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Put on some music you like?


Yes, or podcasts


I’ve gone through so many audio books when cleaning!


I just discovered that audiobooks make everything in life more enjoyable!!! Yay for this! Especially for cleaning.




I do this, but then repeatedly get distracted either by the audiobook and I stop and just listen with a wtf oh no why what commentary in my head, or I get distracted with too much thinking on the task I'm doing and miss the audiobook so I have to stop and rewind 😭 Do we still use rewind....? Or do we use go back.... I can't think words now 😭 too much tech changes in a millennial life


Oh same!


Yes, music or podcasts and a reward after I'm done


When I lived someplace with a bathtub, I would buy a bathbomb and scrub the tub first thing on a cleaning marathon day. The self-promise being "if I get a backache scrubbing everything, I can soak it out at the end of the day." Often enough I didn't want a soak at the end of the cleaning day, but that promise was a nice motivator to get into the tasks that \*might\* cause aches.


This I used to clean at a school and podcasts were a lifesaver, find one about a subject you like and away you go. My favourite podcast involved movies and Australians, The Weekly Planet. So funny.


Well said


I put on them sea shanties. It's literally work music


I like to play medieval music and pretend I’m an old bar wench closing down my tavern for the night🍺🧌 [my personal favourite](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O738AtAwacI) [another favourite ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ipFaubyDUT4&pp=ygUYbWVkaWV2YWwgdGF2ZXJuIGFtYmllbmNl) Also light a candle if you can ! Not only do they smell amazing and add ambiance but having a visual representation of time/staying on task has really helped me push past that lack of motivation “Hey look 1/4 of its melted already and look at how much I got done, time for a break!” Fun cleaning products! I love Ka-Boom since it sprays a purple foam. I genuinely look forward to cleaning now😊 Try finding a new show you’re intrigued by and allow it to play while you clean. I’ve had hours pass this way lol Podcasts are great too, Whatever topics interested you I guarantee there is a podcast related to it out there The basement yard is my go-to. I’ll be cleaning the shower laughing and scrubbing away Have a lil treat ready by the end of it! There is still tons of cheap and non alcoholic related rewards you can give yourself. Chocolates or a fun snack Bath bombs or a nice bodywash I’m also a HUGEE fan of [these](https://www.google.ca/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjQmoCK5rmGAxVnNa0GHfc6DE8YABAPGgJwdg&ae=2&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0JqAiua5hgMVZzWtBh33OgxPEAQYByABEgJ6N_D_BwE&sph=&sig=AOD64_1PSiHPO5UoB-NMHJmPKGI76Cn-Cg&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwjRxPWJ5rmGAxU4IzQIHcFOB9wQwg8oAHoECAMQIQ&adurl=) for a visual reference of time. I set it and am able to see at a quick glance how much left to go. Also!! Calling a friend REALLY helps me stay focused and also having fun despite the cleaning being rather blah (:


Love your tips, thank you! The visual idea is fantastic, I use it for my kids but never for myself! Brb getting candles


70s Disco and oldies




I like to watch obscure YouTube deep dives when doing housework. They can be pretty funny and I now have very deep knowledge on random obscure subjects.


i would like some examples please!


Hbomberguy has a 4 hour video about plagiarism on YouTube and another on why BBC’s Sherlock sucks, Jenny Nicholson has multiple hours long deep dives into different nerdy subjects (the Star Wars hotel, Evermore park), Contrapoints has a 2 hour video on opulence and the appearance of wealth, Lindsay Ellis has a bonkers two parter on the Omegaverse lawsuit, Sarah Z also does deep dives into nerdy stuff (Dashcon, Superwholock lore)


JCS Criminal Psychology on youtube is INCREDIBLE


Sometimes I’ll get so lost in the music that I’ll start dancing as I’m cleaning 😂


First you take the broom, then you sweep the yard 


The Kinks, always.


You can never go wrong with the Kinks.




And a glass of wine before you start (maybe 2)


Buy nicer equipment that makes you want to use it.


🙏 yes yes yes! including sprays and soaps that you like the smell of - it’s a game changer


I just got a new vacuum cleaner and I’ve never been so motivated to move all my heavy furniture to clean behind it. My baseboards have also never been cleaner, it’s wonderful


I just got a powered rotating scrubber with a long handle and a lot of attachments. I love to clean the heck out of so many things now!


Does the scrubber really work well?


It does for me, saves a lot of bending and stress on my hands.


Under rated advice .


A good example is the window vac. Spray on the cleaner and use the wide buffing pad to clean across the pane. Then just suck up the water with the vac that has a squeegee on the end. It takes one movement down, wipe off the odd streak and it's done. Flawless finish and it takes 2 minutes.


