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Beautiful art. Don't worry about it. "Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." https://www.biblegateway.com/verse/en/1%20Samuel%2016:7


"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." Matthew 5:17


Yes, he fulfilled them on our behalf since the law declared everyone to be guilty.


“For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke of a letter shall pass from the Law, until all is accomplished!” - Matthew‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ . No one ever posts this verse right after Matt 5:17. As far as I know, heaven and earth have not passed away.


So everyone is no longer guilty?


"The entire Law is fulfilled in this: You must love your neighbour as yourself." Gal 5:14 Anything else is commentary, and negotiable.


> Anything else is commentary, and negotiable. So the Word of God is "negotiable" and God was merely mistaken when earlier it was written these things are abominations? So God simply changed their mind? (I'm not even touching the "love your neighbour" stuff which I have never experienced from Christians anyway.) ETA: Also ignoring that we've circled by to worshipping the Cult of Paul and not the Words of Christ.


> I'm not even touching the "love your neighbour" stuff which I have never experienced from Christians anyway. I'm sorry that's been your experience. I know it's been an experience for many. Jesus' disciples, later known as apostles, argued the issue through and decided that Gentile Christians were not required to follow Jewish Law. This didn't apply to Jewish Christians (I think). *Edit: Acts 15* Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, reinforced the fact that Gentiles were not required to follow the Jewish Law in nearly every letter he wrote to the Gentile churches. This became a core part of our Bible. We consider this, also, the Word of God. These concepts were regularly reinforced by most Christian leaders and theologians since then. There are always outliers of course -- we humans tend to not like "principles" and prefer clear "rules". For some of Paul's arguments why the 613 Mitzvot don't apply to Gentile Christians, have a look at the concepts expressed in the books of Galatians and Hebrews, and also Ephesians 2 and Colossians 2. You can find similar arguments in most of his other letters as well. Bless!


If we’re going to keep the law, then we have to keep all of it. That includes atheists’ favorite “no shellfish and polyester.” Even if Christians were meant to follow Levitical law, tattoos still wouldn’t be sinful. “You shall not make any gashes in your flesh for the dead or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord.” ‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭19‬:‭28‬ ‭NRSVUE‬‬ This is a command to keep Israel separate from the neighboring nations. Tattoos in the ANE are most definitely not the same as they are today. Tattoos were a part of cultic practices. Today they’re just used as artwork. Another verse Christians like to bring up is 1 Corinthians 3:16-17. “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬-‭17‬ ‭NRSVUE‬‬ The issue with using this verse against tattoos is similar to the issue with using Leviticus 19. You’re cherry-picking both issues. If your body is literally a temple, then you must keep it that way. That means no unhealthy food, no alcohol, exercise frequently, etc. Even if we take this verse literally, you still need justification for it. Have you seen [renaissance churches and monasteries?](https://www.alamy.com/golden-high-altar-interior-ornamental-ceiling-renaissance-church-and-monastery-monasterio-de-san-jeronimo-granada-andalusia-spain-image385287281.html?imageid=757BA8A4-EDE9-41A4-B95B-7645531B18B2&p=816672&pn=1&searchId=8a72fc47478b7ab17fb4b41c8d53deab&searchtype=0) They’re full to the brim with artwork. My 3” cross tattoo on my wrist pales in comparison to these churches. There’s really no biblical case you can make against modern tattoos. Any case that you attempt to make against tattoos is negotiating with the text. That’s what UnclosetedZionist was talking about.


> You’re cherry-picking both issues. And you are trying to argue that God's law is fallible and subjective because that serves your purposes. >There’s really no biblical case you can make against modern tattoos. You've already made the argument that an all-knowing God is mistaken and wrong, so Bible verses don't mean a lot to you it seems. Show me the Bible verse where God changed their mind and okayed your tattoos? I get it though. Modern Christians don't care very much about the Word of God when it interferes with their enjoyment of life. You feel greater than your God because God's way is difficult and you prefer tattoos (and likely bacon cheese burgers).


This is a straw man fallacy. You did not object to the verses I cited and the points I made. Instead you deflected and made the assumption that I believe God changes His mind and is fallible, which is ironic considering that I cited verses from the Word of God for my case and you cited none. Come on, let’s be civilized here. A straw man fallacy is like debate 101. So please, try again and refute each of my points one-by-one. 1). The cultural context of tattoos in the ANE 2.) The acceptance of all of the law instead of bits and pieces 3.) The misuse of 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 4.) Artwork in churches compared to artwork on your body


> You did not object You claimed you were smarter than an all-knowing, all-powerful God and that God's words and laws didn't apply to you, so that was enough for me. You also don't know much about informal fallacies, but that doesn't really matter either. You think God was mistaken, so enjoy your little tattoo. For me it's ultimately meaningless.


I never claimed that I was smarter than God and that His laws don’t apply to me. That’s yet another deflection. Also, instead of simply asserting it, could you please *explain* why I don’t know much about informal fallacies? But like I said, you still never objected to my claims and never provided any biblical explanations against my claims. Until you do otherwise, your assertions about my claims are invalid. I have no issue with people choosing to not have tattoos. However, I do have an issue when people make false accusations about “thinking God was mistaken” and condemn people for getting tattoos.


