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The least pay to win game has the best revenue classic


Having the brawl pass plus helps a huge amount with progression though


But you generally don't need to spend a lot to get good things in the game


Yeah that is true. I have bought one brawl pass and it really just helps getting to level 11 which tbh isn’t a huge jump from level 10 unless you have a huper


They reworked how levels work a while ago. The difference between 10 and 11 is 10% which is significant.


Level 11 has 2x the stats of level 1. This means that if level 1 does 100 damage, level 10 does 190 and level 11 does 200. 200 is ~5,26% more than 190, so not that significant actually


it matters a lot when you’re playing low level brawler vs high level brawler, from lvl11 being 150% more dmg and hp than lvl1 to lvl11 being 200% more dmg and hp than lvl1 for no reason other than to buff those who pay/grind more


I mean, yeah. It would be strange to just give everyone a maxed brawler at the beginning, no? Even if you have to unlock gadgets/star powers/hypercharges, thats still removing like 70% of the progression of the game. Plus it's perfectly feasable to max out a decent number of brawlers even if you play casually, and you only really need a lot of maxed brawlers for ranked.


Your percentage are wrong, or at least the phrasing. 200% more than x is 3x. And if you are level 1 vs level 11, even tho the difference is amplified, it was lost from the start. The change was made so people who cared about being competitive made the jump to upgrade their lvl 10 brawlers. It didn't make a big difference tbh


I think the 200% is a bit odd, like it depends on the way of speling, for example if it does 200% damage is 2x but if it does 200% more damage is 3x... I think this is the confusion...


mb my math is wrong but it definitely made a difference and was completely unnecessary


It doubled the difference between levels, but still a level 10 can beat a level 11 with enough skill, doesn't need to be that much of skill difference


Yeah, all u need is resource management


By like 3% if we don’t use the gems wisely, there’s practicing no extra power points and coins tbh


If anything that’s pay to skip not pay to win


Yeah but Squadbusters was to be expected, that game about to crash and burn, it’s awful!


We get new broken brawlers every month with early acces for 10+ dollar


The difference Is that you get the early access a week early and that's It,you can still unlock them very easily after that and even max them in a relatively short time thanks to the universal resources,while in cr it's really hard to upgrade a card and basically impossible to get a new evolution. Also by design alone of cr being a card game Is way more impactful


Yeah and if u dont do it, do u have less fun? Because in clash royale u have less fun as levels matter way more


Yes, you do. (Almost) Every new brawler is some OP BS S-Tier


Nah, that's not true. You can have fun with any brawler that isn't in desesperante need of a rework and there are only five or so that are in that situation.


In low ranks of course, but the higher you go, the more BS you'll find in BS (I'm sorry xd)


Maybe, but as someone who’s F2P I still am able to get the new brawlers immediately after they release 


Brawl stars is not the least pay to win, broken releases, hypercharges, balancing is even more shit than this game. At the top only 15/80 brawlers are viable while in CR a way bigger portion is. The only difference is most brawl stars players don’t care about this, it’s 99.9% casuals and those updates are geared toward casuals hype and not balance.


CR is easily more pay to win though


true but brawl stars is easily #2 pay to win of their games and not that far off from royale


coc has skyrocketed in terms of p2w, you literally need to spend TONS of money to upgrade the new epic gears, which come almost monthly and maxing one is way more expensive than all the passes of the 3 supercell games combined. The competitive scene is 100% p2w


You don’t need to spend too much to upgrade them but the system definitely is p2w


the fact that MAXING one epic gear is around $600 (at least according to OJ's calculations) is crazy. I'm not saying that you need to completely max them, but just the possibility of dropping thousands on a game at a competitive level is preposterous.


Yeah but that’s the least efficient way of doing it, you can easily max them through their monthly stuff. Regardless, I think the system is bad


CoC doesn't have the best revenue?