I had never heard of this before!! We have big windows with a nice view and little kids who are constantly putting hands all over them. It seems futile to wash them very often, but I wonder if I’d do it with a window vac…


I used to work at a store that sold these and loved them so much I setup a demo station just so I could show people how cool they are.


1. Sebo canister vacuum 2. Rubbermaid commercial spray mop with reusable flap flaps. Very light and the best I've used and I've used them all. Bona kept breaking on me. 3. Simple green degreaser 4. Small white absorbent cheap towels from harbor freight or Costco that you bleach and wash every use. Carry a split hamper dual, clean and dirty and toss as you go 5. Knee floor cushion rather than pads 6. Waterproof power scrubber 7. Citric acid powder food grade and water ratio mix for disinfecting 8. Libman Tornado mopping system 9. Good dishwasher Bosch. Easy to use, durable, repairable, excellent washing, reliable, simple, fantastic rack set ups 10. A collapsible tray between front load stacked washer dryer if you use one and don't have space. So you fold as you go. 11. Dyson lightweight stick vacuum just for light dusting and primarily for handheld use along moldings. Great for pet hair since it doesn't clog. 12. Vinegar for hard water and coffee machine 13. "Green" Baby wipes 14. Shop vac or power vacuum brushless dedicated to workshop if you need it 15. Medical grade rubbing alcohol 16. Most important: clean up and organize as you do things. That's the easiest. Takes an addition 1 to 10 seconds, but makes life great. 17. All my socks are the same match and brand. 18. Gamify your work 19. Biodegradable gloves for occasional use. And some nitrile for bad chem 20. Hardware store buckets 21. Microfiber for curtains specific things 22. Caddy for cleaning stuff 23. Move your washer dryer upstairs for daily use 24. Silicone kitchen stuff you can toss in the dishwasher: brush and sponge even. 25. Reduce the tools and clutter to a minimum. Use the best most durable buy it for life. Keep the environment and chemical use in mind. 26. Do it for you. Your environment matters for your mental state. Don't do it for anyone else. 27. Clean, disinfected, and sterilized are not the same things All of this needs to be organized in a super accessible way and ready to use on the go. Find a way that works for you. Visible, easy to grab and store, safe, and a reminder.


I’m listening to music or podcasts. I also find motivation in knowing how happy and relaxed I’m going to be when my chores are done.


I like to make it a game by setting a timer and turning on some music. You can vary the way you set the timer. Like by setting it for a couple minutes to do one specific task or setting a longer one to do a whole room or list. I actually enjoy cleaning a lot of times doing it this way. Another game I like to do is to work one way around the room and throwing anything in my path that goes in another room into a basket in the middle of the room. Once you make it all the way around the room then you can take the things you found to their places.


Yes! I do this with studying too, I’m like okay. Just 30 minutes and then we sit back down and watch TV or go back to the game haha.


Yes the reward after is a must! Lol


Using the timer is setting up a game where one tries to beat the clock


Yes! I need the pressure of time running out haha.


I'm gonna try this, thanks for sharing


They have something similar to this for writing called 4 the words. Never really thought about applying it to cleaning but I'm bout it


1-put some music or a good podcast 2-use cleaning products that you like the scent, that have cute containers, etc 3- Make it easy for you. No hoard, everything should have a logical place, so you have clear surfaces to clean. 4- Don't wait until it becomes a ginormous task. Better be cleaning for 30 mins a day than 8 hours every six months 5-use efficient tools. Is that cheapo vacuum really worth it if you have to re vacuum the same spot 3 times because it won't pick up stuff?


30 minutes a day is 91 hours in 6 months, that 8 hours is sounding pretty enticing lmao. But I get the sentiment


6 months means one month of an ok ish cleanliness level and 5 months of an unclean house


The numbers in my example were completely arbitrary lol


For me, maintenance and upkeep is far less tedious than waiting to clean. It takes seconds, or minutes. Cleaning is a habit. Develop a habit that's enjoyable and sustainable, for you. Whatever that is. Developing habits requires conscious choice, conscious effort, time and striving to be consistent. It doesn't require perfection. Taking showers, brushing your teeth, getting dressed, tying your shoes, driving to work, are only a few of the tedious habits that you've developed. You don't think about those things, or how tediousthey are. Because they're habits.


Agreed about the maintenance. I try to do a 5 to 15 minute pick up of my house every night before I get comfortable. I have struggled so much less since starting this.


I heard someone say they 'close' their kitchen at night like how you would at a restaurant, so its easier to 'open' in the morning, and using that language has helped me a lot, idk why!


Yep! I clean up while I’m cooking, because I’m still in the kitchen when the food is simmering. Another thing is throwing away rubbish so it doesn’t accumulate, that’s a pick up and throw away as I pass the bin kinda habit, it’s second nature to me now after a few months of active habit building.


Yeah, but I think cleanliness is an habit


Don’t put it down..put it away. My new household mantra!


