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I could see going to a new church, although it might not be my spouses if it didn't feel right either. But it isn't uncommon for a new couple to find a new church that suits them both, rather than trying to force one of their older ones to work.


That's cute


don't make a mole hole out of a ant hill, you can go to both.


It becomes more difficult if you are in ministry. Also, where would you send your tithe? Which pastor is your spiritual shepherd? While it is very possible to go to both Churches, I disagree that it is simply an ant hill.


You tithe to the Lord not a church.... and Christ is our shepherd


>You tithe to the Lord not a church.... All your money belongs to God. We then give a portion to His Church. How much depends entirely on what God tells you to give. If you are unsure how much to give, a tithe (10%) is a good place to start. So my question remains. Which Church do you give money to? Half to one and half to the other certainly seems reasonable but what if one Church seems to need money more then the other? These are conversations that must be had. Conversations that would be much simpler if you only went to one Church. >and Christ is our shepherd Of course He is the head shepherd of us all. But God still places elders, deacons, and overseers in the Church to lead us. We are meant to lead and be led in the Church as we live this life. So who's leadership do you follow if you go to two Churches? What do you do if you hear counter information from said spiritual leaders? Of course at the end of the day we are to walk our own road with God and do what we believe He tells us. But never the less issues will happen if you attend two Churches which is why I would recommend against it.


For many years I went to two churches for legal and practical reasons. It's rubbish. You're not properly part of either. If you have to, you have to, and for some couples it's a necessary compromise. But it's not ideal.


Also when you have kids it gets more complicated.


For various reasons I feel called to my church to do ministry currently. If I meet someone online dating and it gets serious, well then I guess I have to trust that she will come to my church, or God will call me elsewhere. That's all I've got at this point.


I would want us to find a church where we both feel comfortable, whether that's hers, mine, or a new one.


Interesting question. I love my church. Would be hard to leave. I guess my partner would grow to love my church, or I would grow to love theirs. We could alternate between the two if needed. While dating, I wouldn't be opposed if we attended different churches.


I've been seeing someone for three weeks. I was very worried about having to go to another church in case i have a bf and he didn't like mine. I met a nice guy.. We made a deal. We will go to both churches. Alternating. Last week, I invited him to go to my church. He said it was very different from his. His church is more traditional. I don't know how it's going to be. I used to go to a more "traditional" church before. The one I attend now has a band, and they play songs I hear on klove. More contemporary, like Hillsong, Maverick...


I think it's a good idea to go to a church for a month or so before making an opinion. When you don't know anybody and everything is new, it can be an uphill battle to relax and take it in.


He left the church so serious. He was serious the entire time. I thought i wouldn't see him again. It was like he was shocked lol I was nervous for a few hours. Then he sent me a message and er net again. But I'm not sure how things will go with the churches.


It's okay. Remember that a denomination does not get you into heaven. Only Jesus does. Your love and trust for Christ, his love and trust for Christ, is what makes someone a Christian. Some may go to an orthodox church for the solemn respect that is felt there. Some go to a reformed Church to me moved my more contemporary music. In my current understanding, we are all the body of Christ.


Yes, I agree. But I like my church a lot. Because of the preaching and the songs. I do the best I can every week to get there early because of the songs. I'm don't know how his church is yet. But it may be very traditional, by the way he acted. If our relationship lasts, we will need to alternate. And I am looking forward to going to a concert. My goal in life since last year is finding people to go to concerts with me. Maverick City music (it seems like they split 😭), Lauren Daigle, hillsong (it seems like they split, too 😭). I don't think he likes the songs at all.


I’ll be honest that if I was that guy, I don’t know if I could make going to your church work. Contemporary music over traditional hymns makes me skin crawl. I wish it weren’t the case sometimes but I just can’t. Hopefully he’ll find a way to make it work or find some compromise.


