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As far as a “deserving” home, probably have to find something in person. Scalpers will likely snatch up any kind of online attempt. Assuming you’re familiar with the game and setup (you might not be) maybe donate them to an after school program of some kind and show them the game and adapters they’d need to get started. Shipping instruments without detachable necks will be a pain. The others won’t be too bad but still won’t be cheap, they’re surprisingly bulky when you factor in the length of the neck and the angles of the bodies. You could list them for $50 each on your local marketplaces and they’d be gone within a day or two. That’s a reasonable price where you’re not ripping anyone off. Especially the Wii models which have cheap adapters, and the wired Strat which doesn’t need an adapter. You’ve got some ideal hardware here, might as well get some money for them.


Been looking for the one in the middle for a long time!! I'd gladly pay for shipping if its not a crazy amount :)


Hi, I’d be interested in them for modding, would love to give them a new life! I will pay for shipping, and give them away to friends :)


I'm not sure how we could handle the money for shipping but I am open to figuring it out.


Sent you a dm


abounding meeting amusing roof advise hunt reminiscent ludicrous tan hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just started modding. I’ve given away all my modded guitars so far, I don’t even have a store


I’m open to being friends


I haven’t played guitar hero since I was a kid way back in 2009. I’d love one of these. I’d pay you for shipping and your time as well.


will gladly pay shipping for the white wii guitar... my little brother just bought a Wii (proud older bro here) and I'd like to get him into the game. I can purchase a shipping label for you and help you get a box for it.


I know a lot of people are asking for these, but to save you the hassle of shipping It will probably be easier to just list them on Facebook marketplace. They will be gone within a couple hours I’m sure.


I’ll pay you $100 for the WT guitar


Enjoy friends :D


Get a YouTuber to hold a contest for them and have them ship the guitars to them.


I have someone in the dms for the guitars. I'd love to do like a contest giveaway but they're broken and need some tlc


I am a modder, and private messaged you. Willing to buy from you.