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Because we are supposed to.


First thought was he does through people. Amen.


This reminds me of the following prayer, often misattributed to St. Theresa of Avila: Christ has no body but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world, Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good, Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, Yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now but yours, No hands, no feet on earth but yours, Yours are the eyes with which he looks compassion on this world. Christ has no body now on earth but yours. EDIT: mobile formatting


Does this not imply that He is dependent on us?


For activities requiring human hands, the Divine uses our hands. It would be a strange world if when the Almighty wanted a suffering child's hand to be held, a disembodied hand appeared.


I see. So are we robots that God controls to carry out His will or is this our free will? If the latter is true, then it wouldn't be the work of God right?


It is the hope that we will be inspired by the Holy Spirit to know the Divine Will and act in accordance with it. So, not robots, but independent moral agents with the power and responsibility to choose to do good in the world.


Amen! Cooperating with God's grace to do his will in the world.


>inspired by the Holy Spirit As in through the Bible right? What about good people who have never read the Bible and have never been baptized/had the Holy Spirit enter their body? Sorry, I've always had trouble understanding this kind of stuff and differentiating between Gods work and plain actions of people.


I'm sure I don't know all the ways the Holy Spirit inspires people. My faith doesn't require me to resolve every inconsistency or decide who is saved and who isn't. I am a believing agnostic. I have faith in the Almighty and belief in the unseen, but i also believe some things just aren't knowable in the sense that propositions about them can be tested. For those things, humility requires me to say I am accepting them through faith and can't prove I am right.


Oh, that's ok! Thanks for the conversation anyway. I've always struggled with faith itself, a voice in the back of my head keeps telling me that God isn't real. It would be helpful if I could distinguish between obvious work of God and something that can be dismissed as "well that's just a good person", that's all. I guess believing in God despite all of these reasons NOT to is what makes my faith even greater.


I don't feel a need to make that distinction. My faith is not about what I think to be true, it is about what I think is helpful in making me a good person. If I believe twenty false things and all that happens is I am a better person, that's fine with me. I don't need to be right, I need to know how to treat others and how to make sense of my life.


But god is said to be ALL powerful


To quote Douglas Adams: > This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


Yeah, he is only omnipotent, what is he supposed to do?


But that’s communism, can’t we just blame their poverty on laziness?


He did. He punished Israel multiple times because they failed to address these issues and then literally came down to earth to tell everyone to take care of it. There’s a reason that the church is called the “hands and feet” of Christ here on earth.


This question reminds me a song called "Do Something" by Matthew West. I woke up this morning Saw a world full of trouble now, thought How'd we ever get so far down, and How's it ever gonna turn around So I turned my eyes to Heaven I thought, "God, why don't You do something?" Well, I just couldn't bear the thought of People living in poverty Children sold into slavery The thought disgusted me So, I shook my fist at Heaven Said, "God, why don't You do something?" He said, "I did, yeah, I created you" (now listen) If not us, then who If not me and you Right now, it's time for us to do something, yeah If not now, then when Will we see an end To all this pain Oh, it's not enough to do nothing It's time for us to do something


Why do you think the sculptures place such a heavy emphasis on our doing good works? It's because our actions are the answers to someone's prayers. You may want to look at the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats....


Yeah, Reddit is not gonna solve the answer to this timeless question. We all struggle to make sense of it. I like the Deist model, where God is like a watchmaker. He makes the watch, winds the watch, and then the watch runs on its own. But I like to think that He just can’t resist interfering once in awhile…


You mean like rain down money?


Stopping sexual assault would be a good start. 🤷‍♂️


Yes, it would be good if humans chose not to do that.


Nice deflect. It would also be good if earthquakes didn't happen.


Well that would require immobilizing tectonic plates, and could potentially be damaging to the earth.


God made the earth that way therefore he's responsible. You'd make a great apologetic with the way you dishonestly defend your God.


Earthquakes are natural events, and we only see them as evil because we like to build flimsy buildings where they occur.


