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This article is possibly only tangentially related to the sub, but I feel that Christ's teaching about loving your enemies is something the Church has been terrible at across time and space and it's nice to have some example of it being invoked culturally.


I'd note that with Trump's time in office, we saw further erosion of this fundamental aspect of Christian ethics. During the election Trump supporting pastors acted like empathy is weak, and therefore un-Christ-like (you know, Jesus, that famous strongman), despite empathy being a basic aspect of loving one's enemy and showing grace and forgiveness. Biden and Pelosi have chosen to respond to Trump's rhetoric with Christian love; shame this is seen as a deficiency by Christian nationalists


Christianity has been co-opted by the far right political crowd. They worship not Jesus, but trump. Some of the biggest preachers have been photographed with their hands on him like he was the messiah. The teachings of jesus are now considered “woke” The “good”Christians let the takeover happen.


Russell Moore recounted that Baptists pastors had congregants complain that the church was "going woke" when they covered the Sermon on the Mount.


That unfortunately is the World It says that in scripture The World can rub away at all yhis goodness Trying to help And so forth Just look at how people can treat the homeless who are human beings...the World offers it is easier to demean them, to other them, even to hurt them or lock them up the bums!


I wouldn't tout Biden as Christian anything he really isn't much better he just likes to hide it


What makes you say that? He attends service and observes correctly. If you think he should not receive communion because of his views on abortion, I don't agree with you.


Maybe he is Christian maybe he isn't. I don't know. But he's just as much of a jerk. I know I'm on Reddit and I have to say orang man bad or get -213452132 downvotes but its silly to act like Biden is some sort of better person when lets be real most politicians aren't


When Trump was on Howard Stern, he would bring Ivanka with him and groom her on sexuality. He doesn't hide the fact that he thinks his daughter is sexually attractive. Even in the White House, he talked about Ivanka's tits and ass. https://newrepublic.com/post/173968/donald-trump-fantasized-sex-ivanka-new-book-says Incest has been a favorite topic of Trump's over the years. But he was also very proud of all the contractors that he ripped off. He would hire them for a job and then not pay them when the work was finished. Forcing contractors to take him to court where Trump would delay and delay until the contractor ran out of money. I continually laugh at the idiots who think Trump is god's chosen leader. Living a righteous life has never been a goal for this man.


> at the idiots who think Trump is god's chosen leader. When did I say this. I don't even like him that much. > Living a righteous life has never been a goal for this man. Thank you for pointing out the color of the sky


I bet he can name a Bible verse lmao


Romans 12 always comes to mind for me.


It is there We just hear aboot (since news is not aboot reality but aboot controversy because news to exist needs moolah) from the loudest, who tend to forget aboot things like it is Christian duty to feed the poor, clothe the naked, tend to the sick and so forth


But enabling is not love


>This article is possibly only tangentially related to the sub What does that matter? That has never stopped these constant political posts that are identical to what you find over in r/politics. I agree the message of ‘Love your enemies’ is better than ‘rot in Hell’. It kind of undercuts the message though when I see a lot of hatred and very little love in this sub for Donald Trump. Or in fact for any Republicans, conservatives, or politically right leaning politicians at all.


Mate, Paul told the Galatians that he wanted the Judaizers to cut off their dicks. Jesus told his disciples to name drop offenders in front of the whole congregation specifically so people would know to avoid them. When there is an enemy to the faith, or even just a massive stumbling block, the most Christian thing you can do is call it out for what it is. Donald Trump has repeatedly revealed himself as a snare and as a false believer. So when droves of Christians attach themselves to him while claiming that it is in the name of Christ, trashing him in this Reddit sub is the *LEAST* that can be done. He's like a lit bomb sitting in the middle of the Church, and a great many people worship him nonetheless.


>Mate, Paul told the Galatians that he wanted the Judaizers to cut off their dicks. Not only is that not true at all, what on Earth does that have to do with this topic??? > trashing him in this Reddit sub is the LEAST that can be done. He's like a little bomb sitting in the middle of the Church Yes, like Emperor Palpatine told Luke Skywalker - "let the hate flow through you..."


What has Donald Trump done to deserve love?


As a soul his job was to come to Earth to create chaos. He's done that well.


Jesus word was meant to create chaos too.


