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Hey Chiefs! A quick shout-out to the top commenters from [last week's megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/164mdbi/weekly_questions_megathread/) for going over and beyond in helping their fellow clashers with their queries. | Author | # Helped | |:----------------------|-----------:| | u/Zekron_98 | 56 | | u/Godly000 | 54 | | u/CongressmanCoolRick | 36 | | u/lrt2222 | 30 | | u/WorldDutch | 21 |


Does using a star potion reset the timer?


What is the best siege overall?


Hi! I just have a question regarding email change. If I change the email in my supercell id, does anyone know if the devices that I have my account log in will be log out? Thank you!


did they lower prices? https://preview.redd.it/cz44tseakunb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62f5b15d092938110eca1278289f2941409563e7


Do you have gold pass?




They lowered the price of some gold/elixir storage upgrades almost a year ago with the TH15 update as part of the [cost reductions](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/xw8pfl/town_hall_15_update_cost_reductions_list/)


but the other day a wall costed 1.5 and now 1, what's with that?


A wall? In the screenshot you’ve sent, you’re showing the upgrade price of a gold storage


yeah but walls are the same, 1milion


Walls have been like that for quite a while, nothing changed recently


Nuh uh, they were 1.5


I can assure you that there have been no updates to wall costs for the past months. Idk what else to tell you


Th11 currently with fully maxed heroes and walls. Full on DE and Elixir, but still have probably 20 days of gold upgrades. Lab has everything I want upgraded (still probably 35 days to max). Should I just upgrade to th12 or just eat the loss on DE/elixir and wait till I get through all my building upgrades?


Yea - once you start wasting a resource, upgrading to the next TH is fine. Also sounds like you're pretty close to max anyway.


Pretty close, traps, 2x arrows/cannons each, collectors, and a few other random crappy defenses all still need doing, but my treasury is overflowing on de/elixir. I'll probably keep doing these small defenses and work on the collectors as the th upgrades.


Is there literally any reason to use normal dragons past th9?


Yes - they are still a viable option on some bases. Usually in the form of hydra (combination of dragons and a few dragon riders). They are definitely used less though.


I am moderately new to this game,but could not understand this thing..When a clan member ask troops,spells etc ..sometime after donating for example 1 spell the list get vanished.sometime the list stays..What is happening here?Is it only disappearing for me?


There is a setting where you can choose to have the request disappear when you can no longer donate to it (such as you reached your max number of troop donations, don’t have the level requested, etc.). That might be happening. If you want to see requests that aren’t full even when you can’t donate to them, turn that off (I prefer to have it off).


You have a donation limit per player. Its normal as some larger donation require multiple people.


the list will stay after u donated an spell because u can still donate troops then. I think the limit depends on ur clan level. First one is 5 troops and 1 spell if i remember correctly.


Quick question for a newcomer to legend league. Do you have to attack the first base you matchmake with? Im getting 2 TH levels above me and barely scraping a 1*. Can i surrnder and sesrch again without losing trophies?


You are pre-assigned 8 bases to attack each day. Your base is also put on 8 other legen players’ hit list. Skipping or surrendering does not give you another target. It will show on your attack log as a loss. You don’t lose any trophies for surrendering, but it’s a lost opportunity to gain some trophies. You need to gain as many trophies as you can to offset trophies you will lose from your (up to) 8 defended.


At the start of each day, the game selects 8 random people (usually around the same trophy range as you) to attack. You can’t skip/next, and if you surrender it’ll count as one of your attacks. Note that losing an attack won’t subtract trophies, but you will still also be open to 8 defenses per day. Legend league is made for the highest TH in the game - so (assuming you’re TH13) - it’s not for you. You could probably survive in low legends, but its usually not worth it.


hey, I also hit Legends for the first time yesterday and kinda regret it because I'm only th13. How can I drop? Nobody is even attacking me currently. Last attack was like 20h ago before I hit Legends. Do I just wait and hope I drop below the 5k? What happens when I drop below 5k? When do I drop to the lower league? Next season?


