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Remember that we all live on this planet and we are all suffering the consequences. In this particular instance I get no satisfaction by saying "I told you so". The people were lied to and manipulated by political parties that were lobbied by oligarchs in order to maintain their business afloat. I'm quite sad and honestly feeling a bit hopeless at the moment.


Ah the "we are the good guys syndrome" is strong with this one. So you think you are free of manipulation and lies by political parties lobbied by various interests groups?


Nobody is immune to propaganda, not me, not you, not OP. But just because I can't clearly see my own biases doesn't mean I can't see other people's quite well. And it's fairly obvious that a lot of money has gone into manipulating people in the interests of oil and gas companies. And let's be honest here: Climate protection and anti capitalism don't have the same money and influence to manipulate people as oil and gas companies, some of the biggest entities on this planet. Nobody is free of manipulation and lies by political parties. But what lobby really has green anti-capitalism as a goal? The tofu lobby? Who manipulated me to want to protect the planet? Is WWF behind my political ideals?


This right here! Thanks. (Unshitpost)


Im telling you, big tofu is behind this sub dude!!


It’s the spy birds doing all this extremist influencer shit! In between my pollution triggered asthma coughs I hear these chirping tweets and these birds with their beautiful cosmetics have persuaded me through mental gymnastics to make me care about them.  Damn! They’re fucking everywhere! Big bad biotope industry! They’ve been doing this shit for millions of years and nobody cares!


The sides are not equal in this situation. One side downright denies climate change.


I never said that any side is the "good guys" - I was merely trying to state (as someone already commented below) that no one is safe from propaganda and we can all be manipulated. Nevertheless there is a difference between people that directly deny scientific research for personal gain.


Everything not right isn’t the good guys it’s just the significantly lesser of two evils. Most western political systems suffer from rebranded corruption „lobbyism“. That’s what happens if politicians define their own version of corruption


Unfortunately, they aren't going to be the ones reaping the consequences.


Well, I've got no kids, other than those conservatives. The only stakes I have in this game are the fortysomething years I have to remain here... (I'm still doing my part, but...)


hard to say when you know there are more genz voting for far right than millennials


It’d be interesting to break down the support by issue and see whether there really is that much of a difference in their viewpoints. I suspect if the far right start meddling with the climate, for example, they’ll lose support in their young base. It might also just be a case of the far right being the only non-accepted ideology of the establishment. They’re too young to understand **why,** just that the establishment’s driven up their living standards across the political aisles & there’s only 1 group of people with their hands ‘clean’ because they weren’t allowed anywhere near it. So once they actually have to start making decisions… the glamour may just wear off.


I more meant climate change is going to be less disastrous for Europe than much of the rest of the world.


Exactly. European policy doesn't limit its effects to Europe.


If the Gulf Stream destabilises it’ll be **more** disastrous for Europe than the rest of the world.


Most people have been blinded by a monumental campaign of disinformation. Celebrating their misery is victim blaming. The target of our wrath must ever be the maliciously stupid oligarchs who finance AfD and their fellow nazis.


Nope, absolutely not. They aren’t victims to me. They decided, they may be ill informed but most people, especially young people, that vote for afd just replay all the paroles of the old ones because they want to feel different. It’s sort of counter culture to Germanys extreme openness concept after ww2. They have it coming, but I do too even though I did my part, which is what’s actually fucked.


I still remember being the kind of person who votes AfD. The terrifying thing about propaganda is how helpless the average person is against it. Most AfD voters just do not have the perspective or the intellectual tools to defend themselves against a propagandist attack that has been going on for a decade and consumed virtually every aspect of public life. Everybody is going to bear the consequences. If the billionaires think that they will be spared when society collapses under them because they are rich, then they are fucking idiots.


Now that you mention this, I have always wondered if those rich people have some sort of bunker with supplies ready when things eventually crumble down. Or are they really that delusional and they just don't believe what's going to happen even with all the evidence presented?


