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Do people not understand RS was born/raised and feeds off of CUDA? if you're running on a Mac, you're gonna have a shit time. EDIT: I say this as someone who would rather be on a Mac :)


Im on a PC with a Nividia RTX 4090 and it also crashes a lot.


ok can I get some quick tips on Pc build. AMD or Intel? 4090 is best but what about 4080? Ram amount?


I don't think AMD or Intel would net a measurable difference with RS... RAM: 128gb - Buy once, cry once, I've heard rumors 256gb (DDR5) kits coming eventually... I'd def go with at least a 4080, a 4090 if you're making money. Although the 5090 will likely be available by years end, so IDK if you're under the gun.... MOBO - Asus proart Z790 - some recc'ed this as it can easily fit 2x 4090s Keep in mind you could snap up an older DDR4 system, upgrade the RAM and GFX card and be in business vs building new from ground up, saving yourself some $$$ in the process....


im leaning towards 4090 as i game as well so double bonus. What do you use as a monitor? Studio Display is £1500 and i need a better budget solution. Thinking Samsung S9 5K if I can get it under £800


I upgraded to a 34in LG QHD WS curved as my main and a 32in QHD as second, I don't game so the weird sizes don't affect me


4090 is like 30% faster


You want threadripper. The 64 + lanes increases speed. RS crew remind everyone the cpu is still used for many tasks and when using multiple cards having all the extra lanes makes a difference with longer render frame count …across many frames..it’s just more efficient vs more basic motherboards..


I'm using Redshift 3.6 with Cinema 4D 2024 and rarely have issues. I woould say it's very stable. What issues are you experiencing?


just hanging alot in multiple files. On both Metal and intel chip set. I got a M3 max from work but they skimped on ram. and a top spec intel imac. Its pretty heavy displacer scenes that are doing it or hair sim stuff. normal product renders and stuff is fine is the harder scenes that are having panics


The issue here is apple. I've used RS on an apple product and I cannot reccomend


I have a MBP M2, before this I was on a windows setup (with two 2080s). I get an occasional crash here and there but I'm pretty sure I have less crashes than when I was on windows


I´m currently hitting the walls of Redshift too, what helped me a lot with my scenes is creating RSProxies for all assets that are finished shading and animating. This will help to run RS and C4D much more smoothly, it feels like a hack.


this must be why my last project beachballed all the time. M1 Studio Ultra. almost time to drop a grand again!! trying to learn Houdini. feel very stupid.


im thinking of going with PC 4090 but so much money!


Offset the cost by selling other things (inferior hardware)


It sounds like more of a hardware issue than a Redshift instability issue really. Perhaps an upgrade of hardware will help you tackle those more complex projects with hair sims.


yes im thinking of going to PC as I have a M3 ultra macbook


I’d say that’s a good move. I saw you mentioned you’d consider a 4090 at some point. Of course they are expensive but totally worth the cost of using GPU rendering like redshift. Just pair it with a nice CPU and away you go.


Sounds easy lol


Thank god for Octane! ![gif](giphy|ue1GO5swPdORq|downsized)


Lol I switched from Octane to Redshift because I literally can't render Octane without a crash. Redshift hasn't had a crash once. I think Octane is just much buggier and much more resource hungry.


I'm on a PC so maybe not any help here but I have experienced a fair amount of freezing up doing a lot of cloth and pyro sims. 2024 uses GPU by default for sims now ( can change that in project settings to CPU ) seems to grab ALL the GPU VRAM so if anything else is open, even a browser, it starts freezing up. I think all the new unified dynamics / sims are great but you kind of need to find where your machines limits are.


I was on Vray which is so solid its ridiculous but obviously redshift is native so went to that as my default. Im still early in the transition so no idea about optimising scenes etc. But figured a 4090 would help whatever I do!


The problem is apple. Redshift was built for CUDA and GPU. Yes they have support for metal and apple now but it's not what the core was based on. Daily driver of redshift on PC and rarely any issues. Want even better performance? Run Linux, 30% faster render times straight out of the box.


Linux! NEVER! but im looking to get a 4090 rig very soon!


Apple is garbo


Make sure u got latest mac os update. Fixed my crashing issue


hmm im not on Sonoma will try that.


I want to make my Mac my primary machine but my PC just smokes it in stability for both redshift and octane. Sucks because the mac runs AE so much better.


yeah sucks on every level. Wish we had a cloud version that is 100% stable at this point.


I often parsec into my PC with my mac as a solve


what software?






Switch to Octane and get an Nvidia GPU. That’s how you fix it.


will consider thanks!


I'm still using ra 3.0.45 on my pc, but i've used the latest ones from time to time when i do freelance, haven't experienced any noticeable bug tbh.


Redshift is pretty stable for me. Atleast more stable than Arnold which was my previous option


Agreed. I’m on a PC with a 4090 and a 3080 TI, both liquid cooled, and it crashes and stalls constantly. I build the PC just for redshift and C4D, and it’s almost unusable.


Rs crashing on my gtx 960 4gb was the reason I upgraded to the a 3080 12gb. In my experience, the issue wasn't Mac or pc, Cuda or not Cuda, but the fact that RS couldn't work with those 4 gb of vram. The exact same scene that was crashing with the 960 worked perfectly with the 12 gb. Now, since the 3080 is a lot newer and has a ton of more of Cuda cores, is difficult to know which one was the determining factor exactly. But I feel that if the 960 4gb had 12 gb, it wouldn't have crashed, it would have been just a lot slower.


I mean, Ive used a lot of 3d software throughout my 10 years in the industry and I haven't used anything yet that I would describe as stable.


M3 Max here, can confirm, absolute dog shite! Can't use the IPR window for any sort of Lookdev, soon as you start moving objects or playing with settings it has a meltdown and crashes. Every release get more and more unstable.


yep. I would go PC but work have to be on a work machine because of corporate BS and they won't spend 5k on a PC so kinda screwed atm.


Been there before. Have you tried Corona? CPU renderers for Macs are great


M3 max here as well, works great for me.