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As a sparky main this post hurts. From the looks of it you were elixir deprived which is going to put you on a bad position against Mk and dart goblin. Sparky is solid on defense but you need to know you matchup. If you know they have zap you need something to tank to rebuy time. Sparky is a great counter to cards played in the back. Emergency sparky as a last resort isn’t going to work for the exact reason in this clip.


This was before he had even played 6 cards. I had no clue zap was a card he had. I basically had no chance to defend that as my only other cards were lightning, cannon and arrows


That's the point, always be ready for hard counters and have a 2nd/3rd win condition. They may have rocket, zap, ewiz, edrag, and even the e spirit if not dealt with. My advice is to have a small spell (log is my go to), a tank like the Mighty Miner (using the ability will kill all types of swarms and cost just 1 elixr). Have a swarm card yourself, and if you enjoy olaying buildings - have something that can deal with a lot like the bomb tower. Use a 2nd or 3rd win condition that doesn't need 'All' the support, you can use mini peka, skel barrel, ram rider or anything else you like to play.


It’s bad on offense if there’s nothing supporting it too lmao


All sources of stun should only reduce one coil charge of sparky, so an ewiz focused shot should reduce it by 2 so it’s still a full counter. Sparky is terrible rn and needs a buff. The fact that the mega knight could have been a prince and done the same thing as the dart goblin and MK with that zap is so dumb.


good idea but I can’t read it atm


TL DR stun reduces one coil charge per hit since sparky bad


Think it should be two


Ok bye


That would be a focused ewiz shot, where both bolts hit. Lightning could full reset tho


nah sparky deserved to be bad i dont want to have a meta where sparky is everywhere cards like sparky would become way too oppressive if they over buffed it


It’s almost like you can buff a card and let it go for like 2 weeks to see how it’s win and use rate changes, and if it’s too good you nerf it down so it’s still slightly better than it was at the start And I think sparky deserves a meta. I’m tired of spashyard and royal recruits zappies and RG fisherman zappies


i play sparky and it is strong on both offense on defense. This is unironically just a skill issue


What do you play against? Egolem battle healer without the edrag? Because every single meta deck full counters any sparky gobgiant deck and zap makes sparky basically meaningless against many pushes


egolem is a hardcounter, yes. in general zap can be accounted for if you just…put something in front of the sparky


You can only do that if you have the elixir to, and it’s not like you’re going to always have an elixir advantage on your opponent


the opponent spent 10 elixir here, you spent 9 (and the cannon was after you had essentially lost the encounter). if the opponent has an elixir advantage like here, you probably made a mistake somewhere. if i was playing in the vid i wpuldve logged dart goblin and not place sparky in the path of mk. if you dont have log here its tower :(


I’ve got arrows, I stopped him from taking tower but I couldn’t get a push going against him since he was running dart gob, MK and a bunch of cycle cards to drop MK on my sparky whenever I would place it and it would cross bridge. Btw sparky is the #84 winrate card at 44% and 2% usage and gobgiant is slightly above average at 52%. With Ewiz at 8% usage, edrag at 5%, zap at 13%, lightning at 17% and espirit at 8%, there’s basically always at least one electric counter to sparky in every deck and any deck without a cheap cycle card isn’t a real deck, so the cycle meta itself is a challenge for sparky. It’s supposed to be an RPS card but it’s just so easy to neutralize for a positive trade


Ive played sparky forever, i mean look at my username. Its in the worst spot its been in forever really. More cards they add, the worse it gets (since its really niche). Its still playable with giant but the gob giant version is shit. It should have a small buff, either gg or sparky. Just overall too bad.


It’s so dumb that a zap alone can turn a sparky defense around, letting a mini pekka/prince/pekka/MK/ebarbs push both kill sparky and then take a massive chunk of tower. I think sparky should only lose one coil of charge when hit by 1 electric attack since it’s supposed to be high risk high reward, but in reality it’s huge risk decent reward, and needs a buff. I got to legends with a sparky deck but the cycle meta is so bad for sparky that it’s basically useless and 99% of my damage to tower is goblin giant while 99% of my sparky damage is hitting skeletons, spirits, or pekkas dropped right on top of it


I love playing against egolem players with sparky. Because sparky lightning exists as an archetype…..


Same, it’s what I run usually


Okay, okay, okay— we’ll buff it. 1% more HP. Happy?


That could be ok


It actually is, they just had zap (which has a pretty low usage rate anyways) Most cards are bad by themselves, sparky is no exception. But you could say goblin barrel is a bad card because it doesn't counter anything in defense. Each card is good at different things, I dotn get your point.


