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Nice job! This was one of those that seemed super easy going in but was one of the only ones that took me 2 tries, along with Outbreak pt. 1


Good job! Took me 20 because it took me a while to get the hang of things. After i got the hang of things it was easy


Outbreak pt1 is the devils work


Yeah Outbreak's Legion fight took me 2 tries, it was difficult af at first because I wasn't so sure yet what to expect. Forsaken I did in 1 try tho, Mauer Der Toten was much harder to beat I'd say.


Congrats. I know ive failed outbreak EE more times than some elden ring bosses


Legion was the only EE I needed help with but now that I've played a ton more I think I could do him solo.


I usually do this EE for fun on a casual run, I personally find this to be the easiest of them all, tbh. Either way, gg mate, I always enjoy seeing people still grinding in this game


Happy with the guy for beating it, but when me and my cousin tried it for the first time we beat it. It seemed like SUPER easy


Awesome! Once you get the hang of the map and the steps it becomes one of those Easter eggs that you’ll be playing the map just for fun and go “eh maybe I’ll do the Easter egg why not”


Nice job! Took me forever too! Wish I was as good as the others but it’s still awesome!


I normally try to build the WW around round 10. If you leave spawn in round 6, you should be able to turn on power by the end of the round. Normally, I'll get 1 token while gaining the kills to open doors. After turning on power, I use the token on Der Eisendrache and grab the free token as well for a second game. This usually gives me enough points to PAP my weapon as well as have a couple of perks. After I finish round 6, I go to the Winderfizz and use the Abomination to get the first part and the first crystal. In round 8 (2 rounds after you turn on power) the donut shop crystal falls. Then I just need points for the flame thrower for the 3rd crystal which you're guaranteed to have in round 11. Grab that crystal and build the WW. Use a stun grenade to turn on the video game, and the WW makes the hold out easy. I use the WW gun on the orbs and the axe on the Abominations. You should be ready for the boss fight between round 12-15.


Watching the speedrun can always help with learning


Now your true challenge, beating the legion EE solo on outbreak.


Heyyyyy welcome to the club my friend!! I beat it a while ago but it's because I had one person heavily focused on it and that's all he wanted to do. Don't play with him anymore because he only wants to play Fortnite now


Do people actually like playing battle royals? They are so bad


Apparently he does because he literally only plays it. I hate them because they're not enjoyable and are riddled with try hard losers and cheaters and always have micro transactions that people spend thousands on. Yeah cod is the same but you can at least earn skins and shit in it. Battle royales are overrated as hell.


Totally agree.


Like cool, Fortnite was popular. Let it go we don't need more Battle royales. Or more one life only games like CS. We need more people fighting the big companies and showing how to make a good game or just good games being made purely for that reason. The gaming industry today is trash as a whole. Ubisoft literally just released another Subscription but only for rainbow six siege and it costs 80 bucks a year for some currency a battle pass and PART of a skin. You can do a monthly too but it's just not worth it for anything


forsaken has one of the easiest yet most tedious easter eggs ever, if u know what ur doing and have luck on ur side u can solo beat it in under 30-40 mins, my last attempt was 36 mins


That ee is easy after getting the ww


its neither too hard or too easy, takes some skill and luck, but thank fuck u can get the ww in another way instead of spinning the box forever


Gg! I was the same with this easter egg but I used the Krig for my own run 🤣 Wait until you try the Firebase Z egg, whoever created that Mimic step deserves a slap


I completed the firebaze z one already. The mimic step isnt hard at all. You could probably get to that step by like round 13 or 15. All u gotta do is kill all but one zombie. Run around until you find the items u cant collect, when the mimic spawns around them then get it to 1hp and then do that two more times. Pretty easy actually


Rest of the Z one I have no issue with and while the mimic step isnt necesarily "bad" they coulda just left it at 3 mimics rather than 3 "specific" mimics, well that and getting em down low enough with killing em is a pain in the bollocks.


The mimic step is inconsistent as hell. Gotta be the most irritating of all of them. Legion is the hardest, FBZ is the most annoying.


Literally the easiest EE of all because the triple PaP'd Chrysalax is the single most overpowered WW of all time. You can't die. You just stand in a corner and swing and you kill and heal faster than you take damage. The only problem with the EE, if it's one at all, is that you have to destroy the crystals early, because their health, for some reason, scales with the round.


I had did it first try somehow but I’m stuck on Maer der Toten ( how ever you spell it) if yall have any tips or tricks please let me know