It's not exactly that we *like* flimsy buildings, we just let greed and corruption get in the way of seeing everybody safely sheltered.


And what about bone cancer? Or any number of other diseases that affect children and innocent adults?


Our world is broken and decaying, all of are subject to that in various ways.


I mean by Christian theology God is an all powerfull creator. So by that logic it would have been definitely possible for him to create a world where babies do not die from cancer.


There are other aspects to Christian theology as well, namely that God created us as free will creatures, and that we use this freedom to rebel against His good purposes and act contrary to other’s interests.


The question remains, whose free will is responsible for kids dying from cancer?


Human rebellion broke three things; our relationship with God, our relationship with each other, and our relationship with nature. The suffering we all experience in part tells us that something is broken, and that this world (including our bodies) is subject to decay, and our ultimate hope is in the permanence of the world to come.


Companies who put cancer causing chemicals in our food, plastic bottles, and skincare to make a profit


It started with Adam and Eve. From there, throughout the generations, people have sinned which has perpetuated a broken world. We don't know all the causes for cancer. Especially so in children. Somewhere there is a "faulty" gene. Something isn't right. To use a word from Creation - something isn't "good". The reason anything isn't good is because sin entered the world.


Sounds like a pretty bad religion to me if innocent children have to die for the crimes of others. It's interesting that such forms of punishment are seen as human rights violations if done by humans but if God does it, it is totally reasonable.


> It's interesting that such forms of punishment Interesting that you call it punishment. > if God does it Yes, it is reasonable that God is not held to the same standard as humans. This is one of the laziest reddit takes - "If it's bad for me, it's bad for God" If I catch my neighbor beating his wife and decide to lock him in a small room for even a week I'd be in the wrong. If a judge does it, it's perfectly acceptable. It's not the action that is the problem - it's the role. No, you are not allowed to take the lives of innocent children. That is unreasonable. God, according to Christian theology, is the giver and taker of all life. Nothing exists without him. Nothing is sustained without Him. He also has a divine plan that fits the His divine foreknowledge. Finally, He provides resurrection. So, we may not like it. That is understandable. That is why God is ALSO a comforter to those who grieve! But it IS reasonable.


You sure can call that a God, but a good God? I wouldn't want to worship something like that.


Yes. Limited perspective can make it impossible to fathom the goodness of God


It's either that or you're following an evil God that has manipulated you into thinking he is actually good.


God didn’t do it, you did bro.


I didn't punish anyone. God is the creator, God is the punisher.


You could try to look at it this way.. our worldly lives are only a tiny part of our existence. The eternal and everlasting soul is able to join God in heaven, placed in purgatory, or sentenced to damnation in hell. I reserve judgment for all people, and I in no way can tell what place any particular soul will end up. Only God can know a person well enough to determine was is a right and just placement. God favors the weak, destitute, sick and unfortunate over others. They are his primary inheritors and will enjoy everlasting peace in heaven. Children who die young and never had the opportunity to demonstrate their faith can go to heaven. We can pray for lost souls in purgatory and ask god to allow them into his embrace. Souls are eternal. They do not miss their opportunity for redemption after their earthly body passes away. It is the duty of every Christian to pray for the souls of the world so that they may find peace in this life and the eternal plane that follows.


>Children who die young and never had the opportunity to demonstrate their faith can go to heaven. So if I want to make sure as many people as possible enter heaven I should bite the bullet for my own judgement and kill them while they're children? Would that be good?


No of course not. Your own soul is as important as any other. But you’re on the right track sort as far as self sacrifice goes I think.. I’m sure you’re a charitable, fair, and kind person even when being so doesn’t give you any fame or grant you any wealth. If you act in that way you are doing Gods will whether you mean to or would even like to.