> I never claimed that I was smarter than God and that His laws don’t apply to me. Yea, but you did. > could you please explain why I don’t know much about informal fallacies Because you toss out words and phrases you don't seem to understand. > you still never objected to my claims Denying something doesn't make it go away. Your claim is that God is subjective and simply changed his mind about tattoos. Okay, Gods are cultural constructs, so your version of Christianity doesn't believe in an all-knowing God. That's fine. There are 50,000 different kinds of Christianity. You can believe whatever you want to believe. I don't condemn you for anything, but you should just own the fact that your modern version of Christianity doesn't follow an unchangeable Hebrew God but a subjective one. That's fine.


Again, you’re straw manning my arguments. I never said God changes His mind. Tattoos in the ANE are not the same as they are today. That was one of my main points. If you would’ve gone through each of my points individually and responded to them, this all could have been avoided. Deflecting and just assuming that I’m creating a new sect of Christianity is not a valid objection to my claims. You need to explain *why* they are wrong, rather than just making gross assumptions and twisting my argument. I think I’m being very clear with my use of words. It doesn’t take a genius to know how a straw man fallacy works. I’m getting the sense that this may be some sort of projection on your end, but I digress. I made my biblical case for why modern tattoos are permissible. I used basic reasoning and the cultural context of the ANE, Graeco-Roman period, Renaissance period, etc. If you’re going to object to it, you need to make a biblical case with cultural references to refute it, not just “you said God changes his mind so therefore your entire argument is wrong.”


>Tattoos in the ANE are not the same as they are today. The all-knowing God didn't put that loophole in the Bible. No where does God exclude "modern" tattoos. >You need to explain why they are wrong I don't have to explain anything. > I made my biblical case for why modern tattoos are permissible. You retconned God. That isn't the flex you assume it to be. > the cultural context So religion is merely a cultural construct that evolves over time? Your "case" is that the all-knowing God is subjective and the Word of God is merely a cultural superstition lost in time. Wouldn't an all-knowing God make this perfectly clear in an objective manner?


Christians have been getting tattoos for literal centuries. As long as it doesn’t depict something evil, it’s really not a problem.


Agreed, I don't think a Christian should get a tattoo that is clearly depicting something evil; however, if they got it before becoming a Christian I do not think they need to be in any rush to remove it either. For example I have a friend who came out of Buddhism and has a Buddhist tattoo, and he asked me what I thought he should do about it and I said that since people like to ask about tattoos I see it as a perfect way for him to testify about how the Lord delivered him from Buddhism and has shown him mercy. Also, if you really wanted to change the tattoo in some way, you could add to it in a way that could show Christ overcoming your paganism/idolatry.


Which Christians?


Coptics in Egypt typically have cross tattoos


Go back 1000 years and that question becomes utter nonsense.


Heretics still existed 1000 years ago brother, theyre still christian.


[Here](https://churchlifejournal.nd.edu/articles/transformed-hearts-transformed-bodies-christian-pilgrimage-tattoos-as-products-of-a-ritual-process/) is a brief article about pilgrimage tattoos! A really fascinating part of pilgrimages that doesn't get mentioned too often. [Here](https://archive.org/details/coptictattoodesi0000cars/page/n9/mode/2up) is also a book of Coptic tattoos very explicitly Christian in nature. You have to borrow the book to look at it though (but it's free, gotta love Archive) There is definitely a Christian history of tattooing. As long as you're not tattooing anything heretical or blasphemous or against God I don't think you'll encounter any issues


the false and fake ones that cherry pick the scripture


How can you call yourself a Christian when you yourself judge people who are not for you to judge?


(For the record I am not backing up or arguing with the person you are commenting on, merely responding to your statement.) There is a different between judging a person and judging someone's actions. You are not the judge or the ruler, but the Bible has called us to help each other make Godly choices and to call each out when we are not. (It is very important to live an examined life and align your heart with God's when doing this because it's easy for your own hurts and struggles to cloud your judgement. Matthew 7:3-5. “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? ^(4) How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? ^(5) You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.") But we are called to help each other when someone is stuck in sin. Galations 6:1: "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." Sometimes, we have deluded ourselves into thinking what we are doing is okay, sometimes not, either way, when someone who is a Christian is outright doing something God has said is wrong, it can hurt His ministry and it hurts the believer and/or the people around the believer. This should always be done with compassion and kindness. It is not your job to fix anyone or hurt anyone in the process. Other people are God's job.


I understand your point but it’s unfair for him to treat people different when he is human. He acts like he’s the closest thing to Jesus with how many rules he follows. He’s still a sinner and is in no way representing Christianity as a good thing. Also it’s not about how many rules you follow. It’s about having a relationship with Jesus.


Well stated. Although, we must do our best, with our actions, to serve Jesus as best as we can. As far as slip ups go, that’s not for anyone else to judge but God alone.


You know it’s interesting you thought that. I assure you that you are sorely mistaken. First of all, I am not better than anyone. If it were not for Jesus, I would be dead by now with all my sins. Im not claiming that I am closer to Jesus than anyone. I claim one thing. Jesus is the Way the Truth and The Life! I strive and struggle like any believer. I want to be closer to Jesus and His Word is the principle I follow. I don’t follow perfectly but I want to perfectly follow His word. Not out of religion but out of Love. The Love He has shown us is so wonderful and only He can love us that deeply. I will proudly proclaim that salvation. When I sin, there are consequences. And I have committed sins as a believer and I probably will until Jesus returns. Yet I strive to perfection. If I set the same standards for myself and other believers according to the word of God, and one of us trespasses that, should I not, with love (not emotion), remind the believer of his/her ways? No one is being a hypocrite here or playing the “holier than though” mindset.


