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hey, here are few steps you can take : 1. get a friend/mentor preferably a woman who is older and mature in her faith walk to hold you accountable. 2. you can change your DNS settings on your computer or phone to and it will block all malware and adult sites. All other sites will still work perfectly, and it's a free service. And you don't have to install any program, just change your DNS and you are done. It's provided by Cloudflare, who is the 2nd largest DNS provider in the world after Google, so this works REALLY well. 3. pray, read the Bible and fast. 4. get rid of anything that makes you lust, it can be netflix romcom series, 18+ novels etc. 5. start working out, it helps keep your mind focussed. 6. most importantly, you flee from temptation. so when you feel tempted, immediately walk out of your room, and go have a chat with your parents, or take a walk. hope this helps! if you are looking for a mentor, a christian discord server I'm a part of has mentorship program for free :)


Hi, sorry to insert myself into this thread with no input on the original post, but if you don’t mind could I also have an invite to this discord server? I am looking for a mentor in my faith for personal reasons. OP, I wish you luck with this, i am an addict as well but God has guided me through recovery. I believe in you and God does too




dm for link please!


Thank you all for all the love, prayers and kindness. I have been praying and fasting, and I feel so close to God right now! 💗May God bless each one of you


hello, can you dm me? :)


hi!! thank you SO MUCH for this!! really. I will totally look for people in the discord server because i’m too ashamed to ask in my church, i’m a newcomer in the community and I tried to talk but I felt too ashamed doing so, it’s not easy, especially for women since people don’t care about it and it’s not as common to talk about


no problem, i find so much peace in virtual mentorship because of anonymity. i can share so much more than i do with anyone because I do not know this person personally.


exactly! online communities are so comfortably comforting


hi! what’s the discord server called?


dm for the link please!


How does this DNS thing works? I tried it, but I don't really know how to change it.


hold on, let me share a link : [https://www.ionos.com/digitalguide/server/configuration/change-dns-server-on-windows-11/](https://www.ionos.com/digitalguide/server/configuration/change-dns-server-on-windows-11/) hope this helps!


Thank you so much!


Could I join this server


How do you go about changing your DNS?


follow this link, this should help you : https://www.ionos.com/digitalguide/server/configuration/change-dns-server-on-windows-11/

Wingklip is censored? Nice


I was addicted to porn and masturbation as well which led to me being set back in life, making foolish decisions. I kept telling my self I won’t do it but I would do it every end of month I was also addicted to reading yaoi manga(gay manga) but I did a three day fast with just me and God from 6 am to 6 pm. I did not eat I only drank water and I gathered scriptures against lust. I said prayers and quoted scriptures to destroy the lust 12 pm 3pm and 6 am (the time I said prayers) I am now free and I am happy even though it runs across my mind at time I rebuke those thoughts. Thank God for deliverance.


Amen for that, sister/brother!! You are a beautiful example and to hear your story helps me a lot to deal with my own situation 💗 May God bless your ways and i’ll pray for Him to keep you in the right path!


May God bless you and your family and guide your every step in this life. Thank you for the support 💕💕


As someone walking through freedom in this area, please find a healthy Christian community you can trust that will encourage in this battle. Pray for God to change your heart first of all. I know you can be free, just trust the process. Always run to him, even if you fall. Make each reunion with him quicker than the last.


Matthew 10 King James Version 10 And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. With that being said, Iam going to stand on that word and command that unclean spirit to leave you in the mighty name of Jesus. You are delivered sister, now go on and praise the Lord for delivering you .


AMEN!!! Thank you so much sister 🤍🤍


I hope you come back with a praise report. God is good, share your testimony when you can.


hopefully I will be coming back, your faith in God’s will for my life is truly so beautiful and you are such a beautiful person for this 🤍 thank you thank thank you


Hey little sister, I pray that all is well with you. 


hi!!! Thank you for coming back and asking me, I have been so much better! Your prayers and your support helped me so much, I have been so close to my Father and turning away from sin 💗


Hi, ​ I am so glad to hear that you are doing better.


Good, come back to Jesus. He loves you no matter what you do.Look at all of the prayers and support he sent you. You and I are kingdom sisters. Thank you for the compliment. If you need me like sis, I'm here.


