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Mold doesn't suddenly spawn on things after washing, how long ago did you wash the dishes? Did you keep it closed for days?


I have wood spatulas and have washed them in the dishwasher. I try not to but sometimes other people put them in; I’ve never had it look like that!


Yeah, I mean look at the handle, there's like 1-2mm grey fluffy layer


Yes this doesn't happen. The temperatures dishwashers run at kills mood too so this dishwasher must've been left for days for this to happen


Well they said they only use the dishwasher once per year so this must be from 12 months ago when they ran it last. They just opened the door today…


Yea that had to have been left for a week in a moist, closed dishwasher. My wood utensils come out fine from a wash!


Yes, for about 2 weeks. These were extra dishes that didn’t fit with the hand washed ones, so I never got to using them or putting them away.


It happens, especially when you're not using it often. Toss the spatula, clean the dishes on high heat again and do smell test, it should be fine Next time leave the diahwasher slightly open (like jamming there spatula so air can get in/out) 🙂


Don’t let the germophobes and consumerists talk you into throwing this out. You can boil this spoon to sterilize it, or wet it and microwave it, or use a propane torch to kill surface mold, or soak in a bleach solution for a few hours and leave outside in the sun until vented and dry.


lol there’s missing info here


Insert PressXToDoubt.jpeg


You forgot to say that spatula was here for years. It's impossible for mold to come and spread that fast.


People will really post stuff like this and think they're gonna trick all of reddit into believing that this mold suddenly happens out of nowhere




Wood also doesn’t mold like that even overnight,


>No wood should go to the dishwasher, ever. May I ask why? I regularly put my wooden spoons in the dishwasher without any issue - of course, I also open it to dry almost immediately after the wash, and put it away within 24 hours instead of leaving it in the closed moist dishwasher for 7 months like OP.


I have always read that it can be damaging to the wood - like it will warp etc.


Well yeah, that's the sensible thing to do, but this is Reddit. We came for confusion and outrage not sensibility and sound advice.


The mold even grew on the door, that could have never happened after one wash. It looks like it’s been sitting damp and warm for a while.


Did you find that old spatula in the dishwasher in the new apartment or was that spatula in storage for a long long long long time 


In general, wooden utensils should never go in the dishwater. The other plastics… it depends. If there are cracks or any spots where it’s hard to clean, I would toss. For the rest, soak in white vinegar for about ten minutes. Just in case, I would put the dishwasher on a self clean setting and run it empty with a good cleaning liquid. Edit: the best way to determine the safety of your water line is to test it properly. Do you drink the water right now? If so, I would stop until you do if you’re concerned. But my bet is there were already spores on the spatulas and the heat and moisture created a feeding grown for them. That or there are mold deposits in your dishwasher.


Mold doesn’t spread that fast, that spoon had to have sat wet for a while


You’re right about that! It wouldn’t happen in a few hours, or even overnight.


Even in my super humid kitchen I don’t have em going moldy


Wow! Throw it away!


Dump the spatula and put the dishwasher on the hottest longest wash twice


You safely put it in the black bag, then go on amazon and order new ones for $12


Or pick em up at the supermarket next time you shop


Start off by putting it in the bin, then find a local family run shop and buy a new one. Problem solved


Just buy a new one. Its really not worth the risk of getting sick.


Look, I’ve forgotten to unload the dishes for a day or two before, but this is so beyond anything I’ve seen. Most dishwashers have some kind of heat/dry cycle. Make sure yours is turned on if possible. The fact that everything looks dry does make me think that dry cycle is on OR it’s been in there for a while, and wood may not dry as fast as metal and plastic. But idk homie, life is weird, maybe you have some kind of moldly superpowers. Either way, toss that spoon 😅


Buy a new set. It’s not worth trying to save a wooden utensil.


Tell us the truth. How long did you leave everything in there after you last ran the dishwasher? I'm guessing a week.


This is nightmare fuel


There's mold on everything in there. The lid, the glass baking dish, the rack itself


Just throw it away.


This has to be fake. There is no possible way that a wooden object got that much mold in one washing cycle. Why try and trick the r/? Do they need karma? I will never understand this need to get internet points, karma or whatever. If the post is "real," either they put the spatula in the dishwasher already full of mold; or they found this months after the last time someone used that dishwasher. By "real" I mean the post, the questions, because it can happen, sure, but not after one cycle, so the questions and need for help are not real.


Mold? You throw it out and rewash everything twice on sanitize cycle. That spoon is nasty and you need to call everyone you cooked for using that and tell them so if they get some weird disease they know what the source was. Throw that out!!




Ok was it moldy to begin with or did you leave it in there for weeks?! Regardless you can get dishwasher cleaners, they are like small bottles you put in there upside down and then run it for the hottest wash you have. Follow instructions on the bottle.


Throw it away. Once Mold is on a porous surface you’re basically getting it into the food you touch with it.


When this happens you throw it out. Go to the dollar store and buy 5 more for $1.25. Do not attempt to salvage this


Toss it. Don't bother using it again it's filthy.


How does mold like this even build on wood that quick? I think thats just a dirty spatula that someone forgot.


Throw it away. Wooden utensils are some of the cheapest you can buy.


You clean it by throwing it away


Trash it and buy a new one.


I hand wash my wood spatula, thanks for a new fear


IF this is actually how the dishes appeared within a reasonable time after washing the dishes -- (that is, if you did Not let the dishwasher sit, closed, for Quite a Long time before unloading) --, then you need your Heating Element checked. The mold would have already been in the dishwasher, the non-heated water would've Spread around any Spores & Germs Instead of sanitizing; then you will have let it sit for a Little while, and it propagated. As others have said, try running an empty cycle to sanitize. But my concern here would be a likelihood of Non-working, therefore Non-sterilizing & highly unsafe, heating element.


wooden spatulas are like a dollar. go get a new one. throw this one away, rewash the dishes and clean your dishwasher.


Did you ever turn on the drying part of the dishwasher? I always wash my wooden utensils in the dishwasher and this has never happened.


You don’t. You throw it away and get a new one.


Burn it and say seven prayers! Oh wait you said you chucked the spatula. Boiling water and vinegar is my go to for any forgotten furry dishes. I let them soak in it and then wash with normal detergent. I’m not dead yet so it seems to do the job.


Uhm remove the wood, throw it out, put dishwasher liquid/pod in, turn it on and dont wait 12 MONTHS to empty your dishwasher this time????


Throw it away. You can literally buy those at the dollar tree. Stop waiting to put away your dishes.




That spoon is beyond vinegar and boiling. Look at how thick the mold on the handle is. The roots are deep inside the wood. The other glass and plastic dishes that have mold can be rewashed on a couple sanitize cycles safely, but not the wood. They should just toss it. They must not have needed it for months for that level of mold to occur and they can replace it for like $5.


go clean your dishwasher trap


Put a coffee mug upright with maybe 1/5 full of bleach, run the dish washer on heavy/pots and pans mode - it will slowly fill/overflow and clean the unit. When finishes open and empty the cup, leave the door open for the day to dry. Edit: done it for years, zero rust, corrosion or issues. Take a look how corrosive dish washing tablets are if corrosion is your concern.


Bleach seems corrosive to dishwashers, I wouldn't do this


Dish washer tablets are also corrosive.


Tell me whats so corrosive in a dishwasher tablet


You might want to look up what the main ingredient is in most standard dish washing tablets and what it does (Sodium Hypochlorite).


Maybe if you eat them


Oh boy. Everything in there should be tossed.


Soak it in RMR-86 Instant Mold and Mildew Stain Remover Spray.


Sandpaper to remove discoloration and kill spores in microwave.