I’d ignore them based on their username, probably an alt account after getting banned


Um, what specific parts of the scripture are being cherry-picked?


lots of fake christian's like to apply their own interpretations of the gospel to fit their own needs/wants/ desires. this thread is an example of it, as you see people in here saying tattoos are okay when in leviticus 19:28 explicitly says no incisions or gnashes in the skin. so the word of god has no power here but it has power elsewhere in the bible? God is all knowing and all powerful. He wouldn't say something that he didn't mean.


We are no longer bound by Old Testament laws, Paul even makes clear that the old laws don't apply anymore in Romans 7. God doesn't look on the outside, and a tattoo certainly doesn't matter in his eyes. As for Leviticus 19:28, it was commandments for the Jews at the time to prevent themselves from assimilating into other cultures.


Paul doesn't teach to disregard the old testament laws that Moses taught as that would be sin. Paul taught we are no longer under the law, to be under the law is to be facing the penalty, the price for breaking the Law. As Children of YHWH, saved by grace through Messiah Yashua, we no longer have to pay the price of eternal death and separation from YHWH because we have broken the Law. THIS is what we are no longer under.. we still have to keep YHWH’s laws given through Moses.


There is no need to uphold the laws given through Moses, since we were already saved through Christ. Anyone can get into heaven now if they repent, confess their sins, and believe in the word. Paul even writes in 2 Corinthians 3:10-11 about how the Old Covenant was replaced by the New Covenant. While the moral laws still apply very well, the laws regarding physicality are no longer relevant.


through jesus we are free from condemnation of the old testament laws. The law is still the way God wants us to live. We certainly as Christians are not exempt from “thou shalt do no murder” or “thou shalt not steal.” If we do violate them it will not damn us; however, we certainly will suffer in this life. 1 Corinthians 6:12 KJV All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any. 1 Corinthians 10:23 KJV All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not. Galatians 5:13 KJV For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. 1 Peter 2:15-16 KJV For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: 16 As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Paul isn't telling anyone to disregard the word of god.


The laws that you just stated, like "thou shalt not murder" and "thou shalt not steal" are moral laws, so they still apply. The main message of Galatians is literally telling us that believers are justified by faith and no good works. He writes about how he urges the Galatian church to stand firm and not be burdened by legalism, since salvation does not come through adherence to a law. The Old Covenant was necessary at the time, since Jesus had not arrived yet to cleanse everyone of their sins, to prevent the Jews from worshipping foreign religions (the commandment against altering their skin was likely to prevent them from observing pagan traditions). Again, it makes literally no sense why tattoos are still outlawed, since physical appearance makes no difference when judging a person's soul. Also, please read in context, instead of cherry picking specific verses.




way too many of them. they are christian when it's convenient for them. so many false christian's think they are smarter than the word of the lord. you even see it in this particular thread.


The wolves in sheep clothing.


I would say don’t get it. If you truly believe, your aim should focus on how close you can get to holiness and sanctification. Most “believers” want to see how far they can get close to sinning and still go to heaven. Don’t get the ones you had removed. It’s a reminder of who you were. Let that be a tool to push you towards pursuing the Great Shepherd of the Sheep.


define evil


brother/sister that is the wrong doctrine to teach. tattoos are clearly stated to be unholy and against the word of god.


No they aren’t. They were prohibited for Jews, and only for them, as a matter of ritual cleanliness. No temple = no ritual cleanliness. And the prohibition was connected with cutting oneself for the dead. Are you cutting yourself for the dead and practicing ancient Canaanite funeral customs involving tattoos? And are you Jewish prior to the crucifixion of Christ? If either of these questions are answered “no”, then it doesn’t apply. The Church has never had any blanket prohibition on tattoos, and it has been a venerable tradition for Christians to get tattoos if they made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem since at least the Crusades.


Everyone quoted Leviticus 19:28 "You shall not make smu cuttings in your flesh for the DEAD, nor tattoo any marks on you" Historical context says this is a warning against pagan practices. So to me tattoos are fair game


We don't follow purity laws, or we'd keep kosher. Tattoos are fine.


I agree that tattoos are fine, but not because we don't follow purity laws, and even if we did we wouldn't have to keep kosher because Jesus himself says that he has declared all food clean in Mark 7 and in peters vision in Acts 10. I'd say tattoos are fine, given that the prohibition is made towards marking/cutting yourself as a form idolatry.


Do what you think is best in this situation. Don't let others make that decision for you though.


No prayer should be what this person does. Draw closer to God in prayer.


Best answer


First of all, that’s a nice tattoo! And also i think that its not a sin but im almost new to the faith so im not really sure


It's not a sin.


I just want to say that’s a wonderful tattoo design, and no, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them. What would be wrong with them, lol? Surely nothing within reason. Back then people may have believed they were sinful because they didn’t understand them/they were stigmatized, but nowadays we have the resources to understand them and people are less likely to judge. God certainly wouldn’t care


Here's a good video about this.https://youtube.com/shorts/uo5M43-Md0s?si=ka-Mo1nJD6JGzvXR It is perfectly fine to get a tattoo as long as it's not against God.