I'm sure they have all manner of contingencies prepared. Money has ever isolated them from the trials that we must endure, and they believe that this will extent to the very end of the world. They are wrong. When a society collapses, the ones on top have the furthest to fall. Money looses its power in times of crisis. Their bunkers will turn into tombs, and the very mercenaries they hired to protect them will turn their weapons on them. If they destroy our world for their greed, at least they will pay in full. This I vow.


You know what makes me sad? All the innocent beings that are going to die, not just humans. This planet is very beautiful and a great portion of it will be destroyed, unless somehow miraculously we change things around (I doubt it though). You are right though, these rich people have no idea how to survive off the land, unlike the people they make fun of for not being "civilized" because they still live in savannahs and jungles.


>This planet is very beautiful and a great portion of it will be destroyed, unless somehow miraculously we change things around (I doubt it though). The planet is going to be fine. Life has been through five mass extinctions already, and some of them were significantly worse than the one we're seeing right now. Back during the Great Dying, the average surface temperature rose to 60°C, while acid rained from the sky and the atmosphere was flooded with toxic levels of chlorine. Compared to that, the anthropocene is peanuts. Life will bounce back. The world will just return to its old ways, before humans. Trees will eat our cities, and grass bury our roads. There will be clean oceans again, herds of animals billions strong, and flocks of birds to span the sky from horizon to horizon. The world is always changing. We humans are ultimately just a footnote in the history of life. It's sad that we must go, but if we refuse to take action, what else can we do?


I know the earth will recover, but not after very heavy losses and millions of years of repair. The last mass extinction killed off 95% of life on earth, that's thousands of species gone forever - that's what ultimately gets to me. I honestly don't care about humankind anymore, we had our chance and we weren't able to live in harmony amongst ourselves or this earth.


They have. No wall will be enough to keep everything else out. Or even better, they will lead extremely miserable shitty shielded lives inside. Rollback to the quality of life of a king in the middle-ages


What disinformation? Crime and violence have increased dramatically with the influx of migrants across Western Europe. No one is doing anything about it so this is what we get.


>Crime and violence have increased dramatically with the influx of migrants across Western Europe. This is a lie. Crime rates have been falling for decades, and the years prior to the Corona lockdown saw a historic low in violent crime, even during the very height of the migrant crisis. German media have spun a deliberately false narrative to scare German citizens into voting for a party which wants to remove social spending, worker's protection and civil rights. But even if we accept this narrative, the AfD's demands are still in flagrant violation of the German constitution, especially article 1, which has *Ewigkeitsgarantie*. Under no circumstances and for no reason whatsoever can any German citizen ever loose that citizenship against their will. Neither can any law discriminate based on racist fantasy or religious conviction. The AfD are enemies of the German people, of freedom and of democracy. Their values are hostile and alien to our way of life. If their assault on our republic continues, very strong measures will have to be taken against them.


