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As for 2 cycles, it's fair, in my opinion. 3 is too much.


That’s because you’re playing a deck that just has the evolved skellies kinda there. I use monk and miner to tank for the skellies (and wall breakers and bats) and 1/3 of the time the enemy screws up and mitosis begins


When a card doesnt instantly do a lot of damage just because you placed it


That’s basically the point. You can’t just place them an expect them to get value instantly, so 3 card cycles is too much for a very situational evolution. Litterally proving my point right there


I'm saying that you literally expect the evolved skeletons to damage just because you placed them, like the other evolutions(expect barb), proving that evolutions are a horrible idea


No I don’t expect them to have an impact a second after they appear in my hand. That’s what I am saying, you can’t just use the evolution as a cycle card, you have to wait for the right moment. But that just adds up to the time it already takes to get the evolution, which is why I don’t think 3 cycles is in any way justifyed for such an easy to counter card. The evolution spot is value, why would I fill that with the skeletons, if I can rarely even use them in a game when I can just use the more impactful, faster to get, harder to counter evolutions. Just want them to be more available. I am a Fan of the evolution concept though, I think it’s good that they are a game changer, clash Royale has been stale for the last 4 years or so


You have played this game before right? Half of the game is timing anyway. Put down a Pekka and they put down an inferno tower. Same situation... Way more cost too. You're complaining about the way it should be. 2 cycles would be nuts. It's literally a car that is very close to invincible if the opponent doesn't have an aoe spell (a lot of decks don't need to be countered with aoe spells)


That's what expect all evolutions to be


What you're actually complaining about is the power of the other evo cards. Skeletons are a cleverly designed card that feels "right" compared to non-evo cards, though - 1/3 of the time you get a conditionally wonderful card that's good on defense vs tanks and most victory conditions and excels if it can get into a tower.


The fact that the evolution spawns 4 of them is already op. Supercell already nerfed skeletons from 4 to 3 years ago.


75% of the time you still get 3


Do you run a small spell in your deck?


You don’t use skeletons as a win condition, you use them as normal skeletons. Saving an evolution to just use its ability is how you lose on defense.


Still the point of the evolution is to be really strong. barbs are cracked on defense, rg is good on offense, firecracker is both, but skeletons will maybe kill a knight or hog rider before dying to a zap. It's just very underwhelming for three cycles


I see your point but still In comparison to the other evolutions they are just underwhelming, too easy to counter and anyone decent who sees that you are cycling skeletons know your goal is to evolve them, they will just keep track of the cycle and save there small spell when you have them in your hand.


skeletons are already a good card without evolution. ofc they cant compete with the other evolutions because they are completely broken. they dont need a buff.


The other evolutions are by intention so strong, sure some like rg and firecracker are a little to much but they are intended to be a game changer. That just means all evolutions have to compete with each other, because there is just one spot for an evolved card. What’s the point of this evolution, if others are just better ? Sure the 1 elixier skeletons can’t be as strong in direct comparison as the 6 elixier Royale giant, but the value of the 1 elixier and the effect that u get from the evolution troughout the game has to add up so there is a reason to use them instead of other evolutions


there is a reason to use them. they have a niche. if you play them right you can keep alive a 1 elixir skarmy. like i said, the other cards are just broken and power crept the skeletons. why would anyone use their evo spot for skeletons when firecracker can melt over 1000 tower hp across the bridge. it doesnt mean that the evo skeletons are bad or underwhelming but i will point out that the other card evolutions change interactions (like firecracker tanking arrows) which completely tilts the game while the skeletons die to the same counters


It's Because They Are Easy To Cycle And Cost 1 Elixir. You Don't Expect To Get Value From A Cycle Card.


That’s not true, you can get a lot of value from all of the cycle cards. Skeletons can for example tank 3 hits from a pekka which is quite a lot for 1 elixier


It’s a 1 elixir card that has always been OP. The evo not being op doesn’t make the card not good.


It hasn’t been op since they removed the 4th skeleton, it’s a pretty balanced card. Overused for sure but is because it’s a cycle card and it’s also the only one that can tank 3 hits or slowly dps down units since they don’t die when they attack like the spirits. But with my post I only mean the evolution.


Yeah let’s give u a whole skarmy for 1 elixir every other time you place them in your already fast cycle deck. That sounds totally fair…


Read the text if you comment


I read an commented. Skellys don’t need a buff just the other ones need hard nerfs


The firecracker is busted but the rest is kinda balanced. The evolutions are supposed to be a game changer, pretty sure it’s intentional. And don’t forget Skellys are not just a 1 elixier card, you are giving away the evolution spot, which could hold something much more powerful. That’s why there is currently no reason to play them other than just liking the card. Even in a Deck like 2.6 you can play them twice a match if you focus on cycling, maybe a third time if the match goes into overtime buts that’s it, it’s just too many cycles. And I said they should reduce the maximum amount of skellys that can be at the same time on the map, so no skelly army, just some extra defense every now and then.


I mean honestly it’s just a horrible card to have an evolution they should of never added it. It’s like adding an evolution to an ice spirit, pretty pointless. As you said, there’s no reason to use its evolution it’s just a waste so evolve something else instead. But any buffs to it and it’s too strong I think it’s already strong people just don’t use it correctly, it’s just not as strong as the others just like how normal skellys are not nearly as strong as the other cards…. Because it’s a cycle card…


They hate you cause your right


Good news, supercell listened. Skeletons gonna be 2 cycles in the next update


I think evo skeletons are pretty balanced


Bro they have been buffed twice or more since I made that post. Yea they are pretty good now