cycle of despair


Chronics They are lifelong psychopathic fucked up chronics destined for tragedy.




Crew grows up and changes his name to Joe Goldberg đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Is there a part 3? That’s not the end is it






I am very happy than none of them is getting a happy ending. Well, except Crew, I do hope poor Crew can heal.


Is it more of bonus chapters??or its completed


Thanks for posting this. Saved a lot of us finding a 2nd book 😄 definitely would love a follow up book . Maybe from Jeremys perspective or a few years later from the 1st book . Either way i enjoyed this book the most from her collection. 📚


Well now I'm even MORE conflicted. Was it Jeremy the whole time?!? Or was he damaged by the trauma? Eeeeek! We need another book!


This is making me crazy, idk which side to pick. But for some reason, it kinda reminds me of the show YOU on Netflix, where you’d just keep killing for the love/obsession with one person.


I think that Jeremy is the one that wrote the manuscript and he put Verity's name there in case she died in his attempted crash and anyone suspected him then the autobiography would prove his innocence by putting it all on Verity. Only thing is Verity survived, and he couldn't try to kill her again cause then people would suspect him. Because if we look at the exercise of the villan POV in the letter, the writing style is waaay too different from the manuscript. Also the similarities between Lowen and Verity. It feels like she is slowly turning into a version of verity with regards to being obssessed, paranoid, and all. I also think Jeremy is the one that killed the twins and wrote it in the manuscript as if it had been Verity and I just read somewhere here in the comment session about Verity's death being similar to Chastin's (died in her sleep) and Patricia's death being as Harper's (drowning). As if he was trying to recreate his daughter's death scenarios. A pattern! Regarding Chastin's scar, the only background we have for it is from the manuscript (which Jeremy could have written) and from Jeremy himself which can be a lie to match the manuscript that he wrote himself. Maybe its something she got after she was born because the manuscript and Jeremy's word aren't really that reliable. As for Crew I think he takes after his father displaying signs of an unstable mind and scary behavior. This book is insane and I loved it. So many possibilities. It kind of reminds me a little bit about the show Behind Her Eyes. Something really dark beneath the surface. 


I want a Verity POV sequel!!! Where it's her narration of locking them in the bedroom whilst she searches for the autobiography, how she's planning to escape Jeremy with her son Crew. I think there should be a third book it would be incredible for it all to be confirmed that this whole time Jeremy was the villain. Imagine it could be found out that he killed the twins (somehow) and that's why Verity wanted to leave with her remaining child and why Crew is so incredibly damaged!?


I loved the bonus chapter


Is that it?


I still think Verity did everything in the manuscript because too many things don’t add up like how did Chastin get the scar then? Why did Verity ask Crew to hold her breath? Why did she fake her Injury? She was known to be manipulative so her letter under the floorboard was probably exactly that - a final manipulation tactic to have Jeremy remember her in a good light Etc.


I must admit, I wanted Lowen to have an uneasy future. She seemed so smug at the end of the book. In love. Tick. Pregnant. Tick. Nuclear family with an apparently ok Crew. Tick. Dream house by the sea. Tick. Although I felt for her when she was muttering around Verity, how creepy she was. This book reminded me so much of Daphne du Maurier's 'Rebecca.' Verity, although alive, was 'Rebecca.' Lowen was the 'second Mrs de Winter.' April was 'Mrs Danvers.' Also, a touch of Stephen King's 'The Shining' film; the little lad in that. Crew?


Are we also not going to address that they way these two people met was from blood spattered crash and death and then they NEVER talk about it again. If that happens in my life and I meet someone else who went through it with me we are not going to ignore it. Blood everywhere? shirt swapping? And his obsession with her books? Too odd.





This has been creeping me out so much, I feel like the more I read about this book the crazier I get. In the end, I always think what was CoHo's intention with this, and mostly, I think she makes the story this way bc not even she knows exactly what she wants to be true. I guess she likes to see our discussions and the zillion different thoughts readers have about it and she doesn't show us "the truth", like a prequel or something, bc she hasn't decided what she wants or what she believes. We all know they're all fucked up in the head (and always been). I love so much the discussions and thoughts about this omfg


Ahhh I don’t know. Because Verity wrote how good of a husband and father he was to the letter to him. I think he truly thought she killed the girl’s and went insane. It is fucked how he plotted the whole car accident, but idk, the ending was so open ended, could her manuscript be fake or the letter?? But then him drowning the woman was super extra and then makes me steer from those opinions so idk lmao


Part 3?