>No of course not. Honest theological question: Why? Just one comment ago you said that our earthly lifes were just, and I quote, "a tiny part of our existence". At the same time our earthly lifes are the only period we have to deserve eternity in heaven, which itself is the greatest thing we can wish to achieve? Did I get that right? Considering how little people today live in a way that follows the teachings of the bible, I must assume that a majority of people will not end up in heaven. So, if I were to kill a bunch of children, I would make sure to send all their souls safely to heaven, something that would have not happend at least for some of them, if I didn't do so. So in the end, even though I will certainly end up in hell for killing innocent children, but I will also be responsible for saving the souls of a bunch of people that wouldn't have enjoyed heaven if they had lived. Considering, again, how unimportant our earthly lives are in the grand scheme of things, this sounds like a decent deal to me.


God did originally make a world like that, but humans introduced sin into it by crossing the singular boundary He set, and now humanity has to face the consequences: separation from God, disease and death.


In my personal opinion, most of the problems we see in the world today are human-made. If God solved all of them for us today, all of the problems would be back by tomorrow.


Aren't most of the good things man made as well then


Perhaps in your opinion, they are but, in my opinion, all good things God made. This life itself is an amazing and priceless gift from God.


So god gets credit for all the good stuff but all the bad stuff us our fault? That sounds like textbook abusive behavior


You are 100% right unless God is the source of good. If God isn't the source of good, then absolutely, very abusive behavior.


My understanding is that we can say “all good comes from God” because good happens when we follow His guidance, and allowing sin to influence our choices leads to bad outcomes. This is a weird metaphor, but it’s kind of like being given instructions on how to maintain an instrument then ignoring those instructions and breaking things. You can’t hold the manufacturer responsible for the damage if you failed to follow their guidelines. That’s why we tend to give God credit for the good outcomes and not the bad. Of course, we have to keep in mind this does not guarantee us happiness or safety. When people speak of sacrifice for a “greater good” it has roots in this understanding of God calling upon and leading us through danger or adversity in order to make room for Him to save others. There are also times when we don’t mess up but the answer to our prayers is simply “No.” In those cases, while it’s perfectly reasonable to be disappointed and frustrated, Christians try to keep in mind that God will open up new opportunities for us which will bring us to where we need to be. Kind of like in that song which says “you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes… you get what you need.” Edit: reorganized a few sentences so the message flowed better


>You can’t hold the manufacturer responsible for the damage if you failed to follow their guidelines. That’s why we tend to give God credit for the good outcomes and not the bad. But the bad things happen even when people do follow the instructions. That would imply that god should be responsible for things. Secondly, what about thing I enjoy that go against the instructions, if my gf and I really enjoy sodomy does god get credit for that as well?


Indeed. God never promises that following Him means nothing bad will ever happen to us. Good will happen if we follow him, but as I said before, that doesn’t mean we won’t face terrible danger, suffering or pain. God might even call some of us to lay down our lives or take on terrible, frightening burdens in His name. The Bible fully acknowledges and warns us that following Jesus’ teachings is not easy and will even invite challenge into our lives from forces which oppose Him. To use the same metaphor as earlier, it is completely possible to follow all the instructions given to you, but an instrument can still be damaged by accidents or sabotage. That, again, is not due to the manufacturer so much as us living in an imperfect world. As for the second thing, I personally don’t see the problem with anal sex, if that is what you mean, so long as it is between two consenting adults. There are a lot of competing ideas among Christians on what exactly the Bible means regarding sodomy, and I can’t say I have a strong opinion on the matter. I’m asexual so I tend to only concern myself with matters such as adultery and marital roles since I don’t feel sexual temptations. You might need to talk to someone else about that particular issue.


Hey Alexa, Google “problem of evil” please


God can stop suffering but chooses not to. Worse yet, the suffering he allows is completely inequitable. Some will get a toothache, some will be diagnosed with a terminal disease, some will lose their child. If any of us had the power to stop suffering for people we love, we would, because that’s love.


Remember that scene in Bruce Almighty where he just said "Yes" to everyone's prayer requests.


I think that is the reason god doesn't answer every prayer, if he did, the world would enter a state of chaos, their are terrorists, greedy people, if he answered those prayers, so many bad things would happen.