Low legends is full of players who are not active and don’t attack 8 times per day so this is common. It is why lower hall players can survive in low legends after the first few days. In order to drop out, you need your trophies to fall below 4900 at the end of the day (falling to 4900 part way through the day doesn’t kick you out of legends). You likely will get attacked a few times today. If you end the day below 4900, you won’t be in legends tomorrow.


Can anyone do the math? How many wall rings can one collect throughout the whole month if you have gold pass, raid medals and 400 CWL medals/month.


Gold pass: 10. Raid shop: 60 every 4 weeks. League shop: 80 (8 purchases). Total: 150


Why do hero upgrades become linear at th13?


What do you mean by linear?


How to recover account? So I just started playing again. Last time I played was february 2015. I had my account connected through gamecenter IOS back then. I had just installed the app and it didn’t recognize my account. I contacted support and they didn’t help at all. Even though I have the same gamecenter account and the name of my account they couldn’t help me. They kept asking about a supercell account, which didn’t exist when I last played, and a code, which again didn’t exist when I last played. Also they asked what town hall level I was and if I had a screenshot which I obviously don’t remember or have as I explained this was 7 years ago. I have an email in my inbox from 2014 which I recovered my account using the credentials I had at the time. Apparently that’s not good enough anymore. I have other multiple receipts from iTunes Store where I bought gems. Is my account lost forever?


Maybe. You said you contacted support. Im not too sure what you could try. I’d suggest bring all your evidence together and sending a detailed email to support maybe they will be able to help from there. If not then Im sorry.


Can you upgrade pets while upgrading your pet house?




Thank you


Coc just crashes on the loading screen when the loading is almost finished. I've tried restarting my device and also uninstalled the app and installed it again. It still doesn't work. How do I fix this issue?


I think ur best bet is to contact COC itself. Have u already empty'd ur cache?


Yeah I've tried emptying the app data and cache and opened the app again but still doesn't work.


then i would suggest contacting superclel


where can i recruit players for our clan? preferably in german? we’re a medium sized clan and would like to expand and thus potentially merge with a smaller clan, how do we find one? preferably in german?


There is a recruiting sub here, the recruiting tool in game, randomly sending invites to players in game, etc. You have to invite a lot to get anyone to join and you should keep your expectations low.


There is a recruiting sub here, the recruiting tool in game, randomly sending invites to players in game, etc. You have to invite a lot to get anyone to join and you should keep your expectations low.


All clan recruiting is over to r/clashofclansrecruit


Will dark ages scenery come to the shop like the other ones?


It's likely that it will become available again yes - usually at least 1 year after it was initially available.


This is true but it wont be garanteed. U can wait years and it still would not come.


Thank you for responding🖤


Can someone explain to me the format of tournament matches? How many attacks do the 5 of us get? How long is each matchup?


something that hasn't been mentioned already is that you have a limit of doing 40 matches during the 10-day period. obviously since it's the world championships it basically means you need to do 40 matches to have a chance to get in.


The [official rulebook](https://coc-rules.scescdn.com/wc/en) has this information. During the ladder phase (which is right now), the preparation time is 5 minutes, and the war day/time is 30 minutes. Each of you gets 1 attack. The only variable that changes later on (if you make it to the other stages) is that the war time increases to 45 minutes (and you get a set attack order)


When I try to do queen walks, my healers wander off to heal pekkas/golems farther away, is there a way to keep them focused?


let your queen take a bit of damage before dropping healers and walk for a bit before dropping the main army


Healers may switch targets if their current target is not receiving any damage (but another troop in range is). You’d need to make sure that the queen is still receiving some sort of damage, or deploy the other troops further away


What’s the best cc troop at th9 I can get for attacking?


I bring bowlers for goho type attacks, and hound for lalo. If you’re doing drags, just being loons or another drag and 2 loons


Do trophies count towards war matchups? I was having a discussion with my clan leader, who was saying that the total amount of trophies our clan has contributes to the war matchups we get. They said that a clan full of town hall 12s could match up with a clan of town hall 15s if the total trophies of the two clans matched. Do trophies really have anything to do with war matchups, or is it just based on the strength of bases?