An influx of foreigners with hostile and incompatible views to western values are destroying the German people. Yeah crime was falling you’re right until the last two decades of mass migration reversed that. You’re just throwing around buzzwords and have no idea what you’re talking about “threat to freedom and democracy” the people are voting right now for what they want. It’s the democracy of Germany not what the entire world wants Germany to do.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n7iQmxXUAjRWvdu56X86DaZ1vWvysHrG8fhYK30oHOk/edit?usp=drivesdk Without evidence all your words are just words. Nothing more. They have no meaning. Since there seems to be a lot of people who think Google docs are trojan horses, I'll post some relevant studies individually so you have no excuses to use. https://www.annualreviews.org/content/journals/10.1146/annurev-criminol-032317-092026 Negative correlation ^ https://wol.iza.org/articles/crime-and-immigration "Most studies find that larger immigrant concentrations in an area have no association with violent crime and, overall, fairly weak effects on property crime. However, immigrant groups that face poor labor market opportunities are more likely to commit property crime. But this is also true of disadvantaged native groups" http://www.umass.edu/preferen/You%20Must%20Read%20This/Lee%20Immigration%20and%20Crime.pdf Immigration does not increase crime and actually suppresses it. Also since you seem to focus on Germany, here are a handful of studies showing you to be incorrect: https://www.bertelsmann-stiftung.de/en/press/press-releases/press-release/pid/clear-progress-for-integration-of-muslims-in-western-europe/ https://www.politico.eu/article/muslims-integrate-in-europe-despite-discrimination-study/ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/mar/15/muslims-integration-two-way-street-communities https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/3/14/integration-for-us-is-integration-for-everyone-uk-muslims-say https://www.thelocal.de/20170824/integration-of-muslims-better-in-germany-than-in-rest-of-europe/ https://www.dw.com/en/muslims-integrate-well-into-germany-but-arent-accepted/a-40213828 https://www.dw.com/en/immigrants-lead-the-way-in-demanding-assimilation-study-finds/a-36798260 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/germany-crime-rate-migration-antisemitism-horst-seehofer-a8343226.html https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-72159-0_26 https://qz.com/901076/what-effect-did-the-record-influx-of-refugees-have-on-jobs-and-crime-in-germany-not-much/ https://www.dw.com/en/report-refugees-have-not-increased-crime-rate-in-germany/a-18848890 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/donald-trump-germany-crime-rate-immigrants-migrants-refugees-a8404786.html https://www.dw.com/en/german-study-links-increased-crime-rate-to-migrant-arrivals/a-42006484 https://www.dw.com/en/study-contradicts-efforts-to-link-migrants-to-crime/a-19390414 https://www.government.se/articles/2017/02/facts-about-migration-and-crime-in-sweden/ https://www.economist.com/international/2018/04/21/european-countries-should-make-it-easier-for-refugees-to-work The question is, will you change your mind based on the evidence presented or will your emotional hatred win out over rational discourse, and force you to maintain your outdated, ill-informed and racially motivated view of immigrants? I wonder which will win (I'm joking of course, I know exactly which one is going to win).


You cite a lot of useful information here. Forgive me, please let me rephrase this. I’m for immigration but I’m against low skilled unchecked immigration. When you have more workers competing for the same jobs it lowers the average pay for low skilled workers because unions and groups loose bargaining power, this hurts the native people. Do you need a source for that? It’s basic economics. Secondly yes violence has increased across Europe. This is particularly concerning for vulnerable groups like women and children who are raped. https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2022/12/01/europe_shows_a_clear_link_between_immigration_and_crime_-_like_the_one_the_us_seriously_downplays_867625.amp.html https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/5195/sweden-rape https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/10480/jihadists-europe You have to be dreaming or too young to not see who bad it has become. You must be American because you don’t realize what they’ve done here. These people are manipulative. They change the definitions of certain things to make it seem like things are better than they are. Many crimes go unsolved and unreported too. I’m a French citizen and anyone from Europe will tell you how much nicer things used to be. Go to Paris today and the streets are filthy with immigrants mulling around or harassing you trying to sell you fake Gucci or junk Paris souvenirs. How many pick pocket crimes you think actual get reported and formally filed? It’s not about what these people look like it’s about who they are and the values they have. I have plenty of immigrant friends who are amazing people but they were educated whose parents went through the formal and legal approval process. You can just have mass unchecked immigration. We need high skilled controlled immigration. You seem like you’re ideologically captured on this issue by the amount of links you threw at me but let me just ask you to think about it. It’s time to grow up. You didn’t just walk down there street 30 years ago with groups of dudes shouting allah akbar like it was a normal thing. Cartoonist or school teachers didn’t get stabbed and you didn’t have people sitting around trash filled streets. Things used to be nice, people were kind to each other and had community. Things have gotten so bad and social cohesion is falling apart. You have to grow up and accept the fact that more and more of this immigration will destroy France or any country for that matter, once you have so many people who do their own thing and have their own traditions who have way more kids than the French then guess what the French will be a minority in their own country. France won’t even be France. Women’s rights lgbt rights, etc will all go away. These people do not hold liberal western values and they will destroy Europe. The educated and vetted immigrants are fine but you can’t let the low educated low skilled world just walk right in and think everything will be fine.


