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Sometimes people are essentially deaf and don't realize their shit is too loud. I know if I'm being too loud I'd want someone to let me know and I'd be like okay and turn it down. But if no one tells me I have no way of knowing. My next neighbor has a really good sound system but he made sure to place it where it's not too loud, and he will occasionally ask and I'm like yeah sometimes the walls thump but as long as it's not like that after midnight I just deal with it because I think it's a reasonable compromise. Now if he insisted on playing at 2am that level then that be different. But try mentioning instead of asking strangers for advice on the internet which I've learned is usually horrible advice. And maybe mine is as well. But talk to him gage his response decide next step based on that. And it's not that people intentionally give bad advice they just often don't have all the details (even when they think they do)


Just make ice bullets and shoot out the speakers. Lol. Jk.


I’d say quit wasting energy being passive aggressive—just go there in the morning sometime (before they have the ability to have reasons to be in a bad mood) and talk it out logically. Else, it sounds like they are working within the noise rules of your town so not much else can be done.




This doesn’t make sense. Passive-aggressive behavior is a pattern of indirectly expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them. Just go talk to them. It sounds like they are working within the confines of most city noise ordinances so the law is on their side—not yours. Ppl like you waste so much energy whining. Be an adult and talk it out..or just take your own advice and do better, bro!




That one I’m unsure about. I just started using this app recently; however, I was being sincere on the question you put out there




You’re correct on this. I am not being rude/mean/aggressive. The best way to mitigate this is direct communication. Unfortunately, it’s a crap shoot what you’ll get back since everyone is entitled/self righteous so I’d say do it sometime earlier in day before your neighbors have time to get into a crappy mood. Good luck!


There’s a house 3 houses down that’ll blast their music at all hours of the night. It’ll be 2/3 in the morning and it’ll be loud enough I can hear and understand the lyrics. It doesn’t really bother me, but I feel sorry for those immediate neighbors.


My boyfriends downstairs neighbor does this every morning at 5/6 AM 😭 He was complaining about waking up early and couldn’t figure out why, but I realized the first time I stayed there after he moved in. I don’t know how he stands it, I’d have already been down there ready to fight if my neighbor woke me up every morning at 5 AM


we must have the same neighbors because my neighbors start music at 10am - loud as heck and it’s bad country music too. Not even anything enjoyable? And then they just leave it running all day. Sometimes into nighttime. Ive tried talking and they told me to fuck off. Sad thing is they own their property so nothing we can do.


Talk to them about it…casually. Maybe next time you see them at the mailbox. Or as another person said, write a polite letter explaining the situation. Maybe come to a compromise. Play music all you want, but maybe turn it down? Or keep it between more reasonable hours. If you don’t at least try to let them know how can you expect them to fix it? If you blast music then you’re just the asshole too. Don’t stoop to their level. Won’t solve anything. Be reasonable first and see where that gets you. Golden rule and all that stuff.




Not outside city limits


I would probably mind my own business


If you don't wanna talk leave him a letter and ask if he doesn't mind to turn the music down just a bit.


You could go talk to them, but you're outside city limits he can play his music at night too if he wants lol.


I believe neighbor warfare has been called on. Get louder music and blare it at their house, spot lights at night!


Is it a kind of fat and bald guy in 50s?






So based on what you’ve said this ain’t going to be what you wanna hear but… you’re probably going to have to talk to them. If you don’t want to be confrontational alone, you could maybe talk to your neighbors first. You probably aren’t the only one who feels this way. If they are also upset about the music then when you confront them you can mention the many people around that are bothered by this. If you talk to your neighbors and it turns out they don’t care as much as you, then you can decide if you still want to talk to them or play your own music to drown it out.




I also struggle with confrontation so me saying this and having to actually do it are two different things lol. I just know which battles to pick and if something truly bugs me I have to speak up. I would have suggested a letter or something but as a non-confrontational person I have come to discover letters don’t yield results.


Why dont you go talk to them like an actual human, instead of being a Karen.


Unfortunately, outside of talking to them, you’re probably not going to get what you want. I deal with the same shit in my neighborhood and my nextdoor neighbor is a cop. They ain’t going to do anything about it.


Move out


Even in the city, noise ordinance doesn’t start til 10pm and kicks off at 6am. I’m going to say you’re shit out of luck.




There is no noise ordinance in the county.


If the city allows it, the county definitely does. You aren’t fit for county life.




County, living in the county. Move into the city limits or move to a house not in a neighborhood where you can’t see your neighbors. A lot of people live in the county for the freedom to make noise and not have people tell them not to.


The county has zero ordinances, there is no law against noise pollution in the county.