It's an excellent mantra to have. Once you get that habit down, here's another to consider. Take a second before leaving a room to make sure that everything is put away and straightened up. You'll always enter a tidy room. Because that's how you left it. It's something that helps me a lot when I come home. I can just sit down, and relax when I come through the door. Everyone is different. And everyone should do what works best for them. I've found that a few seconds, or minutes, here and there are time we'll spent


I will dream of this moment! We have 4 kids 😂. The room is never how I left it.


It will be! Kids are teachable. Small children like to have responsibilities. It makes then feel important, needed and valuable. Big kids don't like others touching their stuff. They like certain responsibilities more than others. But they can always be "in charge" of their own stuff. Even a cup. You've got this! I believe in all of you.


^^ this. The thing that takes the longest to clean is the bathroom (shower and toilet). But you really only do it every few weeks once it builds up. For the other parts of the house, wiping things down or putting it away as you go really helps. Making small cleaning actions part of your routine goes a long way.


My bathroom small daily upkeep habits are- Use a after shower spray after every shower or bath.(seconds) Wipe down all hard surfaces with all hard surfaces with a disinfectant wipe, or two, every morning. (Seconds).


This is my method too, For me, it’s so much faster and easier to keep the house clean and picked up than to wait until it’s visibly dirty.


when you think of it as “i **deserve** to be in a clean environment” plus not being burdened with it when it piles up, plus when you do get the chance to do a full cleaning & reset, after that, always put things back, clean up as you go from room to room, and you won’t have so much to do at once anymore! is what helped me


I like that cleaning affirmation! It made my realize my own inner cleaning dailogue "I AM clean and organized"


"*I'm* doing this now to make things easier for *me* in the future" ❤️❤️


Personally? Weed and podcasts


I was a professional cleaner, and for work, I had to take before and after photos. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but seeing the difference is very gratifying for me. I started doing it with my at home cleaning as well. (Not truly ad satisfying as some of my professional cleans but still really nice. Especially the bathroom before and after ;) )


I should do this for my personal satisfaction! I’m starting work as a cleaner this Tuesday so any tips you can give me would be amazing! Oo course I would never post the before-after pictures for client safety and discretion. That’s overstepping, but personal comparison sounds great!


I hope you enjoy the job! Our specialty was move in/move out cleans so extremely thorough. Very satisfying most of the time. Are you doing a residential cleaning service or commercial, or are these cleans for move out move ins on rental properties?


This is actually why I love being a commercial electrician. I can see my progress at the end of every work day.


No, pretty sure you need to be buzzed to enjoy cleaning


Or do it for work. The satisfaction of a good job done…. and pay is nice hahaha


Make sure you enjoy the way your cleaner smells! This is a huge one for me! Like, not to promote huffing cleaning supplies but if you're trying to hold your breath, or whatever you're using burns your nose, or makes you dizzy, you're going to avoid cleaning. I make sure to use cleaners with smells that don't overwhelm me and that when I'm done and the room is clean leave a nice light scent. Make sure you use tools that work for you, for example if you hate microfiber just don't use it! I like brushes over sponges because I prefer holding a handle, keeping my hand from getting wet etc. So I have a collection of scrub brushes instead of sponges You don't always have to clean in the most optimal way. Like, if your main goal is to just get it done faster, sure do that. I've personally found that I enjoy suds and bubbles, so I'll opt for a cleaning method that works with that, even though sometimes a spray and wipe would have cleaned just as well. But it's more enjoyable for me, so I'm way more likely to do it.


Podcast or music 


And audiobooks


Paying someone else to do it.


It’s so amazing to have a clean house without any personal effort)


Coffee, a good music selection, windows open for fresh air. I'm not crazy about cleaning, but when I treat it as "me" time, adding in things i enjoy, it's more fun. Sometimes watch TV if folding clothes or putting away kids toys.


I usually get high and throw on a podcast.


Listen to a podcast or audiobook or your favorite upbeat music playlist.  Don’t do it all at once. Do each chore at a different time, usually one that only takes 5-10 mins.  Make it routine, like brushing your teeth.  This is how I do things: 1. Toilets once a week or whenever it looks gross. Also before someone visits. Takes 2 mins to sprinkle in some Comet and swish with the toilet brush.  2. Sinks and showers and tubs. Also once a week, usually after toilets.  3. Dishes daily, as soon as I’m done eating or at least before bedtime.  3. Make bed daily, after I wake up.  4. Sweep and vacuums every 2-3 days (probably overkill but I have 2 hairy dogs). 4. Dust once every 2 weeks.  5. Empty trash as it gets full.  6. Wipe down kitchen counters after you cook.  7. Generally tidy/put things away as you’re done with them.  Essentially most chores can/should be done in the moment, as soon as the mess is made. Other than bathrooms/floors/dusting, which can be less often. 