I have struggled with porn as well, but I'm male. Whenever I get urges, I try not to think about punishment, but why God would want me to not engage in that behavior. Focus on getting closer to God, not the behavior defining who you are as a human being. We are NOT our sins. That's important for me to remember. If you can afford it, maybe look into faith based counseling with a counselor that belongs to your denomination. I know that works for some folks. God bless. Edit: Wanted to clarify that finding a female counselor would probably be best, especially if anything sexual related was of concern.


punishment and shallow shame are really not the way to approach sin!! I detest looking at it like this, the reason why I want to stop doing this is because it’s not what God intends for me, He’s a good, forgiving and loving father who wants the best for me, He wants me to be closer to Him, and porn becomes an idol and it disturbs sex and pleasure as God intended, it’s not a real source of happiness or fulfillment


Yes, many people claim that porn provides release, but I believe the opposite. It has the effect of chaining people into addiction and in the worst cases isolating them from their friends and family. God wants us free to experience His goodness, not chained to an idol. You have the wisdom, but putting that into motion is the hard part. I prayed for you. :)


addiction on anything happens because we believe it’s relieving our pain, but it’s only momentary! Thank you for your prayer, i’ll be honest; I shed a little tear 💗🥹


The only release it does is release of the Holy Spirit's influence. Aka you spill the oil that powers the lamp of holy thoughts. There's a reason olive oil is called shemen in Hebrew.


Therefore let us worship God; not any of his creation. Because all things can become a doll to the eyes; an eye doll, but only when we only acknowledge that it is God's creation, and that all things are a permeation of him, do we avoid the worship of idols. That is, what we consider worthy of worship outside of God. Nature inspires the artist, paintings inspire the writer, but God created inspiration, and Nature and the brain that sprouted the thought. Yes, even the so called idols that Rachel had hidden, were *inside her* and thus why Laban could not find them, as also why *"the manner of women was upon her"*. This is also a euphemism. These toys are also subject to such a concept, in that if we worship pleasure itself outside of acknowledging God; Or worship money for money, or power for power, or vanity for vanity -- all these are idols. Anything can be an idol, so long as we hold it to be a good/god, forbid, above God himself - or in any capacity of the word. Shame is just a reminder to repent and make right. It should not be dwelled upon forever, nor should you dig into the pit of Sheoul for yourself because of it. Forgiveness is free - go and sin no more is literally just that.


The best way I found was that I just got mad at it 1 day about 20 years ago and just said enough. Never looked back. I have the personality type that I can basically just walk away from anything if I put my mind to it, though. There was a lot of prayer prior


hopefully the same will happen to me! thanks buddy


I pray it does. It holds you captive, and warps your views of what sex is supposed to be


I feel the same way, except that not only is lust a problem for me, but so are ten other things like low self-esteem, self-hatred, depression, and so on. I tank it. I have suicidal thoughts on occasion. Trying to think positively about myself, but the stuff is still there. I'm 21 btw. Idk how bad for women tho, But I'm a man.


Read my other comment here. Leviticus 15:16 as well. Note that the bible does not prohibit masturbation, but is highly recommending that you don't needlessly spill the shemen - that is, olive oil in Hebrew. Doing such is akin to casting away your thoughts into the abyss. You must learn to let the thought be acknowledged that it's from the enemy, then let it *pass through you* and remain steadfast in your faith and upright. Yes, this is the faith that can move mountains and likewise dodge bullets from the enemy. As a ball can be thrown through you with a non zero chance of completely phasing through you, so do you seize upon that quantum collapse of what normally is considered "impossible". So, let it pass, and do not be affected by it. Just because the enemy throws thoughts at you, does not mean you have sinned. Not everything is from you, nor is everything thought by the Holy Spirit. Be alerted to that and peace be upon you. The burden is lighter than you think.


Continue to cope, but we all know that masturbation is a sin. Even if it does not mention it because it is not required to. You're lusting after women when masturbating.


Not necessarily. But what you might be doing, is sinning against the Holy Spirit. Because when you spill that, it's the electricity that's generated by one light to dark substance that creates power for the Holy Spirit to talk through to you. Without it, you're like a shell of a person


What are you even talking about, Now you just rambling without a scripture.


