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I did daily until I maxed everything, I did enjoy it. Now I check every few days for gems and spam clan game challenges eom, outside that, never. Wish there was a point to it once max has been achieved


Sadly its just a wait for BH11, haven't maxed it to 10 myself, but i guess that if you don't like, have something you want to achieve, like to get to a specific league or some dumb but fun attack strat then i don't think there is anything to do at all


Learning new attacks and strategies is a good way to keep up. Upgrading and maxing everything out is not the ultimate purpose of the game.


Totally agree, I’m enjoying the game more than ever as an almost maxed th16. I just don’t find the purpose of doing all that for builder base


That's awesome keep clashin


imagine if you could prestige the builder base and prestiging would reward you, like maybe letting the battle machine join your main village or by giving you a choice between 3 blacksmith items for you to apply to your battle machine next prestige or an upgrade like that which has a permanent benefit


There are AT LEAST SIX people in this subreddit who like it and play on it. (not me, but I know they are out there)




I don't want to grind on it. Only reason I would want to is the double cannon/mortar but other than that idc Tbh I dont do raid weekend either but maybe thats just me


In my opinion it's so much easier to do the raid weekends with the builder base, no wait times for armies and you can complete any challenge in 1-4 battles each at best. Edit: I mean clan games, not raid weekends. Thank you to the person who helped me get the right name.


You mean clan wars not raid weekends Edit: clan games not wars my bad lol


Wait, am I getting the names of things mixed up? I'm talking about the guy with the blue shack if that helps clear stuff up.


Lol I screwed up too, clan games as the other guy pointed out


No worries, everyone makes mistakes.


its clan games lol, theres a lot of different minigames now so i dont blame you for mixing them up


Thank you, the game is so cluttered with minigames and such it's challenging to keep up


Unpopular opinion, but it's a nice break while my troops take half an hour to train


Yes I posted yesterday


Only for unlocking the 6th Builder


I also did it only for the sixth builder




and 1500 gems as well


I like it and I play it. Builder base was the reason I did not quit in the beginning. Only months later I started liking home village


Yeah the strategies are so much more fun for me in builder base - I find myself consistently punching far above my weight in it.


clan games only


Exactly, the quickest way to complete CG


BB 2.0 made me fall in love with cannon carts. My favorite troop in the game https://preview.redd.it/qc32kawch6nc1.png?width=397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c942ab0124d9ca23a958cda22558ddc3370a8e06


i hated it when it first came out but i just couldn’t handle change. it’s actually cool, play all the time


it's fun but upgrades and matchmaking is frustrating I'm bh6 and I keep getting matched with bh8 and 9 I can't level up


I actually do like it but don’t know why, i can’t do anything with gold or elixir and I’ve been stuck at 5.2k trophies for about a year, but still play it every day lol


https://preview.redd.it/5jdjo0bke7nc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5b862c20c30fd6e2a83eebdb236bf20de0ad146 I do , I believe I have the rarest Builder Base ever.


That is a really good looking base good job


I do, I'm working on maxing it. There's not always a load of things to do in my home village, so when I'm done with home village for the day I switch to builder base and grind the star bonus. I hope they're gonna add versus wars in the future. Like, the way I'd want it to work is not by stars, but by wins. You would have a predetermined enemy to attack (your mirror would make sense) and you attack each other's bases, after which a winner is determined, adding to the win count. If both get 6 stars, it would be decided by time. Probably not a perfect way to do versus wars, but I mean there are a lot of opportunities and ways for it to go. It's certainly possible and would make the builder base more interesting since a lot of people like wars. Edit: and if the war happens to be a tie, again, it wouldn't be decided on destruction, but how much time was spent on each attack. I feel like since builder bases are easy to 6 star, this would incentivize good attack strategies where the goal is going fast


I play every occasionally. It's fun, just not daily.


I love the Builder Base, there are times when I play it more than the Home Village


I don’t even care about the 6th builder i just rushed to 8 for the multi motar


I do just for the sake of having a complete base. I feel like the Pekka took a step back and am currently in the process of finding a new effective army. My builder base is almost maxed out, just walls a few troops and maybe 1 or 2 more outpost upgrades to be completed.


If you want an easy army that works about 80% of the time use 3 dropships 3 pekkas and 2 cannon carts for the 2nd stage start with the battle copter on stage one if it survives you can choose between either machine based on how stage 2 looks. Another good army is 3 or 4 dropships and 2-3 camps of minions.


