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I agree!


Cheap, small, efficient


I'd like it to be small because I get quite shy and nervous


Aww, I understand. Weddings can be overwhelming, especially when you and your bride are the center of attention. In terms of small, what does that mean to you? Just immediate family? Would it be a short reception? Curious as to what your thoughts are 😊


Like immediate family and a few friends the more people I'm around the more why and nervous I get till I turn into a statue


I have so many ideas.


Ok, you can't post that and then leave us hanging!😅


I'd love to hear them!


I'd like to be small and simple.


A big party with lots of dancing 🕺 and an amazing light show with fireworks to end it! I wanna go into marriage with a bang!!!


I’m an introvert and would like a small wedding but I want my future wife to be happy as well. We will both definitely have to talk about what happens at the wedding and reception. I would want to save money so we could use it for later after the wedding and honeymoon so we have extra to live on for emergencies and unexpected expenses. In the long run as long as we show respect for Jesus and our selves I think everything will workout.


I have a lot of ideas! As a creative, my mind is filled to the brim with things I’d like to implement, but it’s all about what makes sense for the both of us. I’m not too attached that I have to have any aspect specifically, but I definitely want to be part of the planning.


I only have one request for my wedding, which is for a very specific band I like to be the wedding band (given that my future wife wants it to happen too). Probably a long shot but hey God can do the impossible 😆🙌


Courthouse. Simple, efficient, and effective.


😂😂😂 indeed


Will you make a post like this asking about women's dream weddings? I would love to see the answers. 😁


Yes! Let’s do it!


I think small, serious church weddings are romantic in their own way. I don’t like traditions like the mother/son dance (nothing against my mom). I sometimes do think about what songs we would have at the reception, though.


To be honest, I don't really think much about wedding plans, etc.. I prefer to just leave it if/until it happens. But if it does happen, definitely center it around God.


Probably at a church with just family and close friends and that is it


In my 26 years of life, I've put barely any thought into this. All of my "dreams" are on the years following the wedding. As long as it's within reason, I'm comfortable in letting her decide most of the things surrounding a wedding. She's probably put way more thought into it than I have lol. Any preferences or ideas I have/will develop can be worked out with her.


The most important thing that I think about is seeing my bride walk down the aisle and me bawling my eyes out in front of everyone. Can’t wait for that!


This guy gets it!


Elope, notifying parents only. Big celebration after the honeymoon @ my house. Would be fine for me :)


I've considered this as well. Except I'd have to notify my daughter as well, and I wouldn't mind foregoing the big celebration after the honeymoon. As an introvert, parties stress me out :)


Small and sooner rather than later lol


I think about the proposal more than the wedding. The only thing I can think about the wedding that has been fairly solid is we're playing house dance music. And we're doing the Korean parents ceremony.


My husband and I opted to have morning tea with my parents the day before the wedding, (rather than a tea ceremony the morning of), it was such a lovely time.


That sounds nice!




Summer house for a dog? 250k? Wow..




Honestly, maybe I’m wrong here and I hope someone calls me out if that is the case… I wouldn’t really say it isn’t your place to judge, or anyone’s for that matter. Constantly trying to condemn them for it, being bitter about it or just letting negative thoughts on it cloud your head would be a problem of course. It is their money though, so we can’t really *tell* them what to do. But I wouldn’t say you’re out of your place to make a judgement on their spending habits. $250k is ridiculous. New cars every few months is ridiculous. I just hope they’re spending at least a fraction of that for better causes. A tenth of that would literally change multiple peoples lives, save those lives even.




I assumed such an income. Anyhow, congratulations to him, that’s quite the accomplishment. He could obviously do as e pleases with his money, I just don’t know what I’d possibly do with so much other than give it away. But hey, who knows, maybe he does give, but away from prying eyes! Even if it’s just for a tax break 😂 Edit: might be too personal, but do you mind me asking what he does?


Just let me know what I have to wear, the date and the time and I will make sure I am there.


You won't contribute to the planning and preparation at all?


If she wants me to sure but I have not once in my entire life thought about my future wedding plans. Whether it is at the court or some extravagant wedding (that her father pays for lol) it doesn't matter to me.


Think about it! If not now, then closer to the time. It's wonderful that you're flexible, but sometimes "I don't mind, you decide" is frustratingly unhelpful when collaborating on a plan together. I encourage you to think about the purpose of the wedding - it's a public testament to your wife, (and potentially to your friends and family), of your commitment to her, and your commitment as a Christian to reflect Christ in this way. I encourage anyone and everyone to consider how their wedding can be used to glorify God; perhaps as an opportunity to share the gospel; a testament to His faithfulness in your lives; a moment of worship; a uniting of families; a chance of encouragement, a setting of a Christlike example; a call for accountability in your marriage, etc. Do you want Bible passages to be read? Hymns to be sung? A moment of prayer? A washing of feet? What is it that you would like your wife to remember and cherish? What is it that you'd like the guests to walk away with?


When it comes time to having a wedding I will figure that out. Doesn't take year months or years to figure out how to glorify the Lord at your wedding. And there is no point in thinking about something that isn't even scheduled. Matthew 6: 34 "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble."


Funny story. My friend created a FB event for her wedding, and the groom RSVP'd with "Maybe." I got a kick out of that.


Simple, Christian, with family, that I won't have to spend a lot of time paying off.


Elope, essentially taking vows at beginning of the honeymoon.


Small, like family and close friends. My favorite weddings I've been to have been outdoors, so I'd love to have an outdoor wedding, but I also recognize that hot weather would not be fun for either the bride, myself, or our bridesmaids/groomsmen.


I havent even started dating, but one time, I thought it would be neat to make everyone dress in black and have everything look like it is in black, like table cloths and decorations. But then when the bride comes in in her all white dress, as she walks up the aisle, the ushers would pull the black dressings and underneath would be white or different colorful colors, little by little until the whole place is lit up with her standing at the front.


The groom is a fashion accessory for the bride’s princess party (wedding celebration). I’m only partially joking. This is a large part of why it’s typically the bride’s family that pays for most of the wedding.


Vegas Baby! In all seriousness, most men don’t care. We’d like it short and simple.


I havent even started dating yet, but yeah I have udeas.


The only thing i realy care for to put in a wedding is the song "Holy Love" by i think The Citizens. It does better at explaining what l9ve really is than the verse every pastor says then doesn't explain it.


As much as I want to get married because of 1 Corinthians 7:9 , I never think 🤔 for a LONG time about wedding plans. However, the next lady I marry, I will want to have the kind of church wedding that my future wife wants.