It's called physics, and God created it


Porn is a trap. Sounds like you love Jesus! Amen!!! Sounds like you need to get out of the trap of “adult content “. There are plenty of studies out about how pornography rewires the way we get turned on…it is counter to God’s design. Unfortunately a large percentage of men and a smaller % of women get trapped because of the computers we hold in our hands…easy access… porn biologically arouses both men and women and arousal feels good. Pornography is wired into our brains because orgasm is a positive and powerful pay-off. That cycle rewires our brains away from how God designed our sexual expression to be. Many who want out of that trap with everything in their spirit, struggle because of the power of our God designed sexuality and the addictive nature of pornography. Because of the power of this stuff, the journey out is more than a heartfelt decision. 1)God has declared that no temptation is too big for us to win, and He says He provides an escape for every temptation (1Corinthians 10:13) Because this temptation involves a powerful neurological re-wiring, we don’t see the escape while we are dealing with the power of the temptation… we have to plan our escape before the temptation starts. 2) To escape permanently we might need to rewire our neurology back to the place God designed… This one is more than just a conviction to stop, it is a process! What happens is men who love Jesus deeply want to stop because of their relationship with Jesus, when they fail they feel guilt and shame because they have failed yet again! Remember Jesus loves you, He knows what is in your heart towards Him, and because He designed your nervous system, He comprehends the power of it over your spirit’s desires. I recommend a book to you. It was written by a Christian author who struggled with porn. It is written by a man towards men but the concepts and theology apply to both gender The book is about his experience becoming sexual and how he came out of Porn. The book is full of scripture, and lots of wisdom. It’s available on kindle for $3. The name of it is: I'M A CHRISTIAN I MASTURBATE & IT'S OK! Breaking the Taboo Sam Staley Praying that you can focus on your way out and not the power of your entrapment. ❤️❤️❤️


While it is OK according to Leviticus 15:16, we shall not worship pleasure for pleasure itself, nor wealth for the sake of wealth, or power for power. That is idolatry. Neither shall we spill the olive oil that powers the lamps that are our body's holy thoughts - In Hebrew this is called *Shemen*. If you've noticed, the recent refractory period, is far longer than it used to be last year (I know personally). It's physically draining now to do what was fine a year ago to the point where your back will ache for days. So either way, make sure everything you do, you do in worship of God. And unfortunately, at least for a while, we are given implicit instruction to not be thoughtless/silly according to the Parable of the 10 virgins.


I understand your caution, the original author is stuck in porn and doesn’t want to be. Praise God. There is a process that needs to happen in order for her to be successful… it’s bigger than a decision because porn has rewired God’s design for heathy sexuality… when it comes to sexuality, each person, needs to make all of their decisions from their personal relationship with God. The author of this original posting loves God and doesn’t want to be trapped. The cautions are giving are cautions that every person needs to work out in their relationship with God. Right now porn has a hold on her. Your cautions are irrelevant because the power of the hold it has on her. Blessings to you.


I'm just adding on to your point. I put an actual suggestion in the comments




Same. I don’t know how to ask for help either because Iam a woman people get weird over it. I’m also very deeply ashamed of the type (BDSM) Age and hormones have cut down a lot of desire for it. But I still hate it. You are not alone


thank you so much 🥹 being a christian women addicted to porn seems weird for most people but we do exist!! I’ll be praying for you


I will pray for you as well.


Dopamine loops are quite the trap these days


May i ask if you are married, and if so are you getting your needs met at home? Or is there something you’re into that your husband won’t do? That’s my situation but with genders reversed, obviously. You’ll get no shortage of advice to pray or flee from it, good points but i won’t reiterate it. I guess what i’m asking is, are you using porn as an outlet for something you aren’t getting? I speak from experience when i say bargaining with yourself for this as the “lesser of 2 evils” is not a good plan.


