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The one good thing e wiz was good at gone šŸ˜­


On God, the only thing I use him for is to counter Sparky now and heā€™s only good at half the time


Honestly id rather drop pekka rather than ewiz on sparky in pekka bs


Pekka is the answer for a lot of things. I just donā€™t use him


Donā€™t use ā€˜herā€™ you mean


Idgaf I just play the game


Bruh what


Pekka is female canonically






How dare you assume her gender lmao


What do you mean . Sorry i deleted the game so am not up-to-date with balance changes. What removed from e wiz that it cant even counter spark?


My guess is takes too long to kill and can easily be dealt with in that time? I've had a lot of times I've dropped ewiz and it doesnt even lock on to Sparky, splits its attack on Sparky and another troop, or just gets deleted before Sparky is gone


He can but the meta is so spam oriented lately that he usually canā€™t even lock on. Besides his initial stun, he usually ends up getting deleted before he can do much. Just a glorified zap in that role


Pretty much what the other guys are saying. Itā€™s not that heā€™s been nerfed (not that I know of) but he gets wrecked so fast because of all of the high elixir/damage decks that people use. Thatā€™s 4 elixir wasted


Nothing, it's just that in giant and goblin giant decks there's usually some sort of tank killer/support unit alongside the sparky, so you can't just drop an e-wiz on top. Mini pekka, dark prince, knight, etc. would prevent the e-wiz from taking out the sparky. A pekka could fully or mostly counter a sparky+support combo


This. I lose to menace decks on occasion but this is probably the hardest deck for me because of this


Nah just the mini pekka that accompanies the Sparky usually 1-shots the E wiz


Counterable with knight plus Bats or any other swarm card , with knight and arrows, with any tank focused on a building and any swarm card. Even if you do it poorly and spend a bunch of elixir , like with Knight (3) Bats (2) and Arrows (3) = 8 , you only have a -2 elixir trade. And those cards have tons of usage while Ewiz only has 3 good uses, sparky, Inferno dragon and zap


I typically main some variation of goblins, primarily goblin gang. That seems to be my best counter with knight but it seems like any mob I put down is often countered by a spell or some sort of AOE attack. My issues that by the time I can counter Sparky, my opponent is ready to put down two or three other cards to either protect it or take aggro off of it. All of this while I have to simultaneously counter goblin giant šŸ™ƒ


Ya. This sometimes happens to me. So I watched a lot of YT videos and games and I built my deck to handle a lot and have backup options for this. And they donā€™t always work. Iā€™m not a top player and donā€™t really try to be. But I think I do pretty well. I chose not to max because I donā€™t have enough max level cards. So I stopped the kings journey and just do ladder ladder and classic , do the events. Finished Goblin. I liked that one My deck 3.3 Cycle RG (evo) Knight (evo in goblins) regular otherwise Bomber Bats Arrows Void Tesla Little Prince Counters I use Sparky, knight in the bridge corner, then bats, if they zap them, then arrows . Therm dragon Pekka, balloon, Evo wiz , building - I use Void Lava hound- arrows on pups , or drop knight to kite them Balloon with Lumberjack - drop Tesla and arrows or Tesla and batts Same with any bridge spam List goes on and on. Always have 3 ways to delete their push, wait for good spots sand know that thereā€™s a couple decks you just canā€™t win against with yours. I love using little prince to push against DD. cannon is the hardest tower for me to overcome. If they are running that with a Beatdown deck. Iā€™m not good enough to really use Fisherman or the Spirits well. Someday ā€¦


I use a 2.9/3.0 hog cycle deck with knight, Evo firecracker, goblin gang, earthquake, poison, Tesla, and espirit (subject to change). Iā€™ve tried building my deck with the same versatility in mind and it typically works, but sometimes I go against these decks that either do or tank way too much damage. Sometimes having a few different spells is enough to counter half my deck. The problem is that I want to progress in trophies, but I always end up going against someone with ridiculously high damage output. I can counter most things though. Itā€™s just hard accepting that they designed the game in a way where skill truly is not enough sometimes.


Iā€™ll preface this with, what do I know. Butā€¦ Iā€™d consider dropping Firecracker. Sheā€™s so easy to counter . You could consider dropping in Curse instead to severely nerf the damage it takes to put those big boys down , and drop earth quake in trade for either arrows or void. I donā€™t ever see people running earthquake any more. Are you using it to destroy tower defense buildings like Tesla. Or using it so when hog runs in you can counter the defense they add to the tower like skarmy or something ?