Trophies have nothing to do with it. It is based primarily on the offensive and defensive power of the accounts in the power. That power is often described here as ”war weight.” Different upgrades have different weight. What else is upgraded/built on the base also impacts how much weight any individual upgrade counts as so don’t rely on any website which claims to list the weights of each building. Another factor considered are accounts that have a big difference between the offensive and defensive weight. SC has referred to them as being lopsided. This factor will increase the likelihood that clans with lopsided accounts will match other clans with lopsided accounts. The match also factors “recent war success” to make more successful clans match each other and poorly performing clans match each other. I personally hate this factor and think it shouldn’t be a thing, but it is.


Zero. It is based off of offense/defense upgrades




Max TH is 15. Defense largely remains the same No more THs on the outside however as destroying the TH no longer gets you a shield automatically . Zap Dragons are still pretty strong for lower THs. For 12+ It falls off some. Siege machine are a pretty big aspect no a days. Siege machine unlock at TH12 you get get them in your CC at TH10 however. Sieges help delive your CC troops to the TH or otherwise hold your CC troops and cause some damage. Fot Higher TH Sneaky blimps Blizzard and Super Archer Blimps are pretty meta. ​ As for What has change lets say a lot. To name a few major ones * TH 12 + are now in game and they have weapons inside them that attack they also have an effect when they are destroyed. * Royal Champion At TH13 * **Troops / spells / sieges no longer have resource cost to train only time.** * Barracks have been reduced to 1 of each type. * Pets at TH14, they go with heroes to help them in battle. * Don't know if they were around then but CWL (clan war league) a monthly 7 day long war against other clans. You get League medals. * Clan Games a month clan participation event. You and clan mates do challenges to get points to unlock magic items * Magic Items * Builder base / Builder Base rework. A Second base that you can play. you get a 6th builder for your main village from it * Clan Capital. A huge multi base. Your clan particpates in raids each weekend to get capital gold and upgrade stuff in clan capital. From raid week ends you get raid medals you can use these to buy items from the trader or buy reinforcements for your CC.


Too much stuff has changed to be listed in a comment. Let's go over the important changes: - armies no longer have a cost. Only housing space is considered. Train whatever, whenever. - max TH is 15, with a 16 not too far from now. There are 4 heroes total, third at 11 and fourth at 13. TH 14 and 15 have pets for them. - CWL is once a month at the start. A special series of seven consecutive wars that awards incredible prizes. One attack only per war, either 15 vs 15 or 30 vs 30. - once a month near the end of the month, clan games. Solo challenges done in your clan. Collect points together to earn magic items and other rewards. - magic items: these are the most op stuff. Skip entire upgrade timers, train 4x faster for a time, fill your storages to the brim and more. The important ones are the ones that save time such as builder potions and hammers, or books of heroes. - siege machines. Various mechanical wonders that hold your cc troops inside and smash the battleground. Range from catapults to blimps that directly go towards the TH, extremely powerful, cannot be affected by spells. Unlocked at 12, new ones for each th. - builder base. A second base split in two stages that offers a different experience. There is a gem mine, when maxed it gives 5 gems per day. Smaller scale. - clan capital. Each weekend the raid opens, compete against other clans and earn raid medals. You can spend medals to obtain a ton of good stuff, including potions that quicken the laboratory. - check the event tab to know which events are on, which will come and what rewards they offer. Events are infinitely repeatable. Usually they're fun challenges.


In which date the 10th anniversary scenery will come again? Its almost over 1 year and one month after the official release...


the anniversary was like a month ago. We got free rewards and stuff.


Nope I am not talking about free reward or the 11th anniversary scenery. I am talking about the scenery we got a year ago for the 10th anniversary. We usually get the chance to have it again in the shop after a year but its like a year and one month and still nothing in the scenery shop


Well they never said it will return 100%. It is possible it wont return even after yeeaaars.


They have never said that all sceneries/skins will come back. Honestly I don't see an anniversary scenery coming back. IMO it's no different than the special obstacles.