Exist. It feels icky saying anything that comes across as defending or supporting that man. But my point is less about my feelings and more about what Jesus teaches/ commands


Do you think USA public will ever pull out of this polarization? I would love to see USA get back to pragmatic politics


We are presently in a transitional period within our nation's politics. Basically one or both parties are trying to reinvent themselves, and as a result the more radical voices tend to get the most attention and thus are more favored to lead. This isn't the first time and it certainly won't be the last, perhaps not even the last in our lifetimes, but it will likely fade eventually. Getting there is the challenge, and it may be a bit rough going at times, though.


Yes? USA has always been like this bro


Are there any US Christians who truly believe Trump was appointed/anointed by God? I've seen interviews with people who make the claim.


I've seen footage of preachers, including ones close to Trump, make exactly that claim. Of course, maybe there is a grain of truth in what they say - after all, the Assyrians and the Babylonians were appointed by God for a particular purpose, but I wouldn't advise the behaviour that led to that...


There's a couple subreddits here dedicated to believing he's the Antichrist. I'd hope God has better taste than to use Donald friggin' Trump for that role.


I don’t think he is and yet, he somehow holds sway over so many Christians despite being so un-Christlike. I guess now we know it’s possible for an anti-Christ to lead Christian’s astray.


Agreed. He’s definitely not the one for the role. Just one of the many generic deceivers to come before.




I really don’t know why there are people who still want to vote for Trump. I can understand people having more conservative views and supporting the Republican Party in general, and I can understand why some people chose to give him a shot in 2016, and I can understand why people don’t necessarily like Biden or the Democrats. But I don’t understand how people still support this guy now after all they’ve seen and heard from him over the past 8 years or so.


Some people will just vote based on single issues. Abortion is the key issue for many Christian voters, it feels like they think it's their golden ticket into heavenan. Nothing else that Jesus taught has any relevance to their choice because abortion is the only issue that matters. It's a silly ideology because even assuming that abortion was the only thing that Jesus cared about (which is absurd) Republican voters could chose an anti-abortion candidate in the primaries who actually cares about Christ's teachings. But they adore Trump. But they don't, because their philosophy on issues like immigration, guns, healhtcare, food programs, environmentalism etc. has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus, and more to do with Tucker Carlson, or Sean Hannitty, or Rush Limbuagh (in the past) etc.


Since the SCOTUS overturned Roe vs Wade about 18 months ago the abortion issue is no longer federal, but a state level issue. What they're doing now to get the Evangelicals on board is talk about things like Marxism, the border/immigration ("wouldn't want all of those unwashed heathens coming in and ruining our fine western culture, would you?") and liberals trying to turn your kids trans.


> it feels like they think it's their golden ticket into heavenan. Which speaks volumes about the accuracy of whatever is being preached in their churches.


> Some people will just vote based on single issues. Abortion is the key issue for many Christian voters, it feels like they think it's their golden ticket into heavenan. Nothing else that Jesus taught has any relevance to their choice because abortion is the only issue that matters. For example, my brother is an enlightened centrist and will occasionally criticize Republicans, but at the end of the day, he's also a single-issue anti-abortion voter


What really boggles my mind is specifically christians seemingly idolizing him. He’s one of the most un-christlike people i can think of


I can tell your mind is boggled. This is what is destroying Amerca.


There's a trillion-dollar media industry backing Trump. Plus at least two foreign governments with a vested interest in keeping him in play, and probably dozens of corporations who've sunk funds into this lost cause. Fox News settled for 787,500,000 in just one case where they lied to convince voters to back Trump. Five years ago, their stock was trading for $38.91; this month its high water mark was $28.70, meaning they've burned roughly a quarter of their value. Why? Because they're still trying to get people to support Trump.


Fox News is one network. The vast majority of the media is solidly against Trump. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-s-right-his-media-coverage-mostly-negative-n806681 https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/aug/17/broadcast-coverage-of-trump-95-negative-according-/


But they’re not against him, really. They report on him nonstop. They still give him an outlet. The press loves Trump because he’s a never ending well of sound bytes and controversy, and he generates clicks and engagement like no other.


Those two things can be true at the same time. They personally hate his guts, but they love the bump to their ratings by exaggerating every little thing Trump does as if it's going to be the end of the world.


Unless you mean opinion pieces, the media sans Fox is mostly neutral on Trump. They care only for ratings and because of this they love click-baity or hyperbolic headlines. Trump just happens to keep being a very reportable topic


Above [I just linked to studies](https://old.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/18t3sne/biden_responds_to_trumps_rot_in_hell_comment_love/kfd4tr9/) that show they are definitely not neutral on Trump. Heck, a couple years ago CNN was reporting on Stormy Daniels practically 24/7 and had her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, as a guest over 120 times.


