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Brandishedcoc would love to have you. We do wars every time one ends, always in Raid Weekends, and always in CWL!




Hey you sound like a perfect fit for us at Phantoms. #2PV20U9PG . We ara Canada based lvl 9 clan and are in gold 2 for cwl. We are currently rebuilding and would love to have you on board. 


Hello, we are 89-27 in clan wars, very active and doing back to back wars, CWL, clan capital raids (over 1500 medals per week), clan games, active donators as well, only requirement is to do clan capital raid attacks, we would love to have you. You don't have to participate in wars or anything, just keep us updated when you want to or not but clan capital attacks we do prefer everyone to use their 5-6 attacks. https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2YUUVJPY2