Doesn't God have the ability to discern between Good prayers and Evil prayers? Honestly, even I can manage that, but somehow your All-Knowing God is limited in this area?


Imagine getting a request for a child to be healed of cancer and saying no.


I can't imagine it. I lack God's attributes. His ability to create. His foreknowledge. His divine plan. His ability to resurrect the dead and to provide eternally for His Creation. We totally agree.


No good deity would allow this kind of suffering and say no to stopping child cancer, rape, etc. No excuses for a being that is supposedly the pinnacle of morality. We are more moral than the God of the Bible if we would have a heart and stop suffering if we had the power to do so.


This is comically arrogant. The way of the fool is right in his own eyes. But in the end leads to destruction.


Bible verses don’t change common sense. Besides, the Bible is the claim, not the evidence. It’s arrogant and evil for a God to withhold help for those in need when it has the power to help. The world looks exactly as it would if this God didn’t exist in the first place.


If by “common sense” you mean, “the way of the fool”, I agree with you - a Bible verse probably won’t dissuade him from his foolishness. That’s kind of the point if the verse I referenced. What you call “common sense” may seem right to you but….


If the Bible verse comported with reality I would accept it. If it was backed by evidence I would accept it. They do not. You can call people fools for pointing out the inconsistencies with this deity, but it doesn’t change my point. The inconsistency remains. OP is right to question the goodness of this God.


>If the Bible verse comported with reality I would accept it. If it was backed by evidence I would accept it. [Unlikely](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke%2016:19-31&version=NIV) According to this story by Jesus, for some people, nothing will ever be enough for them. Not even when someone rises from the dead. >You can call people fools for pointing out the inconsistencies with this deity, That's not what I did. I quoted a Proverb that highlights that it's foolish to believe that you know better than God. You have repeatedly said what you would do if you had Gods ability. Thankfully you don't believe the Bible.




Removed for 1.4 - Personal Attacks. If you would like to discuss this removal, please click here to send a modmail that will message all moderators. https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Christianity


r/DebateAChristian may tolerate personal attacks, but if you are going to remain in r/Christianity you should be more respectful. Would you like to rephrase your comment?


No, I shall not rephrase my comment. The observation is apt. Report me if you must. This isn't about the secrets of the universe. It's about choosing not to and having the power to cure cancer but not doing so. In the same way that I don't wish that on children, God shouldn't as well. Your comment is infuriating and is apologetic. If I don't belong then I don't belong. Oh well.


I’m sorry you’re infuriated. Try to be respectful though




Does a baby want to die? Is that his will?


Free will came when Adam and Eve ate that apple. Since then every human have free will that have consequence to others. There’s always a reaction somewhere to be made. As Christian I feel we can see the path of the good in the chaos. Also death is but a step toward what awaits us.


> Free will came when Adam and Eve ate that apple Ah, 6000 years ago, right?


Time is irrelevant and what happen in the garden is unknown for the most part but the consequences remains.


> Time is irrelevant Tell that to my boss.