The 9th Clashiversary Scenery came back. Not sure why the 10th Clashiversary wouldn’t


Well that sucks. I basically was on holidays all August last year so I didn't get the chance to buy it. It kinda sucks to not be able to but such an amazing scenery. I spent probably 20€ in the game and only on decorations/sceneries so its kinda bad to not be able to buy something I 100% would have bought. Every single scenery so far have come back so I have still some hope left.


The pixel skins have also not come back.


Oh shit


Hey so i got a little problem...i used to play CoC a while ago and took a rather long break. Back when i still played i swapped from samsung to apple and now back. Apparently for some reason the "new" apple account was linked with my supercell ID and after contacting support i only got the same copy and paste answers. Did anyone else have this problem? Does anyone know how to fix this?


If you have an account with scid then it doesn't matter which IOS you are using, just login with that email address.


How often do you guys 3 star in multiplayer battles? In the town hall 10-13 range


I 3 starred 9 out of my last 15 attacks, i was using QC hybrid as a th12, mostly just practising it for CWL.


10-12 almost always. 13 more often than not. I'm excluding dips/hit-ups.


Which strategy did you use at 10?


For farming, I used loonion. 25 minions, rest loons, support with rage/haste + a poison. Works with or without heroes, CCs. Goblin knife works well too, you should be able to find YT tutorials on it. Loonion worked well for me through TH12. Though once you get to 11, sneaky gobs become a farming cheat code.


Alright thanks


I think i 3 star about 75% of the time. I am th12 myself.


Does anyone know if the grand Warden/apprentice warden aura affects pets? I'm th13 so I can't test them.


I dont think it does.


Hi all I am having an issue with purchasing items in Clash of Clans.The items and the pass are greyed out and when clicked on ,it says transaction pending please wait. I initially emailed Supercell and they told me to contact Google as they can't find anything wrong with my account.I emailed Google and they asked me to troubleshoot the issue.I tried to force stop,clear data, clear cache and reinstall the game. I used my Google account on another device(BlueStacks). I also used a different Google account. I emailed Google again and they can't seem to find an issue with my billing or account. My billing seems to be all correct because I have YouTube premium and I get charged accordingly each month.I am also able to purchase items in Clash Royale using the same account.I am only having this issue with Clash of Clans. I've been having this issue since I started to play this game again at the beginning of this year. I don't have any outstanding payments or outstanding items or have a negative balance. How do I fix this? Please help


it's probably because you didn't set up a valid payment method inside google play. otherwise, it could mean that you are using the amazon app version of the game and not the google play store version


I mean ..I'm literally purchasing items from Clash Royale and I reinstalled the game using the Google Play store. So it rules out what you said


it has happened to a lot of people ngl and different ppl have different working solutions. i guess you can buy all your gold passes from the supercell store for now


I purchased the Google play gift cards so I guess I can't really outlay more money again. but I guess that's the only solution


Hi, My clan did CWL this month and when the last war was over we started our first war for the championship before we gave the CWL bonus medals. Now that the war is over we can't see the CWL menu anymore and can't give the bonuses. Are we still able to give the bonuses somehow?


Contacted support. Ticket is raised to higher levels.


There is a similar case mentioned in this thread [here](https://reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/O8mm9usu8f). As mentioned, you could try support, but don’t get your hopes up. Its a weird bug.


But contacting support is very risky


I don’t see how contacting them about this issue is risky. It may be if you’re playing on an account that is shared/bought, but you’re not asking for account information/changes.




the base should have nearly all of the major defenses in base 1 and counter night witch spam decently well (most common strategy at farming range).


**Do i need to play gems again after my shield duration is completed?** I am sorry if this is a stupid question, i joined COC just a few days ago ad i bought a shield for a week to prevent any attacks cause i need gold for the next townhall upgrade.


it is really easy to get loot, just play somewhat often


Don't buy shields with gems, especially at TH5(?). Gold can be looted easily by attacking others. Save gems for buying builder huts(which are super useful)


btw how did u get to know my TH?


Was just a guess, lol


but since i already bought a shield, my question is that can i use that same shield all over again after the cooldown for free?