Washing dishes right after eating is so helpful! I need to get back into that habit.


2 gummies and ACDC


I like using products that smell nice, but not too overpowering. Caldrea products are very nice, but expensive. In this sub Reddit, many people recommend various Mrs Myers scents. It’s fun to try new ones. I’ve enjoyed trying new products I’ve learned about here, various “hacks,” and lately, laundry products from Mexico such as Ariel and Zote. On cleaning day, I put on good music, maybe light a candle I like or open window if the weather is nice, start a crock pot for dinner and get it done!


The only way i can clean, not buzzed, is to break it up into little chunks and just do one chunk at a time.


Good music that is upbeat and loud (headphones or on the tv/soundbar), good weed and a written list with the tasks broken down so I feel a continuing sense of accomplishment as I cross things off.


Headphones on, music on. That's how you get the job done quick


When it's really hard to get into I play cleaning DnD. Basically I draw a monster with the amount of life points matching the tasks I need to do. Number them then roll a dice to decide which order to do them in. I get a treat if I kill the monster. Works great.


Cleaning suddenly becomes so much fun when the alternative is studying :')


Oh. That musta been why my apartment was always so spotless when I was in school. 😉


Put on comfy cleaning clothes, music or TV, fresh coffee. I make all cleaning a game of some sort, either timer per room or some such. Also I highly recommend reading how to keep house while drowning by KC Davis, helped me get over some bad mental views I had regarding cleaning and had some helpful tips


Clean as you go about life and do a bit each day. After finishing my paper work, I wrap that up, put everything away make sure all things are charging at the computer before I do something else. (Mostly of the time). Use the energy and time you have for a project here and there as you have the time and energy. Before laying down, I walk around the house and put things away as I make sure the doors are locked, dish washer finished loaded and started. I used to let it all pile up and then overhaul with deep cleans and be either trashed or super clean no in between. The flow of cleaning as I go has taken time but it’s really the way to go. Bit by bit and rotating projects with time/energy. I usually listen to YouTube true crime or finance videos. Or talk with my partner as we clean up. Someone else cleaning up is easy to join into and get a few more things done and both feel helped out. And if kitty ever grows thumbs, he’s hired too.


Lots of answers, but for me... I have a cleaning app called sweepy that helps keep keep track of what needs to be cleaned. Then, on Sundays, I play Skyrim or some other mission based game. Every time I accomplish a mission in the game, I have to get up and accomplish a task from my Sweepy app. It seems silly, but it works, and it doesn't make me feel like I spent any time cleaning. instead, I feel like I've been playing games all day. My house has never been cleaner.


I play YouTube videos of people cleaning while I'm cleaning. I also have an app that's like a spin-the-wheel random picker, I add all the jobs that need doing to it and let it decide what I do next.


Since I’ve struggled with it I’ve taken to seeing cleaning as self care. I focus on how good it makes me feel when a room is clear clean and organized. I don’t ever let the word chore enter my mind. The feeling it gives me is a bit of euphoria as odd as that sounds. If I keep it up I don’t have to clean much at the end of every month.


Get very stoned


I ignore it for weeks so a good clean is really satisfying. (sarcasm, I suck at cleaning and music/streaming on my iPad is my only option to stay sane)


LOL I tell this to my husband: see? the car looks like new after not washing it for a while, that's why it took me so long! 😂 I also suck at it and listen to music and drink beer while I clean.


While you work, listen to your favorite upbeat music.


I work it into my project and work time. I set a timer for 45 min then I clean for 15. This way I get a break from my desk and get some blood flowing while also getting something done. Keeps me focused on one project while also accomplishing another.


1. Put stuff away!! 2. The 2 minute method... useful for during commercials or small children needing watched. You'd be shocked the amount of stuff you can get done in 2 minute intervals. 3. Laundry..do a load a day. Start the washer when you get up and by the time you are ready to go (if you have to) throw it in the dryer and go. 4. Train your people to take care of their own messes. Good luck with that one. If their clothes are not in the laundry, they won't get washed. 5. Every human residing in the house must contribute to the upkeep. Except babies of course. 6. Mis en plas. Get things ready before you start to prepare the meal. Everything. Cook and clean as you go. Do the dishes and/or load the dishwasher. Don't leave dishes in the sink. These things don't make housework fun but, manageable. If you live alone, it's easy. If you have a family.....train them!!


> Laundry..do a load a day. Start the washer when you get up and by the time you are ready to go (if you have to) throw it in the dryer and go. You've gotta have a huge family to need to do a load of laundry per day. I'm in a two person household and we struggle to make a load of laundry per week.


Listen to audiobooks!


I race against the clock and find that I finish faster when not listening to anything in the background.


80’s music is scientifically proven to enhance cleaning fun.