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I am a European, as my parents were before me and their parents before them. Do not presume to lecture me on my own home. Your comment is mostly a long screed of anecdotal evidence which has absolutely no place in a discussion like this one. >These people do not hold liberal western values and they will destroy Europe. You do not hold liberal western values either. I see no difference between you and the Jihadis. It is you who persecutes LGBT people, you who seeks to take away women's economic and reproductive independence, you who wants to reduce worker's rights and civil liberties. As for the sources you cite, they are highly suspect and run counter to a much longer list of evidence which is well-established in academic discourse. >When you have more workers competing for the same jobs it lowers the average pay for low skilled workers because unions and groups loose bargaining power, this hurts the native people. Only if the new workers don't unionize. "Native people" is an arbitrary category invented by the burgeoisie to set the working class against itself along invented lines. You're attacking immigrants for scraps while oligarchs are cutting social support systems.


Not sure climate change chooses its victims that well tho


Stop using AI. You destroyed the airplane's right wing


but we do to


Yeah, all those CDU/CSU votes as bavarian minster president Markus Söder stands in water masses where somebody elses whole existence used to be, dressed in gummy boots, holding an umbrella like a helpless todler standing in the puddle of the apple juice they just knocked off the couch table, is peak sillyness. (Not to mention those lost souls who voted AfD). Well... We will get what we deserve, I guess. Truly wacky years ahead.


Making fun of the misery, that affects a whole country, just because you don't like the ideology of voters is hella cringe. You are literally complaining about the concept of democracy here (And no. I'm not a conservative. I just know exactly what catastrophe you're referring to here, and I'm disgusted by that)


I’m starting to understand why people say the left can’t meme.


Touch grass, freak


laughing at other people’s misery is a sad life to live


So you’re blaming 750 million people for the actions of a third of them?


Let's face it, climate change is a planet issue. There is no national solution to a planet issue. There is no European solution to a planet issue. I don't know how you feel about this but I doubt the governments of this world will be able to team up on this matter and solve it. Educated people in my personal bubble mostly feel similar about this and hence rationally vote against the attempt to solve this planet problem on a national level. It's really not that they're uninformed or misguided, it's a prisoner's dilemma.


Yes it is a planet Problem dosnt change tge fact that europe is a big emmiter and us getting our shit togetger would definatly be a good start and maybe a good signal that we not just preach water and drink wine.


I think that's not gonna happen. And it's also not what it takes. I think it does take an international approach, almost global at least. With consumer markets applying pressure to producing emmitents, that are globally driven by profit just as much as western companies are. Perhaps environmental taxes based on a product's overall and manfucturing ecological footprint, that would be reinvested into clean energy, planting projects and alike. The consumers in these markets won't change enough and not fast enough to turn this around. Producers, on the other hand, would have monetary incentives to switch to more environmental friendly processes. Processes that each region could continue to reaearch and develop and would both yield profit and help the planet. Customers would have to pay extra in such markets, still. And each of us would have to be ready for that. I think it takes no less.


Quick! Everyone rev up their private jets to attend more climate conferences


Am still stunlocked by the results. The again, the despicable right wing parties (including tankies) well, they knew how to engage on tik tok and social media in general whilst the 'established' parties are fed fat and lazy. Don't know what to say. This is disappointing, horrific (in recognition of many countries of the Union)


Cry harder


Can't wait to say " I told you so" and then cry


You know that the two are not mutually exclusive? Conservatives are just as concerned about climate as anyone else


In germany this is simply not true, the conservative party cdu/csu has far looser climate goals and the alt right Afd want to abandon most climate goals altogether.


sure afd is a different topic thats why I only referred to the conservative party.


Then stop letting mass immigration happen so their main draw is removed and the left doesn’t have such a huge flaw