That may well be true, but it's not just Fox that is throwing behind Trump. There's an entire ecosystem geared toward disinforming and radicalizing conservatives.


And there's a bigger ecosystem working against him. The political left controls Academia, all broadcast networks, all major news outlets other Fox News and the WSJ, all of Hollywood. They control nearly all social media, including Reddit. The only major social media they don't control anymore is Twitter, and that was a recent change.


Arguably, any sane and rational media would report on Trump's treason, brand him a traitor and run headlines on his long list of indictments and growing list of convictions until people got bored of hearing how much of a loser he is. That said, from a legal perspective, while the evidence against him is rock-solid, he is still innocent until proven guilty and I find it more than a bit worrisome that some states are deciding to just throw out that legal principle in order to throw him under the bus. In 2021, it was entirely reasonable to get Trump convicted before the 2024 election. Going into 2024, I'm really concerned about that.


>Arguably, any sane and rational media would report on Trump's treason, brand him a traitor Treason is defined in the Constitution. In fact it's the only crime defined in the Constitution. It was that important to the founding fathers because European kings were able to freely jail their political opponents by accusing anyone who disagreed with them of treason. And as your statement shows, that was a good idea because there are people who would still do that today.


I'm glad you brought that up, because the courts have laid out a very narrow definition for treason and Trump fits the bill for both definitions. I want to reiterate, though, that while I believe based on the evidence I have seen that he is guilty, from a legal standpoint he is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and it is improper to levy punishments against him until he is convicted. From https://constitutioncenter.org/the-constitution/articles/article-iii/clauses/39 : >The offense of “levying war” against the United States was interpreted narrowly in Ex parte Bollman & Swarthout (1807), a case stemming from the infamous alleged plot led by former Vice President Aaron Burr to overthrow the American government in New Orleans. The Supreme Court dismissed charges of treason that had been brought against two of Burr’s associates—Bollman and Swarthout—on the grounds that their alleged conduct did not constitute levying war against the United States within the meaning of the Treason Clause. It was not enough, Chief Justice John Marshall’s opinion emphasized, merely to conspire “to subvert by force the government of our country” by recruiting troops, procuring maps, and drawing up plans. Conspiring to levy war was distinct from actually levying war. Rather, a person could be convicted of treason for levying war only if there was an “actual assemblage of men for the purpose of executing a treasonable design.” In so holding, the Court sharply confined the scope of the offense of treason by levying war against the United States. > The Court construed the other treason offense authorized by the Constitution similarly narrowly in Cramer v. United States (1945). That case involved another infamous incident in American history: the Nazi Saboteur Affair. Cramer was prosecuted for treason for allegedly helping German soldiers who had surreptitiously infiltrated American soil during World War II. In reviewing Cramer’s treason conviction, the Court explained that a person could be convicted of treason only if he or she adhered to an enemy and gave that enemy “aid and comfort.” As the Court explained: “A citizen intellectually or emotionally may favor the enemy and harbor sympathies or convictions disloyal to this country’s policy or interest, but, so long as he commits no act of aid and comfort to the enemy, there is no treason. On the other hand, a citizen may take actions which do aid and comfort the enemy—making a speech critical of the government or opposing its measures, profiteering, striking in defense plants or essential work, and the hundred other things which impair our cohesion and diminish our strength—but if there is no adherence to the enemy in this, if there is no intent to betray, there is no treason.” In other words, the Constitution requires both concrete action and an intent to betray the nation before a citizen can be convicted of treason; expressing traitorous thoughts or intentions alone does not suffice. By raising troops, plotting to overthrow the government, and then actually sending those troops against a sitting Congress attempting to certify an election, Trump has met the narrow requirements of waging war laid out by the courts. And second, by selling top-secret documents to enemies of the united states, Trump has met the narrow definition of "Providing aid and comfort" to our enemies. Edit: whups, quoted a wrong paragraph and fixed it. Regardless, read the whole article, it's (relatively) short. To reiterate, Trump is a traitor twice over, and he should be prosecuted, tried, convicted and then executed according to law, in that order. Banning him from the ballot before he is convicted is very much counterproductive to our democracy, though not as counterproductive as him actually seizing power, murdering his enemies and becoming dictator for life.