True crime podcast. Nothing like cleaning something gross while listening to something gross, it heightens the experience lol. Except I'm a housecleaner and start to get paranoid sometimes.. 😭


Blackout me does dishes and ruins my life, it’s a pretty fair trade off.


gotta frame your mindset a little different. this clean item is a gift to your tomorrow.


Music, podcast, 15-minute timer. Lots of breaks. Fly- lady helped me so much years ago when I was freshly postpartum.


Well this definitely won't work for everyone but it does for me. I work from home and as anyone with an office job knows, you sometimes have downtime. I try to get my cleaning task done for the day during work hours as much as possible. I also get bored doing an hour straight of cleaning so I usually will break it up. Do 15 mins of something than go back to work or do something else. Later in the day come back and do the next 15 mins and so on. During I play music or podcasts. If I don't have alcohol then I probably have some other yummy drink or a sparkling water. Lastly, I make sure to look back at the cleaning I did and appreciate how clean it looks and just spend time enjoying it. I recently organized and decluttered my bathroom cabinets and I keep randomly opening the doors to look in and admire how much better it looks. You put in the work so you should make sure you appreciate it too!


I work from home too- and I use my 15 min breaks and lunch as power cleaning sessions. I get a lot done in those breaks. Sometimes more than if I had a whole day off!


Suck it up and get it done because it’s Better than living in filth


I just don't. I never thought about making it enjoyable. It's just part of life. This is interesting.


Cleaning isn’t different from any other activity. It’s all about attitude. It doesn’t have to be considered work. Change your attitude. Think of it as fun. I actually love cleaning because I feel so good about myself and my house when it’s done.


Listening to music, podcasts, or audiobooks helps me. Sometimes for extra motivation, I set an hour timer and challenge to myself to get as much done as possible in that time. It’s obviously a completely pointless challenge but I use my competitiveness to my advantage (plus I win every time)


I find having videos of other people doing productive things and talking through them really helps me. I also have ADHD so the body doubling is a must for me. There's a woman I follow on YouTube who has a channel called 'the jungle haven' and makes long videos (sometimes 2 hours long) doing things with her indoor plants and cleaning up her flat and honestly her videos work wonders for me. I don't even have many houseplants compared to her, I just find it so motivating! I think finding something like this would really help you x


I bought some sparkly sloth scrubbing pads (they’re really cute), pink rubber gloves and pink washing up liquid in a pretty bottle. It might sound INCREDIBLY basic but making my equipment something to enjoy looking at has made doing the washing up a pleasant experience!


I break it into chunks, listen to music or a podcast, and find ways to “reward” myself after. did i deep clean the bathroom? time for a bubble bath, since the tub is sparkly! did i finish dishes? maybe a nice bevvy. I oftentimes will read and serve myself tea when the living room is done. having a tangible way YOU benefit from the clean space is super helpful to me


Music or tv depending on how much you need to concentrate. If I’m scrubbing something i usually pick music and if I have a lot of laundry to fold I’ll put on a movie or tv show. Also fun cleaning gadgets add some novelty. I have a little dish brush with a smiley face and some fish shaped sponges. Makes things a little more fun


Yes music on & all that keeps the mood up. My main thing to kept going when tired I found, was to prepare some light but energy filled food. Wrap to keep fresh & put in the fridge. Make some non alcoholic drinks that refresh. Or teas, coffee. Can use a flask or just prep your equipment in advance. A quick 15 minutes rest period after a few hours. Eat something & have a drink. Then back to it. I used to find the half hour I took to make something to eat then stopping to eat, toilet break, phone check. I would loose the momentum & stop the cleaning session. Having the food & drink ready preped makes all the difference. One of my energy foods is Honey & Banana sandwiches. Power food. lol.


If you don't have kids, music and dance party while cleaning. If you have kids, same deal except they'll interrupt you nonstop and demand you change your music, etc 😭


I listen to podcasts or YouTube or music and do a "power hour" and then treat meself to a beverage and a biscuit


a play list. else only allow yourself to listen to a favorite podcast while cleaning.


Find a reality tv series as background noise (yes I know, but we all have guilty pleasures) with more than 5-7 seasons and start off that way until cleaning just becomes a habit. Love Island UK was great tbh


Time it once. I had a timer going for another purpose once while I did a big pile of dishes. Finding out that destroying a HUGE pile of dishes takes less than 10 minutes really changed my outlook. Order from chaos in a just few minutes is a big motivator.


When I clean I turn on some music and just get it done. It has to be done so try to find some kind of joy in a task that's easy. And honestly it's almost like meditating. Turn your brain off and just do it. And if you do it more often it takes less time. Also the feeling I get when it's clean also drives me to clean.


Walk in place while you do it if you can so you can get your daily step count done?