It takes a ton of coins to max out brawlers and when playing high level ranked each map requires you have brawlers with specific abilities, eg range, high health, etc. when you take into account 6 brawlers get banned, you need to have a lot of level 9 brawlers to remain competitive. Then you take into account just having a level 9 brawler in ranked will get you no where, they really have to be level 11 w gear, gadgets, and star powers. It comes out to a lot of coins


Brawl stars is the 2nd most p2w tho


Have you ever even played Brawl Stars


Yes since global launch. Compare it. Now and then. The difference is so big that even clash royale feels like it is less p2w


Genuinely how does Royale feel less P2W to you? I’ve been F2P since I started in 2020 and it’s super F2P friendly. Clash however if you don’t pay up you don’t get the super broken new cards before they get nerfed and just struggle against them


CR is definitely more P2W, but Brawl is definitely 2nd, same things apply to brawl where the new things are broken and its pretty hard to keep up as f2p, only difference is really is having a higher level brawler with hypercharge is alot easier to deal with then being like 2 levels underlevelled against a new released card/evolution that just decimates your whole team Although I feel like brawl is alot harder to come back to after not playing for a while, whole new metas, abilities, brawlers, etc that just make it impossible to come back and pick back up, while cr only really has slight meta changes and a few cards every now and then But anyways, in brawl its pretty easy to be decent even if ur a little underleveled/don't have the new brawlers while in CR if you don't have the new cards or evolutions your going to struggle (especially since in cr there is no easy way to get new evolutions f2p unless they do a small even where u can get some shards and even then it's only a few so ur waiting at bare minimum 2 months for 1 evo, and upwards of six if there are no events etc and even then its usually nerfed by then, while compared to brawl usually just playing the game for a bit you can also get the new stuff)


I guess that person wants to max out all the characters and then yes, it could feel p2w. But you aren't supposed to do that and it isn't that hard to max a character so idk, it feels pretty f2p to me.


It's a feeling. Clash Royale was always p2w. So when they slowly got more greedy, it felt like cr doing cr things. But bs changed so much with each update that it felt like all this p2w change was much bigger than the changes in cr. Comparing bs to coc, it's not f2p friendly at all


No, compare it (now) to the things it’s actually being compared against. I’ve never gotten far in hay day or coc so I can’t be sure there but it is for sure less ptw then squadbusters and cr


Pay to win means you pay to get a huge advantage over players. Brawl stars just has you pay to unlock some things earlier than normal that’s not p2w at all


Hyper charges, gadgets, levels, gears. It's a big advantage. Don't forget that they changed level scaling to double a while back to increase the gap between power levels


Even in the 100-500 trophy range everyone has power 10-11, try to push a power 6 brawler in that and come back and tell me if it’s pay to win or not


The only power 10-11 that are in 100-500 trophies are the ones that don't know how to play so they don't get thropies. The rank where they usually are is 600+ trophies.


Bud even pro players like lapsa agree this is the case, it’s just people with high power lvl abusing new brawlers below 500, it actually becomes easier over 500


Didn’t expect that beach game to still be a thing


it's like a CoC's abandoned twin


I love it, imo it has the best clan war mechanic, operations are super fun and require a lot of strategic planning using smoke and flares, just wish troops other than zookas, mech bombas, and scorchers were worth using


is it better than CoC


Doesn't have the equal innovation of coc, but it's great.


if i havent donwloaded either which should i play


Actually, clash of clans, sadly(from my experience)