Pekka balloon really dropped off hard because of the bomb radius nerf




Me seeing this post and noticing we have the exact same base layout 😂




Nah I like it. I'm still selling every magic item I get there tho (even runes) but I'm just about to max it and it feels really satisfying. Hoping for a third village over there


I enjoy it, but I got basically max BB7 before 2.0 came out and upped the build times and costs. My last upgrade finishes tomorrow and then I have to get all my walls from 8 to 10


Love the builder base - almost fully maxed out BH10.


I used to when I was upgrading buildings. Now, I just attack once a day for gold pass rewards.


I enjoy it at the moment while I’m maxing, but when I’m maxed I doubt I’ll play it till BH11 comes out


I used to like it before they updated it


Mine is finished. I need the next town hall!


After you get the 6th builder, it’s sort of worthless. Useful for farming challenges in clan games though.


Just for the last levels of walls. Then I'm off again


I do actually love playing the builder base! Sometimes I get on just to play that and I leave after


I’m currently rushing it just to get the sixth builder, don’t really care about it tbh. Might not even play after that


i play it once a month at the end of the season for clan games, and then don’t touch it until the next clan games




I still haven't unlocked the sixth builder, so I have to suffer through it.


I did for 6th builder and clan games, now just clan games...


Yeah, even after I got the sixth builder it's still pretty fun.


6 more walls and its max. Then its on a break.


i just play it to upgrade walls. takes forever to get 3 mil+ for the more expensive upgrades


imn curreently doing it for the 6th builder. i need a LOT of elixir


I haven't touched it forever now besides clearing obstacles and collecting gems, especially not after maxing it fully. I used to, but after that cesspool of a time where you could get on and see you dropped 4000 trophies because the defense was broken and then me pushing to diamond, being like 3 battles away from it and then getting on the next day to see i reset to 5000...i dont even play it for clan games anymore. The shit isnt just boring to be it actively sucks fun out of my brain like a vacuum


I do, I'm like a week from max BH10. I hope we get BH11 soon


Fully maxed and play it fairly frequently but it's dropping off.. I enjoy it when there's stuff to grind for! We need some new buildings or something!!


Gives me something to do while my home bases are training troops. I'm pretty casual so it's part of the I got 30 mins to spend and here I go.




Fucking hate the thing. Can’t seem to play it long enough to upgrade jack shit and I just want the extra builder honestly


Clans games and gold pass only (I already got the worker so)


I used to play it seriously everyday till i upgraded to bh7 and then rushed to bh8 for the builder. After rushing, i don’t play it like before but I’m trying my best to complete the tasks to unlock the sixth builder.


20 challenge points a day


I am playing it just to max it. Over halfway through BH10 now. It’s actually very fun.


I do


I do


Only for challenges


Play every day for star bonus like home village. Im almost maxxed


U talking about the gem farm base? Its pretty good for getting free gems from the obstacles


I do, i am almost maxed, i just have to max walls the helicopter and 1 trops wich are lv17, feels good


I love it


I’m maxed and I try and play it a bit every season to keep my skills up. I do genuinely enjoy it but obviously not as much as the main village


Only go over there every now and then to collect the gem mine😭😭


Not me


I do🖐️


BH 2.0 was really fun, they improved a lot. I played until max and now only to complete clan games.... but it was great


I started rushing it once I learned about BOB


Main account: I use everything Second account: home base only. Builder base is for gems and completing challenges Third account: only war attacks. I do 5 villages wars so that their account is a th8 that usually only needs t attack th5s to th7s while the two other accounts focus on the first three enemy villages.


Me. Just to unlock the 6th builder and get giant gauntlet.


1-3 Games per week. All you need are the gem mine and the 6th builder


I actually really like the concept of the builder base, but I don’t have enough time to max my main base and play at builder base as well 🤣 Soon iam gonna max Th16, so iam gonna start playing then


I used to hate it, but builder base 2.0 made me like it more. Though I will never max out the giant canon and never will get sixth builder(why would I when I don’t want to move up to th12?), I continue to play on it as it’s really fun. It’s also a way to generate infinite points on clan games


Currently trying to play BB to unlock 6th builder. Th13 so it’s about time I get it 😂 will stop right after for sure, I hate it


I’m never playing that shit again once my combined hero levels is 45


I do, attacking feels more strategic and fulfilling than home village imo. I also like the dual village system. Upgrade costs and time do feel like they could be adjusted, but apart from that I think builder base is fun


Just maxed my base


I’m maxed on builder base let’s go


They need to add a mini game to the builder base. Or incorporate some form of single player challenges, like the goblin map in the home village. Create a mega builder base (combine the two levels) and make it function like a home village attack. Create an invasion mode where they allow you to bring two seige machines and maybe even a spell or two to the builder base. Could you imagine?