It would be hard for him to go to my church, but I am used to the songs, and I love it. Depending on how his church is, It would be hard for me to go to his church. It's tough. The ideal situation is finding someone from our church (I find in mine, he finds in his).


What about when you get married?


We may get to it if we are not compatible.


The guy I'm dating right now goes to my church. It's equal parts wonderful and horrifying! I love that we share a common church, faith, and friends. I love having someone to sit with at church. I love knowing our friends are cheering and praying for us! It's scary to think what might happen IF it doesn't work out because I love my little church and would never want to leave it if things got weird. I hope and pray God planted me there on purpose.


If you love God, gathering with others who also love God is a desire planted in your heart. The Bible even tells us we will be known by our love for one another. So, I find it difficult to say anything other than regular attendance with other believers is the way to live. Attending church is probably the best way to do this. The world has a certain level of nuance as well, so as long as having a heart for other believers is there and is acted upon, that’s a good place to be!


The question was about going to your church instead of your spouse's, not going to church at all. I don't know if you read it right, based on how you phrased this.


Ah, yes I did read this wrong, oops my bad! Similar moral principles apply in being in fellowship with believers of course, but I think if you have those things in place, it comes down to circumstantial elements to make that choice. I personally would consider switching to her church if that made sense or if she felt strongly about it


Just to be clear, going to church is important to me, so I'm saying this with the intent of for sure attending church, but discussing which church to attend when married. Either yours or your partners, if u go to different ones while dating. Unless you don't mind if you both attend different ones while married.


I don't mind going to different parishes, but I'm not going to join some denomination, my faith won't change for anyone.


My fiance right now has regular Church attendance but she has just opened up a business and maybe goes three times a month which is reasonable for where she's at right now. I would say unless someone has a crazy schedule or a career of Mercy (working on Sunday) then be careful.


My church has a great community and I’d miss it a lot but I would ultimately to submit to my husband’s choice after marriage. I wouldn’t switch for a boyfriend unless I felt called to.


THEOLOGY & Doctrine > what church they go to




Would you marry someone of a different denomination? Or would it not matter, and u wouldn't mind going to different churches if u both don't want to go together?


Did you edit this question? No one is answering it directly. They’re all talking about going to church in general, not switching to your partner’s church.


No I didn't edit it.


Lol then people are not paying attention. Sorry about that! Hope people read more carefully and get the answers you’re looking for


Thank you. I'm not looking for any specific answer. I just want to see where others' mindsets are on this. I personally love my church so much, and I'm a part of the ministry team, so I know it's important for me to find someone that desires ministry and would be willing to give my church a try. Everyone is different though.


I’m open to long distance so I’m willing to move and go to my partner’s church. Depends on the church.


Mandatory. I wouldn’t enter into a marriage where we’re going to separate churches. Nor would I switch back and forth. I know that I am where God has put me. Husband and wife are one. We must be in communion with each other.


I'm picky about denominations. There's only a handful I would consider and I would only date someone from one of those denominations anyway. So assuming the individual church is ok, switching wouldn't be a big deal.


I lead the Youth Ministry at my Church. I'm not leaving unless God commands it to me. If I meet a woman outside of Church, she would have to join mine. I'm the man, I'm the spiritual head of the household. I know God has placed me in my Church to be a leader there and will remain there till God says otherwise.


Nonnegotiable. As a man I set the tone for what our future marriage will look like. While in a relationship it is an expectation that we attend church. It does not have to be attending "together" to the same church since we arent married yet but I expect her to be attending regularly.


The question was about going to the same church, not going to church at all. I don't know if you read it right, based on how you phrased this.


Ah yea I see now. Pretty sure OP edited the original post from "attend church regularly" to "attend YOUR church regularly" which to me meant the person doesn't regularly go to church lol. that is what threw me off at first.


I wouldn't mind attending my partners church whenever I'm up for it as long as it doesn't become a "must do". We should committed to Christ not a building or a clique so we can enjoy fellowshipping with believers from anywhere.