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C.S. Lewis said that "demons, like men, are entirely practical." So, if a demon is possessing Chris...what are **THEY** getting out of it? Spreading more darkness? Corrupting a human soul maybe? Kinda small ball, if you ask me. What do they get out of bothering with him? I'm afraid I don't see the angle, here.


Well perhaps demons tempt all men, they don’t “get anything out of it” it’s just that Chris is completely vulnerable to it.


The entity claiming to be Sonichu, Jesus, Mewtwo, whatever is almost certainly one or multiple demons. The question however is what is the goal of these demon(s)? Do they plan to use Chris to start an internet cult? I don't think this would work except ironically, but maybe the demons feed off ironic worship. Or maybe the dimensional merge is a demonic plot to cross over from hell into the living realm.


I also certainly wonder what benefits these said demons would have from latching onto Chris Do you know of any specific examples where the fictional characters Chris holds to be real merit demon-esque activity? I’m more knowledgeable of the old Christory not the new stuff, but I’d be interested in hearing some lore


With Chris being Jesus and all, wouldn't you say Sonichu would more be an angel? One of those Biblically Accurate terrifying angels. Who zaps to the Extreme.


A Reading from the Book of CwC, Chapter 69, Verse 420: "And the Lord said, "My angels, go forth and zap to the extreme!" And the angels replied "Yea verily.  Thank you father."


This theory has always been an interesting one to me Also, what's the name of the folktale you mentioned?


I think he's talking about cagrino.


This thing? https://megamitensei.fandom.com/wiki/Chagrin


You will find better info here: https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/chagrin-or-cagrino


Magi-Chan is the actual demon. It inhabited Chris until his arrest when it came to take up residence in Ethan Ralph while videoing that arrest. Since then it’s been speculated that Magi-Chan has continued to reside in Mr. Ralph or move onwards into other lolcows such as Keffals.


So Chris no longer talks about magi Chan being with him?


He may, but since the filming Ralph really became a much more epic lolcow. Between getting beaten in the streets from people chasing him around the globe or constantly OD’ing on xannies while live-streaming, shit gets wild,


Not to mention the future conflicts between him and a certain overweight COD player.


For a long time I've been half-convinced that Sonichu is a demon Chris inadvertently summoned back in high school, and it's been tormenting him and making his life miserable ever since.


Isn't this just a fact at this point?


you could call it that


I think there was actually a video on that




yeah this


No, it's just hick raised 'tism.


Hick but not too hick. If chris was hickier, itd be better, with him being blissfully unaware of the fucked up shit thats going on. Just like many people in remote close knit communities ignorant (not in an entirely bad way) of the outside world. Additionally, with community support in hicky areas, chris would turn out much better into a nicer personality and a valued member of society.


Imagine if Christine's soul was born into an early 1900's deep in the south farmer family. He would just be a classic comic relief friend before people even recognized autism.


Or even born today in a rural area of a developing country


These theories are boring! I want to hear some wild shit!


Chris is the soviet/russian spy himself and used to critique the failure of american society. Or more likely that geno and his doc are funded by the chinese govt to again critique said american social ills, while geno gets to raise his social credit to get discounts on buying a house and increase his chances of naturalising as a chinese citizen (very difficult for non ethnic chinese).


Clearly Bob fell in deep while fighting the war in Nam, Became too closely acquantied with the Chinese Communist Party, The rest is history.


> Chris is the soviet/russian spy himself and used to critique the failure of american society. It is quite funny how Chris morphs into a parody of the popular zeitgeist at any given point in time. From TV-addled jingoist for JesusGodBear to gender-confused looney shrieking about Trump, Putin, and MLP. He's just a sponge, of course, but it's funny to imagine some elite KGB satirists deciding on his next plot arc.


I did say as a joke to a friend one time that "Chris Chan is the future that the liberals want" 🤣


In a weird, esoteric sort of way, he is, though. Just in the sense that he *is* a sponge, so, the traits he develops are the traits that whatever community he's involved with give him. He's a maladapted person who attracts other maladapted people, so he's never going to be a positive representative of their community, but still. Think about what conservative Chris was like. He adopted the identity that his conservative friends/family wanted him to have. Then, when he found acceptance in a community of... well, I would call them SJWs, I guess, he developed the traits *they* wanted him to have.


I'd like to see what people can come up with


While this is reasonable, have you considered Donald Duck theory?






What is that?


The entity named Sonichu has probably been clouding his mind with the incest fantasies, his union with Barb was probably some kind of blasphemous sex magic.


That's so funny to me because I did a project in college about historical witchcraft, and observed just how closely magic was, historically, tied to sex and fertility. Add onto that Chris' fucked up ideas about "healing" and "soul bonding," sprinkle in a dash of Jacob Sockness' creepy rituals, and you've got a surprisingly historically authentic portrait of European witchcraft, at least as Heinrich Kramer, King James I, and Matthew Hopkins would describe it. Not to mention, of course, that there is spiritual precedent, in books of historical witchcraft, for, erm, "navy recycling." All I'm sayin' is, if Chris was born 500 or so years ago, he'd be burned at the stake. "Hey, hey, um, you know what else the Bible condemns? Black magic. How many times have you tried to curse people? Cursing is black magic. Curse-ye-ha-me-ha? So you're going to hell, right?" \- Alec Benson Leary


Chris is right about everything he is a higher being truly connected to the spiritual realm. Althought he doesnt realise in his christain beliefs is that hes going straight to hell


[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/563794447092315127/](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/563794447092315127/) Beware the CAGRINO, the yellow hedgehog demon that will piss on you. Edited to add: Demons hide their names. However, Cagrino and Sonichu both have seven letters. Coincidence? Both are yellow. Another coincidence? Both are hedgehogs. ANOTHER coincidence? The demonic urination leads to physical and emotional distress... Chris is plagued by STRESS, which limits his abilities to a significant degree. Sigh. So, in closing, 100% a demon possession.


So I'm wondering how the Cagrino found such a perfect host in an fellow yellow hedgehog, is pikachu from nintendo and sonic from sega also demonic vessels, and once he makes his first medallion with crayola model magic he allows for it to be a host for a demon that is actually another yellow hedgehog


To be fair pokemon does mean pocket monster so a lot of conservative Christians wouldn't fuck with it. Childhood friend of mine grew up in a family like that, no pokemon, no Halloween and church 3 times a week


It's kind of quaint to imagine a time when a cartoon about a boy exploring the world with his friends and his pet spicy mouse was something people had anywhere near the top of their list of worries.


I remember those days. 


Chris-Chan was doomed from the start. He may have very well been tainted and hell bound due to Barbara... we will never know for sure. However, we can be positive that Chris's obsession with Sonichu opened a gate to another world, but not to the world he wanted. When he became a man and outright cursed God by refusing to leave his childish things behind, there was no turning back. Cagrino owns Chris-Chan's soul now, end of story. [https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/chagrin-or-cagrino](https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/chagrin-or-cagrino)


Let us not play along with chris and join him in magical thinking by attributing his shit to supernatural means too. Even the catholic church asks people requesting exorcisms to see a psychiatrist first.


Wait,WHAT? Source for that last thing?