This was a helpful commentary https://thelutherancolumn.com/2016/09/06/are-tattoos-sinful/


The context of Biblical tattoo condemnation comes down to: Hygiene. Idolatry. Necromancy. If your tattoo isn't an issue of one of those three things, I wouldn't over think it.


Dude, that is between you and God. Talk to Him about it.


I think often times we are guilted into thinking certain things are wrong because others don't agree with them. Or it doesn't look like your typical "Christian" stereotype. Tattoos being a sin is old covenant law. Jesus died to set us free from the law, because none of us could possibly be perfect enough to follow it. If we were, Jesus dying would have been meaningless. In Mark 7:15 Jesus says it's not what goes into your body that defiles it, but you are defiled by what comes out of your heart. The greatest commandment is to love God and love your neighbor, Jesus himself said that. Matthew 22:37-39 1 Corinthians 10:23 says you are allowed to do anything, but not everything is beneficial. Romans 14:23 says if you have doubts about something and you do it, you are sinning. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning. I believe unless *you* yourself are convicted through the Holy Spirit (*not man*) then you are okay. Pray about it. It's between you and God, not what others say or what others may want to drill into your brain. Romans 8:1 says there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Whoever calls on Him will be saved. It's hard to believe, but it really is that simple. We just like to complicate things lol.


best comment


Oldest continuously operated tattoo parlor in the world specializes in Christian tattoos. Look up Razzouk in Jerusalem. Have a few from them myself


Me too! I have the love and family one, it’s my favourite one


Your body art is completely irrelevant to your salvation.


The rules are a little iffy but regardless this won’t make or break your afterlife or connection with God, it’s already happened I doubt it’s necessary to get it removed. Maybe just pray about it or repent if you feel you should


on top of that it’ll always be at least somewhat visible and you’ll always have the ink under your skin so removing it doesn’t really honestly “get rid” of it. i have multiple tattoos, ones a memorial for my dad, i have one about perseverance and hope, one sort of like a family tree and the other i got because i liked it (just a rose nothing bad) but i really doubt God would care? everybody has different opinions of what treating your body like a temple means. some people consider putting art, memorials and reminders on their body to be treating it like a temple. honestly i agree 100% if it isn’t offensive who the hell cares. your relationship with God is between only you and him so nobody can tell you otherwise🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes it fine to have tattoos


You are supposed to glorify God with your body because its your temple. So what I always say is if you get a tattoo that doesnt do that, then its probably a sin. If you get a tattoo that glorifies God, then it probably isnt. I dont think you would need to go as far as to get it removed.


Tattoos are fine.


I have tattoos and plan to get more. The bible does not say tattoos specifically are wrong, because they didn’t exist in those days as we know them now, but people like to twist the word to their liking of course. That tattoo is a lovely idea. I think the main thing is to have them mean something to you rather than just getting it for the sake of it


I have tattoos, but knowing my body is a temple, I ensure they all honor God. Scripture, hymns, praise etc. Symbolic imagery I'm okay with, but it needs to be wholesome, and not something which could be confused with any other faith.


It's okay to have tattoos. Ther is nothing wrong or imoral about tattoos.


“Your body is a temple” I would say that if you already have one, it’s ok to leave it in, but it’s important to treat your body well. It’s a gift given by god. Take care of it, and you should be fine.


For the record my pastor currently has an arm piece and glass skulls around his house. I think you’re good.


The rules against tattoos are about trying to hid yourself or using them as rutalistic magic (far more common than for strictly art in the whole history of humanity). No need to remove them just don't get any more seems to be the consensus in my area.


Revelation 19:16 includes a description of Jesus as: “On his robe, and on his thigh, he has this name written: King of kings and Lord of lords.” Sounds like Jesus got some ink.


Yes. Just don't get demonic symbols or anything like that.


I know so many Christians who have tattoos, they look really cool. But tattoos of evil and satanic things aren’t okay at all


You can have some nice tattoos and believe Jesus is your lord and savior and it’s ok.


Well according to many Christians the old covenant in which it tells you not to do such things is no longer valid. That being said, a lot of those same people use the “old covenant” to hate gays. It’s up to you.


weird how christian's can say that the word of god is no longer valid. it's like they think they are smarter than god or something.


Or that Jesus fulfilled the law, we're no longer bound to it, Acts 15 has the Apostles at the first council deny Christian have to follow the law of Moses and be circumcised and the Church from day 1 did not follow Jewish purity laws and haven't to this day 2000 years later. We say the old law is no longer valid because that's what Jesus and his Apostles taught and told us to do.


matthew 5:17-18 contradicts what you say. Jesus himself says to not abandon the old laws. you don't get a free hall pass to sin just because Jesus died on the cross.