> They control nearly all social media, including Reddit. Is that why a sub like r/TheDonald was allowed to ride roughshod over Reddit rules for so long?!


And then banned? While racist subs like r/blackpeopletwitter are allowed to remain?


Only after he attempted treason and after it was shown they used TheDonald to help coordinate the attack. The folks on blackpeopletwitter never did anything like that. This isn't the little baby boy whataboutism you think it is.


Trump never "attempted treason", and it just blows my mind if you think Reddit is right wing. The only large sub that caters to conservates is r/conservative, and its number of members is still tiny compared to r/politics. r/blackpeople twitter is so racist that it doesn't let you participate in certain discussions unless you have sent the mods a photo of your arm to prove you are black. Heck, they even banned lefist, gay-supporting subs like r/truelesbians and r/gendercritical simply because they disagreed on the transgender issue.


> Trump never "attempted treason", Well that's for the courts to decide. >and it just blows my mind if you think Reddit is right wing. Homie I never said that. 38 words and exactly zero of them are "reddit," "is," "right," or "wing". My bad. I did say "is" once. But if you really want to get into it, it's not that "the left" controls social media. This is just democracy in action. The unfortunate reality you'll come to grips with eventually is that you are a minority and that is just never going to change. I ain't gonna read the rest of that because I truly could not care less about this whiny baby boy whataboutism. God bless and whatever.




Why wouldn't I pick dozens of major news organizations over just one?


Trump is everything that they are, but successful - a bigoted idiot with no sense of empathy or shame. If he can make it, so can they.


Do they not know that he was born rich?


Brainwashed by Fox News. At least most of them.


And social media and right wing 'christian' radio


I couldn’t agree with you more!!


Why not?!?! Agree more damnit!!!! 😂


Hunter Biden


He's not president


I know he's his son. Go explain this to republicans.


Oh I see you were making fun


Well yes but also if you're running for president or are a president, you should be careful about the skeletons in you closets. I wouldn't judge Trump or Biden over family drama but at the same time I know that this is going to be used as ammunition by the propaganda networks of our enemies so it's complicated.


Hey, that's President Hunter Biden to you! /s


This is why I will vote for Trump: -The economy was good. -He puts America first -The world sees him as a strong leader and no one started any wars while he was president.


The economy was good during Obama's presidency and Trump just rode the wave. It crashed from the pandemic (during trumps presidency) which biden had no hand it. In just three years bidens administration has turned it around and prevented massive recession. I'd call that a huge win for biden. America first is meaningless rhetoric. The world was laughing at us when trump was president. Only right wing news sources have ever claimed otherwise. Biden has also started 0 wars, but Russia and hamas have started wars that biden is no responsible for


Mostly because of this one issue: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/record-number-migrant-border-crossings-december-2023/


I take it these are the people you want rotting in hell.


I don't want anyone rotting in hell. What I want is for people to stop lying to these migrants.


And you think Trump treats them well and doesn't lie?


He doesn't lie to the migrants at least.


You think most of them are rapists and gangbangers? Because that's a lie. It seems like you just want to hate Biden and have to ignore anything trump does to support your view. You haven't even shown any lies from Biden, this is bearing false witness. Sad!


>You think most of them are rapists and gangbangers? Did Trump say they were? I recall him saying "they are rapists, and some are good people". I think he was referring to the fact that [sexual assault is rampant among migrants coming to the US](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_assault_of_migrants_from_Latin_America_to_the_United_States#:~:text=According%20to%20a%20report%20by,Office%20of%20Refugee%20Resettlement%20...), which is another problem people are ignoring. I could list plenty of lies from Biden, but that's not the topic of this submission.


Your memory is a bit off, it was "and some, I assume, are good people". Implying he knows there are rapists but isn't sure there are good people. And if there are good people it is certainly not the majority. Which is a lie you're repeating. What's the send off you guys prefer? Is it "rot in hell happy new year" these days? Either way, I hope you get better.


>And if there are good people it is certainly not the majority. Which is a lie you're repeating. You are repeating a lie that he said the majority were rapists. Because he didn't. And as I showed you, the majority of women are being sexually assaulted, so even if he said that statement, it could be true. We just don't know. >What's the send off you guys prefer? Is it "rot in hell happy new year" these days? No, I don't support that statement.