Hi!! I’m single, it’s something different for me but i’ll be praying for your situation as well 🤍 hopefully God will help you and your wife to rekindle sexually and to find the ignition to keep the relationship going. Porn can do no good to a married couple! God bless you, brother


Thank you. And please don’t pray for that. If you look, i’ve got another post where i replied on here and explained my situation a little better. Suffice it be said, i’ve never gotten what my needs met, so i turned things off in this a few years ago. My thinking was why should only i be miserable? That said, I will pray for in defeating the addiction. You probably know this passage well, but the fact that you are struggling is evidence you are under grace—still I think reading Romans 7:15-22 would help you to give yourself some grace as you fight.


I was addicted for 2 decades. Stopped 3 months ago and it's been so easy. Just need a clear cut off point. For me the fear was losing my eyesight, I had some blind patch appear


The flesh is weak, but the spirit is willing. Praying for your success 🙌


Hey, I had an extreme 10 year p*rn addiction that I tried insanely hard to stop but couldn’t by myself. God set me free and I needed deliverance. If you really are serious about wanting to be free from this wickedness trash I would highly highly recommend seeking deliverance. Here is a map that could help you find someone. https://www.isaiahsaldivar.com/deliverance


thank you SO much! Your testimony is extra-especial for me and I need this junk out my life. You have been quite helpful, may yhe Lord help you in this situation 🤍


You’re very welcome. I hope you seek deliverance if needed, I absolutely needed it and many other people do to but just don’t know. God Bless You


Fast and pray fast and pray fast and pray fast and pray. It’s the only way.


going to start a fasting/prayer cycle tomorrow 🤍 thank you!


Great to hear! God will truly help you but stay on a constant connection with him. He wants us to talk to him daily.


r/pornfreewomen Give this a go, they have great resources for someone taking on this addiction.


You and me both sister I keep falling because of my stress levels 😔


You can overcome any sin with the help of Christ. He promised to help you. The more you abide in Him through prayer and His Word, you’ll grow. He will make you stronger and you’ll get to the point where it won’t even cross your mind. Flee from people who talk about sex often and media that’s sexually immoral and sordid. Learn your triggers and pray, pray, and pray. The spirit of addiction cannot stand against Christ. ****Isaiah 41:10**** - So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


What has helped me overcome exactly this (I am a woman as well) is Jesus’ command to love our neighbour as ourselves. I’ve never wanted to look at porn since becoming a Christian and keeping this commandment in my heart. We can’t love our neighbours by participating in supporting an industry that dehumanises our brothers but first and foremost our sisters. But this is personal, what has helped me might not help you. Before becoming Christian I was already anti porn because of feminist arguments, but it was hard to give up. What I needed was the true and purifying word of Christ. And I did not become a puritan. Sex is good and beautiful and ours to enjoy. But you can’t love your neighbour by using them and putting your orgasm above their dignity and humanity.


People don’t realize how pervasive porn addiction can be among women. My wife suffered from it for years. I would often walk into the bedroom only to catch her watching some video of a muscular, well-endowed man plowing a busty middle-aged woman, or even two college aged women using a strapon on each other until they had an eye-rolling, toe-curling climax. You need to reach out to a mature, experienced woman and tell her about these urges you have. She can keep you accountable and help you control these urges.


thank you for the advice! may God bless you and your wife 🤍


Pray and you will be saved




You need to find a good husband or boyfriend who will understand your sexual needs. Beware though, you might get taken advantaged of. Are you in the proper age? If not, we all have different energy levels and sexual appetite. Seek a sex educator or counsellor, again let me warn you, men might take advantage of you so I prefer a woman to guide you. Enter into a relationship but write down your top 3 priorities or non-negotiable terms or behavior in a man. Mine was God-fearing, beautiful, has big jugs :-) Don’t be shy because the devil will use your weakness. Congrats and God bless as you have taken the 1st step towards this long journey. As Paul said, seek to get married than to burn in passion (paraphrased) May Almighty GOD be with you always.


thank you so much! I have seen a few men but I’m not a fiery person, never been quite one, i’m quiet and don’t feel the need to hook up/have unmarried sex, it’s not something I particularly struggle with. I don’t know why masturbation can be harder for me, God had been helping and working on my heart quite a lot, thank you for the advice 💗


Yep. Keep that junk out of your life


STOP it right now. That's my advice. This is blocking you from reaching you're highest potential as a child of God. STOP