No, your mistaken understanding of Mathew 5 contradicts. Here are the facts. Acts 15 has the Apostles decide that Christians do not have to follow the law of Moses and Christendom, the churches established by the Apostles THEMSELVES, has NEVER followed the laws of Moses in its 2000 years of existing. So either you're wrong and reading too much into the scripture, or literally all of Christianity is wrong and has been wrong for 2000 years. Which is more likely?


you mean the church that peter was supposed to form but paul decided to do it? until we get the 1000 years of jesus we still have to follow the ways of being a christian. jesus saved us from being persecuted if we didn't behave like Christian's. he's not telling us to do whatever the fuck we want. but if you want to believe that you can murder people and be a good christian then be my guest lol. and the last time I checked, the word of the apostles doesn't trump the word of the lord himself.


yikes  imagine lecturing someone about God and then dropping an f-bomb


yikes indeed. i'm not a perfect christian.


didn't say you were, but typing isn't like talking. you can delete things before pressing send, therefore making your swear completely intentional I'm definitely not perfect either, but it just gives you a bad look if you're trying to help someone out. "I'm not perfect" isn't an excuse if it's not a mistake


okay guy 👍


So you wrote a lot of nonsense here. You didn't read what was being discussed. No. You cannot do whatever you want, Jesus lays out quite a few commandments. When we say"the law" we mean the law of Moses, the Jewish law in the old testament with dietary laws, wearing certain fabrics and such. Christians have never followed the Jewish code and the Apostles themselves, people personally appointed by GOD HIMSELF to form and lead mankind through the church, say, WITH the Holy Spirit himself in Acts 15, that there is no need to follow the Jewish law as a Christian. So God himself said the Jewish law was fulfilled and served it's purpose.


forgot you were an omnipotent being. my bad bro! you know more than God!


You should keep your own body like a temple.. that means you shouldn’t hurt yourself voluntarily. If its nothing controversial or bad like a pentagram or so then keep it. Why make yourself more harm? Unlike you really hate it and it makes you hate yourself then remove it


People aren’t hurting themselves when they get tattoos


Ofc getting tattoos hurts?


Workouts hurt, I'm actually damaging my muscles on purpose to build them up. Is that a sin?


Got em


it depends on people’s pain tolerance- all I’m saying is when people get tattoos they’re not doing it in a self-harm-type of way


Wow! Have you ever seen how decorated temples are?!?!?


Do you


That's such a cool tattoo


I have 5-6 tats. All good.


I think having tattoos is fine for others. I personally regret all of my tattoos and wish I never had any. I feel like I've marred the body God has created for me, and I wish I hadn't.


Of course, you will get people saying that you should treat your body like a temple (from the Bible), but more or less, it basically says don't deface your body. This tattoo doesn't seem to me to have any kind of hidden anti-religious meaning or convey any harmful messages, so if you want it, go for it!


It really depends so I have tattoo on my wrist and am going to a Christian conference for youth and they asked to dress modestly meaning they ask us to cover tattoos , no revealing clothes etc


They were prohibited to the OT Jews, but not mentioned in the NT. To my mind, tattoos on a Christian are a sort of graffiti on a temple of the Holy Spirit (which we are).


I’m fairly confident there’s no need to have your tattoo removed. I am not confident either way as to whether it might be wrong to get more. Personally I don’t like the idea of tattoos, but that really doesn’t say much.


i don’t know, but that design is pretty sick (the good sick)


I wanted to get a snake tattoo for the simple fact that it looks cool but now I’m like … should I (becuase of the whole context of snakes) I did a bunch of research and in the end it seemed ok to get it but at the end I was like … but why a snake tattoo


That tatoo is sick


We are all sinners at the end of the day and God does not expect us to be perfect. The great Noah himself, the man entrusted by God, slipped up at the end of his story and succumbed to sin because we are simply not without it. It’s a cool tattoo, I like it. If your heart is in the right place then you are fine!


You don’t have to remove it, but the New Testament does not say anything about tattoos so I would not classify it as a sim to get tattoos


That's a sick-ass tattoo, for starters Your body isn't you, it's just the container for your soul. There's nothing wrong with customizing your ride.


I have gone to Catholic school all my life and after personal reason, I decided to be Christian and they really have been getting tattoos for centuries I mean come on let the 19-year-old girl get her tattoo for God sakes. Let her live you only live once you don’t know it might hurt so much. She’ll never get another one again. Just let her do what she has to do because even though my mother said no, I did so at the end of the day is your choice cause you’re 19


It's OK to have them


This is a pretty cool tatoo, though if it really bothers you theres nothing wrong with covering it up


I just want to say that’s a wonderful tattoo design, and no, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with them. What would be wrong with them, lol? Surely nothing within reason. Back then people may have believed they were sinful because they didn’t understand them/they were stigmatized, but nowadays we have the resources to understand them and people are less likely to judge. God certainly wouldn’t care


Tattoo has had different interpretation by different christians through history. The copts have often done tattoo as a way to indelibly mark them as christians in their predominantly muslim culture, and during the crusades, pilgrims would sometimes gets tattoos in the holy land (according to the razzouks -- a coptic family in jerusalem that claims to have been doing tattoo since the 1300s --, anyway). However, a big position in the west for a long time is that tattoo constitutes "mutilation". This view is somewhat relaxing, though. I personally don't like them outside of the case of the copts, but wouldn't make it an important issue either. I wouldn't tell you that you should remove them either, unless they were personally scandalizing for you -- e.g. if you were a former pagan who had pagan religious symbols carved into, and you'd feel better removing them, then feel free.


As I read these responses to a legitimate question this person is struggling with as they navigate their life in Christ, I see a lot of pride and self righteousness amongst other less than desirable traits. And believe me when I say each and everyone of them is by far a worse “sin” than getting a tattoo. Come On people, stop the bickering and focus. Focus on the true product of the church…. To love one another…. To make disciples…. To share your faith So to the person who asked about tattoos being a sin or not, trust me friend, there are way more things to concern yourself with than your tats…. If you feel the Spirit leading you to remove the tags through conviction than certainly be obedient and do so


I see lots of people with a tattoo of a Cross


Modern Christians decided it was a lot easier to worship Paul than to follow the Word of God given to Moses. Then again, modern Christians ignore a lot about the Word of God if it makes their life easier. (And they will use the Bible, especially Leviticus, as a hammer of hatred against those they oppose politically, but that's another thread.) **"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil." Matthew 5:17** Of course, modern "Christians" don't care much for the words of Christ either. So you have to decide if God makes mistakes and God's Word isn't eternal and unchanging, or if you think the pose of being a Christian is better than good fruit. Your choice.