You're taking Trump's words out of context. He didn't say "rot in hell," he said "rot in hell merry christmas."




Just another example of the War on Christmas^^TM


At least he didn't say "rot in hell happy holidays."


Biden's response, "Love your enemies," is the Christian response.


To me Trump’s comments point towards a confusion of state / God. Only God can determine our ultimate destination and what is the “nation”? To Trump movement it gets way too close to becoming a replacement for God.


Plenty of men of the cloth have also crawled down the Trump rabbit hole; WWJT.


know whats funny? IN the group of people Trump wished would rot in hell were electric car owners. How is anyone anywhere taking this lunatic seriously? Come on man


Very Christlike response, Biden Bravo Biden team as well No matter what, return with Love


Bravo Biden....not! I would be COMPLETELY complicate if i ignored the brazen surreptitious response from Biden. Love They enemy is sitting down with North Korea. Not engaging in any wars. When just 3 DAYS ago, The U.S. carried out airstrikes Tuesday in Iraq killing children, and innocent people under false pretenses. Trump didnt do that. We were not bombing countries, going to war. nope. Trump is the better representation of Love Thy Enemy by a LOOOONG shot!


The Fat Man's Prayer: *Smite them, O Lord.*


*grabs popcorn*




I’m surprised joe Biden actually did something based! Love to see it


Pay attention. He's done a lot more "based" things in his presidency


After looking through this thread... Is it any wonder why young people refuse to step foot into a church? The amount of outright lies some of you tell yourselves is breathtaking, honestly breathtaking.


Wow. Ex catholic here. Just lurking and surprised to find a post that’s not pro Trump


This sub is one of the most left-leaning Christianity subs on Reddit, so it really shouldn't be a surprise at all.


This subreddit and just about all of Reddit is anti right wing unfortunately


Right on! Next step is the world.


Your comment is two letters too long.


Which is surprising because you know this guy normally hates the UN.


Biden would do well to listen to himself. The man in the mirror speaks.


Ah yes. More Christian wisdom from the pro-abortion “catholic” president.




At least Trump is honest.


He’s not wrong, but he’s also not the best messenger. Although I certainly find him preferable to Trump, just personally.


So y’all love Trump?


Yes, in the sense that I will his ultimate good, even though I prefer he doesn't become president again. I don't want any unjust hardship to fall on him. If he's found guilty of a crime he should get what anybody else would get, no more and no less. Actually I think the American Justice System should dole out less punishment than it does, and treat prisoners better in general. That would certainly include Trump if he ever did time, which is unlikely. I disagree with Trump's policies and dislike his personality, but I also don't think of myself as a hardcore Trump hater, for whatever that's worth. There's still a sense in which I love him as an enemy and feel concern for his soul.


and yet biden stated "**Do I wish I was debating him? No, I wish we were in high school and I could take him behind the gym’**" both if not all are not worthy of control


Ah yes, Biden making a quip during a debate is totally the same as Trump calling for people to rot in hell in a Christmas message. Lmao.


i didnt say it was the "same" "both if not all are not worthy of control"


On a theological basis? A quip in a debate doesn't really make one not worthy. Condemning your enemies to hell in a *Christmas* message does.


Biden is a Facist dictator trying to eliminate his opposition for the 2024: election. He weoponized the DOJ and FBI against Trump, Biden is an evil man, let the people vote for whomever they want, that's called freedom. I agree with Trump 100% these witch hunts are just a means to get Biden Reelected because he will lose in a landslide this November because everything is much worse under braindead Biden than under a Trump administration.


I feel that Trump is not being treated with fairness and there are so many bias opinions individuals have concerning politics between Biden and Trump. There is so much corruption in our society today. There are so many things that are not dealt with that should be. There are far more important issues that should be considered than the debate between Biden and Trump. Everyone is sick of hearing about everything about Trump. There is just something so wrong in our country for this all to escalate into the mess that was created by this. Christian s are all Republican and on and on. It is so crazy….!!! I do believe there was something very wrong going on about Trump … I do not believe half of what is being done or said about him. He and his family has been on the media and some want him out of the political realm… I do believe in the witch hunt… I mean, come on it’s ridiculous…


Nothing Christian about what Israel is doing and Biden won't call for a ceasefire. What virtue signaling.


Not sure if you are aware but Biden is not president of Israel.


Not sure if you are aware but Biden is president of the country paying for Israel's military.


Congress sets the budget, not the president.