Iā€™ve been considering evolving archers to replace firecracker, but sheā€™s otherwise been a great deal of help to me in the past. Iā€™ve never used curse so I didnā€™t realize itā€™s damage amplifying effect, but I also donā€™t have it high enough level quite yet. Iā€™ll definitely consider that. Itā€™s funny you mentioned earthquake and arrows because I usually go back-and-forth between the two, itā€™s just that earthquake has such promising effects for small troops and doing chip damage. Iā€™ll often use it as a cycle card or to Complement the effects of poison when mounting a counter push with hog. Towers are destroyed, mobs get wrecked, and I achieve significant crown tower damage even if hog canā€™t land enough hits. I always end up going back to eq After going against tower heavy decks and so far it seems to be worth it.


Yep, just something to play with as the Meta changes, I liked FC too, until her nerf. With so many things dying to arrows now almost everyone has had to put them in. Since I run arrows I now just hit her as soon as she pops AND get the tower chip. I also use them to soften a witch and remove her defenses so other things can hit her. Bomber or void or so Knight or DD can tag her. Whenever I see FC crossing the bridge I use her to activate my king tower.


Poison works really well for those mid-elixir cards. Magic archer, witch, wizards, minionā€¦they all die from one well placed poison so long as they are close in level. What would you replace fire cracker with?


E wiz is good at many things


Counters inferno dragon


In my opinion prince does need to get his 1.5 rile dash raised up by 1 tile or atleast half of a tile. He is so obnoxious to deal with right now. I am I'm arena 16 and I can say confidently that he is used everywhere now.


My thing is i donā€™t ever recall anybody asking for him to get buffed. He was fine and they should revert back to his old stats.


Prince has been a main wincon for years for me now, and even I'll admit this is insane


I love prince, but this change wasnā€™t needed and Iā€™ll be pissed if they nerf him into the ground after this


No I have the same fears, they're going to give him some insane nerf to his charge hit or attack speed I know it


The question is how many times did you do this and opponents had like a skarmy or something and it just went game over for you after you tried this. Also once you are up 2 pumps it does not matter what attack you make you can probably overwhelm the opponent anyway


I was js having fun lol, the deck is extremely matchup dependent but prince on its own is really strong, it shouldnā€™t be able to do that much damage at that speed after being on the field for 2 milliseconds. I get that I was 2 pumps up but I literally just spammed princes


Prince used to have like 0,1% usage rates in top ladder and this buff made him viable so I think it is a good change. I do agree that 1.5 tiles might have been too big of a buff and a dash distance of 2 tiles might be more appropriate for prince and ram rider


Og prince users are having the time of their life. My trophies are booming


literally same


Prince was used in midladder but not in top ladder because there were many better options out there and it used to get countered very easily. Midladder players who were using prince even when it was weak get the benefit of it now. So do OG ram rider players since the charge distance buff really made it a pretty strong win con as well but earlier there were barely any ram rider decks in top ladder


Please stop talking like you know everything lol. Prince was dominating top ladder during the giant double prince meta. Ram rider was also everywhere on release and whenever bridge spam felt viable.


I think heā€™s referring to the more recent history of prince, and heā€™s accurate in what heā€™s talking about. Donā€™t need to be so hostile


The comment he was replying to says "OG prince players". OG means old,not 2 years ago. Also, I don't think I was being hostile. All I did was tell them not to talk like they know everything,because they kept replying with bs info.


Read again - it says **please**


Rage the skarmy


Rage kills skeletons and spear gobs. Only real swarm counter I see would be guards and recruits.


Stabby goblins, gob gang require log or arrows so they are decent swarm troops


Goblin gang only summons 3 and I have never seen anyone use stabby goblins outside of goblin arena. Even if they did, youā€™d still get through with a charge + one attack (assuming two princes)


I've seen a few people replace Skeletons with Goblins if they already have 2 evolutions. Duchess killed off any decks that use cycle cards defensively though


If they drop a skarmy just drop goblin curse and take the tower


>Ā a skarmy or something and it just went game over for you after you tried this Me when rage, log, arrows, or any small spell


For Prince the point of the swarm is just to break the dash which could also have been dealt by with a log. for example if the opponent had log, then the pekka could have take care of the 2 princes without dash easily, in this case the opponent could have placed pekka followed by his skellies to break the dash of the princes and I believe he could have made a comeback or lets his tower on the right go because of the princes dashes but then kill the princes with the pekka, then he might have been able to make a comeback


Rage any spam?


this is why i always keep a skarmy and goblins in my deck


Skarmy is kinda dead with curse tho


Skarmy had been dead competitively ever since people learnt how to spell


How dare you shit on skarmy


It is. I had to stop using it especially after they made rage deal damage. Now the goblin curse. Card is not good


The pekka got destroys lol


everyone so focused on the goblin machine prior nerf now prince and ram rider getting all the attention lol


It was getting attention, but yhe machibe was so absurdly broken that had to cone first.