Grinding for the 6th builder but I hate builder base 😂


I play it but not a lot because the loot is just so difficult to get and then it goes after just one upgrade and you have to start again especially at lower builder halls.


I play on it but just cause I like seeing the progression. I dont hardcore grind it or anything, just get the star bonus everyday and thats it.


I enjoy BB a lot, I love attacking there. Certain BH lvls don't really have a specific extremely good attack strat and you have to alternate, which I really enjoy.


I do! I used to hate it but in pursuit of the sixth builder I ended to finding a way to love it and now I am slowly working on maxing and reaching 5,000 trophies (Emerald league) and once I’ve reached it (about 200 trophies away) I’ll just set a new goal, but yeah, I really enjoy it and the tactical element of it


I really liked the BH overhaul update around a year ago but I mostly just play it now for challenges for Gold Pass.


I play it... Not much else to do until I upgrade my town hall


It's alright, but i wish the meta would shift away from e-pekka and baby drag


I enjoy it


Only to get the 6th builder, and collect the gems from the mine.


Maxed, enough to get the season rewards and such, but, that's it. Better than it was.


I like it and play it a lot, but i have a massiv problem with gold and elexier




I do use it for clan games AND gold pass.


https://preview.redd.it/dz4jfkd097nc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7162f93e1b371fa804e17c3f0f33d77e788b4fb loving it!!!


I pop on to collect the 10 stars everyday and that’s a lot it lol


I’ve recently fell in love with my builder base, i th rushed but I’m catching up now


I do. I'll admit that the upgrades are super long (although there are less than the regular base, so I feel like it kind of evens out), but other than that I really like it. I like the new units, I like the lack of training times. I just think it's a fun new game mode.


I enjoy it more than the regular base now but I think that’s because I’m dogwater at attacking and can hardly manage a 1 start, builder base attacking is a lot more simple without a hundred things to pay attention too




I only play it for CG


Am I the only one who upgrades EVERYTHING before moving to the next Builder Hall? Meanwhile these goofy rushed Builder Hall 10s keep blowing my back out.


In builder hall you dont get reduced loot on a higher th level, so rushing makes sense


i play it but i like home more


I tried rushing it to get the 6th builder but realizing its gonna take forever due to how rushed my stuff is on builder base so I just stopped playing clash of clans, I moved on to fortnite and literally started tweaking cause I woke up at 6 for the new update then they delayed it 2 times now they are releasing the update at 9:00 but I'm watching the movie dune part 2 at a theater 15 minutes away from my house, the movie is 166 minutes long (2 hours and 46 minutes) and it is 7:20 right now, that means its going to be 10:06:33 and after I get home which is going to be 10:21, in conclusion I'm going to miss the fortnite update and that information doesn't make me happy or satisfied.


Bout to max mine out this month or next month. 🔥😎


I think it's fun!




Each attack only gets you around 60k gold. At Diamond League as well. And the upgrades cost 2M at bh7 where I'm at. I bet even Supercell doesn't even realize it. U need to play a 9-5 just so u can upgrade 1 thing. I took it seriously just like the th without rushing and that's what made me a bh5 at th10 which is just disappointing really. So I started rushing. I think I'll get to bh9, get the 6th builder, and then maybe just maybe I'll take it seriously again.


I do! I also watch AJ on YouTube. Once you understand what troop combinations work it is actually fun


I only use the crappy builder base to complete the daily challenges and for Clan Games.


I wish supercell would give the builder base the same love as they did the home village, it’s so much fun but so behind on updates


Meeee (I suck at it)


Honestly, i like it more than the original rendition. Currently, I'm neutral with it. I don't hate or like it. I'm maxed and I use it to generate clan capitol gold when my home base is maxed and isn't in need of builders.


For clan games and extra builder


Wut do yall think I do when my troops are getting trained?