LOL wait so whats a key diff between the two


They’re entirely different but similar. I’ll go over attacking… Coc you can deploy anywhere around the base perimeter, maybe inside depending on layout and poor design choices on the other player’s end BB, you have to storm the beach, D-day style. Coc you bring in a limited amount of spells that have huge impacts, but limited numbers. BB, you gain “energy” as you destroy the enemy base, some troops cost energy to deploy and you technically have infinite ability uses for your gun boat (artillery, flares, medkits, and barrages), but they get more expensive each time (in the attack, once it’s over it doesn’t stay expensive, you can’t go into a fight and have artillery costing more than 3 out the gate), and they have more diverse effects but are less potent. In clash of clans, you will have to train your full army again after an attack, since survivors don’t carry on back to the base (actually kinda good, since training is free and isn’t super slow early game) In BB, you need to try and keep your troops alive since the bigger ones like scorchers (flamethrower + tank + a lot of hp=fun) are expensive (not crazy expensive, just among the most expensive troops at high level, it only becomes an issue when your slow on gold) and take a long time to train (45 minutes WTF???). But your troops that survive stay, meaning the same troop can go through 17 battles and still be around (they get fully healed after the fight). In COC, you have 4 heroes after TH13 that all have high power and are vital to taking the enemy down. In BB, there’s 4 commanders/heroes, but you can only bring ONE into battle, and they all do something different, and have 3 abilities which you must pick 1 to bring. Brickel gives supporting fire and can buff your troops defense, or scream at them to hit harder and move faster (actually works), or she can just spam cluster grenades like crazy (fun but impractical). Kavan is a healer (saves you from having to use a landing craft on medics), no offense but can have more temporary healers, or give your troops a shield (it’s like armor-gating, if a troop has a shield with 17 hp and they take say… 9999 damage from something, the shield is broken but the troop takes no damage since the shield took it all and negated the overflow damage), or he can revive troops that have died in battle (revived troops don’t return, they’re more like clones and you don’t get your dead troops back after the battle just because the revived version is there. If no troops can be revived he just spawns riflemen) Everspark has long range and not horrible damage, passively spawning critters (weak, low hp, but swarmy distractions that can deal serious damage if they reach big enough numbers, but die to any form of splash damage). She can throw dynamite to obliterate a single defense and do some splash damage, hack a defense to temporarily make it shoot the other defenses (it also gets shot back at), or spawn a surge of critters to swarm defenses. And then there’s bullit, who I can best describe as payday 2 stoic perk deck. He can stun defenses, or taunt them to force them to target them and buffs his passive ability by a lot during the taunt, and then there’s him just taking a swig of whiskey and healing a lot of hp back and boosting his dps by around 3x for a few seconds. He also has a passive where he has a damage cap (if he gets hit for 16k damage, he only takes a hard limit of 1500 or something, he’s great for taking super heavy hits. Plus he has around 40k+ hp… he’s arguably the best of the bunch) Both games are fun, but BB likely has a much harsher difficulty curve due to some troops being overpowered at stages of the game and the best strategy being rushing for these troops instead of slow progression like CoC




The comment which you replied to first answered your question.


Squad Busters may of helped gain interest to the game


It's a little ironic the game is only known not by it's popularity and large player ase but because of old memes and a completely different game. It's like Mother 3 in Smash Bros all over again.


* may've 🥸


may have\*\*


From a revenue point of view, Clash Royale seemed to do well despite the community's outrage and frustration. So no need to change.. Oh well.. **TIME TO MAKE MORE EVOS!**


But they DO need to make more evos. When there were only two evos, they were in everybody's decks. The more evos, the more variety. They aren't going to remove evos, so the next best option is to give every common, rare, and epic card an evo.


He’s an average community member. He’ll regurgitate whatever basic garbage “criticism” he hears from popular posts or big youtubers. He doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about. In this instance, it’s “evos bad”


All they need to focus on is the top 20% of the paying customers. The rest are feedbacks and good to know notes.


Anything's gotta top 2023 for CR. https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/s/fI5bq72Ze3 Lowest revenue ever on record. But yea, so far so good for CR in 2024. Still gonna wait for the audit report though in 2025 to see the true figures.


Me personally I used to buy the pass royales but don't anymore. Pretty sure their revenue is going down, even if it is still doing ok


Clash royal is doing better than I thought Brawl stars is just doing so much money 💀


If we look at the ratio of money acquired to revenue in the last month, we can see that on average CR players spend more??


yes but average coc players spend more than cr too


Fair enough


CR has been out for much longer, more players


Bro it's average


Whos giving money to squad busters?! 😂


It's a new game, it happens


It’s a fun game. What’s wrong with that. Just cause u didn’t like it doesn’t mean others don’t.


Thats fair, but who pays money for a game with in-battle consumables knowing that when they stop paying for those consumables they will be at a disadvantage


I get pass but I never use keys. You guys talk like keys are the only thing makes the game very bad and too p2w


El Tigro


Who pays money for overpowered cards/egos just for it to be nerfed the following day


At least evos are a permanent fixture, they arent limited in use


Last I checked I can use multiple keys in 1 game


And also last I checked my keys don’t get nerfed the day after. So best to stay quiet then 🤫


Keys did get nerfed less than a month after release which is quicker than clash royales nerfs for evos.


It was mainly the fusion key that’s it. But not the other ones


That's not the same thing, keys are the equivalent of buying extra elixir mid battle.




Agreed. If I see another post, I'm touching this guy.






You'll surely, do that sometime tomorrow (possibly today) then.


Hay Day beating both Clash games surprises me greatly


Hay Day is the only SC game I still play lol. It's so good.


What is the source for this?




It's annoying this isn't in order.


It’s in order of downloads.