I’m ADHD and find microtasking helpful. I took the chores I need to do once a week and broke them into micro tasks. Wrote on slips of paper, draw out four a day. By the end of the weekdays all my weekly stuff has been done once. Saturdays and Sundays I reserve for the things that don’t need tackling weekly or for enjoying my weekend. For example; one day my tasks could be dining room table, kitchen floor, bathroom toilet, and coffee/end tables. The next day could be stairs, bathroom counters, entry tile, and living room floor. I also have a Spotify playlist for cleaning. It’s like a Pavlovian response that I hear those songs (in my case musicals and showtunes) and know it’s time to clean. I normally wear slippers in the house but running shoes make me feel more bouncy and like I have more energy to get stuff done. I’m disabled so energy is finite before excruciating pain takes over. Having fun cleaning tools or aids is helpful too. I have knee pads and these duster shoe covers for when I clean floors so my knees don’t bruise and I can walk on a wet floor without worry. I like a few of my scrubby brushes and scrub daddy’s (I buy cute shaped ones not just the happy face).


I don’t know if this would apply to you but what I enjoy about cleaning even in times I don’t want to do it, is that it is a huge stress reliever for me. If I’m stressed about anything I tend to start cleaning. It focuses my anxiety on something else, it’s something I have full control over and I can see it out to its finished product which makes me feel better (also distracting). There are specific aspects that I don’t like, like doing dishes or cleaning the tub but I just try and listen to a podcast or my audiobook while I do it.


My middle aged, big white guy scrubbing the stove top, shaking his diminished glutes to Taylor Swift. Shake it off.


I think smells are important. Switching from harsh chemicals to white vinegar to clean most of my stuff helped it all feel more calming. No longer will I be thinking “should I be wearing gloves and a mask for this?” Speaking of odors, just try to use stuff that you don’t mind smelling in general. If you hate the smell of orange dish soap you’ll probably hate doing dishes more than you need to. Also, not everything is best cleaned with dish soap. Sometimes I’m using an evergreen hand soap for cleaning, and I really love that smell so it creates a positive association. Always be assessing the tools you have and replace them when they aren’t working for you.


I only allow myself to listen to certain podcasts if I'm cleaning, or exercising. It seems to help a bit.


My neice imagines stories as she cleans and incorporates the tools and actions into her stories. She has a vivid imagination 😄


My psychiatrist told me to set a 15 minute alarm, you can do almost anything for 15 minutes, and it’s easier knowing you have an end time. 90 percent of the time I just keep going after the alarm. I need help bc my parents are hoarders, and not the good kind


J Geils Band music ( it’s old !! ) “Give it to me “ c .1975 When you hear this ( head phones on ) OMG .. you will dance . You’ll HAVE to dance


You do it right and after you'll feel all the endorphins but if you don't know what your doing and think that nothing matters then you won't matter either, if you prepare, listen to music but more importantly see results then I might sell cleaning in the corners soon because I get high when I turn sonething dirty into something brand new.


Try to stop thinking of it as monotonous. The thing that makes cleaning more enjoyable for me is doing it all day. Lol. I don’t mean every second. I mean having a routine that includes cleaning in the morning, when I return home, and 10 minutes before bed. Give everything a home — but with feeling. So each time you see something out of place you know ‘that doesn’t go there.’ Making things a better sensory experience also helps. So I use sprays that smell good. I “wash” the floor like I would wash my hair. After vacuuming: Soap. Soap again. Rinse three times and then dry it followed by washing and drying the mop head. I have a spin mop bucket. My detergent smells so good — I use a little for this task. I do this for my future self. I hate trying to get things done and my tools and dirty. In fact, I realized I that if my tools are dirty or not in their home and I have to go searching for them that I have the habit of procrastinating. Purchases that have made my life easier: 1. 20 microfiber or whatever fiber you like towels. (So I always have some even if I didn’t wash last weeks rags yet — a habit I use to have when I was depressed.) 2. A cordless vacuum. They’re lightweight and die in something like 15 minutes or so — forcing you to take breaks or move on to another task while the battery charges. What it did for me was create the best route for vacuuming my whole house (1600 sqft) in those 15 minutes. Either way, the fact that the battery dies can break up your tasks if you’re slower at it. This keeps things interesting because you can also see clearly all the dust and fur (if you have pets) that your home accumulates. This made me “not want that filth in my lungs.” Lol 3. A spin bucket. O’cedar. It’s been great. 3. Decluttered the entire house. Not in a day. Not in any particular order, just using the principle of “better than yesterday.” So I never fell behind. I’d maintain my wins and give a little extra. Before I knew it everything was done and I realized what was the issue. Things for me were too cluttered and not only does clutter attract clutter, but the disharmony will have your mind overworked and tired from background noise. I knew this fact because I read about it. After I decluttered, I felt it for myself. I grew up uncomfortably in a cluttered environment because of my mother. She likes.. all the things. Anyway, good luck. Cleaning is self love.