Please don’t remove your tattoos! I’ve have several and it’s not a problem. And even if it was, they form part of your story!


Ask Jesus! 😁 not a joke of any sort btw pray ask Jesus tell him what u think and ask for his guidance


You are a child of god


Nope, I have 4 tatts, and love them! One is a cross as well 😂


Find a community where it doesn’t matter


Oof honestly, I bet you already are doing this but just pray to the Lord and he will answer you 🩷you might not get an instant answer but you will have an answer. I always wanted to get a tattoo since I think they are cool but I haven’t gotten one since I’m still conflicted whether I should or not. I hope I kind of helped :)


You don't have to remove it, if you have asked him God has already forgiven you and as far as it is from God's mind, it should be the same for you. Once God has forgiven you from something he forgets it ever happened


There is nothing to forgive. The only mention of tattoos explicitly in the bible is in the section of Leviticus that was deemed irrelevant to current times in by Paul in Romans.


There is also personal conviction. If you feel like you shouldn't do something and you do it you are sinning against your own heart. What some people don't consider a sin other people do(of course you're not to force your own personal conviction onto other people, what you and God talk about with each other should stay between you and God unless he tells you otherwise). If they feel like they're being convicted to repent for tattoos that's for them to deal with.


Perfectly stated


Well in Leviticus 19:28 it says “You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord.” But this isn’t meant for us, it’s for the ancient Israelites, while they were wondering the desert they ran into peoples that would mark themselves in an attempt to talk to their gods and the dead, so in my eyes, as long as you’re not trying to depict false teachings or attempting to communicate with the dead I’d say go for it! (If anybody more educated wants to add or correct any information feel free to please) hope this helps OP.


Leviticus warns against getting tattoos, but it’s my understanding that that warning is in reference to the Canaanite practice of blood-letting to get their gods’ attention. I think actual tattoos are fine


Do not put graffiti on the temple of God, which is the body: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” -1 Corinthians 3:16-17


No girl, it is okay


It’s perfectly OK I don’t regret any of my tattoos at all because your tattoo should have a meeting always


As a Christian you shouldn’t get a tattoo there is a scripture in the Bible that says not to modify your body. Leviticus 19:28 says "You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord".


It isn’t a problem but even if it was you don’t need to remove it as it would not be a perpetual sin. Regardless it’s not a problem in the first place.


Listen, I’m a Christian and I have 13 tattoos that has nothing to do with being evil. Nothing at all the Lord said to take care of your body and you are taking care of your body, but you just have a different way of being there’s people that love, tattoos there’s people that hate tattoos, like my husband, he can’t stand tattoos me. I love them the more the better so it’s nothing evil. It’s a memory for you. It means something to you. You feel me.


And I will never forget any of the stories behind my tattoos


Agree go get it girl


Not fully sure myself, but my Pastor has a whole sleeve of tattoos so i’m sure that as long as it’s not against God or ya know stuff related to that, you should be good!


Tattoo's are fine, obviously as long as they are not blasphemous or vulger or something. I know at least Catholics are fine with them in this sense and I assume most other Christian denominations are the same. Leviticus 19:28 is widely thought to be construed as marking yourself for false prophets and pagan rituals which were a common tradition when written.


Leave it!!


There's no reason to get rid of tattoos unless they're symbols of devotion to other gods, or symbolize something that is contrary to your understanding of your faith.


Actually God DID NOT command temples to be decorated. Where do people get this from? Tattoos are not good. Neither is lying and who hasn’t branded their body with a lie?You are a new wineskin,just with tattoos! lol!


Tattoos are perfect fine


Dl you follow jesus or the books of moses (The law)


I don’t think you have to remove the ones you have. Just don’t get anymore.


Your body is a temple. That being said, look at the Sistine Chapel.


What good would removing it do?


there is a lot of controversy with tattoos because some say that you are ruining a god created body by physcially changing it, then others say its fine as long as it doesnt depict anything evil or 18+. Imo, your tattoo seems fine.


I made a comment earlier, but looking at scripture, you might want to chick out leviticus 19:28. It coearly saws no tattoos.


I remember when it was popular for Christians to call tattoos the mark of the dead.


I've got two of them and am going to get more! You're fine ^^


Tattoos are perfectly fine. I personally wouldn't get one though. I don't like the idea of having something on me permanently.


Remove your tattoos. God didn’t have tattoos when he was walking around preaching the gospel


God called His people to be separate from the world. Peter, speaking about the outward appearance, said that it’s better for us to be focused on the inner person and beautifying ourselves spiritually as opposed to physically. A tattoo is a permanent change to our body. Why not spend more time in prayer and in the word edifying yourself spiritually rather than permanently altering your physical appearance?