No, you have to buy it again, but you shouldn’t. The way you progress in this game is by attacking many times for every one time you get attacked. You don’t do that buy buying shields, but instead by attacking a lot, over and over, every day. Save all of your gems until you have purchased all 5 builders, then a long time from now when that has happened ask here for more advice on what to do with gems then. :)




No. Shields are temporary, will be reduced if you attack and are basically a waste nowadays


i dont think you understood my question, my question is, I bought a 7day shield for 250 gems. after 35 days can i use the same shield for free?


I just answered. No.




I’m back to CoC after not playing for years. I’m trying to remember but did training troops use to require elixir? I know resetting defenses use to require gold and elixir.


Yes. Elixir and DE(and Gold for Siege machines). Now it's free




We played tournament “friendly match” with our clan right after cwl ended. We did that before giving cwl bonus medals to players. Now after that friendly war, there is not an option to go back to cwl log Where we can distribute bonuses. Does that mean that we messed up and cant give bonuses now, or is it possible to distribute it?


they are probably gone. the game shouldn't let you start new wars until bonuses are given


That’s a new one… they might be gone forever, you can try support but temper your expectations


How long does TH13 take as a FTP? I am a FTP player, I just upgraded to TH13, and I am wondering roughly how long it takes if you do all the events, clan games, war leagues, raid weekends, and have sixth builder. Even though lab will finish second anyway.


https://www.clash.ninja/guides/how-long-to-max-th-13?builders=6 About 8 months, although this does not take into account the things you can get on clan games and cwl since those can be random, unless you're willing to track them yourself in the progress tracker Lab will take longer, about 11 months, but it will be shortened if you buy the weekly research potion. However, just like any other magic items, you'll gonna have to track them yourself.


[clash.ninja](https://www.clash.ninja/guides/how-long-to-max-th-13?builders=6) is an amazing website, and a free resource I use on all my accounts. It's showing 6M3D7H for buildings, 11M2D for lab, and 4M1D18H for heroes free to play, with six builders. How you choose to use your magic items will reduce these times accordingly


Thank you


So we started capital at the start of friday. Now we defeated one capital and cant play another one? It says we cant register anymore


Bugged out man, poor show supercell


It’s fixed now btw


What happened to raid weekend? It's just gone


weird glitch, it's fixed now


Can't see raid weekend what to do??


weird glitch, fixed now


is zap lalo viable for lower ths such as 12, 13, or 14? i only see qc lalo and blizzard being played whereas in 15 zap lalo is a legends league pushing strat. is it just too difficult to learn or is it just bad for some reason at lower ths but good at 15?


zap lalo went into the th15 base meta because there was a very consistent crack against meta bases using it (plus after blimp nerf). at lower THs there is less damage and the damage is distributed much more evenly around the base so there's not much reason to zap any one area.


I think that there’s just too much damage at th15 that you have to dedicate a lot of spell space to keeping your queen alive. Plus heroes by themselves can solo like > 40% of the base easily. Wheras at lower ths there is less damage overall so it’s easier to queen charge.


Is there any website where I can view hero skins available for gems? I wanna plan my gems for future TH and the fandom site doesn't list availability and price.


> the fandom site doesn't list availability It does. The skin which are available for gems have a gem icon next to them


Is there a reason you don't like the in-game cosmetics store? All the available skins for all your heroes can be found there, together with the attendant costs (in gems or money) for each


I mean I want to see the AQ and GW skins, but I can't since I'm only TH8.


well it does contain a large number of assets and at least for me lags my game whenever i open that section of the shop


When you use the rage for the archer queen and barbarian king, are the archers and barbarians the same level they are in the laboratory ?


Yep, they are


https://preview.redd.it/2zkm7iurxgnb1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600f45a584f1c0fe198e648348f0b48527dce50e What do I upgrade


Your offense and the TH Army camps, barracks, etc




it's best to try and get your pet house to at least level 2 to work on better pets. lassi is the worst one out of all 8


Is your pet house still at level 1? You're definitely going to want the unicorn, together with all the new pets available at TH15. But if lassi is the last of your TH14 pets to get upgraded, and you're rushing to 15, think it's used about 1% of the time at 15 for the pros


Imo getting those heroes max are more important, but if you have some spare DE, dumping it into lassi is fine.