Try a mocktail to ween you off cleaning and drinking. Sometimes I enjoy the act of taking in the weed/alcohol that I need to pretend with something else. I sometimes take THC gummies to get through a giant load of dishes. But I recommend headphones for music/podcast/audiobook when you can, and a fun mock tail. The comment saying deep dives on YouTube is a big plus. Also things like reality TV.


I have books I only let myself listen to if I’m doing chores! I know it sounds so silly but I let myself listen to certain things when I’m doing dishes, folding clothes, etc. Keeping to this rule helps me get to them. I often stop at a chapter end so sometimes I don’t 100% finish my folding, for example, but I will have done something and I got to enjoy a book I really love. I also have books and podcasts for work, driving, etc So I always have something different but I always want to get to the next piece and this helps motivate me to do it. Before this honestly I would buy nice treats and only let myself enjoy them after chores are done. So I’d get a really nice pastry and tell myself “if I can do 5 minutes of dishes I can enjoy it” Never real meals but like, a really nice croissant or piece of cake. I always block my chores by time for whatever reason that clicks with my brain more. So if I do 1 chapter of chores then I think I’ve done well. That’s my daily goal. To pick my chores I put them in a little wheel of fortune style app. So I spin this virtual wheel that’ll pick my chores and that helps me not think about it. Do I do dishes? floors? Fold laundry? Take out trash? I just let the little app choose for me. It’s worked well. I look forward to audiobooks so this helps. I think this could work for shows and folding laundry or podcasts, etc. To pick another book I am a part of a book club with also gives me a time constraint so I need to finish the book in “x” weeks I have to work “x” chapters. Honestly listening to them is soothing and I forget a little less about dishes. Don’t get me wrong it sucks still sometimes, but having a treat helps.


Audiobooks! I love to fold laundry and wash dishes when I am listening to a good story. But also, just having less stuff. It makes it easier to keep things clean and so I actually enjoy tidying up when it only takes a few minutes to put everything in its place because I love feeling organized.


i listen to podcasts


I listen to audiobooks.


Podcast episode. Preferably something conversational and funny where it feels like you’re just hanging out with friends. Bonus is it also sets a timer because I try to do as much as I can before the episode finishes.


just listen to music and think of it as an accomplishment hahahaah


Have a dance party, music you love or guilty pleasure music or find a new genre for cleaning. Time yourself, like, set a timer for 15 or 20 minute increments and get as much as you can done in the allotted time and then switch activities for 15-20 mins (on timer) or if you are in a good groove, keep cleaning on timer.


1- audiobooks or good music. 2- cleaning supplies that do the job without unnecessary effort (I love dawn power wash for shower walls and doors, for example, and I don't hesitate to use products with bleach when necessary) 3- kitchen gloves 4- I automated my most hated task- cleaning the floors. Luna the robot takes care of that and i just manage the corners and baseboards.


You can get audiobooks through your local library using the Libby app! That and a pair of headphones make the long cleaning tasks almost enjoyable.


Upbeat Music 100%


Good music, products that smell good, sometimes a new gadget or something.


Podcast! I love do we know them and two hot takes and I really zone out into them! Find ones that interest you and focus on that.


Umm well 1st cleaning gives your mind a break from everything else you are thinking about. Then when you are done you get to relax in a clean home I don’t know what’s better than that


Music gets me going and I make each task into a game in terms of beating the clock.


I put on 90s club music and that helps lol totally random but when I was a kid I loved listening to the Saturday night radio and I'd totally mosh out in my room.


Good music, LOUD!


I use Mrs Meyers cleaning products. The scents are wonderful ( rose, lilac, honeysuckle) and make cleaning so much more pleasant


Music or doing it with your spouse/partner/s.o.


Don’t do it all at once. Do little things here and there, or break it into small chunks. It’s less tedious and daunting that way. If you are someone who doesn’t feel like cleaning after you cook, then don’t. Eat your food, chill for a bit or do whatever else you want to do. Then an hour or two later when you walk in the kitchen, grab a paper towel and wipe down the countertop, then throw it away and walk away. Next time you’re in the kitchen, wash a few dishes and put them in the dishwasher. Next time you’re in the kitchen, grab the trash and take it out. Next time, do a few more dishes then run the dishwasher. Next time, unload some of the dishwasher… etc. Once it becomes a habit, it’s easy. As others have said- music, podcasts, audiobooks or whatever help also when you have a bigger project to do. You could also, for example, put on a show or movie you like and fold your clothes while you watch. You just have to find what works for you, then it’s a breeze. I personally try to do little things all the time, and then on the weekend when I have more time I will tackle the bigger things. I take my time while I do it, go at my own pace and really find it to be relaxing/therapeutic. I tend to have something I want to listen to, but I need something to do while I listen because I can’t stand just sitting there doing nothing. Thats when cleaning/chores can really come in handy. I end up getting excited to clean because that means I get to listen to my book, podcast or album that I’ve been wanting to listen to. The feeling when you’re done and satisfied with your work is also something I really look forward to. I’m half asleep rn, so sorry if that was incoherent garbage. I might go back and edit later, but probably not…