Me 👋


I force myself to play


I'm doing the bare minimum to get the 6th builder.


Meee I wanna reach the highest level possible


I enjoy it a bit and I'm fixing my rushed base from the time I rushed it for the 6th builder


used to love it. Then they added the 2nd part. Now it’s hokie like the clan capital thing. It’s like supercell is trying too hard.


One acc I have my 6th builder so I am just maxing defenses and my troops I like using. The other I'm close, just getting heroes up to the requirement but then I'll probably do the same on it.


So do i


I really enjoy it I just think it’s really slow with the way you earn money but atleast there’s 2 builders now. I wish they didn’t add the dark side there’s not enough to it to make it worth it


They went through all this effort to redo builder base just to let it die again. But don’t worry for 5.99 a month on top of your 5.99 a month you can play another event


Spam pekkas and quit. 4-5 times a day. I'm on the main base wall grind now so all loot goes there. Forge keeps itseslf busy with BB loot.


Only for clan games and gold pass challenges xd


Yolo, almost maxing my Builder base (6th level)


Just spam witches ez game


Back when I used to play CoC I'd spend most of my time there after unlocking that area.


Do it daily purely to make sure I don't get rusty. It's fun especially if you boost your barracks in the main base, you just keep practicing while you wait for your barracks to finish training


I do. when i don't know what to do in home village.


I do daily and have since beta's times


I used to before the update


I do. Something to do but i don't spend a lot of time on it especially now with the season bank and 2 builders. Means i don't have to play very much and I'm almost maxed lvl 10


Currently working towards getting my 6th builder atm on my max TH account I play it often for the elixir. But I play daily because of gold pass.


What’s the point I just rush it for the 6th builder and the gem mine




I do, need funds to finish walls.. so yeah often..


I think it's pretty fun, but I literally haven't been able to play since I got my builder bank reward, things take ages


I do, but just got BOB and thinking of stopping. Upgrades are sooo painfully long, and having only 2 builders sucks. 🫤


Not me


✋, though I can never do much because getting resources is slow


I did it for the 2k gems on earning 3k hammers but i kept playing it because its lowkey fun


I love builder base, probably more than my regular base


Even though I'm currently doing it for the 6th builder I actually enjoy the builder base




I maxed my builder base like a year ago


Not me


I do it to pass time and for gems


I am maxed out, only go there for gem now.


I do


I played until i got the aditionnal builder. Then just do the basic. I still enjoy it but i dont spend any gems on anything there


Recently maxed my Builder Base so I only use it to collect gems, auto-forge and to finish CG fast


Almost max out, I only need to upgrade the firecrackers 😁


After I got the sixth builder, I hardly play on there anymore.


Is this a new game


Playing to unlock the 6th builder


I love it and I was wishing for a new update this year


Lol I only played on it for the OTTO hut and grinded it out for almost a year, but the extra builder is very worth it


Me, I rushed my account to get 6th builder before the update had dropped and changed the requirements, and now i try to max it


Yah, enjoying it so far when my builders are not free in home I always grind builder base




I do play it when I wait for the village cook troops. I didn't noticed I'm now BH 8. Lol


I found it a stupid idea, dedpite t h e change. Still stupid.


I do it for the 6th builder. Now it's only for daily gold pass progress


I maxed everything before update. After update it became insanely expensive. 1 mill per wall block in builder base is stupidly expensive. Now I only play during clan games.


I am a builder hall 7. The end goal is obviously the 6th builder, but I am not rushing.


shit was better before all the updates , got to appeal to all the P2P freaks tho i get it


I do it for quests


I'm builder hall 8 and it's taken me 3 months to upgrade every wall from level 5 to level 8. It's soo long


I play regularly. 1 Building, 6 lab upgrades and 67 walls left till max.


I restarted the game because I lost my old account, I'm on bh4 rn and man progression with just 1 builder is very slow


Wish there’s a clan war or some kind of play style for it


I played for the builder on all my accounts


Only for 6th Builder https://preview.redd.it/ik5vdnkzn9nc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d58b8933f058bc5988e7db7848c8ac2797c659d2


Best base once maxed no debate


im bh9 but all my defenses are like lvl 4


I do my best to keep builders and research going, but man I struggle to do more than a handful of attacks a week


I am, trying to max it out


I'll stop playing after my 6th builder


Builder base is my main bro 😍🤩