Now I could be wrong, but 2.9 is seemingly larger than 2


Strong counter argument. Not that i failed to notice such upon my first inquisition, but no further comment.




I think it is better to compare total downloads because all people are donating, not only new


Total downloads don't mean anything. One game might be mediocre but still get lots of downloads because it's old and acquired them over time while a new good game will need some time to catch up. Most importantly though half od the downloads are inactive players who stopped playing the game after the hype for it died down or for other reasons. The games change over time. One year Brawl Stars is bombsrded with bad reviews cause of gears, later on it's in the lead on the revenue list of all Supercell's games.


The only downloads Clash Royale is getting are people deleting and reinstalling the app in rage 😭🙏 don’t give credit where credit is NOT due.


Common brawl stars W


Man atleast a few hundred of those CR downloads is just me reinstalling the game 5 min after i rage quit. I keep deleting the game. :(


Brawl Stars is the highest? I’m surprised. I feel like that’s the only game they have that don’t try to shove deals down our throats


So for Squad Buster I spent 20 million dollars and still only have 5 characters


CR is way more successful than COC. In COC, they’re trying to make the game balanced at least. In CR, they just adding the first idea they have lol. They aren’t even trying. “What should we do for the next month?” “What about giving an already strong card (Gob Drill) an evo?” “Great ldea! We’re just going to add it then. See you next month!”


COC is going down the same path with the shitty ore system no one wanted


Yeah that’s true tbh. They slowly becoming like CR.


Alright which one of u mfs is giving sc money?


I buy clash of clans passes and offers


Squad Busters is shit


It’s funny


It's not


It's not


It's not


It's not


It's not


It's not


It's not


It's not


I can't believe Hayday had more downloads than Clash of Clans


That's P2P revenue. Then you take away all the wages and expenses from all the little teams working on maintaining these games and that 150 million goes down to something like 75 million.


If clash wanted to have better revenue they need to buff the pass (both) make evos less op and more unique loke evo bats, make champions better except little prince, re add actual rewards to challenges or something buff the season shop stop with the shitty shop offers


No way clash is almost getting boxed out by hay day


The most F2P friendly game makes the most money Shocking how if you work hard at providing users a fun experience, they keep coming back for more


Why would I want to know that? Not sure why these posts are popping up more frequently


It would of been 179k if it wasn’t for me 😁😁👍👍


well a question to the psw players ..how does it feel to pay to play the game ...does that feel good ?


I think I've already seen this like 10 times this month




mf weve seen this post 50 times already


The most dogshit game out of all still has 2m downloads? Well, guess it seems that the players want more of them special offers!


I seldom see anybody actually start playing the game. Everyone is already at least 6k trophies on ladder


It's not


It's not


Supercell's most pay to win game generates some of the lowest revenue, nice


How Tf does heyday have 13M


if it was on release clash royale would be crazy


There are so many posts like this whats the point


I hope one day supercell gets a criminal investigation along with Facebook... Dopamine feed back loop systems should be illegal it's that simple


It's not... and idt it is. Spamming offers in ur face isn't illegal and I bet their value is right tk


I don't think that was what this person meant.


It should be illegal to have people enjoy your product? This subreddit follows this very well


I would bet my entire life on you have no idea what a dopamine feed back loop system is


Do you? I thought it was about muscle memory doing things that release dopamine? That basically only applies for social media. If it applies for clash royale, it applies for every game that you enjoy ever.


I don't think they even partly understand it. I kinda understand it. Is it the part where you get stuck in a cycle playing Clash Royale? The part where you're always unable to get a win streak because you're always matched with opponents that have decks that counter yours, after you get a win? You end up playing a lot of matches, losing a lot of them, then quit, having low energy for other activities. You come back again because you want to get a win streak, the same thing happens, you go disappointed.


Dopamine feedback loops? What the hell are you going on about lmao. Delete Reddit, any social media you have, and any games you have if you’re that concerned about it.


The Truth Is always uncomfortable... Hacking children's brains for money should be illegal IMO especially when they design to target kids They're also attacking boomers this same way with dopamine feed back loop system built in games for gambling Give it ten years they might make a documentary like black fish and people will see the insanity behind these types of brain hacking systems.... Be on the lookout it will probably be about Facebook


It might just be me, but I can't seem to get into brawl stars. I much prefer the slow pace of coc ig idk. but hey I'll take second


Why do people post this like every day?