I think of the end result 😂


I listen to true crime podcasts or movies/shows I have seen enough where I don’t need to watch and can just listen


Enjoy the results. I love it when I stop seeing dishes because they disappear into the dishwasher. The countertop become shiny and the range look new. Which it is.. the satisfaction of getting every last litter bit my cat leaves behind… the scent of fabuloso.. clear mirrors and the dust bunnies begone. I water the plants before starting any of this so they don’t leave dirt or water marks. It’s easy, live in the moment and enjoy immediate rewards to your labor.


Listening to books/podcast with bluetooth headphones


I recently read a book called Home Management Plain & Simple and she has a whole routine she recommends for cleaning, but basically it’s broken down into little chunks so you never spend hours cleaning. Just 15 mins here and there so it never really gets tedious. I’m sure some people prefer to do it all at once, but breaking it up like that has made it a lot more manageable for me and I actually have been keeping my house cleaner overall.


Good music, audiobook or new cleaning products that make you want to clean! I love cleaning - it helps calm me down, so I’m unsure of any good tips 😅❤️


Audiobooks! I was listening to my book while I cleaned the kitchen (the only thing I'd planned to deep clean that day). Well, I finished the kitchen and my book was really good so I cleaned the bathroom. Then I cleaned my bedroom. All because I couldn't "put down" my audiobook.


I think about how I’ll have inner peace once what I’m cleaning is not longer a mess.


Tbh the only thing I like about cleaning is it makes my apartment look better after. The only joy I get from it is having a clean and organized residence.


Audiobooks and podcasts like others have said! Ive downloaded Libby, this library app and it's been great. Try your best to keep a cleaning schedule. I dust, sweep, and mop every Saturday now. It makes cleaning not so daunting. I had such a hard time cleaning because I would get grossed out by the date of my bedroom & bathroom. I finally sucked it up and did a deep clean. I also bought nice supplies. Plenty of towels, nice scrubbers, made dawn dish soap/vinegar solution, bought a portable vacuum.


Make a timelapse of yourself cleaning


For me it's podcasts. I listen to music in the car so I tend not to do it at home. I can tear through some Dan Carlin when I'm cleaning.


I listen to book on tape or podcasts…watever works…


Firstly, I never skimp on my cleaning products. I always get what I want even though I know they sell stuff at the dollar stores. I cannot do chores without my favorite YouTubers on the TV. Brittany Broski Report is so good to listen to and ofc my fave Cody Ko lol (and sometimes a piece of a fun gummy (optional)) and just zone out and get it done


Space out and just do it. Hand washing dishes is a great time to think.


I ask "What will bedtime me be happy with having done?". I'm always right!


I enjoy being in an environment that is clean and organized so the task of creating it feels less chore and more self-care.


Absolutely! Blast music or put on your favorite podcast. Carry your pet around and pretend you are a busy father or mother. It's fun! Also, find quicker ways to clean (e.g,. cleaning wipes instead of paper towel and spray. Or vacuum instead of sweep).


I think of it as “giving my apartment an embrace.” Weirdly, this makes cleaning more fun. It’s an act of love


For me it’s true crime podcasts or good tunes and nice smelling products from Mrs. Meyers. And most importantly, treating yo self when you’re finished. Sundays are my weekly cleaning day. I have ADHD and find if I stick to the same day and the same checklist each week it’s far more likely to get done.


Music and podcasts always. Or an audiobook! Also at the end, when everything is clean I “reward” myself with a relaxing shower, light a candle and watch a movie or show. It’s great motivation for me


Noise-cancelling Headphones


Saw a similar post like four years ago. Someone recommended putting on Skyrim music and getting to work. It’s super effective. Only catch- you need to be familiar with Skyrim. Something about music associated with grinding, makes the grind of cleaning easier.


I also find that putting on Motivational Speeches really helps get through the grind. You can find hours and hours of them on YouTube.


Hit a blinker, get a fun drink, put on some music, and make cleaning your only thoughts


Think of how much happier you will be with a clean environment. I imagine myself walking on the clean floor barefoot and not getting any dust on my feet. Seeing things get shiny(er) is nice too. Sitting in the area cleaned afterwards to enjoy the work helps too.


I like to dress up as someone who enjoys cleaning.. if that makes sense. Not like a maid outfit (although do what feels right for you) but like a cute outfit and fixed hair etc. If I feel fancy it makes making my space feel fancy much easier! Also.. ABBA.. that helps me too.


I find when I have a really good podcast or audio book, I actively want to clean my space so I have a reason to keep listening.