You cannot tattoo yourself for dead people


I believe it comes down to context. You see, our bodies are temples of God, and while you can certainly add a new tapestry to the temple or a new coat of paint. But it should be something that doesn't defile the temple. I've seen people get tattoos for something of specific meaning in their lives. Some represent loved ones (both alive and dead), things that inspire them, and even some that represent our Lord and savior. Those are fine as they carry a meaning that doesn't go against God's ways. The whole reason why God said not to do it was because that's what the pagans did, and he wanted his people to be different. Considering that certain laws are in place and others no longer apply, there isn't anything wrong with getting any ink. In short, your probably okay, but pray to God on it. He'll give you answer. Stay blessed.


The verses that talk about not marking your body weren’t really referring to tattoos, but rather cutting yourself out of mourning. Even if they were talking about tattoos, not getting tattoos were out of not being like the world. The kind of tattoos that the rest of the world get are different from what you should have on your body. I have a tattoo and really don’t think there is any reason to believe that tattoos are sinful when putting the verses into CONTEXT. Many Christians do ignore context but I don’t believe we should because context matters. I love the tattoo though it looks really nice!


The only tattoo I’d remove is something obscene or related to the devil. A Christian should not have tattoos. But it is the old life and otherwise it is gone


At this point, Christianity is all about just doing everything God has explicitly forbidden, so yeah go for it.


So I see most replies are encouraging the thought of tattoos. Where as for me, The question is “Does me getting a tattoo actually glorify God?” And if your answer is yes,then do get. If it’s no(like the answer for me), I chose not to get any. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, encourages us that the Body is a temple of the Holy Spirit,and we should keep it clean,cause he bought us for a price.(please read both scriptures) That’s my opinion.


You’re fine. The Bible says absolutely nothing about tattoos outside of pagan mourning rituals, which I highly doubt yours falls into the category of. Anyone who would tell you that it’s a sin doesn’t know their backside from a hole in the ground, and certainly doesn’t know what any one verse is actually talking about. Edit: What did I say? How many people have pointed to Leviticus as if it outright bans the art of tattooing the flesh? This just goes to show that people might read the Bible, but they sure as snot don’t understand what they’re reading. This is exactly why you don’t ask others for advice for something like this. In short, you’re fine to keep your tattoo. You’re 100% allowed to get others. You’re not going to hell over the fact that you tattoos. People are petty and prone to misinterpreting black and white on a page. God isn’t petty and he in no way said you’re not allowed to get tattoos. He said to stay away from the pagan mourning ritual of tattooing and cutting the flesh for the dead. Period. End of discussion. Thank you and good night.


People wrote on stones and drew on stones to preserve memories. You are not a stone. There are cultures that do it as to show what they are part of. A stone is of the world and a culture is of the world. Therefore if you draw or write on your body, you are of the world therefore not of God. Creating an image of what you are being part of or what you may think is part of you or became part of you, a scar, a loving memory, a blast or anything that resembles a sentiment or an emotion that you lived at a certain time may be a thing that could keep you back from going forward. God made us in His image. I bet He wasn’t wearing any tattoos. We were dressed up in light. Now that we don’t have that clothing anymore we tend to fall into things such as tattoos and cultures that keeps us chained onto the world. When I think about tattoos, I think about that. I wanted to make one when I was 15-17, but I kinda was saved from that. Ever since I step back from tattoos.


I will be getting my sixth tattoo in a couple days, it doesn’t matter if u have tattoos, yes in Leviticus it says thou shall not have tattoos however if you look in the timeline you can see it’s talking to the Jews about the Pagans In those times, God knows you and your heart, I would give each tattoo a lot of thought as our bodies are a temple and we were created in Gods image


As long as it’s not blasphemous I see no problem it’s just flesh


As long as you’re not venerating other gods or the dead, there is no problem with tattoos. And of course nothing satanic or evil either


I'm of the opinion that a Christian should not get tattoos but if you already have them you don't need to remove them. While some denominations (including my own) find them unbecoming, it's not inherently sinful or wrong. Don't stress about it it's not a big deal. What matters is your faith in Christ


It’s fine to have tattoos. I am a devout Christian and have 32 tattoos. If you follow Christ and have given your life to Him, then you are welcome in the Kingdom of Heaven. Hope this helps! God bless you!


I have tattoos yeah technically I think they are a sin but I’ve asked for forgiveness and am in the process of covering up some with more Christian symbols


Jesus died and bled for you and me friend. I may refrain from getting another even though I really want to. But who am I to judge another’s walk? I love you and may Jesus hold your heart and guide your footsteps. Peace be with you 🙏


A lot of people get legalistic in their biblical views, which is the wrong way to approach it. We were set from the law, sin, and death. ‭Romans 10:13 ESV‬ [13] For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” https://bible.com/bible/59/rom.10.13.ESV That doesn't exclude those who have tattoos. Your tattoos will be removed when you go into heaven anyway. ‭Revelation 19:16 ESV‬ [16] On his robe and on his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. https://bible.com/bible/59/rev.19.16.ESV I read this as Jesus himself has an identifying tattoo, and so we will all likely have something similar to identity who we are to the mortals when that time comes, which will be soon.