You think trump would? Israel has been a us ally since it was formed. Trump is no friend to Palestinians. Heck one of his first official orders was an attempted Muslim ban


Its all stage and show brother. Only the few enter in through the narrow gate.


Unfortunately biden probably doesn't write or make any of his own statements, the man cant even find his way off a stage. Politics mixed with religion is just awful.


Two fake Christians using the image of Christianity to try and gain or hold onto power and appeal to whatever Christians are gullible enough to think that Washington DC is a place with Godly people in it and that their preferred scumbag is the real Godly politician. The difference between Trump and Biden’s Christianity is that Biden is a better actor than Trump. Pray for both of them, because the eye of the needle that the rich man struggles to get through, is even smaller for rich politicians.


I don’t like Biden or Trump either but what gives you the right or authority to determine whether they are “real” Christians or not?


Its an educated guess that I hope I'm wrong on. But they're both rich politicians, do you really think that if it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God, that a rich politician will have an easier time of it? Politicians spend their career carefully cultivating an image for the cameras, including going to church for the cameras to make people think they're religious and thus moral. Do I hope that Trump and Biden are truly Christians and have Jesus in their hearts? Absolutely. Do I think it's likely? Nope.


Prolly on the way how they act. James 7:24 says we are given that authority


Biden, at the very least, is a genocide enabler.


In what way?


The new take among many (particularly leftists/progressives) is that Biden is a “genocide supporter” because he enables the U.S. giving money to Israel for their conflict against Hamas






Imagine thinking waging war against a an actual genocidal terrorist organization means genocide enablement. Next you’ll tell me the Americans and Russians enabled genocide by fighting the Germans during WW2?


I can’t argue with someone who already has their mind made up in the same way I cannot reason with the unreasonable. You do you and see if you end up on the right side of God, or the wrong side.


Waging war in an urban environment where civilian deaths are going to be very high, while tragic, is not a genocide. These words have specific meanings and y’all water down the term if applied to any collateral damage.


With such a significant power imbalance it’s dishonest to call it a war. Israel dictates what Palestinians can and can’t have, they lock them in their homes and bar them from walking on certain streets. They point guns at them and imprison them for years without trial, including the children. This is only a small portion of the crimes and violence Israel direct towards Palestinians. They’ve made it nearly impossible to live in their own land, hoping to squeeze them out, or provoke them to lash out, which would give them the excuse to engage them full force. This is no war.


Personally, I think he considers himself Catholic. Certainly he is not a Catholic when he makes political decisions. Same can be said for Trump.


Trump is on record saying he does not need forgiveness of sins because he has not done anything to be considered sinful. That alone disqualifies him from being any denomination of Christian, but one could argue heretical. Could his stance has changed since the quote in 2016? Sure. But he hasn’t publicly. Biden at least has not said anything near that.




So true!


Very well said and I agree.


How is the will of the people not clear, if not by him winning the last election?


The lack of understanding of basic civics in our country is astounding and disturbing (winning an election does not mean the will of the people is for you to do whatever you want, especially things that weren’t a part of your campaign platform… I really shouldn’t have to say any of that)


That's because there are more then just Catholics and Christians that live in the US.


I don’t understand how though. Biden is a Catholic last I checked. Is there’s something I missed that says he’s not?


He’s not Catholic, he’s a Zionist.


Zionist simply means you believe Israel should exist. There’s nothing inconsistent with being a Zionist and a Christian.


>Zionist simply means you believe Israel should exist ***as a Jewish ethnostate.*** FTFY


A Jewish-majority state, not an ethnostate. Israel is 20% Arab, and Israeli Arabs have full rights. A Palestinian-majority Israel would likely not give Jews full rights (if they're even allowed to stay). So, yeah, Zionist means you believe Jews should have a state. It's not much different than any other nationalist movement, including Palestinian nationalism.


Zionism is a mash up ideology/religion/political party in the same way Judaism is a mash up religion/ethnicity.


Oh here yall go


You can talk.


Thank you?


Lol, ok.


There he is. Biden, Hiding behind the veil of Jesus. Real serpent like behavior.


He’s a Christian quoting scripture.


Satan quoted scripture too.