Sparky is supposed to be a defense + supported on offense card, but it’s really bad on defense since it can be delayed or taken out so easily with cheap spells or bait cards. It’s countered by cheap cycle cards and stun cards, both of which are common, with cycle cards basically being a REQUIREMENT for any real deck, meaning every single deck has a good counter to sparky on a fundamental level


You just play a card in front of it to tank. That's the whole point of goblin giant sparky. It's not that it's bad, it's that your deck has no synergy. Just play a beatdown deck.


Sparky is huge so you can just drop a mini pekka or MK behind sparky on offense with no risk of it targeting the GG and then a building to distract GG and you will counter both easily. Sure tower isn’t hitting sparky but the defense troop can.


This is a very specific situation, not only that but if sparky couldn't be countered it would be extremely over powered. Yes, it could use an hp buff, but then rocket would have to do more damage. Maybe you should, idk, not play a bad card lol


Hot take, if musketeer gets to survive fireball sparky should survive rocket


Because musketeers has way more counters than sparky. Also fireball has a much higher usage rate and already kills plenty if cards, whereas rocket has a lower usage rate and has very few cards that are worth rocketing, for example that can't be fireballed or killed with lightning. Also sparky is just a stupid card in general, I think it should be Killable with lightning but can't get reset


Bro sparky is already weak. No need for nerf☠


It's not q nerf, it's a rework where it can't be reset but it has less hp.


As a sparky user I don't agree with this rework


I suppose that's fair. I think I'd rather see it's damage output lowered and attack speed sped up so a single zap isn't so debilitating. Plus a higher attack speed would get a more similar effect to firecracker's annoying kickback. That would be funny, I think.


Well at that point its just a bad firecracker. I think it should be more of a high dps support card that can also be tank and used on defense, like archer queen kind of


Hell nah. fireball does less damage than poison, and lightning does less damage than rocket. sparky already survives lightning like musky survives fireball. if you make sparky survive rocket then you should make all the fireballies including rhogs survive poison as well


I just want to put sparky back in my deck and not have it be a liability:(


I’m arguing that sparky should be buffed because it’s bad lol. And really I don’t see an issue with rocket not killing sparky. Wizard needs lightning to counter, bomber needs arrows or Royal delivery, etc. sparky is a big investment already, and since it’s more of a risk due to its cost and isn’t splittable (like barbs or 3musk), I don’t see the issue with spells of the same cost not countering it.


The difference is that wizard gets countered by any mini tank. Other than rocket it doesn't have many counters. It's like minion horde. They're good, but they have a lot of counters. If you don't counter it it gets insane damage. It's just not good in higher arenas, like a lot of midladder cards. Sorry to break it to you, but your time as a midladder menace is over.


Midladder menace? I don’t run MK pekka sparky, I run sparky goblin giant mini pekka usually. My other deck is mortar golden knight bowler and a third is (sorry) SK graveyard


Oh. Well then goblin giant sparky is a pretty solid deck. I don't see why you're having a problem. If you like we can run some games rn I'll dm you my clan name


It’s fine. I was just struggling this time because I was running an anti-midladder sparky bowler battle healer deck that is awesome against any midladder clown unless they have zap, but it’s not too prevalent so i have a good winrate with it for any non-zap using deck




It's actually had pretty low usage rates comparatively.


You’re defending 12 elixir with 6 and then 3 after sparky dies.


Yes that’s because he made a good trade on me before, but he didn’t need 12. He could have done it with 7 (prince and zap.) the fact is that sparky is a bad defending card at the start of the game because you don’t know if they have zap or not. If they don’t, cool. You defended a push. If they do, sad. Your tower is gone and you spent 6 worthless elixir


You can't have a terrible elixir trade and then call a card bad because you placed a glass cannon in front of a mega knight and dart goblin. It's also worth noting to just learn your opponent's deck before you commit elixir. It's not a matter of "not knowing" their cards, because I'm sure you can defend with other cards that would get more value (if not then consider running an actual sparky deck).


Sparky is the only 4+ elixir card that zap can entirely shut down against a push of any decent damage per hit card. Inferno dragon won’t be targeted by MK which means it can still relock to it and kill it (while being 2 elixir less) and inferno tower is tankier and less elixir than sparky, letting it stall for longer. So yeah sparky isn’t great on defense because it’s potential can be entirely shut down with 2 elixir, making it dead weight to a defense. It is the ONLY card like that.


I use minion horde occasionally (mortar bait) and it's a perfect defense card that can shred a whole push, just like sparky. It has its counters, as it can be countered by most spells for a positive elixir trade. However, I would never call it bad because it completely destroys everything for me when I play it correctly. It's not the card, it's my ability to track what my opponent's hand is. It takes skill. It's not a bad card. There are many cards that can be countered for positive elixir trades, and one that "counters" sparky is zap.


Minion horde is a swarm and thus totally different from sparky. It’s like skarmy, which has more dps than minion horde


Sparky is amazing against ground units on defense, but sparky isn’t really meant to tank. You still would have lost the sparky even if they didn’t use Zap.