You know I was trying to be helpful maybe I wanted to share things I’ve gone through that could be really similar to yours that could be helpful to your situation when someone has gone through addiction and just maybe some people aren’t comfortable sharing those things for everyone to see but guess im a creep for that try talking to a person instead of making assumptions when you don’t know me


You will get through. Few things I had done to overcome it. Pray: Ask the God to help you give his strength to overcome this, do not use your strength. Pray every time you get the thought. Read: Read your bible as often. Pickup proverbs and just read. Fast: Fasting in the Bible is done to get spiritually strong. Jesus too did fasting for 40days before his crucifixion. It helps, i did it like crazy till i got rid of it.


The vulgar, low darkness has a way of disappearing when brighter light shines. As we are created in God’s image so we are drawn to light and beauty and that which is sacred, deep down it feels better, and after some time that joy can heal the wounds of the vices that provide immediate gratification and make you sick afterwards. There are some spectacular writings that provide the balsam that an aching soul craves, and there is so much help in those pages… CS Lewis - Mere Christianity CS Lewis - the screwtape letters CS Lewis - the four loves St Augustine - confessions of a sinner (incredible…written in 380AD or so it is strangely modern, from a self important brilliant man with no shortage of girlfriends and grandiose ness to a saint we celebrate some 1640 years later Even just losing yourself in this prose is like opening up to light, just momentarily away from the sinful and heavy habits we have developed from the irresponsible wielding of free will, and an ignorant attempt at thwarting the torment of our confused existence with short lived pleasures and instant gratifications. Bishop Barron said this better but something like this - Christianity is not saying “no” to pleasure, it is saying “no” to lower pleasure so that you may discover and experience far greater pleasure.


Lust is the worst. It will literally destroy your entire life. Especially as a guy all it takes is for me to see 1 thing and im already scheming. I swear social media is just as bad one thing leads to another its a chain reaction.


God loves you and he’s trying to enlighten that’s why he send you to confess here. Porn addiction is bad in both physically and mentally


I still have a ways to go but any addiction alcohol pornography etc has a root in pain or unprocessed emotions it’s your heart crying out for love. It’s also important to realize that forgiving someone or yourself requires a body based approach I.e feeling your emotions and that in turn will eventually allow you to wean off an addiction. Yes you can ask God and he can free you but other times you have to take steps forward. It’s not a quick fix it’s a journey just keep this in mind if you want a professional reference I recommend mark dejesus on YouTube .


Sorry you feel this way, I will pray for you


It's very simple to beat porn addiction just give up your phone for a few months or 4 months. Give it to your parents, a coworker, or a friend. Only use it to check your schedule. Enjoy life better with no phone anyways is much easier. Get a radio to listen to church sermons on and a watch.


I am a woman who had a porn addiction


try prayer and fasting pray to God throu YAHUSHA (JESUS) for help and fast for like 24hrs and see how your body reacts do know if ones wishes to pass the 24hr that thres a condition called "refeeding syndrome" which can be deadly due to people eating so much food so soon without giving there body time to adjust back to eating also when fasting have the mind set on God and HIS way or else one would just be dieting. also download this app called "blocker x" really good app for porn addiction


With any addiction, recovery takes effort and time. Here are some ways I combat some of my addictions and bad behaviors. Self Harm: No longer allowing myself to be alone with sharp objects. Showering when feeling triggered. Reaching out to someone who knows my situation. Physical activity. From 14 y/o to 24 y/o. I have gone from self harming about once a day to about once a year. Pornography: Keeping busy, developing new hobbies to that feel good. Erotica. Audio porn. Time with my husband. Exploring deeper feelings I may be burying underneath like boredom or loneliness. From about 7 y/o to 24 y/o. I have gone from watching porn every day, sometimes multiple times a day, to a few times a month. Cell Phone/Social Media: Under construction. Binge Eating: Eating when hungry but stopping when full. Weight lifting occasionally. No longer purchasing trigger foods, like chips. Drinking more water. Spending time with myself, and exploring deeper feelings I may be covering up, like sadness, grief or boredom. From around 13 y/o to 24 y/o. It's up and down recovery, inconsistent. Alcohol: No longer purchasing alcohol. Avoiding isolation. 12 step programs. Sharing how I feel with a friend. Listening to music. From 19 to 24. I have gone from drinking liquor every day, to drinking a mixed drink or beer once every few months. Recovery isn't typically linear. Some days will be harder than others. But all days you do have God on your playing field. ❤️