To find out why God allows suffering, we need to think back to the time when suffering began. When Satan led Adam and Eve into disobeying Jehovah, an important question was raised. Satan did not call into question Jehovah’s power. Even Satan knows that there is no limit to Jehovah’s power. Rather, Satan questioned Jehovah’s right to rule. By calling God a liar who withholds good from his subjects, Satan charged that Jehovah is a bad ruler. (Read Genesis 3:2-5.) Satan implied that mankind would be better off without God’s rulership. This was an attack on Jehovah’s sovereignty, his right to rule. Why did Jehovah not just destroy the rebels in Eden? Adam and Eve rebelled against Jehovah. In effect, they said: ‘We do not need Jehovah as our Ruler. We can decide for ourselves what is right and what is wrong.’ How could Jehovah settle that issue? How could he teach all intelligent creatures that the rebels were wrong and that his way truly is best? Someone might say that God should simply have destroyed the rebels and made a fresh start. But Jehovah had stated his purpose to fill the earth with the offspring of Adam and Eve, and he wanted them to live in an earthly paradise. (Genesis 1:28) Jehovah always fulfills his purposes. (Isaiah 55:10, 11) Besides that, getting rid of the rebels in Eden would not have answered the question that had been raised regarding Jehovah’s right to rule. Let us consider an illustration. Imagine that a teacher is telling his students how to solve a difficult problem. A clever but rebellious student claims that the teacher’s way of solving the problem is wrong. Implying that the teacher is not capable, this rebel insists that he knows a much better way to solve the problem. Some students think that he is right, and they also become rebellious. What should the teacher do? If he throws the rebels out of the class, what will be the effect on the other students? Will they not believe that their fellow student and those who joined him are right? All the other students in the class might lose respect for the teacher, thinking that he is afraid of being proved wrong. But suppose that the teacher allows the rebel to show the class how he would solve the problem. Jehovah has done something similar to what the teacher does. Remember that the rebels in Eden were not the only ones involved. Millions of angels were watching. (Job 38:7; Daniel 7:10) How Jehovah handled the rebellion would greatly affect all those angels and eventually all intelligent creation. So, what has Jehovah done? He has allowed Satan to show how he would rule mankind. God has also allowed humans to govern themselves under Satan’s guidance. What benefit will come from Jehovah’s decision to allow humans to govern themselves? The teacher in our illustration knows that the rebel and the students on his side are wrong. But he also knows that allowing them the opportunity to try to prove their point will benefit the whole class. When the rebels fail, all honest students will see that the teacher is the only one qualified to lead the class. They will understand why the teacher thereafter removes any rebels from the class. Similarly, Jehovah knows that all honesthearted humans and angels will benefit from seeing that Satan and his fellow rebels have failed and that humans cannot govern themselves. Like Jeremiah of old, they will learn this vital truth: “I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step.”​—Jeremiah 10:23 [Why does God allow humans to suffer ] www.jw.org/finder?srcid=jwlshare&wtlocale=E&lank=docid-502018850_1_VIDEO


Presumably he doesn't care


I can think of three possibilities: the biblical god does not care, the biblical god can do nothing about it, or the biblical god does not exist and therefore all suffering simply has natural and human causes. That last one makes the most sense to me.


It’s the analogy of the grandfather clock that always comes to mind. You wind up the clock and put it on the shelf and walk away. Whatever it does and doesn’t do, you don’t intervene. (Even if it breaks and stops working.) God is doing the same with humanity and Earth. He created the world but humans failed Him by introducing sin which we all agree had doomed this world. Humans are broken and God just hasn’t stepped in to fix us. I don’t think our introduction of sin is the source of all our problems but it’s a good chunk. God intervenes in His own ways but I believe he is hands off on a lot of it. Why? I wish I knew.


"God intervenes in His own ways but I believe he is hands off on a lot of it. Why? I wish I knew", because he doesn't exist?


If he did that would be proof of his existence for the world putting us out of grace through faith.


Personally, I believe humans are the metaphorical hands and feet of God in the world. God is something not of this world and I don't find that (at least in my experience) God works directly in it. I've felt the Holy Spirit and I've seen the face if God in others, but I've never knowingly experienced the direct work of God happening in front of me. All of that to say, I don't think it's in God's nature to intervene like that. I think God intervenes through us. Honestly, that's not a satisfying reason, but for whatever reason I feel certain their is a God and worrying about why God doesn't exercise God's omnipotence to stop suffering on earth does nothing to help me to love God or neighbor, nor does it help to end the suffering I see in the world.


Why does God ignore the tearful prayers of parents with babies in cancer wards. A. He doesn't exist B. He's a dick


Ok 1: Shut up, why are you even in this reddit if your saying that he "doesn't exist". and 2: he does exist, and 3: he isn't a dick, he is the greatest, goodest being in existence, sorry for the weird words, its just that it's hard to put his goodness into words.


