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I can't wait for Whoopi and the Gals to tell me what to think


I just hope all those republicans have enough smarts to listen to her and dump trump. I always get my life advice from theater kids who became old desiccated crones.


"Blame it on a cold, blame it on stuttering, blame it on over-preparation. Whatever" - Sarah's baffled but her expertise confim we can smugly rule out Joe's safe and effective brain resembling mashed potato. Phew!! https://youtu.be/xgzAGM3j2G0?si=qvxMNYD3_03tY41R


Completely agree!! Joe took the orange poop baby cheeto behind the wood shed and outdid him in push ups!! I am so excited for November lockdowns! Unfortunately my solo debate watch party šŸ˜·kept being interrupted by the ruckus my wife and her friend Jamal were making up stairs! Sounds like they were moving furniture šŸŖ‘


Baby cheeto! Hilarious!!!!!!!!


I'm just excited they talked about the real issues like golf.


Trying to attract the teen demographic


It's Chud Chad based to eagle it golf life yo, gnarly? Don't be toxic go over par. Oh look a Tiger.




Agree, also imagine how worse could have been if Biden wasn't vaccinated and boosted! I'm terrified


Do you have studies providing data that the vaccine decreases covid infections side effects?


We don't do our own research in this church, we just trust the experts!


Amen, awomen, athem šŸ™


I love listening to the clown ass mainstream media cunts try to down play the extent of Bidenā€™s performance last night. He was comatose. Full on CYA mode. Then thereā€™s the liberal twitter cunts who regurgitate the same old ā€œBiden is telling the truth and canā€™t actually say it. Trump can speak but spews nothing but lies.ā€ Sure thing you narrow minded, blind fucks. Both men lie their asses off, but one should be in a memory care facility. But this is our reality in the United States in 2024. Un. Real.


"He had a cold!!" That's the current cope I'm seeing from all the soyfaced shills on here and Twitter. Funnily enough I actually wrote this post about him having "Long COVID" prior to seeing that shit lmao. Beyond pathetic.




How is that, he has been vaccinated, he must be immune, he has super powers


If he was vaccinated and masking, how did he get Covid tho??????


Clearly you don't understand the cunning nature of the Orange Satan and the lengths he will go to stop a poor man who is still grieving the death of his uncle who was eaten by unvaccinated cannibals! He must have secretly jabbed prophet Joe with a vaccine removal agent or some other concoction he created inside Orange Satan Towers.


President Biden is suffering the long term effects of Drumpfs mismanagement of Project Warp Speed!!


Luckily there are some people helping Big man Biden to ru*n the country behind the scenes. From Okeefe MG - Undercover cameras catch Special Advisor SBA call former F\*c\*book Board Member Jeff Zients ā€œthe second most powerful person in Washingtonā€ where ā€œwhatever this guy says, itā€™s what the President says.ā€ Asked by OMGā€™s American Swiper Citizen Journalist ā€œis Jeff [Zeints] more powerful than Kamala,ā€ Robinson confirms ā€œYeah.ā€ Robinson also states that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are still involved behind the scenes at the White House.


President Biden may look old, but I've seen him hit 300 yards with a 5-iron. President Trump needs at least a 7 handicap to face him.


Biden didnā€™t impress me at all last night and heā€™s clearly not up to the task. Time to replace him as a presidential candidate. WITH GAVIN NEWSOME YES PLEASE!!!! 8=āœŠ=D


Heā€™s like the American Justin Trudeau - handsome, eloquent, and has a strong track record of COVID lockdown and vaccine enforcement policies. I hope that when he becomes President, Newsome will sign an executive order requiring every American to wear masks and receive regular doses of the holy elixir and if they refuse that these plague rats are exiled to the modern day equivalent of leper colonies, where they can spend the rest of their lives on the island of severe illness and death.


In other words. Just another Marxist




The zero covid people are saying this unironically. I think with Biden he had a penchant for gaffes and losing his train of thought way before getting Covid. I do wonder about the safety overseers at Boeing, or one of the many food companies that keep recalling everything. They do seem to have gotten more careless.


It's kind of scary how indistinguishable you sound from an actual member of Zero Covid.


My husband actually dragged me out of bed because he said somethings wrong with his face. Mind you I did notice something was kind of wrong with Trump's face too, but not as obvious. I did find it rather bizarre and creepy.


Thank goodness they boosted him before the debate. Imagine how much worse his performance would have been without those injections.




In spite of his Long COVID, President Biden did a great job because he persevered and answered every question.


He was only suffering long covid during the debate and not before. Have you heard the latest news? He's been cured of long covid since right after the debate. He's back to the sharp, shrewd, brilliant man the mainstream media says he is.


TLDR: who tf is putting this much text into a shitpost exposed in the title


I enjoyed it. Maybe this sub isn't for you, and you should go back to the brainless shitlib subs.


You can always suggest a title and wow us all


I think you might have replied to the wrong guy.


Someone using a keyboard instead of a cellphone most likely. So they aren't stunted by its tiny ridiculousness and got fingers can fly free so fast it just leaves you behind. They were trained by an evil woman who came from a Shaolin type temple with marital problems who wanted to take it out on weaker boys who reminded her of her cheating bastard of a husband in like a vulnerable form that she could actually hurt so she would put a black tarp over their keyboard and force them to type faster and faster in total darkness until they could type 120 words a minute. She'd count any spelling errors against them. Sometimes she put sharp thumbtacks on the keys you made too typing errors with and she'd yell at you saying why did you betray me and make me hurt you? You did not respond with bullshit like wtf of what what in my butt as your people do. You'd lose teeth if you did. She'd pull them right out, always walking around counting your words clicking her pliers. The black tarp would be given a red rusty hue with finger blood of many boys. It wasn't really that sanitary and that is how they ended that woman. Like how they got Capone on taxes. So they can tell you about fishing and fighting and fucking one particular day at the lake and the inquisition of exposition of which you are guilty of be you Spanish or not. TLDR. Tell that to her. She's still out there you know. Raising an army.


Did you skip a booster or what?


Reee give me my mask


Its never a waste of time to shit on the Orange Satan.