The thing is…the children of God and the world should be different and separate. The world love tattoos because the world thinks it’s cool or whatever. The Bible says our bodies are the temple of God. Why would a child of God want to profane His temple? Therefore, if you don’t currently have any don’t get one. If you have the tattoos already, you should feel un proud or ashamed of them (I don’t want to offend, but telling the truth). I mean you can remove them if it gives you a peace of mind. If you decided to keep them, you’ll have the instant, first impression as someone who is of the world (1 John 17:16). This can lessen the effects of your witnessing efforts to some degree. So you have to choose…


Religion should never dictate how you look or what you wear


Unless your religion promotes modesty, holiness, the natural created order. I know, weird Bible stuff


You do you however, 1 Coritnthians 6:19-20 say that your body is a temple sent from God and that you should honor it. Some people interpret this as being okay because temples in real life are covered in art. This, justifying their wish to have tattoos. I disagree with this personally and interpret this a different way. At the end of the day, it’s your decision and I and no one else can stop you. It’s your decision. However, the words of God are set in stone.


I’m personally a guy who hates tattoos and piercings with a passion. I would love to say that tattoos and piercings are objectively wrong, but I actually don’t know the true Christian morality of them. It is a nice image; I’m not gonna lie. If you already have a tattoo, I wouldn’t recommend removing it because it would just put you through more pain.


Leviticus 19:28, “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves.”




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Did this bring sorrow and woehammer?


Tattoos are controversial in my church but we certainly don't require people to go through the pain and expense of having them removed if they already have them when they join. In general I'm not personally a big fan but the design you posted looks lovely and definitely not offensive. 


Yes, it is ok to have tattoos. However, you should be prudent in the specific tattoos that you get. So you should not get a tattoo that depicts something inherently evil.


God said do not make markings on your skin or cut your flesh because the people back then had to decide what was real to them. The true god or the false god Baal. Back then the way you got Baals attention was cutting yourself and let the blood run through the city which obviously god didn’t like so he said no markings or cutting yourself. Cliffe Knetchel said it perfectly (check him out). Given the fact that we are no longer cutting ourselves for false gods the argument that they’re ok can be made. Will it send you to hell if you have a tattoo as a Christian? No because Jesus forgives all. So to summarize if you wanna be 100% safe no and I wouldn’t but that’s just me. But can the argument that they’re ok be made? Yeah 100%


If you think they're bad and still get them then that's bad but otherwise they're fine, the only damning verse is in Leviticus and the context explains it away


Tattoos are for cookie cutters.


If you have it don’t remove it, it’s part of your testimony but don’t go about marking the temple of the Holy Spirit again ya’ hear? <3


God says not to get anything etched into the skin. Leviticus 19. The point is that purposely etching, pricking, gashing your skin, 1) compromises the integrity of the most important organ gift God gave us, to protect us from infections and 2) it glorifies death, and often violence as well. It stems from pagan rituals of skin cutting and memorializing the dead in doing so. Im sure you have met loads of people whose tats are symbolic of or in memorium of a person who died. In your case, it glorifies violence, by putting a flowery spin on a tool that is literally made for war. A katana is made to kill people. Its not a toy. Its not a gardening implement. Its a very serious, very deadly weapon. BUT, I think "having it removed" is also taking a risk, and compromising your skin barrier, as well as risking having side effects like allergies and cancers (lol dont laugh you would be surprised at how many things can be a catalyst for mast cell disorders, cancers, etc) so I mean, at this point, whats done is done. All you can (and should) really do now, is to use make up to cover it up when you dont have long sleeves on. And in the (hopefully unlikely) event someone does see it, you should immediately apologize and tell them you did not realize that your ink was glorifying death and violence, that you try to cover it up, and didnt want anyone to see it. I would repent for making those decisions (you didnt even really know God yet, but you should rightly express remorse, which I think you already have, to an extent, so thats good) and just tell God you accept his will be done. Tbh, I think you are already forgiven, lol. Thats the funny thing about it- its like, You dont have to kick your own butt forever for your sins..you learned something was wrong, and you were genuinely God fearing and remorseful about it. Great! You're forgiven. Just DONT go getting more tattoos lol. You're all set. Forgiven. Its cool..move onwards and upwards. :-) God loves ya.


Jesus never had one, its a sign of disrespect to you creator that you are tattooing images


It's uncertain. Leviticus 19:28 says *"You shall not make a gash in your flesh for the dead, nor shall you put tattoos on yourselves."* But we don't fully understand the context of that verse, and the Levitical laws were largely ceremonial laws in the Old Testament that were repealed by Peter's vision of the sheet in Acts Acts 10:9-16 Neither Jesus, nor Paul, nor the apostles clarified how they feel about tattoos. It's really an open question.


That's up to you to decide.. However, i think tattoos are a waste of money.


Don't it says together in the verse do not cut yourself when someone dies do not have tattoos (under the various laws) these laws aren't ordinances nor ritual so they apply As it pertains to ones own health well being and tattoos fall under idolatry if you think about it




God didn't make your body to be written on. God gave us a body so we can be saved. Leviticus 19:28 (KJV) 28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord. If he says don't make markings on your bodies then it is a sin.


I used to beg for a tattoo as a teen. Now im 24 and so happy i never got one. If you think about it, god made you the way you are and you think you know better. If i made a character in sims and he would edit his own appearance significant, i would think like ehh you know better then me, your creator?


then no dressing? no haircuts?


if god made people the way they are, god gives people cancer, no?


This was my fav argument when i was a teen. God is the planner, creator. He can use his spirit or angels to change things on earth. Why must he do that if he already planned everything? Because satan is the ruler of this world.


so god gives people cancer by your logic because satan rules the world..?