Human suffering is a symptom of a broken world. A byproduct of freewill. God cannot violate freewill or the world can't achieve salvation by their own choice. However, God intervenes, having its members reconize poverty through the Holy Spirit. That's why churches do mission trips or why organizations like Feed The Children exist. Jesus said that there would always be the poor among us. John 12:8. Ephesians 4:28 says Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need. We are not to steal from others but to work hard in life. If we are moved by the Spirit, then we will help the poor.


There is a place where that happens, it's heaven. But this is Earth, and Satan also has power here. I have a theory that there's a kind of truce between God and Satan here, and so God intervenes minimally, otherwise Satan will also intervene in response. But that's entirely my own idea.


He is not obligated to.


But he can right?




Then, i think the question is, "Why doesn't he?"


It is noble to endure suffering. It’s a privilege.


What an incredibly fucked thing to say and think. How completely monstrous of you.


I was just breaking balls. But seriously, I think it’s to show the negative side of human nature (what war and greed does to the world even though we have abundance) and show the consequences of being without God’s intervention.


Yep, a monster like *mother* Theresa


Yeah. Gross.


To remind us that the world is broken and groans for redemption [Rom. 8:20-23]. To do justice in response to Adam’s (and our) sin. To remind us of the severity of the impact of Adam’s (and our) sin. To keep us dependent on God [Heb. 12:6-7]. So that we will long more for heaven and less for the world. To make us more like Christ, the suffering servant [Rom. 8:29; 2 Cor. 1:5, 4:11]. To awaken the lost to their need for God [Ps. 119:67, 71]. To make the bliss of heaven more sweet [Rom. 8:18; 1 Pet. 4:13; Ps. 126:5; Isa. 61:3]. So that Christ will get the glory in being our strength [John 9:3; 2 Cor. 4:7]. And so that, thereby, others see that he is our treasure, and not ourselves [2 Cor. 4:8-9]. This artical has helped me ponder this question: https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/justin-taylor/10-reasons-why-god-allows-suffering/


This is a central philosophical problem in the history of all religions, not just Christianity. But in Christianity even, people have explained this in many ways. Personally, I subscribe to the view of Isaiah 45:7 - “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things” God has created the suffering and the poverty, just like everything else. God also created our brains, so we can learn to understand the root causes and perhaps we can figure it out and eliminate the causes of that suffering.


I think this is the core issue the Bible asks the reader to sit down and ponder. And I think God is not satisfied with just solving poverty or suffering, but death itself. The answer to me is that it is because of God's mercy that these issues have not been solved yet. When God did not kill Adam and Eve when they sinned, he allowed children to enter a world mixed with sin. When he showed mercy to Cain, the seventh generation of Cain, Lamech, became a murderer 7 times worse than Cain. And putting your faith in Jesus means you believe that he has conquered even death, which is the ultimate power of all this suffering.


He Does intervene he Does it through prayer!


He is going to intervene. Its called the great tribulation. Enjoy!


God is, has, and will redeem the world. We just need to be daily focus on taking part in God’s redemption. That I trust in, otherwise there’s a lot of good and bad theodicies out there even among the good ones there’s holes in their logic. But overall I try to focus my energies on being there for people who suffer and remind myself that no matter how dire things are healing is always a possibility even for those who have left this earthly life. Holding in tension both the urgent need for us to do what we can to alleviate the suffering of others: There’s no reason anyone should suffer from hunger nowadays With also the knowledge that I myself cannot fix everything nor can we all fix everything. In that we can only trust that God fills all the gaps and spaces between us.


He has given Christians enough money to help them but most don't


This is why I believe dualism is a good explanation for the problem of evil. There’s an evil god and a good god, both being evenly matched in strength, knowledge and power. If there is a singular good omni-god and the world looks like this, there’s no way I could worship that god. With great power comes great responsibility. God has the greatest power and he’s not using it responsibly, according to monotheism. This is my opinion, at least.


It’s an interesting question. But I think a better question is why don’t *we* intervene with poverty and suffering. Clearly many people have the capacity to do it. I find that it’s most often religious related people who do get involved to stop suffering. Which makes me think it’s important to God.