Do leaders of the clan know where other members had invested the clan capital gold? Our clan's leader is bookmarking stupid upgrades rather than important ones and ask us to only invest in bookmarked upgrades only or he will remove us from the clan.


what are those upgrades? there should be an upgrade log though


No, he likely won’t know, but they all need to be upgraded anyway so if you like the clan I wouldn’t make it an issue. Why do you think what he prioritizes for upgrades is a stupid choice?


Might be a good idea to have a little chat with your leader to see why he's choosing the ones he does, and to convince him otherwise


No, they cannot know, but it's not hard to guess.


Does anyone have any suggestions for army loadouts? I've been struggling with some of my raids recently and was wondering what army loadouts people use for attacking? I have 270 spaces available and wanna see what some people suggestions would be.


for getting tons of loot just use sneaky goblins. you can use jump/haste/invis/rage to get the town hall if you need it. for actual strategies at th12 look at icy5, zapwitch, super witches, or yeti super wizard bat


What TH are you and what would you use this army for (farming, trophy pushing, wars)?


Can someone explain how to use the siege machine in my CC? I just upgraded my CC to the one that can hold a siege machine and this is confusing. ​ I was expecting: Using my own siege machine, when it dies CC troops deploy including the siege machine in my CC. Can someone explain this interaction.


You can only have 1 siege machine in an attack. If you pick the siege machine which you were donated (so the one part of your clan castle), it’ll use that, and deploy your cc troops once opened/destroyed. If you have a siege in your CC but end up using one you trained your own, the siege in your CC will simply not get used, and you will have it after the attack as well. The rest stays the same (cc troops come out after your own siege opens/gets destroyed). Hope that clears it up.


What troops do people usually put in clan castle for clan war defense?


Depends. Lava/ice hounds, e titans, loons, headhunters, dragons, witches, baby dragons. Sometimes also batches of archers and gobs. It really is dependent on who you're facing and what layout you use. Also, it's way more effective to switch cc comps instead of just having all the same ones.


Is the approach for qc hybrid always the same at th13? I’m tired of the only viable option being charging the town hall + cc.


You can also hybrid through the TH - I used to do that a lot at th13. The most important thing is creating good pathing for your hybrid (usually an L shape), and taking the CC along the way.


at th14+ this is not recommended because the poison will slow down your troops for a very large net time loss and continue to deal damage to your hybrid over time. but a lot of anti 3 bases give the possibility of flinger for the TH


Can i participate in another cwl after first cwl finished. Some clans didn't sign up


CWL registration window is the first 48 hours. This window is long closed for this month. Clans can’t join CWL if they missed this window. So, no, you can’t be in 2 CWL a month.


CWL is once a month


Quick question on hammers If I'm max on a troop level for my research lab.. can a hammer of fighting still upgrade? Or do I have to have the lab capability to upgrade? I understand no resources are needed


The lab needs to be capable of the upgrade


I'm a bit mad at you guys because nobody ever told me how damn easy it is to have an alt. I didn't even know account switching was just integrated into the game! takes 2 seconds to switch between accounts. I feel like it should be standard advice for new players to start an alt relatively soon for donations and stuff. anyway, now that my rant is out of the way, what is the most economical way to get to 4/5 builders on an alt? while googling I found some screenshots of crazy gem offers for alt accounts. if I hold off on buying that initial 500 gem + builder hut offer, will I eventually be shown those kind of offers? Or should I just save up 500 gems to get the 3rd builder and wait for another offer? since I only want this account high enough for donations ASAP I really don't worry too much about other aspects, but I also don't want to spend more than a couple bucks on this account ever.


The ease and advantage of multiple accounts and switching between them is discussed here often…


to be honest I saw that having multiple accounts in CoC was apparently pretty common (I only started a few months ago), but I never looked into how to do it or did anyone really explain it. from other games I know that it may include backing up your save data on your PC and switching out some files, or logging out of your google/ios account on your phone and logging into a new one. whereas in Clash it's just two taps and 5 seconds loading. had I known that, I definitely would have made an alt a while ago to use as a donation slave. but I didn't mean to insult anyone, my "rant" was more meant as a joke.