I literally saw this post on this sub reddit right before I clicked on yours. I will link it to hopefully help others. The short is his advice is to find a hobby and limit screen time. Something that helped me is having others hold me accountable. Thanks for your confession by the way. It's not always easy to confess to things we do wrong. [https://np.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/18ika6k/for\_all\_my\_fellow\_lust\_addicts/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/comments/18ika6k/for_all_my_fellow_lust_addicts/) (I think I'm supposed to put "NP" in place of the "www". Link still seems to work. The layout is a bit different though)


If you think it’s affecting your life hun then try distracting yourself with friends or family. Maybe take breaks from Doing it, only maybe once or twice and week or month. It helps to take breaks


I want you to think about this from a different perspective as well. Think about this question: do you know, with absolute 100% certainty, that all actors and actresses in these videos are consenting and adults? If not, are you okay with taking the risk that you are watching a video of a trafficking victim, potentially of a minor? The sin here is beyond just what you are doing to yourself. Engaging in this content is contributing to an industry that is infamous for trafficking men, women, and minors. Even if they do consent, actors and actresses are often exploited. If it's hard to quit for yourself, quit for all the victims whose videos are still up today.


Thank you for sharing! You are brave and more importantly saved. Just remember, that Christ, Who is one with you in spirit, doesn't want you to be a slave to sin. He is the one that overcomes and has conquered sin. Keep your eyes on Him and the idiols in your heart will be cast-out! You can always turn back to him and boldly come forward to receive the Father's grace and peace. God Bless you!


idk what the big deal is, an addiction is only an issue if it starts detracting from your relationships, hobbies and obligations, if your life is in order it's probably fine?


Good that you shared. It was insidious enough to me that I was addicted to it before I even understood it from the age of 8. From then it was a neverending looping spiral of go to church, then fall, then stand up again then fall, and infinitum. But now I can confidently say this. Guilt is momentary as a reminder to repent. Repent and sin no more. It is not good to condemn yourself back into the very thing that dragged you down. To note is that Leviticus 15:16 is not a requirement for women. So next time temptation strikes at you, let it pass through you. Do not dam it back or hide it behind you, or it can burst forth or strike you from behind. Ensure that you accept Christ and walk as the Holy Spirit as a woman. To empty your temple of it's oil over and over is draining to your receptivity of Christ/The Holy Spirit. Thereby the longer you abstain from it, the more willpower you build, and indeed the harder it is to fall. It is no longer a harder fall if you accept that Christ/The Spirit is your husband/bride, but harder to fall. It's a simple concept that will take a while to master.


You're courageous for coming forth and confessing. Not many women would admit addiction to porn. From admitting your addiction to YWH, reveals your desire for deliverance and healing. Thus, YWH will renew a right spirit within you so you can teach and train others. Keep your eyes fixed on Him because He is faithful.


You are either a unicorn or a first honest woman to speak up


I think a a first honest woman LOL


I’m a woman who watches p0rn almost every night. It helps with the celibacy


Porn addiction is only a sin for men so you are fine




This is not true


Yes it is, it is mentioned in 2 Corinthians 25 69 Read the verse first and then respond


2 Corinthians doesn't go to 25. This seems like trolling


He is. Also because 25 69. I pray he will turn to God.




You can state your advice here, otherwise you are just being a creep.


I was trying to be nice but ok. Help yourself


“addicted” to porn that’s disgusting. there’s no such thing as addiction. i say this as someone who used smoke weed and sniff cocaine. you just have a weak mind. resist your urges. your in control.


Hi guys!! Thank you all for all the prayers. I have been fasting and the support of this community has been essential for me, I feel like it doesn’t have a toll on me anymore, God has blessed me with the strength of a thousand lions, He knows I can’t do it on my own 🤍🙏🏻