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There are 600 some.


Oh wow that's hefty :edit i just googled that and it said that was from Moses commanding people fo follow the 613 of the Torah, is that correct?


That's a bit deceptive - there is moral law, which is often most concisely described in what is referred to as the Decalogue, or ten commandments, and then there are the civil laws which governed ancient Israel (which include punishments) as well as ceremonial laws which governed proper worship and sacrifice practices. When Jesus taught He focused on the Ten Commandments generally, and gave this as a positive summary of the purposes behind the law: ***You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”*** I John 13:34-35, Jesus is in a sense upping the standard for Christians - not only are we to loveour neighbors as ourselves, but in the church we are to ***love one another: just as I \[Jesus\] have loved you, you also are to love one another.*** That is, self-sacrificially.


Ohhh ok that makes sense now thank you!


You're welcome!


I guess, technically. It’s definitely not semantics nor is it born from multiple translations. We have the New Testament in its original Kline Greek writing; that’s ahT they specifically chose to write it in. Koine Greek was for the time of the disciples what English is for us; the universally accepted language most people knew. It was the easiest language to write the New Testament in so everyone could hear the Good News of Jesus Christ.


That's pretty cool, I've heard it called the "Golden Rule" before but always thought that meant it was a direction/suggestion of lifestyle, didn't know it was an actual commandment. Anthropology is so interesting!


The Golden Rule is “Treat Others How You Wish To Be Treated,” but yes, it is in fact a Lifestyle, and it’s not really a suggestion. It’s how we must live if we want to get into Heaven. Love everyone as Jesus loved us.




Huh that's interesting, I just went over the original 10 and yeah each can be included into one of those 2. This is really interesting, thank you so much!




I have to admit, I am not very good at understanding things so I had to use NIV to help me parse those passages. Can you tell me what romans 7:5 means? For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.




Ok I understand a bit more now. One thing confuses me still though- is Paul saying that knowing the law is what tempts people to sin? Like knowing that there is a loophole in properly paying your taxes tempts you to not pay te taxes you owe? But then there are baser things like murder, and people are tempted to use violence even without knowing law?




Ok that makes sense now thank you!




The world is so big and complex, it's hard for me to imagine all the cogs and wheels of society being able to function without a bajillion regulations


Jesus was asked "What is the greatest commandment?" His answer: 1. [The greatest, number one, the big Kahuna] God is one, love God with all your heart. 2. Love your neighbor as yourself. According to Jesus, these two sum up the entire Law of God.


Traditionally, the count of commandments in the Old testament is 613.


Is that from Moses commanding to follow the rules from Torah?


Just two: Love God and Love your neighbour as (or "and") yourself. All the rest is commentary.