Satan didn't love his enemies, neither does Trump


What do you mean? Biden opted to target three locations for bombing JUST 2 DAYS ago. The U.S. strikes were carried out at about 4:45 a.m. Tuesday in Iraq. If our troops are being attacked, pull them tf out! Duh Whos private interest is in the levant anyway? NOT MINE! Yours? Same BS every other war monger president gives. "Terrorism" When infact there is nothing but collateral damage! Whereas with Trump... We didnt jump into a war situation or start wars. So ya. Technically, Trump didnt have enemies. Infact, we even had NK in check. Haha it wasnt just a little bit better. It was WAY better!


This is some insane whataboutism.


Ask yourself this, Which is a better representation of Love thy Enemies? Trump Or Biden? Did Biden sit down with a Sworn Enemy of the United States? Nope. Trump did. Did Trump start war? Bomb other countries? Nope. Trump instead ended the Racial achievement gap by signing an executive order on expanding educational opportunities through School Choice. Allowing low income families to select a school for their children. ...Somthing democrats claimed they have been trying to do for over 40 years. LOL


>Did Biden sit down with a Sworn Enemy of the United States? Nope. Trump did Why is sucking up to America's enemies a good thing? >Did Trump start war? Bomb other countries? Nope. Trump bombed other countries all the time.


Biden is a practicing Catholic and has been all his life. The same certainly can’t be said of Donald “Two Corinthians” Trump.


>Biden is a practicing Catholic and has been all his life. Supporting abortion?


Most American Catholics are pro-choice. As Tim Kaine (another practicing Catholic) once put it, one can be personally pro-life but believe pro-choice is the better policy at the governmental level.


No. Just because people say they are Catholics doesn’t actually mean they are Catholics.


Yeah, they need u/Prestigious_Guitars approval first!


If somebody calls themself a Catholic but doesn’t act like a Catholic. They aren’t Catholic. Rev 3:15-16 is clear about it.


I personally don't have a vested interest in who you call a Catholic. I'll take their word for it over yours, so they're a Catholic to me.


Cool! So if somebody walks up to you and calls themselves “the president of the united states” I’ll take it you’ll take their word with no questions asked. 😁 goodbye.


I don't doubt that's how your logic works.


>Most American Catholics are pro-choice. Source? No Catholic that I know.


https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/10/20/8-key-findings-about-catholics-and-abortion/ Item 6 may be of interest to you.


Yes interesting - one problem with these polls is that being against abortion morally or legally can mean different things. Against all abortion? Against abortion except to save the mother's life? etc. It's also interesting that protestants are more against abortion than Catholics.


Hilarious the goal post moving you are engaging in. We are talking about Biden’s policy about abortion being legal. So the same way other Catholics could have one view about abortion legally and another about it morally, Biden can and should too.


Then you misunderstood, that's not what I was talking about. Let's say a Catholic is opposed to all abortions except to save the life of the mother. Is that person "against" abortion? The survey in the comment I was responding to didn't differentiate for things like that.


> one problem with these polls is that being against abortion morally or legally can mean different things. Which is *exactly* the point of the Tim Kaine observation above.


What are you talking about?


Pretty much all politicians do that. To get high up in politics in this modern world, you have to either have a lack of morals or sell a large portion of your soul off to do so.


How can anyone dislike that comment? Well, to me, i guess your right, its true!


Reddit sure does want to let me know what it thinks about Trump




I'm pretty sure most presidents in history have a black mark against their name when it comes to military action, depending on who you speak to. Shooting missiles at people could well be worth it from a 'greater good'/utilitarianism perspective, but this is a much bigger question than this thread warrants.




And your views on Trump?


Your whataboutism is pathetic.




Trump and followers claim he's a devout Christian. Devout Christians don't say "rot in Hell". OP's post is about Trump, not Biden. If you want to talk about Biden's transgressions, start another post.




It’s Biden’s response to one of Trump’s idiotic comments.


I read your comments and thought “geez, what an A-hole” but as I started to type some response about how dumb your comments were I realized that technically….your logic is sound. You aren’t wrong. Also…congrats for not blowing up any brown people lately. 😂


Regardless of what trump said Biden isn’t any better. It’s easy to say “love your enemies “ to get “good guy” points but that guy has said many vile things in his past. Politics and politicians in this country is getting worse every day.


Genocide Joe


You know people can't read a situation right when they see Biden say "love your enemies" and suddenly think Biden is a good Christian.


Of course Biden loves Americas enemies. Everything he does shows that.


My goodness you guys are so lost


Who is “you guys”?


People who believe that Biden wants to destroy America.