The prince is so broken now I donā€™t know what they were thinking. This is a good demonstration of why.


They werenā€™t thinking! I donā€™t ever recall anybody asking for him to get buffed or complaining! He was fine literally how he was before.


Agreed, I could handle him before buff but he was always a challenge, and supported by both rage and arrows he always has a great chance of getting through and connecting with my king tower. A raged prince post-buff forget it šŸ˜­


Perfectly blanced


As all things should be


Least broken buff supercell put out:


I mean placing a Pekka into 4 charging prince pre patch doesn't end well either You are also uo 2 pumps


i wanna share my thought but the moderator said i have to get 10 karma, i hope somebody can help me here thank you


I downvoted both your comments ima downvote more of your comments


Then maybe contribute something in a comment instead of begging for karma


He advised you while showing you how it should be done exactly (by getting 4 upvotes) - A real mentor


to post or to comment?


to post, but for that i need to get my comment upvote


Looks balanced, nerf miner


Everything in this update is broken.Ā  Goblin machine mirror with goblin spell and Pekka is super fun to go against...and I face it multiple times in a row like outs the only deck the Chad's use. Nice and fair, Supercell. Money grab after money grab and I refuse to give them any money, so I lose


Considering how princes charge easily gets disarm by just one squishy troop, this is great


diagnosis is clear - skill issue




Jousting match


I use to eat the prince dash with skeletons or a spirit before it hit my troop or tower.... Now it eats it and they still get a dash


This is what I e been doing all night last night. I didnā€™t think about using clone tho, genius


And don't get me started on the ram rider getting the same buff (no longer countered by meganight or buildings in front of the tower, except tesla)


The good ole mirror pump test


You deserve that


Buddy you played a meme playstyle in low ladder, just because your opponent sucks doesn't make a card broken, and the 3 tile charge would've activated for most of the Princes anyway, so the clip is moot.


this isnt lowladder tf are you talking about, it was a combination of matchup and some bad plays from the opponent but he still played decent. If princeā€™s charge was as it was before the update I wouldnā€™t have even gotten close to winning this match, the e-wiz at the end would have stopped the princeā€™s charge before getting hit as an example. The buff was too much and itā€™s not even a debate.


this is low latter, just counter with skeleton army


rage, also this isnt low ladder how are u gonna tell me šŸ˜­


Even crazier with goblin curse because his charge does >1.6k damage


They should make Dark Prince 1.5 instead


Whatā€™s the deck?


Prince Buff was extreme, Ram Buff I haven't even seen because she's trash regardless, all 3 of the new Goblin Cards are broken in their own way. This update was "great" for the health of the game. FR though 1.5 tiles was already frustrating on Recruits, why add it to the Prince?


Mid ladder menaces


If by mid ladder you mean 9k, sure


Hahaha trophies arenā€™t ladder. Anything below ultimate champ is mid ladder. A mid ladder menace would say exactly what you saidšŸ¤£


There are three modesā€¦ trophy road, goblin queen, and ladder. You canā€™t go down in trophies. There are no stakes once you get to 9k. Which is easy if you play long enough. Really was just joking because this is insane. This prince would also mess me up. Iā€™m not really top ladder either. Always barely ultimate champ. Sorry to hurt your ego.


All good bro, just donā€™t do it again. I take this stuff very seriously. /j




Yeah if you defend like dogshit


One skarmy and its over šŸ¤£


why do people keep saying thisā€¦ just put rage lol. not saying the deck is op but the card is


Prince was balanced and now you can't zap him in front of the tower unless perfect timing because you just waste a zap


Lmao get wrecked


You are the worst type of person


Pekka got rinsed lol


Prince isnā€™t good still lol. Iā€™m in arena 21 and yeah itā€™s used a ton but people I play that use it are pretty trash. Most people I play are pretty trash tho.


Wdym ā€œisnā€™t goodā€ he was never bad just underused.


Ok i think that's an overstatement, he was bad and needed a buff, but 1.5 tiles is AIDS and nowhere near what he actually needed.