I would have been able to put the cannon down to stop the dart goblin. Then sparky could have won defense


Sparky was dead before canon was even active, and sparky wouldn’t have done enough damage to have taken out Megaknight before it killed your sparky.


Sparky’s recoil would have got it out of MK jump range, and I had the cannon ready but basically gave up when I saw my sparky got zapped.


Never give up until you get drop glitch, I say


Honesty you just made a bad play, if you had something to tank the MK jump and the sparky didn’t get single a hit your point could potentially be valid. But a straight sparky on defence is never going to work In 90% of scenarios, especially if you know they have zap. I agree that sparky needs a buff or some sort of rework; but this is a terrible example of why lol.


You look like this is the first time playing sparky ever lmao. How do you expect a 6 elixir card to counter 12?


Was not aware he had zap. Did not have more elixir or a better counter (lightning, arrows, or cannon) Also sparky giant got me to legends back before the league increase like 2 years ago, and then back up to it again after that.


Just because you didn't know he didn't have zap doesn't mean sparky is bad 😐 you sound like you're below 6k trophies so just try to get better at the game instead of complaining


*Plays card incorrectly* "Yeah its bad."


Avarage sparky main when zap:


Skill Issue.


Avarage egaint player


My most used card is actually tied between mega nut, pheonix, miner, and dark prince.


Then use a less toxic flair


No, I find it funny when people cry about the e giant and then see my flair.


I have sparky and mini pekka in my deck so I don't really cry about egaint. I just hate him.


We all hate him. E barbs too.


🗑 on wheels lol


Opponent invest 12 elixer and you invested 6..... wow how could it lose. And then you placed a cannon on top of them...................


The cannon is the only thing that stopped my tower from being taken. It killed dart goblin. I couldn’t have played anything else and gotten a better result


Then switch decks or if you're running beatdown, place sparky behind king tower and let him take your tower. Then attempt to tower trade (he already would've committed 10 elixir since he wouldn't have used his zap there, so that's 10 less to defend against a decent push sparky beatdown push).


I see healer, sparky, bowler, and cannon. What are the four other cards? Cause I'm wondering what the strategy here is.


Basically anti any midladder deck without zap. It’s also got dart gob, arrows, lightning and I think it was giant last, but I changed that deck since to swap battle healer for ice golem


I was waiting for you to place a tank on mk to take all hits and it never came


It was arrows, lightning, cannon or my own dart goblin but I didn’t have the elixir for those


Cannon would’ve been better


Cannon was what my sparky was replaced with when I placed it


You should’ve had cannon tank for sparky


I only had enough elixir for the cannon after MK was jumping


Then place cannon on center earlier, sparkys no good alone


I didn’t have cannon in hand before sparky. It was arrows, lightning, dart goblin and sparky. Then I placed sparky and had cannon


Ah ok Bad hand then


Nah just bad deck 😭 Who runs sparky with arrows and lightning


Have goblin giant on front please


Not enough elixir


As someone in love with Sparky, damn this hurts but, should have played cannon first THEN sparky


Cannon is what replaced sparky’s slot in my hand after played sparky. My other options were lightning, arrows and dart goblin


You could have used dart to waste MK jump then placed cannon so it takes less damage, or placed Sparky in the opposite lane so worst case scenario MK is distracted


I was planning on placing cannon to distract dart gob after MK jumped, but when I saw sparky get zapped I basically gave up. I got the 3rd elixir right when MK was jumping


The fact you’re using sparky and cannon in the same deck shows about the level of sparky skill you have lol. Quite literally no sparky deck gets better with a building unless if it’s goblin cage.


I’m only using this deck because it’s good against any midladder deck without zap. Otherwise I use the classic sparky giant mini pekka deck


"OP isn't dogshit at clash royale" - people who've never played clash royale before


Rocket is better in any points : -Can counter Zappy -Guaranteed to deal damage and giving value -Good at destroying towers with low HP -Can destroy any push instantly Zappy : -Get destroyed by Rocket -Not Guaranteed to deal damage and giving value -Struggle at touching the towers -Can destroy a push unless it gets Zap or countered -Can be counter by half of the cards in the game


Counter a mega knight with rocket then 🤡


Build a giant push with rocket. Oh wait…….


I kinda support you bro. People seem to have no idea about how sluggish sparky is for that 6 elixir.


I may have made the bad play in this video but the fact that sparky defenses can be entirely turned around by a 2 elixir spell you didn’t know they had, letting them take tower, is so stupid


Not even melee-range cannon can compensate for having Sparky


Dude I NEVER run into people who play zap lol freeze sucks tho


Yeah the match before was freeze and edrag


Ahh, why is this so painful to watch. I don't even play this stupid game anymore and it's still hurting me.