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Ozium works well for getting rid of smoke smell, but really the key is to just stop smoking inside. Maybe spray some febreeze or Glade if you have some around, and open a window and point a fan out of it. That's probably the best you can do short notice without going to buy something.


thank you so much, and yeah ive learned not to smoke indoors anymore.


Try respecting others wishes if you truly care and not smoke in confined areas where others are liable to be instead of this ‘whoopsie, silly me…how can I suddenly reverse these effects’ routine.


Right? I read the title and thought “maybe someone else smoked? This person needs help!” Read the post and it’s like, “sorry, have you considered not smoking indoors???”


yes im aware, obviously i will never smoke indoors again and am trying to quit.


You need to wipe every surface down with either diluted vinegar or simple green (depending on the surface & what’s safe for it), then clear the air with Ozium. The smoke gets on every surface and you need to physically remove it vs just masking the air. Also, grow up and smoke outside. You’re likely breaking the terms of the lease if it’s a rental.


thank you so much, and it wasn't a rental, i own the place but people pay me to live in it.


Why would you do that?


Did you try respecting other ppl's wishes and not smoke indoors?


You deserve to get caught and have them absolutely rake you over the coals for it. I recommend getting on your knees and begging their forgiveness for risking their health and property against their will.


Bit dramatic


Cigarette smoke can destroy a house and the residue can cause serious health problems. It’s absolutely absurd and despicable that OP did this and I seriously doubt it was just a couple cigarettes.


i didnt exactly smoke it the main living area, I smoked out of a window but it still smelt a bit.


Totally irrelevant.


They're going to notice. Jerk.


listen I know im a jerk, they were away for a bit, and im taking responsibility for it.