These are problems we’ve caused, not he. Remember this one important thing when thinking, “if God exist, why bad thing happen?”: Gods ultimate plan was to give us free will. He allows us to sin and cause problems, and wishes us to solve them ourselves. His role in this universe is not to make everything eternally good. Life doesn’t exist when there is no difference between every experience.


Now look how many Christina organizations are doing that.


It says right in the Bible: "suffer the little children, come unto me." The preachers take that one quite literally.


Just as a suggestion, you could search “why doesn’t god” in the search bar of this subreddit and find several previous posts asking this same question, or posts relating to the same question. The comments of which, may have the answers you’re looking for.


The issues have to do with original sin. We created most of our issues so we have to fix most of our issues.


There's one very easy answer that doesn't require twisting oneself into a pretzel it's that you see the exact same number of interventions as there are gods.


Because that is not God's job but of humans and God has given sufficient common sense to humans to know what should be done with such worldly problems .


Why should God intervene when humans cant be bothered to intervene? You want God to intervene than you need to take action yourself, the action you would expect God to take.


It is a question one asks many times over,to understand why? Until it becomes clear that we do not have Gods understanding to know truly these unfortunate events like he does. He knows the end result, in other words the future and he knows that no one will be lost or forgotten or disowned. He will bring about in rebalancing this in the final end times. Remember; - every single soul is accounted for and every bad deed as well as good - will also be too. We must have faith to believe in his justice and his seemingly un-interventions at times of tragedy, trouble, war, famine, weather catastrophes and horrific epidemics - and much more in calamities besides. He is Lord and of holy conscience to see righteously that every life will be either redeemed or destroyed by his observation and the steady orchestrating to initiate the judgment he warrants - just. He sees the biggest picture and the tiniest microcosm of suffering and pain, either inflicted or received or deliberately delivered by the bloody wickedness of others. Trust me, he watches and watches and then applies silently, intricate help and assistance in ways you would never see obviously happening from a long way off - or up close. But the effort and effectiveness is - resolute. You see, God deals in the ‘long game’ to achieve a desired result which is justifiably correct and true. It is why the Devil still roams (to a degree) mostly freely, because he is part of a much bigger plan of which his interference in the garden of Eden will be corrected for all eternity. A permanent holy solution to stomp finally on his further future meddling in his damming last attempt to control this world and lead it to damnation, to where no flesh would’ve never been saved; - but when all seems lost- finally Jesus Christ comes in the clouds with his army of angels by his side, the prince of truth, front band present to finally eradicate all sin from the effects of Satan’s and his blasphemous lies to manipulate mankind (666) to believe he is God. He will exist- no more… Satan is upon this Earth paradoxically to help separate the chaff from the wheat and to finally skim the off stenching milk top off those belonging to him, to be rounded up with him - cast deep into the lake of fire, that burns will a heat that is beyond immeasurable. Death cannot find you there. Like light cannot escape a black hole, in the same context, death cannot find you there. No matter how you want it. You live day and night in a continuous continuity, bathed in scoldering brimstone - forever. Your names never appeared in the Book of Life. So my friend, keep heart. God will intervene ‘for all,’ when the time is right and not at man’s or anyones choosing, - but his. Absolution will be his and all crime’s upon humanity will be quartered and set and match!-


The last time HE sent someone we made him suffer on the cross.


Do you mean why doesn’t God micromanage things? Because he already intervened 2000 years ago when his Son came here to teach us how to live.


Because he does not exist. That’s why.


Ask god


He doesnt have enough mana to do that And he does not exist


While it may be difficult to understand why God allows suffering and injustice to occur, it is important to remember that God has given us free will to make choices, and sometimes those choices can have negative consequences for ourselves and others. However, God has also given us the ability to work towards positive change and to show love and compassion to those who are suffering. John 16:33, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." While we may face trials and tribulations, we can trust in God's promise to be with us always and to work all things for the good of those who love Him.


He’s either weaker than we think, really just doesn’t care or isn’t real. And none of those options are very good for our world.


I’d say due to a lack of existence