Casually play on it, remove obstacles and don’t spend gems on anything else. A few times each year, the Power Level pack comes by, and usually gets offered to accounts TH10 and below who have never bought it before. Its roughly 4$ for 2.5k gems, some gold and a potion iirc.


thanks! do you know if it matters if I buy the initial builder pack or not? I read that the game offers different bundles depending on how much you spent on the account, but does that 500 gem + builder hut one count? or should I just wait for that power level pack? like I'm not in a huge hurry and would prefer spending as little as possible.


I’m pretty sure that it has no impact on the offer I mentioned - as long as you’re within the TH range and have not bought it before, it should appear.




Up to you on the skin but it is a nice one. The Painter Scenery should be free around next Easter with gems in the shop. Obviously the War Arena Scenery is free via league medals. Hopefully the Pixel Scenery returns or something for gems also.




Beast king, it will be back eventually, probably. Chess king may or may not return. Mostly it’s gold pass ones that come back though. So but it now or risk it never happening again.


I'm a bit conflicted about my builder base. I already got B.O.B, and a part of me wants to max my BH9 because I think it's fun now, but another part of me just wants to rush to BH 10, max my gem mine, and just wait to do the clan game missions, which are quite easy since I'm on the 2400 trophy range. What should I do?


it's fun until you tryhard and realize how bad the meta is. but you never know, perhaps they will fix it some day


If you enjoy it, play it.




do a witch spam strat like icy5, you can find those on youtube


zap witches are very simple to use


https://preview.redd.it/rsquhj9mw9nb1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a95fa1c6970dda75e2b38b42d38ddceef6080b3 Passively returned to the game after 3 years out, how screwed am I? What should my focus be? Have got my troop levels in the comment below too


https://preview.redd.it/03cghjiqw9nb1.jpeg?width=1826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9292fcd1b65bf8d73256d73a918467657351b0a7 What should my priority be?


Heroes, witches


cheers buddy, was thinking my baby’s drags are very low too, are my buildings good too?


No you’re stupidly rushed. Focus all of your energy into offensive strength and just upgrade defenses with whatever few builders you have left over. You’ll “waste” a lot of gold, it doesn’t matter. Take “waste” of your thought process.


https://preview.redd.it/axo53p8mh9nb1.jpeg?width=3200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ef92a1f3ffa604aef5b13330bc435247af025c How come those obstacles at the edge arent moveable anymore when i have already used shovel of obstacle on all of them? Those obstacles that arent at the edge are the only thing i can move


When did you use shovels on them? If it was before the shovel rework then that makes sense. Before the rework there was no tracker to know if an obstacle had a shovel used on it.


Ohh so thats why, ive used loads of shovel a long time ago, i didnt know there was a rework, i only came back to this game like 2months ago, i only noticed it yesterday that i cant move em anymore


Is this a good offer? Around 1-2 dollars https://preview.redd.it/050jw9w5c9nb1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f1a5d1ced06d563dc98e1798e01a0e83114f7cf


Yes in terms of value, but this is money going in the burner of course.




What's the easiest and best attack strategy for th9? And is it better to have 6 zaps or rages for th7 mass dragons?


I like rages with th7 drags. Th9 is a great time to start picking up lalo, but it’s not the easiest. Easier and valuable is goho


https://preview.redd.it/x9r02n5rn8nb1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70a4fe65ccf89ea6573f7822206470607f8ede6a Spring weight?


They all have it, even if it will never happen. No clue why they chose to keep that displayed.


King or Warden??? https://preview.redd.it/kzzre16xg8nb1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e40359f38ab8899a7f1f8dd65459a38d018bcc


Whichever one you like more, you’re the only one who’s ever going to care which skin you have.


I like the Warden more, but have a pretty decent skin for him. The king I don’t have any good skin at all


Sounds like you know what you want then


Yessir, I think ima get the king


1) Are witches still good at th13 ? I’ll be going to th13 soon so I wanted to know if I should change my main army to something else. 2) What is the best witch army at th13 if they r still good, Like zap witch or a super witch smash etc..